Categories > Anime/Manga > Sailor Moon > Inu Youkai dano Tsuki no Usagi


by Sheya 0 reviews

Sailor Moon InuYasha. AU. We know so little about the Silver Millennium. this story takes us through the ages to see what went wrong and how to fix it... I would also say it was a love story.

Category: Sailor Moon - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover, Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Ami (Mercury), Makoto (Jupiter), Michiru (Neptune), Minako (Venus), Pluto, Rei (Mars), Tuxedo Kamen, Usagi (Moon) - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-03-05 - Updated: 2007-03-06 - 649 words

Inu Youkai dano Tsuki no Usagi

Chapter 13 Kyuukatsu- My so called friends (Neglect of friends)

"There- all done." Usagi stretched as she, InuYasha, and Makoto finished moving her stuff in to her other half's old room. "Now I can remember being Kagome better."

"So, are we going to go to the arcade?" InuYasha was looking out the window at Sango and Miroku who were talking to Shippou. Rin was reading a book from Sesshomaru.

"Yeah." Usagi grabbed InuYasha's arm and pulled him towards the door, Makoto followed silently laughing."


When they all got to the arcade Usagi introduced her new friends to Motoki and started showing them around she and Makoto instructed them how to play the games as well. As the day wore on the rest of the senshi joined them.

During lunch Rei and Mamaru entered the Crown Arcade and saw Usagi. They walked over to her group and grabbed her arm.

"Usako we need to talk." Mamaru started to drag her away from the table.

"I don't want to talk to you? I thought I made that abundantly clear. And don't call me Usako!!" She then slapped Mamaru, but he just dragged her more forcefully.

"That guy that protected you last time isn't here. I will have you back." Mamaru continued dragging Usagi out of the arcade. Usagi had had enough and kicked him where in hurts. Then she kicked him in the ribs for good measure.

"Didn't you hear me MamoBaka? I want nothing to do with you."

InuYasha and the others had stood up and started advancing on Rei and Mamaru.

"Rei, are you going to betray your princess?" Sango cornered Rei.

"Who are you to ask me suck a question?"

"I am also reborn from the Silver Millennium. I was also a Princess of Mars. I was trained to take your place if you ever betrayed Serenity-Hime." Sango advanced on Rei. "Lets see who the gods choose to be SailorMars."

"Fine." Rei and Sango circle in preparation for a fight then they attack.


InuYasha meanwhile was advancing on Mamaru.

"Oh MamoBaka... I never said that my new protector wasn't here you should open your eyes."

InuYasha snarled at Mamaru and then dropped the spells concealing his Hanyou form. "Usagi, prepare your spell for Rei. I will take care of this... Filth."

InuYasha and Mamaru also circle each other.

"Right! Koibito." Usagi took out her Silver Crystal and started to concentrate on it.


All the senshi watch the two battles waiting for a chance to help. Rei and Sango continue to battle, as Rei tried to trip Sango, the Taijiya jumped over her adversaries foot and grabbed her arms holding them behind her back.

InuYasha and Mamaru fought fiercely but the Hanyou came out on top with a punch to Mamaru's stomach, the former future king fell to the ground unconscious.

Usagi looked up from her Crystal and turned towards her former Senshi, "You have tried to betray me, you plotted against me. In two different lives this has happened. For that I strip you of your powers as SailorMars. I give that power to you past lives sister, she who is now Sango."

A bright light engulfed the two girls when it cleared Rei was on the floor gasping for breath. Sango held the transformation stick for Mars.

Usagi then looked around the room, the she waved her hand, all the damage cleaned up and the people in the room stopped staring and went about their business.

"Rei take Mamaru and leave, I have no desire to kill anyone." Usagi turned around dismissing the fallen Senshi. Rei scampered over to Mamaru and dragged his unconscious form out of the arcade.

"Now let's have some fun." Usagi sat down to finish her meal, the others joined her. They played long into the night. They all had fun and got to know each other better.
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