Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > He Tastes Like You, Only Sweeter.

We Are The Dirt Poets [chapter one]

by dear_jamie 0 reviews

The last thing I posted was the prologue. lmfao. :| Here's chapter one. I'm warning everyone who reads this now... it takes a while for it to have anything to do with p!atd. It's actually just a Ry...

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Published: 2007-03-07 - Updated: 2007-03-07 - 922 words

Dear Friend,

I turned on my side and looked at the clock. Seven in the morning. I turned to the opposite side and fell back to sleep. A few minutes later I heard a knock on my bedroom door. It was strange, my room was on the second floor of a crooked old house. Just as I turned myself to the door it swung open. My eyes widened and I quickly sat up. What was He doing here? He walked towards me at a fast pace. I tried to dodge his grab but he was too fast. He caught my hand and dragged me to the floor. Why did He do this? He dragged me to the bathroom and threw me against the toilet. Proving He thought I was complete shit and didn't "love me" at all. He pulled a sharp object out of His jacket pocket, just as He brought the object above His head, my body jerked, I woke up. I had tears in my eyes and began crying. What a fucked up dream.

It was now one in the afternoon and I had to hurry to get ready. My hair was a mess. A rainbow of 5 different colors, greasy, and matted. The last time I showered was probably Tuesday, it was now Friday. I pulled off my shirt and boxers and turned on the shower. Thank god I lived alone, I could walk around the house naked all I wanted. As the shower heated up, I inspected myself in the mirror. You know, the way every girl does. I checked for flaws everywhere. I moved from my face, to my neck, to my torsoe, and finally to my arms. I saw a huge bruise on my forearm. It wasn't there last night. I got uneasy but I figured I just bumped it on my nightstand or something.

After my shower, I wrapped myself in a towel and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I forgot how nice it felt to be clean. I walked across the dirty wooden floor of my living room, and into the kitchen. My kitchen was the only nice room in the house. He had remodeled it when we were together. I opened the refridgerator and pulled out the Simpley Orange container, along with last night's leftovers. Tuna casserole and orange juice, /my favorite/. Everything in my kitchen was new, amazing, everything worked so well. I popped open the microwave and inserted the casserole. I set the timer for one and a half minutes. This was going to be so good. I walked over to the cabinet and pulled out a glass. I opened the orange juice container and pouring the sour liqiud. "Beeeep. Beeeeep. Beeeeep." I looked towards the microwave, it's done. I pulled out the food and sat down at the table.

It was now 1:45. I needed to get going. I ran up the stairs and turned the tight corner into the bathroom. The mirror was still foggy, but I turned the blowdrier on, and everything de-fogged. Once my hair was dry, I looked like a poodle. I turned on my straightener. Thank god Carley was a hair dresser, I never would have been able to afford a Chi Straightener if she hadn't given me hers.

Carley had been my friend for 19 years. Since we were two-years-old. She was the only person that really cared about me and what was going on in my life. My best friend. She was the one that helped me escape Him. Carley was a pretty girl. About 5'7" with light blonde hair. She was about 120 pounds. I used to be jealous of her. Back when I weighed 140. But these days, I was around 118. And I had no complaints. I just learned to eat right. And I started running with my friend Alex. Carley had blue eyes, and an amazing boyfriend who loved her more than anything. His name was Dane. Dane Willatte. They were in love, and that was the only thing I envied about Carley.

I started straightening my hair, when I felt a sharp pain on my neck. "Shit." I cursed as I threw down the straightener and pulled back my hair, revealing a oval-shaped burn mark. Once I was done with my hair, it was smoothe and clean. Still 5 different colors. Pink, Red, Teal, Yellow, and Green. These were just in streaks. the rest of my head was light, light brown. I found my make-up stash and began working on my face. It's not that I was ugly, it was just that I was a very stupid teenager and popped my zits. I wore about three pounds of make-up. But it's okay, I looked flawless afterwards.

It was 2:30, I was finally ready. I took the keys on my desk and hung them on my belt loop. On my way out, I decided to get a water out of the fridge. As I reached the kitched, the telephone rang. "Hello?" I said into the receiver. I was too poor for caller ID. "Hey!" It was Carley. "Oh hola." I laughed. "Hey, me, Dane, and Alex are all going out to eat tonight. Do you want to join us?" Carley seemed excited. "Sure," I smiled ", what time?" There was a slight pause as I heard Carley asking Dane what time they were leaving. "Around 7?" I sat at your kitchen table. "Yeah. That sounds good." I said my goodbyes and 'see you laters' and hung up the phone.

Things were starting to look up for me.

forever yours,
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