Categories > Cartoons > Teen Titans > Hunter-Gatherer

Blinding Justice

by PPM42 0 reviews

Beast Boy has his own score to settle before he can show his face to Terra again. Sequel to Irresistible Lies. PG-13 for steaminess and violence in later chapters.

Category: Teen Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Beast Boy, Terra - Warnings: [?] [V] - Published: 2005-09-23 - Updated: 2005-09-24 - 1374 words

Beast Boy's mind filled with rage for the woman who was now approaching increasingly quickly, and though he was vaguely aware of the fact that other fights were going on, in his mind, there was only Madame Rouge. He made a point to transform before the woman got too close so that he would be prepared for any possible attack, and positioned his legs in a way that would give him what he thought would be the tactical advantage. Of course, the fact that he now weighed several hundred pounds more than his opponent helped matters a little.

Before Rouge could fully raise her arm in defense, a bear claw came down and pinned the arm, bringing the body with it, to the floor. Rouge struggled to raise her blade in her free hand, but Beast Boy was quick to still that as well. With his hot breath in her face, he was disappointed only for a second that it would be this easy, but was still all too glad to finally be able to finish th--

"Oof!" He made a quick noise at the unexpected attack. In his zeal, he had forgotten to immobilize Rouge's legs; she had just shoved a stiletto heel into his chest and, though she did not do enough damage to make him bleed more than superficially, it was more than enough to make him jerk back in surprise and inadvertently free Rouge from her position.

"I'm stronger than I look, boy/," she warned to Beast Boy's deaf ears as she climbed back to her feet and leveled her blade at the now-human teen's head. With a glare in his eyes that seemed to say "/So am I," he transformed into an immense gorilla and swung a truncheon fist at her head, but she had seen it coming from the windup and was able to dodge it almost too easily just by ducking her head.

The second fist, which she hadn't seen coming, cracked her in the back of the jaw, almost punching her throat. Her teeth clamped down suddenly on her tongue and she gagged disgustingly, staggering from the attack for which she had been unable to brace herself.

Beast Boy spat some blood that had been pooling in his mouth at Madame Rouge; it spattered at her feet. The scowl on his face implied that there would be more to come; he made another pass on Rouge's still stunned form. With the newfound speed of a cheetah, he pinned her underneath him easily in a single motion, a positively liquid coil-spring-pounce combined seamlessly together. Instead of swiping for her face or body as he would have wanted to, he bared his claws on her right forearm and squeezed. And squeezed. And squeezed.

Rouge screamed in pain as Beast Boy's claws dug into her arm and punctured the skin. She started bleeding and Beast Boy showed no signs of stopping; his claws had broken the skin several times over and were now tearing through the muscle in the layers below. A screech far louder than the first scream came as Rouge's hand spasmed and lost its grip on the rapier. Beast Boy knew that would be enough for his purposes; he wanted her as alive as possible before he dealt the last strike.

Rouge flattened her hand on her rapier's hilt in terror as Beast Boy lifted himself on his hind legs and shifted shape to the vicious and bloodthirsty wolf. Drooling hungrily, Beast Boy hesitated only a second to snap his jaws forward. Rouge rolled her upper body to the left, dragging her weapon roughly a quarter of the way through the roll before she lost what little grip she had on it in the first place.

Beast Boy flinched slightly before his jaws clamped shut on where Rouge's head had been. Rouge saw the flinch and looked at the tip of her weapon as best as she could manage; she saw that it now had an almost impossibly thin trickle of blood on it. She smiled maliciously; when she had rolled, she realized, her sword must have swept upwards and swiped him. It had not caused more than a scratch, but she knew that would be enough. More than enough. She began to chuckle quietly to herself.

Beast Boy lunged again, but more slowly this time; Rouge had more than enough time to dodge safely. Her chuckle grew louder. He attempted a third attack, but his strength gave way halfway through. Her chuckle escalated into full-on laughter as she, without Beast Boy's strength forcing her legs in place, kicked the changeling off, knocking him down, and shakily rose to her own feet. Though she was clutching her right arm above the elbow, the expression on her face showed no pain.

The changeling transformed back far more slowly than usual and stood up at an equally decreased speed. Where his leotard was ripped from removing himself from Slade's services, he noticed a small cut, not bleeding very much at all but still entirely there. "What the...hell did you do?" Beast Boy asked her with obvious strain.

Rouge's laughter broke almost immediately; it was almost as if she had been waiting for him to ask. "Phobia mentioned it." She took a careful step closer to him. "Mallah researched it." Another. "Plasmus harvested it." Step. "Houngan cultivated it." Closer. "I use it." She was almost face-to-face with him now, the only thing separating them height. "Ze Brotherhood's preferred weapon. One of ze most potent nerve toxins in ze world." Her already malicious smile dripped with sinful joy. "First it will slow you down to something zat seems like paralysis, but it will leave all your nerves intact." Her eyes met his as she bent down, and though he wanted to attack her, he could not move his hand at all.

"Zen a reagent zat Houngan and Mallah designed will be released -- trust me; you will know when zat happens. Zat will last for only five minutes, but it will be ze most excruciating five minutes of your life." Her voice slowed down so she could relish each of her last six words; she practically licked her lips at how sweet her revenge tasted. Before continuing, she pressed the heel of her palm to Beast Boy's forehead and pushed him down to the wooden floor of the warehouse.

"When zat is over," she continued," zen you will be wishing for death. But it will not come so easily. You will be lying there on ze floor completely unable to move for several minutes, still able to feel every last ounce of pain. You will be able to do nothing about it. And then, after time is up, you will finally die, and you will welcome death. Because where I will send you will seem like heaven after what I will put you through.

"Mallah and Houngan's reagent should be taking effect any minute now. Enjoy your last moments of peace, Beast Boy. And when you do die, tell your parents zat Madame Rouge says hello."

Beast Boy wanted to kill her. An eye for an eye; her life for his parents'. But he could not move a single muscle. He seethed; she was a coward! Hiding behind her tricks and her chemicals, only brave enough to say anything once he was no longer a threat! A coward!

His body raged with pain. He remembered the experience during his first fight with Rouge and could not even imagine how much greater the anguish, the torture was this time. He wanted to scream, to release some of the pain in a great primal howl, but he could not even open his jaw. Hopefully, he thought, he would eventually pass out and not be able to feel anything, but a full minute passed of him writhing on the floor and absolutely nothing happened. The ringing in his ears was too loud for him to be completely sure, but he thought he heard Rouge mocking him.

After a while -- he had no concept of time any more -- everything stopped. He finally blacked out. He heard an echoing voice scream his name. Not "Beast Boy". His real name.


It sounded like his mother.
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