Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Just Dream Your Heart Out To Me


by journeythrutime 1 review


Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Published: 2007-03-10 - Updated: 2007-03-11 - 1899 words

Every day, for Rhyen - Louisa Wenz was the same. Get up in the morning. Go to work at the book store, work there from 9 till 6, close the shop, go to dinner at a local café, go home to change, and then off too the venue Metro, where every night she worked as a light and sounds assistant manager. From there at around midnight, she went home and slept. She had a few close friends from the venue, like her partner Jinx, the manager of the place Jade, the person that calls the bands onstage, and finally Jinx\'s sister. She was 24. She finished the DePaul University in Political Science with many honors. Our story starts with Rhyen sitting in her store. It was as empty as any other day at 9 am in the morning. Everyone is usually busy at work at this time. It gets a tad bit busier at around noon, then most of the people, if come, come from around 3 PM till the closing. The only reason it would be good to come to this store is because, this book store is special. It has every book you can think of. Just name it, and its here. The only problem is that there is only one example of each book. But most people also liked the quite and cozy feel of this 2 story tiny store. It wasn\'t really two stories; it was more of a loft, with dark wooden walls, and shelves going from the floor to the ceiling, in the center there is a great crystal chandelier. Rhyen knew where every book was, because she herself shelved these books. She had worked here for the past 4 years or so. The owner of the store was an old French lady, that had had this store since the 40s. Her husband had died in war, and she decided to sell his library. So that was how, Librairie De RoseAnn, began. When Rhyen had just moved to Chicago, she didn\'t know what to do or where to go. She had found this old lady\'s apartment for rent. It was right above the store. It was a pretty big size, done in an old-fashioned French style. It was really beautiful and was worth more than what Rhyen paid. The lady herself, Madame Lysanne, lived in Wilmette, Illinois, in a huge house with around a million cats, etc. The lady also employed Rhyen to her store, because she didn\'t want to sit there everyday anymore, and it was very convenient. She went to college and went to the little store. Now she was done, and just worked. She didn\'t need to pay rent, because the old lady decided to give Rhyen the apartment, as a gift for her 24 birthday. She liked her, like her own granddaughter, because Madame Lysanne didn\'t like her children. Rhyen was standing on the rolling ladder at the top shelf on the first floor and was putting away a few books by Hemingway. She heard the little bell ring, as someone walked into the room. She used her senses to try to identify this person. With her back to the person she said \"how may I help you?\" and slid down the ladder to the ground. She was about 5\'6 tall, with auburn wavy hair that went to around a little bit below her shoulders, bangs and many layers. Her eyes were a dark blue color that you drowned in when you looked in them. She was a pretty fit girl, but very skinny. She used to dance, but now only did the monthly workouts in the gym. \"Hi...\" said the young man. He was wearing dark blue pants, with white pin stripes, with a white hoodie over his head. She noticed that he had black hair, with bangs that covered part of his face. He was also wearing black glasses, so she couldn\'t see his eyes. She was wearing dark blue jeans, with a beige and dark blue stripped tshirt, with a dark blue rose design. Her hair hung loosely around her shoulders. She was also wearing her red rimmed glasses, because she forgot to get new contacts. \"hello? Looking for anything specific?\" she asked and heard the phone ring. \"well, not really. May I look around?\" he asked. \"sure thing, feel free to look around. But please put the books back where you found them\" said Rhyen and went to pick up the phone. It was a publishing company about sending in some new books. She put the phone down and noticed that the young man had put his hood down and took his glasses off. He had beautiful deep hazel eyes. He was leaning on the counter of the register with two books. \"so what\'s your name?\" he asked. \"Rhyen, and yours?\" \"\" he said \"nice to meet you Peter\" said Rhyen laughing and shook his hand. \"is that all that you wanted?\" she asked \"no, I also wanted a good vampire book and your phone number.\" He said with an evil grin \"the book I can find, but about the number il have to think about.\" She said and climbed the winding staircase to the \"second\" floor. There she got up the ladder and rolled herself to the other side, where on the last shelf she took out a book. She looked it over, read the summary and then came down. Still reading the back of the book she walked down the staircase and walked straight into the guy. \"ay sorry. Here this is a good one, we got it in a few days ago. Brand new!\" she said \"great. Now about that number?\" \"still thinking\" she said as she put in the bar codes into her laptop which was standing on the counter. After that, she walked to the cash register \"that would be $10 in total, please.\" She said \"here\" he gave her a twenty and smiled. She started to give him change but he put his hand on hers, to stop her \"don\'t want it. I still want that phone number.\" He said and smiled. He had an amazing smile, thought Rhyen. She took a pen and opened the vampire book and on the inside of the back cover wrote her cell phone down, and her name. She handed the guy his books in a cloth bag, with the check and he left. She watched him walk out the door and leave. She nodded to herself and smiled. Beautiful men never went for her. They went for the sluts, and she was not that even close. They day went on with a few more customers. Finally 6 PM rolled around and she closed the shop and went to go eat. She quietly sat at the café her usual meal, fillet mignon with Caesar salad and iced tea. After that she went back to her apartment and changed into a pair of skin color panty-hoes, tight black mini skirt, black t-shirt, and black flat slouch boots with a pointy toe. With some temporary hair dye (blonde) a straighter, and hair spray, she changed from the geek to the punk chick. She finally had bought a new pair of contacts, and with a bag filled with her necessities left. She didn\'t have a car, but she had a BMW motorcycle. She walked out of the building and walked down the road to her parking space. She put her bag in the baggage compartment in the motorcycle and then drove off down the road, to the center of Chicago to the venue. There she parked at the back, took her bag, took out her pass and walked to the back door. She knocked 3 times and waited. It was getting cold outside so she rubbed her shoulders. After five minutes of no one answering she grumbled and walked around to the entrance of the venue. It was a big theatre so it was some time till she got to the entrance. She opened the doors and walked inside. She showed her pass to the guard who only smiled and let her pass. She walked through the main entrance down to the stage. She climbed down the stairs and out into the open space and then made her way to the stage. She could see that people were walking around on the stage setting it up for today\'s show. \"JADE\" she yelled at her manager who was yelling at some poor soul that was probably new. Jade was her only real friend, even though he was her manager. \"RYZEN YOUR FINALLY HERE!!! THANK THE LORD YOU ARE HERE!!!! THIS STUPID IDIOT LOST THE MUSIC FOR TONIGHT!!!\" yelled Jade across the stage. Whining gay guys were Rhyen\'s favorite. \"and what am I supposed to do about that?\" said Rhyen climbing up onto the stage and walking up to Jade. \"I don\'t know! IM RUIND. RUIND I SAY!!!\" said Jade falling on Rhyen\'s shoulder and fake crying. Rhyen grumbled and pushed Jade off of her \"il think of something. I need to see the band playing first though\" she said. \"changing room\" said Jade and walked away to yell at another poor soul. She went through to backstage, dropped her things on the nearby table and first off walked into Jade\'s office. He had a very clustered office; with the only thing that had anything that looked business like was the computer. She grabbed her headset from the table and put it on. She checked if it worked and made her way to the dressing room. It said PANIC! AT THE DISCO on the door, she knocked a few times and walked in. In there sat 5 boys that were joking amongst themselves. One was drinking what looked like whisky, another one was sitting before the mirror doing his makeup while the other three were playing Guitar Hero II on the TV. When she walked in they all stopped what they were doing and stared at her \"ughm. Hi, im Rhyen Wenz. Im the lights and sounds assistant manager. One of our workers lost your music, if you have any back up, or just a copy of your CD would suffice.\" She said and leaned against the wall with her arms crossed. \"well darling, we play live\" said one of the boys who was standing with just a pair of very tight brown pants on. \"lets start with, don\'t call me darling, and yes I know your playing live, but come on, ever noticed how everyone sounds too perfect. That\'s all thanks to me. Now please cooperate\" she had gone through this procedure millions of times. One of the other guys threw a CD at her. She caught it smiled and started to walk out \"don\'t you even care who we are?\" asked one of the guys \"no not really\" said Rhyen and smiled. \"Im Brendon, that\'s Ryan, Spencer, Jon and Pete. Pete\'s not part of the band, hes just a friend\" said the Brendon guy. \"nice to meet you\" she said smiling sarcastically. She looked at Peter and remembered him from the guy at the bookstore. She smiled at him and he grinned back. Ryan just glared at her while Brendon was on the verge of flipping her off. When she walked out the door she heard one of the guys say \"bitch\". She just shook her head, and laughed it off as she made her way to her \"office\".\n\n
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