Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > If Einstien had lived in a homeless shelter

The Home

by Bricougalle_Bug 1 review

Ok, so it's basically a modern day version of Annie. But instead of Daddy Worbucks it's Gerard Way! My first fanfic so it will probably be rubbish.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-03-21 - Updated: 2007-03-21 - 589 words

Chapter 1

"Pepper come on get up, the bell went 10 minutes ago," Pepper groaned, rolled over and pulled the blanket over her head.
"Move your but you lazy varmint," said Angel pulling off the duvet.
"Fuck you," replied Pepper, easing herself reluctantly out the bed. She ran her hand through her shaggy chestnut hair and started to get changed for school. Her best friend Angel was already dressed in her usual drainpipe jeans and faded t-shirt, her dark skin glowing, and her long dreadlocks swinging down her back.
At least she seemed in a good mood today, she was sometimes depressed. Even though Angel was 16 years old and Pepper was only 14, they were still best friends.
Pepper pulled on her baggy skater jeans, pulled on an oversized Metallica T-shirt and peered at her reflection in the mirror. She was pale and underweight, but she had nice eyes, and at least she didn't have any spots. She outlined her stark blue eyes in heavy streaks of eyeliner, grabbed her chained leather jacket, and made her way down to breakfast with Angel.
The children's home stank as usual, the disgusting flowered wallpaper peeled, and the happy, smiley face signs seemed to grimace at her evilly. All the kids hated living here; Angel and Pepper had discussed many a time, and had agreed that the world would be better with out kids dumping homes. They walked into the dining room; as soon as Jade and Roxy caught sight of Pepper they got down from their seats and ran over to her. She greeted her with a big hug like most days, Jade and Roxy were 11 year old twins who loved Pepper because she always tucked them into bed and told them stories when she was in a good mood.
"Pepper! Pepper!" Jade called; can you plait my hair for me?"
Pepper calmed Jade, and plaited her hair, Angel plaited Roxys, she sniffed...Angel wasn't good with children.
The Pepper went over and poured herself some cornflakes, before taking her seat next to Archibald and Will.
"Heya guys," she said.
Archibald flicked back his dark blond fringe which permanently hung in front of his eyes,
"Heya, you ok?"
"Mehhh," Pepper groaned.
"Double history first at school. I can't be arsed to come."
Will grinned at her, they were close friends. Will had been put into care 2 years ago when he tried to take a gun to school, he had anger problems, but was always kind to Pepper. His long greasy jet black hair hung limply in front of his face, he wasn't great at school, everyone though he was a bit of a freak.
Archibald was 15 like Will; he had been passed around different care homes all his life. You could tell he had a kind heart, but after all he had been through, it has defently hardened him.
"You could bunk of with me and Archibald, we could leave at lunch, go into town,"
Pepper grinned over her bowl,
"Sure then, at least now I only have half a day of hell to sit through."
Bunking off was just a normal part of being in a Home.
But Pepper was bright; she got A's in all her subjects when she bothered to try, like in English which she enjoyed, and drama. Science, history and maths were all too easy for her, they bored her. So she never tried in them, just sat at the back and got F's.
Angel agreed, so the four of them grabbed there schoolbags and headed of to school
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