Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Just Normal People

Heading Home

by music_doesnt_lie 3 reviews

Kristina comes home from London who knew magazines did so much...?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-03-23 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 1048 words

Kristina has just gotten on her plane from London to the U.S.A. (Boston, Ma to be specific). She was in London for two reasons one she decided it was time she went on vacation and second her best friend Serena heard that she was heading to London, so she got Kristina tickets to a My Chemical Romance concert.She is a big My Chemical Romance fan but never wanted to be a crazy obsessed fan that would scream at the top of her lungs if she met them. She knew that they were people too and needed to be treated with respect and normal.But now she was heading home with the memory of the concert and the sights she saw in London.


Kristina eyes were closed as she was listening to her ipod (of course My Chemical Romance songs). When she opened her eyes the seat buckle light went on. She made sure hers was on, then "passagers please be ready, we will be landed now in Logan Airport" the speaker said.

She was happy to be back home. London was wonderful but she missed hearing the Boston accents. She smiled to herself the thought of Bostonians. She got her things that she brought with her but there was air attendants saying that they had to wait about 10 minutes and they could get off. 10 minutes later she got off, wondering what the hold up was.

"Oh shit,man.." she said to herself. As she heard that the baggage claim would be delayed for at least 45 mins. The system got messed up and the owners would have to wait.

"I should of known, it is Logan Airport" she said. Then she went to the nearest airport store to get something to eat, drink, and a magazine to read. What else was she going to do for 45 minutes?
"Hey guys we are going to have to wait here for a while, the baggage thing is messed up" said Mikey to the group of 4 other men. "That's bull, airports annoy me"said Frank."Hey it's fine with me I'm still tired" Bob said yawning, and falling back into a nap, along with Ray who was still napping." Ok I guess I'm just gunna take a walk see if I can find a starbucks." Gerard said. He was always the one who could adapt to the time zones, no matter what time zone.

"Man I need some coffee or something starbucks and some cigarettes" Gerard said looking up and around, trying to not attract attention. He loved his fans, but the guys were napping and he just wanted some quiet time to drink something and smoke a ciggerate. "Yes" he said quietly walking towards a little store that sold cigarettes, magazines, and hey even Starbucks doubleshot.

"Let's see..." said Kristina as see looked for a good magazine and a Boston Herald. She needed to know what was going on in Boston and she wanted to see if any magazines had stuff about MCR in London. She smiled to herself as she spotted one of her favorite magazines(Kerrang!). She began to look through it.

Gerard was in the same store scanning the magazines and newspapers and standing right near Kristina. Gerard looked up at the girl and trying to see what she was reading, since she looked like she was really into it.

Kristina felt eyes upon her. She looked up from the magazine to see a man in dark brown boots, black pants and black leather jacket, scarf around his neck and black sunglasses. He also had short black hair. Gerard then noticed that she had caught him looking at her, he looked away and back fro looking for a newspaper. Kristina smiled to herself of how she had caught him.

Kristina grabbed the magazine and the newspaper and went to the other part of the store to grab a drink and some Chex Mix.

Gerard felt stupid and embarrassed that he looked so stupid. Staring at a girl who had caught him and heard her giggle and walked away. He laughed softly to himself of what had just happened. He went to grab a Starbucks Doubleshot.
Kristina had grabbed her drink and heading to the counter. Just then Gerard was walking towards the drink section. When they walked right into each other. Both dropping what they were going to buy.

"Oops, I'm sorry I should of looked where I was going" said Kristina while picking up the things not looking at Gerard whose sunglasses had fallen off.

"Oh no it's fine I should of paid attention" said Gerard picking up Kristina's thing and noticed the Kerrang! magazine that had My Chemical Romance on the cover. He knew he had to find his sunglasses before she noticed and would ask him for a autograph or something like that.But Krintina had already picked up his sunglasses and was standing up.

"Here you go" Gerard said trying to not look up and giving her, her stuff.

" Oh thank you and here's your sungl..." She trailed off as Gerard stood up and looked at her. Her eyes were wide and you could tell she was in a little bit of a shock. But she knew she had to get a hold of herself.

Gerard knew what she would scream at the top of her lungs attracting attention and she would go crazy.

"Well um..." Gerard thought to himself" oh man here we go, as he about to cover his ears so he would have a headache from the squeal. but...

"Here are your sunglasses" she said handing them to him. And thanking god she got herself under control and did nothing stupid. Gerard was surprised and you could tell from his olive eyes.

"Thanks... are you going to...?"Gerard said still amused and before he could finish Kristina answered.

"No don't worry I won't say anything, promise. So thanks again and it was nice to meet you." said Kristina as she waved goodbye and went to the register to pay.

Gerard just stood there and waved a little dumbfounded. But he got back to sense and followed the girl, he was amused by her.And just wanted to talk to her.

review please I would appreciate it alot. Thank You
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