Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > nothing could make me happier

i cant sit back and watch your heart break

by gerardisgod 1 review

Jessica and Gerard have been best friends for years now. But Gerards recently had his heart broken and Jessica cant stop her feelings.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-03-25 - Updated: 2007-03-25 - 495 words

please tell me what you think of this and please let me know if i should carry on putting it up..would really appreciate it. I know im not the best fic writter in the world.


Im so worried...8 years Gerard and Eliza had been together and now she'd left him. I couldn't bear to see Gerard now...he was heart broken my best friend it broke my heart watching him...I hadn't seen him smile for the last month, im so scared he'll go back to thinking about suicide again! He's done it 3 times in the past and it killed me...I dunno what I'd do without him. What's made it worse Is Eliza still hangs around with me as she's friends with my mate lousie what am I supposed to do. Stop seeing Eliza or watch my friend break down and die inside.
It breaks my heart to see you cry: Hi
I love you Mikey (Alicia): Hi you ok hun?
It breaks my heart to see you cry: ok suppose just scared you?
I love you Mikey: im good why you scared?
It breaks my heart to see you cry: Really worried about Gee im so scared he'll go back to his old ways over Eliza I can't watch him hurt anymore :'(
I love you Mikey: Tell him how you feel if anyone will help him it's you your best friends and if he does cry just let him cry and let him know you're always going to be there for him Mikey cant get a word out of him you will he adores you
It breaks my heart to see you cry: Ok I will but it's not just that he's my best friend and I love him to pieces but I still see Eliza when I hang out with Louise what am I supposed to do I cant act like she's done nothing wrong cause she's dumped Gee after 8 years for no reason and left him heartbroken?
I love you Mikey: I suppose just explain what's going on to Louise and that you don't want to see Eliza at the moment
It breaks my heart to see you cry: Yeh ok thanks for being here
I love you Mikey: its ok you know im here if you need to talk don't ever hesitate to come round im always in.
Jessica headed upstairs and into her room only a month until New Years Eve. She sat on her bed and a message came through on her phone.
Heya Jess you wanna meet up? Eliza x
Jessica sighed and her phone went off again.
Can we meet up? Im lonely Gee x
Jessica text back.
Yeh ok do you wanna go out or stay in? Jess x
Um...Go out I'll be over in a minute x
Jessica text Eliza feeling a little bad
Sorry E already meeting up with someone Jess x
Okay don't worry E x
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