Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > nothing could make me happier

I'm sorry

by gerardisgod 0 reviews

Best friends return to there normal ways.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-03-25 - Updated: 2007-03-25 - 419 words


Jessica put her phone down and went and got her jacket she then went downstairs and there was a knock on the door and Gerard was there he gave her a tiny smile it made her smile...she hadn't seen that cute adorable smile in a month they went and arrived at the cinemas where they sat on the floor they had 10 minutes to wait for the film.
They sat in silence thinking.
"I'm sorry" Gerard broke the silence between them.
"What for?" Jessica said turning to gaze into his eyes loosing her self in them she snapped out of it.
"Being such a twat lately, and ignoring you" Gerard replied doing the same with her eyes and looking away.
"It's alright I understand, I don't exactly expect you to get over it in 5 minutes you where together for 8 years and then she goes and dumps you for no reason"
"Yeh, but still you're my best friend and I was stupid to block you out when I know you would help me, and it's not just that but your still friends with Eliza and I don't want to go a ruin your friendship with her so I thought I'd stay out the way"
"What do you think I'd rather stop hanging out with Eliza or watch my best friend going back to thinking about and trying to commit suicide? And its ok cause im here now you know you can talk to me about anything you're my best friend always will be"
"I don't deserve a friend like you" Gerard said leaning his head on her shoulder
"I'm not that great"
"If you only knew"
"Well you must be pretty great coming to watch happy feet with me" Jessica joked
"I told you happy feets 18 plus and contains penguins nudity" Gerard giggled.
Hell Jessica had missed that cute giggle she smiled.
"I need to ask you a question though?" Gerard asked
"What would that be Mr. Way?" Jessica replied
"Is Eliza coming to yours on New Years Eve?"
"Um...Yeh probably but we can just hang out all night and join the others at 12"
"Don't you want to spend it with your family I'll come over even if she is there it doesn't bother me" He replied
"Okay but if you start to feel uncomfortable then we're leaving"
"Okay" Gerard smiled
The doors opened for the cinema they both got up and went in and sat down they sat in the corner at the back.
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