Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Fatherhood for Dummies

Numero Seis

by swimfan625 2 reviews

Do I sense a new character???

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-03-25 - Updated: 2007-03-25 - 569 words

/So you guys may hate me for a few days because as of tomorrow I'll be back the English class from Hell and won't be able to update as much, but don't worry, I won't forget about you! =)/

"Daddy, who are dey?" Allison asked softly as Fall Out Boy stepped onto the red carpet. All attention immediately going to Pete and the little girl he held in his arms.

"They're all the people who want to take pictures of us," he whispered to her as photographers tried to get their attention, causing Ally to become shy, as everyone 'awwed.'

"Come on Baby, let's go inside."

"Pete! Pay attention," Joe laughed, dragging him over to where they were sitting.

By the end of the night Allison had fallen asleep and the guys hadn't won an award. But frankly they could care less, they had already received all the rewards they wanted and they received them because of their fans. The band had gainedd more looks than usual because of Pete's 'date' and she was instantly a hit.

"Wate up! Wate up! Wate up! Wate up!" Allison laughed the next morning as she jumped up and down on her father's bed.

"Babydoll it's nine, come lay down with me," he groaned, lifting the blanket for her.

"But Untle Patty is hewe!"

"What do you mean he's here?"

"Untle Patty and Untle Dandy are in the wiving woom waiting for you and Untle Joe-Joe, dey wathed tartoons with me," she smiled enthusiastically.

"Really now?" Pete asked, pulling on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"Mmhmm, and dey staid dat Natty is toming and Untle Joe-Joe is bwinging his new dirlfwiend!"

"New girlfriend eh? I guess we'll have to go meet her then," he smiled, kissing her forehead as they walked down the stairs.

"How's your cheek Sugar?" Patrick asked, pulling Allison onto his lap while Pete took advantage of the Starbucks Andy had given him.

"It topped huwting."

"That's good," he smiled as the front door opened.

"Hey guys, I have someone for you to meet," Joe smiled, leading a small, pretty girl into the room. "This is Mia," he said, wrapping his arm around the girl's waist as she smiled nervously.

The guys all stood up, giving introductions as Allison sat off to the side, holding the teddy bear Pete had given her for her first birthday as she watched the girl nervously.

"And who's this sweetheart?" Mia smiled, kneeling in front of the little girl.

"Awison," she said softly as Pete stood behind her.

"This is my daughter," he smiled, "Sweetie this is Uncle Joe-Joe's girlfriend." Allison nodded, before turning around and reaching up for Pete to hold her, "Sorry, she's a little shy today."

"It's no problem, she's cute."

"Thanks," he said as the front door opened again and the sound of two women threatening to murder each other filled the room until Andy finally caught their attention by clearing his throat.

"Sorry," Natalie said quietly before walking over to Mia, "I'm Natalie, Pete's best friend," she smiled as Mia shook her hand.


"Pete, I need to talk to you!" Riley screeched, wrapping her hand around his forearm as she dragged him into the kitchen.

"And that ray of sunshine was Riley, Pete's girlfriend."

"She uh, seems...nice?"

"Honestly?" Joe asked, lacing their fingers.

"Honestly, her voice makes me gag."

"Joe, I think you've picked a winner!"
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