Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > If Einstien had lived in a homeless shelter

The Deputy Head

by Bricougalle_Bug 1 review

Meeting with the seputy head.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-03-27 - Updated: 2007-03-27 - 495 words

Chapter 3

Pepper shuffled outside the wooden panelled hallway, she moped around looking at some of the pupil's artwork and poems stuck up on the wall. The deputy was in his office talking to some poor soul; soon it would be her turn.
Her tummy made a funny groaning noise, nerves. She didn't know why she was nervous; it wasn't like she had any parents or anyone in that matter who cared if she got expelled or something. But Archibald had told her that the deputy head, Mr Williams ate the children who went in there!
The door opened and a young boy slid out.
"Next," came a deep scary voice from the dark depths of the inside of the room. Pepper gulped, next victim.
She opened the door, into a quite unexpected plain cream office room, a plant stood in the corner and a mahogany bookshelf were almost the only ornaments in there. The deputy head was sat behind an oversized desk,
"Sit," he ordered.
Pepper took a seat on one of the two seats facing the desk. She noticed the deputy's head was an odd pear shape, and he had one strand of hair which he had parted and tried gelling over the rest of his head to make him look like he had hair. He saw Pepper staring.
"Pepper Saunders, your art teacher informed me why you're here." He rubbed his hands, licked his lips and sighed. Pepper froze, was he going to eat her?
"Pepper, you are a very clever child. If you could put your mind to it..."
Oh god, thought Pepper. Lot's of people had tried this conversation with Pepper before, she didn't care if she was cleverer then most people in the whole school, she didn't want to be.
"Now I'm going to have to give you a detention for what you did to Arabella. You must learn that I won't accept this sort of behaviour in my school. However, I was also wondering if you would like to be put in for you're math A level early?
Mr Jones says you are quite capable of passing the papers with flying colours. Pepper squirmed, if she did her A levels while she was just 14, it was just another reason for the rest of her class to make fun of her, she squirmed.
"Ermmm I'm not sure Mr Williams," she finally said;
Mr Williams sighed and lent forward,
"Pepper I don't think you realise quite how lucky you are, you are highly gifted young lady."
"I'm sorry Mr Williams. I'm sorry I punched Arabella. But I really don't want to do any exams early, and I really don't care that I'm ahead of everyone else." There she had said it.
"Fair enough," said the almost bald deputy head.
"I think you should go now."
"Thank you Sir," replied Pepper, she stood up and left the room.
She wanted to punch the wall, why did she have to be so different?
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