Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Forever More


by Momi 0 reviews

Exasperated the enchantress once again called to him, "Will you not even try to love me?" Without looking back, the silver hair Hanyou snarled, "Like hell!" and kept walking away. "Then your ...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Inuyasha - Published: 2007-03-29 - Updated: 2007-03-29 - 2387 words

500+ years ago

"Kagome, please stay with me! Please!" A boy about seventeen and a girl about sixteen stood in a lush forest talking, or more rather, the boy was pleading.
"I'm sorry, but I have to go back to my time. Why don't you come to my time instead?" Kagome asked. The boy sighed and looked away, his long white hair swayed in the wind, his red clothing rustled lightly.
"Kagome, I can't! You know that would mess things up for the people of your time. It would mess up time itself!" He whispered.
"How would you know?! Don't you love me?! Why can't you just forget what Kaede said and come with me?!" The long haired brunette glared at the dog eared half-demon in front of her.
"Of course I love you, but I don't want to put you in anymore danger! Please, Kagome, stay with me." His golden eyes shone brightly with pain, as he knew she was going to leave him; she had no reason to stay.
"Then come with me if you love me." Kagome walked up to the well and stood on the ledge. "Prove you love me!"
"This is stupid, Kagome! You already know I love you! Why do I need to prove it anymore than I already have?" He yelled.
"Then you really don't love me." Kagome turned on her heels and fell into the well whispering, "Good-bye, Inuyasha." Inuyasha stared at the spot she once stood, knowing full well he would never see her again.
"Good-bye Kagome." he whispered back, a lone tear ran briefly down his pale skin.
Off in the distance stood a young enchantress, who had heard and seen everything. She had always been in love with the Hanyou and now here was her chance to claim him. Though she knew that there was no way he would actually love her back she still wanted to be with. Walking slowly over the saddened half demon, her long curly red hair flowed behind her in an nonexistent wind. "Why so sad, Inuyasha? Have you not many other people to love you? Is she the only one who can satisfy you?"
Jumping in surprise Inuyasha turned toward the red head and stared for a moment and then glared hard. "What would you know enchantress? What would you know about love; all you would have to do was put them under one of your spells and keep them forever. Is that what real love is to you? Just something that you can play with; toy with? Why, don't you go bother someone else; I'm not interested." The seventeen year old turned on his heels and walked away.
The enchantress stood there glaring at the back to the Hanyou, her eyes flashing deep brown, and yelled loudly to him. "Beware; when you next find yourself tired do not go to sleep, for you will not awaken again!" Inuyasha stopped and turned to look at her once more.
"Feh, like I care anymore. If you're trying to make me go with you, it'll never work. I will never love, no matter what life you come from. All you are is another devil in a woman's body; just like she was."
Exasperated the enchantress once again called to him, "Will you not even try to love me?"
Without looking back, the silver hair Hanyou snarled, "Like hell!" and kept walking away.
"Then your fate is sealed." the enchantress said quietly and turned the opposite direction. Unbeknownst to her, she too had sealed her fate.

That evening Sesshomaru, who had been following his brother, Inuyasha's scent, but now he was puzzled. 'Why can't I smell him? It's as if he disappeared. Something's not right.' he thought to himself. Stopping to sniff the air again he found that was still no sign of his Hanyou half brother. Sesshomaru came upon a clearing and was stunned by the sight he saw. In the center of clearing was a large tree, but that's not was irked him. No, it was the fact that both his brother and the tree he appeared to be sleeping in was no stone; solid gray stone.
At the base of the tree stood a beautiful woman; her long curly red hair floated and swayed on its own. There were tears staining her pale skin and her swade blue eyes were red and puffy. "You should have listened to me. I really did love you. All those men that I put under my spell were all only there for my experiments; they meant nothing to me! Inuyasha, you were so wrapped up in that girl that you walked right by me; I could have loved you more than she ever could have. Now, look what you have done! Your ignorance has clouded your better judgment and I can not be with you. That is all I have ever wanted; to be with you!" She placed a gentle hand on the trunk of the tree and looked down, her bangs hid her eyes, but the tears were streaming.
"Then why don't you reverse the spell." Sesshomaru said smoothly and walked toward the girl that he knew so well. Her name was Morwen, she was the daughter of a great elfin warlock. She and Sesshomaru had been friends since childhood, though she was a year younger than Inuyasha it made no difference to them. Sesshomaru considered her to be his younger sister as she viewed him her older brother. The emerald eyed elf looked up suddenly and gave a sad smile.
"I cannot. Only my reincarnation can release the bonds that hold him." She looked to Inuyasha again and her tears, which had stopped momentarily, were renewed.
"Why? Why does it have to be your reincarnation?" Sesshomaru asked as he turned her face to him. The pain and sorrow was blatantly clear emerald that stared back at him. For a second he remembered the first time he had met her; she had been crying then too, but as he soon came to realize her eyes changed according to her mood, so he could always tell how she was feeling even if she didn't want him to.
"It is a curse that was place upon my family long ago. There was a demon sorcerer that had fallen deeply in love with Faelwen, my oldest ancestor, but she was not in love with him, but another elf from a different tribe, Idhron who was an elfin ranger. The sorcerer discovered this and became enraged, but because he loved Faelwen he gave her two choices. He told her that she could either come with him and live happily or she could stay with Idhron and curse her family, but Faelwen did not believe him and so he cursed her family. It was not until she had watched not only her daughter, but her grand and great granddaughters lovers turn to stone did she realize how grave of a mistake she made. It only happens when the one we love does not return our feelings. Until now no one has come up with a way to reverse it. It took me years to figure it out. The only way to break the spell would be to reincarnate myself. However, there is more to this story; there's another secret, but I will reveal that when the time is right."
Sesshomaru looked at Morwen a little shocked. This was the first time he had ever heard of this legend; this curse. He and Morwen had shared everything together; every last secret, thought, dislike, like, you name it or at least so he had thought. "Why didn't you tell me of this?" he asked; his voice low and angry.
"I did not know at the time; I was not informed until about fifty years ago, when he was first pinned to a tree by that wretched woman, Kikyo!" Morwen's eyes turned brown for a moment as she glared at the ground imagining the raven haired priestess, but then her eyes softened to a pale gray as she sighed and looked back at the sleeping form of Inuyasha. "Did you known I would go to the tree that bore him and watch him as he slept? Looking at him now, it reminds me of olden days." she said quietly. Sesshomaru stared at her and shook his head.
"Come, I will take you and Inuyasha back to my castle." The demon lord stepped forward and stopped, turned abruptly to the left and drew his sword.
Out of the brush came, Koga, the infamous leader of the wolf demon pack. "I knew I smelt you, Inu-pup!" he yelled wildly looking around. His eyes stopped on Sesshomaru and he sighed heavily. "Oh, it's only you, Lord Sesshomaru, never mind." The sky-blue eyed boy turned and was about to walk away when Morwen spoke.
"Did you just call Inuyasha Inu-pup?" The look on her face was one of disgust and slight annoyance. "That is quite rude, you realize?!" Koga whirled around suddenly for he had not known that the girl had been standing there; she had been hidden by the Sesshomaru's great body.
"Who are you?" he asked rather rudely; earning himself a good knock to the head by Sesshomaru.
"Watch what you say!" the great demon roared.
"Geez, I'm sorry! Yeah, I call him that. That would be what he is." It wasn't until then that he really got a good look at his surroundings. What he saw, like Sesshomaru, shocked him. "Why is the pup all stone like? And what's with the tree?"
"Inuyasha was turned to stone and apparently because he was in the tree at the time it, too, turned to stone. Now, hurry up and aid me in bringing it to my domain. We have much to discuss." Koga jumped to his feet and he, with the help of Sesshomaru, up rooted the now stone tree and carried it a little further to another clearing where a two headed dragon lay resting, awaiting its masters return. "AhUn, awaken and move quickly!" ordered Sesshomaru. The dragon demon's eyes flashed open and it hastily obeyed. Once the statue was in place and safe, Sesshomaru placed Morwen upon the saddle of the great beast and he and Koga began their long journey home.

'It's really quite sad that I can't be with you. I took my chance and that, I suppose is good enough. My time has run out, I am afraid. I did not tell Sesshomaru that when the daughter is rejected and her love turned to stone, she will die shortly afterwards. In each my family the curse female is always born first and then the rest of the children. It is that female that must make the choice of taking a chance or never knowing what could have been. I made my choice; this is the only way to break the curse! Inuyasha you will fall for my reincarnation; it is fated. And so I guess that is now time to tell him.' Morwen lay in a bed in Sesshomaru's castle. After arriving about two weeks earlier, her health had quickly deteriorated leaving her now with no strength to stand and hardly any to speak. There was a light knock on the door and in came the very cute fox demon, Shippo!
"Good evening, Morwen, I brought you something to eat." he said sweetly holding up a tray of fruit and stew. Shaking her head Morwen motioned for him to come closer.
"Will, you ask Sesshomaru to my chamber for me please?" she whispered. The red headed fox demon smiled, set the tray down and ran off to get the lord of the castle. Seconds later the tall form of Sesshomaru appeared by her side.
"Why are you not eating your food, Morwen?" he demanded.
"I am not hungry, besides I will now tell you the rest of my secret." Sesshomaru nodded and sat on the bed looking down at the fading red head. "I am dying, Sessho-sama. It is apart of the curse. A female child is always born first and then the rest of the children. If the male that the female falls in love with rejects her, than not only does her love get turned to stone, but she will die. That is what is happening to me and it is now my time to go. I can feel the pull of darkness pulling at the corners of my mind. I have but one request, Sessho-sama." Sesshomaru leaned in as if to tell her that he was listening, "Before I die, I would like to...I would like to be in his arms even if they are stone, can I do that?" Sighing, Sesshomaru nodded gravely and lifted his best and oldest friend from her bed and walked out of the room.

"We're here, Morwen." Sesshomaru said softly. Morwen opened her heavy eyes only for them to behold the sight of her petrified love. Koga and Shippo were standing at the base of the tree looking up at the elf questioningly as Sesshomaru quietly and gently placed her so that she could lay her head upon the Hanyou's shoulder and curl up against his cold marble body.
"Sesshomaru, please take care of him for me. I will return one day even if I myself do not know it." she whispered lightly. Her once fiery red hair was now a faded copper and her usually creamy skin was now paper white. Her pale green dress hung lazily off her small frame and her thin arms looked lifeless as they hung around Inuyasha's neck. Smiling to her self, the elf closed her eyes and breathed a heavy sigh.
"Are you sure you can't hang on any more?" Koga called up to her. Morwen merely shook her head in response. With out much warning pain shot through the girls body, causing her to shudder horribly. Gasping silently as a huge shock wave shot through her heart she squeezed her eyes shut; silent tears fell from her eyes. "Sesshomaru-sama, take care of him!" Her voice was hoarse and shook as she spoke. With one final ragged breath, her body suddenly became limp.
Though tears stained her face, a slight and peaceful smile graced her lips. She was happy even in death.
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