Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You'll Never Be Alone Again

Chapter 3

by MCRANDFOBLover 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-04-03 - Updated: 2007-04-03 - 512 words

I woke up in the middle of the night as usual. I went to see if I had any emails, but wasn't hoping anything. I was very suprised when I saw that I had one unread email. I opened it and just wanted to scream and jump up and down of happiness. It was from the compotition where you could win a ticket and backstagepass to My Chemical Romance's upcomming show in a week. It said I had won. I printed it out and turned off the computer. I fell asleep, smiling.
Once again the annoying alarmclock beeping woke me up again. I jumped out of bed, got dressed and put on some eyeliner. When Sandi knocked on the door I grabbed the email I'd printed out that night and opened the door.
"Sandi.. Mom, I won this contest where you get a ticket and a backstagepass to My Chemical Romance's upcomming show here.. Can I go, pleease?" I asked, knowing that calling her 'mom' would help a lot.
"When is it?" she asked and I gave her the paper.
"Next friday. Can I go pleease mom?"
"Okay, but don't stay out too long. I want you home by five." I shrieked and huged her.
"Thank you so much!!" I said and ran downstairs. For once I had breakfast, together with Winter and Dan, my 'brother'. Then Winter drove me to school.
"Thanks for the ride, Winter."
"No prob, sis." she said and drove off. This time it acually didn't bother me that she called me 'sis'. I was too happy to think about it.
"Nad!" Mary called out as I entered the school. "So..? How did it go? Did you win?"
"Yeah, I did! I'm gonna fucking meet My Chemical Romance!!" I said and shrieked. I haven't told Mary about Gerard being my dad, and I don't think I ever will either.
"Oh my god! I'm so happy for you! But I have to go, spanishclass. Ugh.."
"Okay, but I'll see you at music.."
"Yeah, see ya.." I walked to my locker and grabbed my mathbooks and walked to the classroom. I hate math, it's soo boring! But I made it trough and when it finally was over I hurried to my locker.
The last lesson I had was music, with Mary. That's where I first met her acually. She is such a nice girl. Funny too. Makes me laugh. When I got home I did my homework to make Sandi happy.
"Nadia, dinner!" Sandi yelled from downstairs.
"Comming!" I yelled back and ran downstairs. I sat down at the table, next to Winter, and smiled.
"Hey, you're happy today." Winter said and laughed.
"Yeah, with good reason! Next friday I get to not only see My Chemical Romance live, I'm also going to meet them!"
"That's great! You must be excited!" Dan said and laughed.
"Yeah, I am. I mean like, I'm going to flying meet the best band in the whole flying world!" Sandi didn't like when we cursed, therefore whenever she's around I say 'flying' instead of 'fucking'.
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