Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > While the World is Watching

Prt T.W.O.

by WillBertluverX 3 reviews

Patrick Stump story!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-04-03 - Updated: 2007-04-03 - 1134 words

But since it was a little too early for dinner , so we sat in my car for awhile trying to figure out what to do.

" Um, guys we really need to figure out something to do, I'm getting bored!", it was Joe whining.

Turning around in my seat I pointed at him, "If your so bored then go play with your star wars dolls.", he looked back at me with hurt eyes- I laughed.

" Genny they are NOT dolls, they are action figures!"

" Whatever!"

" Oh I have an idea!"

Oh god.

" Yes Esther?", I said while giving her my annoyed look. She glared back at me.

" Ohm! Zesty sibling rivalry."

" Shut up Pete! So what was the idea?"

" Georgia, member that dress shop we went to?? We should totally take the dudes!"

I blushed, " Um...I really don't thinks the guys want to go to some kiddies..."

" Oh yes we do!", I gave him the death stare

" Thanks Patrick, thanks a lot."

We took the short drive to the dress shop, everyone piled out of the car running off while Patrick and I stayed back for awhile. He leaned against the car while I stood in front of him. We stared at each other for a moment then he grasped my hands, we shyly blushed together.

" So Patrick?"

He shyly looked up , " We are together, Georgia don't worry."

" Patrick how did you know I was going to ask about it?"

" I just read minds like that.", he smirked. I leaned in to give him a quick kiss before anyone noticed but we were spotted. Not by fans-I wish; but by the flashing paparazzi. Patrick grabbed my hand I could feel his palms sweating, we darted into the store warning the guys about the crazy stuff out side. We decided it would be best if we went back to my house, so we all bought masks to hide our faces. Joe with a dark Vader mask, Andy with a happy tree friend mask, Pete with a vampire mask, Patrick with a pumpkin mask, and Esther and I with matching betty boop masks. We darted out into the car driving off as fast as we could, finally we made it back to the apartment. Once we were inside I made dinner for everyone, Patrick and I sat on the couch while the others sat at the table. Esther being her crazy self started the conversation wildly.

" So Pete I saw those penis pictures...ha-ha good stunt.", Pete blushed then look over at me giving me a death stare.

" I see your sister is just as spunky as you." , Andy joked.

" Esther goodness your so rude."

" Sorry, I was just being honest.", she said nervously.

" Its okay Esther, Pete needs a ego downer every once in a while.", Brendon smiled at her, she smiled back.

" Oh Esther looks like you have a little crushie wushies on Bren Bear!", I smirked

" Erg! Georgia shut up before I tell them something really embarrassing!"

That shut me up. My cell started to ring.

" Hold on a sec Patrick...Uh hello?"

" Georgia?"

It wasn't my parents or my brother so I don't see why this person is calling me by Georgia.

" Who the hell is this?"

" Georgia you don't even remember my voice? It's Anthony.", every thing came back to me.

" ANT!! My god its been forever, what have you been up to?", actually its only been a year.

" Well, I have a photography studio."

" I knew you would do something special, so why did you decided to call?"

" I wanted to see if you would come down to the studio, along with FOB."

Huh? How did he know they are here with...ugh Esther must have called and told him.

I sighed, " Well, I will talk to them about it, and I'll get back to you."

" Well, let me know by morning. I will see ya."

" Bye Ant.", I smiled.

If you must know, ant is one of my best friends. He was one of the male models I worked with, but don't get the wrong idea I don't like him he isn't my type. Patrick is.

Patrick's POV


Georgia walked back over sitting next to me, I gave her a questioning look.

" Who is...Ant?", I said in a annoyed tone. She looked at me with bulging eyes.

" Patrick I hope your not freaking out over some guy, he is just an old friend. In fact this friend of mine wanted to do a photo shoot with you guys. So what do you think?", although I was a little jealous I couldn't resist her puppy dog face.

" Oh fine."
After telling the others about the photo shoot, Georgia popped some popcorn and picked out a movie; Alice in Wonderland. Pete and Andy sat on the floor throwing popcorn at each other most of time, Joe was sleep, and as I looked over at the other end of the couch Esther and Ryan were getting pretty cozy.

" So Georgia, are you going to model for my line or what?", Pete asked. She scrunched up her nose looking at me, I love it when she does that.

" Well, I really don't know. What do you think Patrick?", I gave her a slight nod turning my attention back to the movie.

" I guess, I have no other work anyways."

20 minutes later....

We had finally finished the movie, Georgia and I were the only ones awake everyone else had fallen asleep in the living room.

" My living room looks like a shelter.", she whispered.

" Yea it does. I think I will sleep in the guest bedroom.", I said quietly. She looked at me shyly.

" Patrick lay with me, my bed is a lot more comfy anyways. I promise I wont put the moves on you, ha-ha.", she giggled.

" I guess I have no other choice."

Georgia's POV

We both slipped our pajamas on, Patrick carefully snuggled up underneath the covers.

" I hope you know your on my favorite side of the bed. It would be nice it you would move your buns...please.", I gave him a quick smile.

" Are you kidding me I just got comfy.", I nodded my head.

" I guess that's a yes, oh fine you big baby I will move over." , he cutely rolled over to the other side of the bed.

He made sure he wasn't to close to me, I didn't want to say anything but I all I wanted him to do is wrap his arms around me and fall asleep. I turned opposite from him.

Looking out my window I said, " You know Patrick you can scoot closer." no answer. I turned around and he was already fast asleep. I carefully snuggled up to him placing his arm around my waist, it felt perfect.
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