Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Unspoken Love

Chapter Three: Dude! Glitter!

by artistelamore 2 reviews

Can I get an OH-NO!

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Published: 2007-04-07 - Updated: 2007-04-08 - 1412 words

Every muscle in Brendon's body froze.

She.. She was just making out with me! Brendon thought completely confused now.

"Dude, glitter!" Ryan exclaimed as he came down the stairs to stand next to Brendon. He realized Brendon was being way too quiet. Ryan looked over to where Brendon's stare had fallen.

"Wow, wasn't she just making out with you on the balcony and now she is, like, making out with Jon." Ryan said.

"Hey glitter!" Ryan repeated because he could feel the tense atmostsphere in the club.

"Oh that bastards gonna wish he was never born," Brendon said storming down the stairs.

"Brendon, don't do it man. Its not you talking, its evil Bren talking. I'm sorry have some M&M's." Ryan screamed rushing after Brendon trying to stop him from doing something he would regret later.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" Brendon snapped breaking them appart.

"Kissing him, got a problem?" Katherine said shoving him away from her.

"YEAH, I FUCKING DO!" Brendon screamed over the music shoving her back.

"Hey man. Not cool, don't touch her." Jon said stepping between them.

"Its okay, Jon. I can take this screw-up on." Katherine said.

"Screw-up? Who's the screw-up, seriously Katherine? First your making out with me, then your saying it meant nothing. Make up your mind would you. Jon or me?" Brendon said.

"I..I don't know." She finally said. Brendon stormed out of the club and around to the car park. Who knew someone he had just met and made out with twice would cause so much heartache for him. He flopped down next to the van, his head in his hands.

"Brendon?" It was Katherine.

"FUCK OFF!" He exclaimed but she just came closer.

"Brendon, I can't be with you." Katherine began but was cut off by Brendon.

"So you would rather be with Jon?" Brendon asked angryily.

"No...Brendon, all we do is fight and tease each other." Katherine said.

"What about the passionate kisses? People make love/hate relationships work." Brendon said, he felt like he was about to cry. He had fallen hard for this girl.

This is so stupid, he thought. Had he really grown to love someone who he constantly fights with in a matter of four hours?

"The kisses were great but a relationship can't just survive on passion." Katherine said kissing him on the cheek and turning to leave. "And don't blame Jon for this, it was me who kissed him." She added walking out of the car park.

"Wait!" Brendon said running after her. Suddenly all Brendon could see was head lights.

"Brendon!" Katherine cried as Bob (do not ask me why bob was out there driving around when everyone else is inside and don't ask me why i chose him to run Brendon over, I think I didn't sleep much when I was writing this. lol) got quickly out of the four-wheeled drive he had just hit Brendon with.

"Holy shit! He just came out of no where." Bob said his hands on his head.

"Help! Call nine-one-one!" Katherine said racing to Brendon's body, which laid still.

She knelt down beside him, "Brendon?"

Bob quickly dialled nine-one-one.

Ryan, Jon and Spencer had came out of the club when they heard the car brakes and Katherine's cries.

"Brendon!" Ryan said throwing his M&M's away and collapsing at Brendon's side. Spencer and Jon ran over to his side too.

"What happened?" Spencer asked staring at Katherine like she'd done it.

"He..he ran in front of Bob's car," Katherine said looking down at Brendon. His nose was bleeding as was his head, but nothing else seemed to be wrong on the outside.

"Brendon, wake up." Ryan said desparately, tears filling his eyes.

"Come on Brendon, man." Jon said taking his hand. The ambulance arrived five minutes later and took Brendon away.

We drove down to the hospital in silence.

When we got into the reception area, they told them that Brendon was still in surgery. He had suffered serious internal bleeding.

"What really happened Katherine?" Spencer said pulling her aside, out of the waiting room.

"I told you, he ran out in front of Bob's car." Katherine replied. Spencer's glare pierced through Katherine.

"If he dies, Katherine, I'll hold it against you. I'll see that this is on your conscience for the rest of your fucking life." Spencer growled going back to the waiting room.

Ryan came out next.

"Spencer didn't mean what he just said." He tried to comfort her.

"But he is right, its my fault." Katherine said sliding down the wall to sit cross-legged. Ryan slid down next to her.

"Why did you kiss him, deny your feelings then kiss Jon?" He asked looking into her brown eyes which where filled with tears.

"Ryan, can I tell you something?" She asked.

He nodded.

"I've never really been in a relationship." Katherine said.

"What do you mean?" Ryan said.

"I mean sure guys have liked me, I've liked them but, I don't know. I get scared of commitment." Katherine said. "Now Brendon could die because of me." She said crying harder.

Ryan hugged her.

"Brendon's a fighter," Ryan assured her, but he wasn't too sure himself.

"Ryan, I really like Brendon. Have I really messed it up?" Katherine asked.

"Honestly, yes. But Katherine he will wake up. You need to tell him how you feel." Ryan said.

"You're right. But what if.." she trailed off.

"He won't die." Ryan almost shouted.

"Ryan what if I get scared again? Make a couple of sarcastic jokes and then mess it up all over again?" She said. "Just like before."

"Katherine, listen to me. Brendon will survive. Brendon will wake up, you will tell him how you feel. You will tell him you like him, you want something to be there between you and you will tell him you are scared of committing to a relationship. He will understand, you will kiss and make up. Go out for a couple years, get married in a church, have seventeen kids and live happily ever after in your dream house." Ryan said. "That is what will happen."

Suddenly the doctor came in.

"Hey, how is he doc?" Ryan said rushing in after Katherine.

"He is stable but still unconcious. I must be blunt with you. We aren't sure he will wake up." The doctor said.

"So, he is in a coma?" Spencer said glaring over at Katherine.

"Can we see him?" Jon asked.

"Yes, right in here." The doctor said pointing into a room where Brendon was lying in a clean bed, his head bandaged and a tube in his nose and throat.

"Brendon," Spencer said as they rushed over to him.

His eyes were shut tightly.

Watching him lying there so peacefully made Katherine want to cry because he looked so much like he was...dead.

They sat in silence just watching him, not saying anything.

Suddenly Spencer pulled Katherine out of the room.

"I suggest you go, go far away. If Brendon wakes up he won't want you there." Spencer hissed.

"You mean when he wakes up and when he does I will be there. Spencer I didn't do this to him, if you want to blame some one, blame Bob." Katherine snapped going back into the room. She was sick of people blaming her, she already blamed herself.

Spencer was startled when a siren sounded.

"Code blue, code blue!" Bellowed the voice over the loud speaker. A couple doctor rushed pass Spencer in the hall, he followed them in to Brendon's room.

"Give me fifty cc's stat." the doctor ordered as he ripped open Brendon's top. The nurse charged the machine.

"Clear," the nurse said as the doctor pressed the paddles down on Brendon's chest. His body jolted as the electricity attempted to start his heart again. They did this several more times.

Ryan had tears running down his face, his eyeliner running down his cheeks. Jon was hugging him, holding back tears as well. Spencer stood near Katherine in total shock as tears ran down both of their faces.

"Start manual resuscitation." The doctor ordered pushing hard on Brendon's chest now. The nurse pumped the manual respirator that lay over Brendon's face. The loud continuous beep broke through the room.

"No pulse. Call it." The doctor said.

"Time of death, 11:14pm." The nurse said checking her watch. They all started to sob, Spencer hugged Katherine without realizing it.
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