Categories > Cartoons > Xiaolin Showdown > Mark of the Vindicated... (Who is this new arrival?)

Chapter 8: The name

by vendettadrake 1 review

"Who is this guy?" Nice question, Jack. Is he part of Hannibal Beans plan? We find out today...

Category: Xiaolin Showdown - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Horror,Romance - Characters: Dashi,Jack Spicer,Kimiko,Omi,Raimundo - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2007-04-09 - Updated: 2008-02-15 - 763 words

Begin Chapter

Jack and Julie turn toward the sounding footsteps, "Get out of here, Jack!", Julie yells.
But before Jack can react he gets punched in the stomach, and is sent flying about 50 feet away until he hits a tree.
Julie gasps in horror and tries to get up and aid Jack.
"Ahhhh!", she lets out a cry in pain. Her shoulder and leg are pinned to a tree by what appears to be the Shadow figures wings.
"I found you.", he finally says as he lifts his head to look at Julie.

Shadow figure description:

About 6'2
Looks around 20
Red eyes
Spiked black hair
Wearing armor and long black cloak

end description.

Julie grins he teeth and tries to take out the wing from inside her shoulder.
He twists his wing and makes Julie scream. He smiles an evil smile.
Julie summons up her courage, "Why are you still here?", she asks while in pain.
He looks down and slowly steps closer to her. "I'm here...for you.", he answers.
He begins to lick her cheek and her bleeding arm.
Julie tries to shake loose, "NO!!!", she screams out, "STOP IT!". Tears begin to stream down her cheeks.

Jack shoots out huge thunderbolt at the Guy. Its a hit!!!
Julie takes her chance and cuts off the part of his wings that are pinning her.
She kicks him. "SOULS FROM THE UNDERWORLD!!!", she yells out as a huge aora forms around her.
Out of nowhere a HUGe gun appears in her hands and what looked like tiny dragons with their own guns.
SWOOSH!!! They all fire. The guy gets blasted with huge rays that contain immense power!
He gets blasted off far away.
"C'mon, Jack! Heres our chance!", Julie says as she grabs him and wraps her wings around him.
The Mystery guy gets up and runs toward them. Julie closes her eyes, Flames wrap around them. They disappear!
The guy only slashes the air. He smirks, "She did exactly as I wanted her to."

Exit dark forest

Enter Underworld

The fire dissipates. Jack is speechless and dumb with wonderment. His mind tells him to help Julie but it's as if his body is useless.
'What the hell just happened?! Where are we?! Who was that guy?! Why can't I move?!', his mind is cluttered with such puzzling questions.
'Why do I feel... wet?', he thinks to himself. He lifts his hands and looks at them. His eyes widen in horror. They are drenched in blood!
He looks at Julie. She lifts her head and smiles a faint smile, "You're ..ok...Jack." He stares at her not knowing what to do to help her.
She collapses and begins to fall.
Jack reacts quickly and grabs her before she can hit the floor. He rests her head on his lap. He begins to panic, tears stream down his cheeks.
Julie looks at him and wipes the tears off his face, "Don't worry, Jack. I'll be fine. It'll take a lot more then that to kill me. I just need to rest for a bit."
He rips pieces of his trench coat off and wraps them on the wounds to help stop the bleeding.
Julies eyes close slowly. she is soon deep asleep.

Jack can do nothing but wait until she heals to figure out where it is that she transported them to.
He begins to look around. Nothing but darkness. Their breathing is the only sound to be heard.
Time seems as though it has stopped. It seems like an eternity since they arrived at this dark abyss.
"Nothing to do but wait until she wakes up.", he says to himself.
He takes off his coat and makes a cushion out of it and places it under Julies head.
He lays down beside her and wraps his arm around her as to keep her safe.
He falls asleep.

Exit underworld

Enter Mount Gordon

"Haha! the time has finally come.", Hannibal Bean says to himself as he pets the Ying-yang bird, "I've waited over 1500 years for this moment and it's finally arrived."
He jumps on the ying-yang bird," Now, we musn't waste time should we?", The ying-yang bird spreads his wings and is soon up in the air.
"We must go visit our friends, the Xiaolin Monks, and ask if we can borrow some of their shen Gong Wu. But first we must fetch Wuya... The time has come.", he says as he smiles evilly.
"Xavier will help me, whether he wants to or not."

end Chapter

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