Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > a crowd of one is lost then won

and i know, you dressed up, hey kid, you'll never live this down.......

by guitargirl171 1 review

im really sorry. im not that great of a writter. i had a dream about this and i just wanted to get it off my chest. it was one of the worst dreams of my life. thanks for bearing with me

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-04-11 - Updated: 2007-04-12 - 756 words

Wednesday came quicker than i thought. i said goodbyes to my family who was suffering from denial, obviously. i spent the first few days dipping into my cash savings that i was forbidden to do, to buy pizzas and random things.
since it was a Thursday, i decided to switch it up and go splurge on a couple Cds i had been dying to buy. i pulled out a $100 and slipped on my converse. into the city i go.......

i arived at tower records in 30 minutes, eager to get the cash that was burning a hole in my pocket out and over the counter. i searched the aisles for "the hint", "backline", and "no destination". after about ten minutes, i had located the first one. i smiled
"backline baby, you shall save me from bordum this following week. something new to learn on my bass", i spoke softly to myself. i heard a snicker from a couple feet away. i looked up to see a guy around my height with his hood up, like he was hiding from the world and blocking out its problems.

"yes?" i snapped. i wasnt the kind to take crap from people, espicially if i hadnt done anythin to upset them.

"i like talking to my Cds too" he snickered again. i couldnt figure out if he was kidding or not. i nodded and came closer to his side. his voice seemed familar. "cool shirt" he remarked.

i was wearing a black and pink Fall Out Boy shirt to match my black and pink converse.

"oh, um, thanks" i said. "im sally, sally horrors" i said sticking out my hand. he nodded and didnt notice my hand. "how about you?"

"im peter" he said picking up a Cd with a red strip down the middle. i couldnt read it. i had enough with this stranger who had decided to tap my case and then leave me hanging. i threw back his hood to expose a shocked face and messy brown hair. oh crap.

"ohmygod!" i said faster and louder than i should have. he put his hand over my mouth and begged with his eyes for me not to freak out. this was THEEE pete wentz of Fall Out Boy. so that explained the hood and the mumbling. i dropped my stuff as he dragged me outside. "w-wow" i stuttered. he was even more gorgeous up close. i smiled.
"do you want an autograph or somthing?" he said. and the rest is history. as much as i wish i could remember how we became so talkative with each other, but i cant. we just began talking. that led to a coffee shop by a little book store.
we talked about life and family. i learned so much from him, and he did from me. like we were open, talking, books. he told me all about his life in the music scene, and i told him about my dreams of becoming a zoologist/a mother. we both laughed. we both exchanged secrets until it was dawn of the sunset.

"its late", i said.
"yeah, we should get going" pete said. "sally. i think your name is, like, the most awesome name ever". sally horrors.
i smiled "thanks, yours is pretty....long". he rolled his eyes, but i could feel his amusement.
we got up and started towards the exit. my butt was sore for sitting so long and was ready to walk.

"i'll walk you home. im not done talking with the only person whos more sarcastic than me" he laughed.

"dont feel to bad about it. im sure theres a nice second prize for you" i smirked. another eye roll. we crossed the street and made it to the side walk.

"mabey i'll start a game show about being sarcastic idiots" pete grinned.

"cool, but most sarcastic people arnt idiots" i said as we turned into another crosswalk. it was really dark, and we were both wearing black. i started to get a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. pete came up along side me from the unofficial tag game we were playing. he smiled.

and thats the last time i, or anyone else, ever saw that smile again.

i was pushed to the ground from a couple yards away. i felt a jam in my wrist and i felt wet warm liquid coming from my knees and thighs. i heard a scream, followed by a couple more. i heard tires screech and a "thud". then everything went black.
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