Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Chemically Crazed Life Starring MCR

Chapter 49

by smokeyozzy 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover, Drama, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Published: 2007-04-15 - Updated: 2007-04-15 - 625 words

Okies, i got two reviews, im happy... for now. Heres ur chapter dudes and dudettes (whoever happens to be reading this).
"Dont waste your time on me, you're already the voice inside my head." I Miss You- Blink-182
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO YOUR HAIR?!" Ray yelled. Okay, maybe it wasn't that bad, but it did wake up the babies, who Veronica had just gotten to sleep.

Everyone ran downstairs except Veronica (who was trying to get the babies back to sleep) to see what the commotion was about.

"Wow, that's ... different." Frank said upon seeing Gerard's hair.

Now I guess I can tell you what it looks like. He died it back to brown, the natural color. Then he got it cut a little shorter and put gel in it so it stuck up messily.

"I like it." Kaitlin said, jumping up to touch Gerard's hair.

"Don't touch it." Gerard said. "You'll mess it up." He examined his hair in the mirror by the front door to make sure Kaitlin didn't mess it up.

"It looks sharp." Bob said.

"I know it does." Ray said. "Mikey, keep your children away from Gerard's hair."

"Did Bert and the guys go back home?" Gerard asked, setting his suit on the couch.

"Yea, they went home and Pierre, Seb, David, Jeff, and Chuck went to the hotel they're staying at."Mikey said.

"Okay, I have to go meet with the Dark Horse guys about tomorrow, then I have to come home and rest. The event starts at eight tomorrow but I have to be there at six." Gerard said.

"We'll probably be gone by the time you get home. Good luck." Frank said.

"Thanks. And remember, you guys have to stay away from the downtown auditorium tomorrow or I'll get in trouble. They said they don't want too many teenies around." Gerard said, then Veronica rushed past him stressfully.

"Nice hair." She said as she passed him.

"Thanks." Gerard said.

"Sorry!" Ray called after her.

When she rushed past him with two bottles she stopped for a second.

"Shut the fuck up unless you want to put them back to bed." Veronica said angrily, then stormed off, Mikey following her.

"Well, see you guys tomorrow." Gerard said, then left to go to his meeting.


When he got home it was already nine o clock. He went up to his room. On his way past the nursery he heard quiet singing. He peeked in and saw Mikey holding the babies in the rocking chair, quietly singing a lullaby that their Grandma Elena often sang them when they were young. Gerard smiled to himself then pulled the door closed and went to his room.

He got in his skeleton pajamas and crawled into his bed, tomorrow was going to be a long day.
Aww, Gerard is nervous. Anyways, please review, im going to post a couple more because this one was short. Also, like i've said before (i think), I've already finished writing this story, i just have to post it. Im not afraid to admit that i think the ending sucks, not to mention its really cheesy. So i started writing a sequel. I need some people to base a few characters on in the sequel. I need someone for Joel Maddens girlfriend, a reporter to do an article on MCR (preferably a boy, but it doesnt really matter), and some other people to be fans that get to meet MCR. If you're interested in any of these parts, send a picture or brief description of yourself along with the part you want to me at, if i get too many applications, i'll just pick one that seems to best fit the part.
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