Categories > Original > Drama > The Seven Sins: Wrath

Chapter Three: Unforgivable Sin

by Alexandre 0 reviews

Recalling the painful memories, he seemed to have come to a final decision.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-04-16 - Updated: 2007-04-16 - 488 words

He can still remember vaguely what was exchanged during the heated argument. It wasn't long, but he didn't know what had came over him then. It was such a stupid thing to do, he thought as he stood on the rooftop, watching the stars blink at him from the dark velvety sky.

'What have you become, my brother? I no longer know you anymore! You're not my brother anymore,' his brother had said.

'No, i'm still the one that you have known all along.'

'No you're not. You only care about yourself now. Only about money and power. Not me, not even mother...'

'I DO care!!' he had screamed.

The night was his and his alone...the cold wind blew across the skies and he shivered from the cold. At night, it was the only time when it was as if he ruled...

'You are so cold to everything now, and so violent. I don't know what have made you like this, brother.'

'Cold? What's cold? Everyone hates me, even you. I can see disgust in your eyes even as you look at me now.'

'Brother...there's been something i wanted to tell you all along...'

'I don't know why you're so dissatisfied. I gave you all that i could!'

'No, not everything i wanted. You didn't give me love ever since after mother died.'

'I was busy!!'

'You're not worthy to be my brother- you wasn't there when i needed you most, when i was at my most lowest point.'

The moon is glowing softly, and it reminds him of his mother's smile every time he looked at her, but her face has already turned foggy. Even his memories of her seemed to evade him now.

'Busy isn't an excuse, brother.'

'I only wanted to give you what you want!'

'Money isn't what i want, brother. And i always wanted to tell you...that i'll be moving out soon.'

The stars were something that he wanted to chase since young. But he knew that he can never reach them, no matter what he did. They were too far away, just like the dreams and wishes he had been chaisng since his mother died.

'Why would you want to move out?! Isn't it good enough here??!'

'This is the reason why i want to move out, brother. You're no longer my brother anymore. I'd hate to say this, but i hate you...'

He closed his eyes against the memory, and tried to shut it out. I hate you. Everything seemed to shatter around him then, and it seemed that fury has taken over him then. He had been blinded by his anger, and he didn't know what happened in that few minutes, but when he came to, the knife was in his hand, and blood was spattered all over his clothes, and his brother was lying on the floor, lifeless and cold in his own pool of blood.
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