Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Life, The messy kind.


by KitKathy4Real 1 review


Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Published: 2007-04-17 - Updated: 2007-04-17 - 279 words

"So what do you want, hun?" the bottle blonde popped her gum. She was a little thick with tons of amazing tattoos along her arms.
"I dunno really." Jenna looked around the room. Her eyes fell upon the door which connected to the waiting area. Pete was chilling, reading a magazine with his face on the cover.
he had kissed her forehead before they came inside. Jenna felt weak when he did, like a teenage girl talking to a crush.
"Hun, you okay?" Blondie was talking. She was popping her gum louder, concerned.
Jenna blinked and shook her head,"Sorry. I-dazed."
The woman glanced out the door and grinned,"Emo boy out there?" She turned back.
"Yeah?" Jenna said shyly. After a moment she spoke again," I know what I want." She smiled and looked back at Pete. On the inside she was screaming.

Pete looked up and saw Jenna smiling through the door's window looking down at something.
"Wentz! Man! Where ya been?" Pete smiled at the voice. Hairy, tattooed arms squeezed the air out of his body.
"Down.." he managed to wheeze out."Bill. How are you?"
The beast of a man grinned down at Pete." Great! Glad to see hollywood hasn't gotten to you. What tatoo do you want now?"
"Oh." Pete hadn't planned on a tatoo. He looked back at Jenna smiling. Bill caught his eye.'That beauty yours?"
" I guess." Pete sighed."Bill?"
"Can yout attoo hands?"
Bill gave him a curious look."Yeah. It'll be pretty painful."
"That's fine."
dude. i just got theeee most awesome sex talk ever.
im not disgusting. Im just cool lik that.
mistakes? screw em.
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