Categories > Anime/Manga > Fruits Basket > rising lovely

Chapter 9

by kaden292 1 review

Momiji leaves everything behind with a note, but guess who has returned. Alot more to come!!!!!!!!

Category: Fruits Basket - Rating: G - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Arisa, Kyo, Momiji, Saki, Tohru, Yuki, Other - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-04-19 - Updated: 2007-04-20 - 940 words

When he opened the door, there stood a male figure, "Yuki... Y- Y- You are alive... But how I mean, not that I don't want you to be, but -," Yuki cut him off with a hug, and Kyo hugged back, "I don't ever want to let you go again, please don't make me let go, I don't ever want to," cried Kyo.
"Kyo, what's going on, who is this?" asked Momiji with a sad look in his eyes. Kyo looked at him, and felt torn between two people he loved. Kyo went a little pale after staring a little bit between the two he fainted on the Yuki.
"Kyo, are you okay?" asked Momiji worried running to him.
"Yeah, he'll be just fine, don't worry about it," said Yuki picking Kyo up off the ground. Momiji went wide-eyed, "Yuki! How?!"
"I was given a second chance to come here and live the life that was taken from me," he explained carrying Kyo to the couch in the living room.
Momiji sadly understood and went to his room, to pack some stuff, "Sadly I knew this day would come, but I didn't know that it would actually be real. I hope they understand why I'm leaving. He was holding me back from doing what I wan to do," Momiji said to himself. He turned around and found Yuki in to door way.
"Don't think that I'm trying to steal your love away," he said more to him self than to Momiji. He felt selfish because he was taking something that was already taken, and he should do that.
"I know I can't say that it is nothing, because it is something. You are taking away love that has lasted for many years. I never truly deeply loved him, he never stopped loving you, and I would have to give him respect for that. I could never love someone for so long and them not be here the entire time. I just couldn't. I know he loves you because he says your name while he sleeps. Weather he is dreaming or not.
See I've always wanted to be a teacher in America, but he didn't want to move. I understood that. I told him I would stay where ever as long as I was with him. He doesn't need me any more, he needs you. As long as you stay here with him, I think every thing will be fine," as he was talking he was leading himself towards the door to get out quickly.
"Before you leave in a hurry, just say goodbye to him. To him, in a letter, I don't really care, I just know that he wouldn't be too happy with you if you just up and left and he really didn't know a reason why," explained to the back of Momiji.
He stopped in the middle of the stairs and then went back up. He looked back at Yuki and left again, finally went out the door. The look that Momiji just gave Yuki could have put terror in God himself!
A few moments later Kyo walks up the stairs seeing Yuki with the same wide eyes, "Yuki, what's wrong? Did something happen?" he asked as if he had been here all these years.
Yuki looked at him with the happiest eyes in the world, because he could have never have felt as safe as he did now. A vibrating noise was heard, and Kyo pulled out a cell phone.
"Hello?....WHAT!...Okay, I'll see you soon," he put the phone back in his pocket, "well this is going to be interesting!"

few hours later

A ring went off in the house; it was a text message from Momiji, "Dear Kyo, when you read this it will have been to late, for I am already gone to America to live my dream. I wish you happiness with Yuki! Things would just not have worked out in the end. I will write as much as I can to, my brother, you. This is not intended to hurt you, but to congratulate you with your new relationship; I wish you two the best! I will come and visit at Christmas time and see how things are going!!! P.s. Don't forget that Saisuki, and Tohru will be home around 9."
Kyo was now in a ball on his feet. The letter brought no pain or remorse or anything, just happiness that Momiji was getting to do what he wanted, and that made him happy.
Yuki was in the other room reading the paper. Kyo realize that his age was still the same 17 year old; he didn't feel like he was going to take advantage of Yuki at all. He sat down on his knees and leaned over the table to get his attention. He motioned for Yuki to lean forward; he caught on quickly, their lips melted together. Their fluttering hearts and their seamless moves made everything just go in to place.
Yuki crawled across the table and on top of Kyo who fell back on to the ground, "It's been what, 10 minutes since we got home, and they're still going strong. Man, I wish I could do that," laughed Saisuki. The two broke apart instantly and looked at the four girls in the door way.
Uo and Saisuki stood in front and Hanna and Tohru behind not seeing anything, "That isn't who I think it is, is it?" Uo face of pure shock, frighten Kyo a little, "its prince Yuki!"
She instantly got shoved a side by Tohru, but what she did was completely out of character for her!
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