Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Archie's twin

A Recipe for disaster

by Piscesfairy 1 review

What is Atlanta's answer and what will happen with the clone next?

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Published: 2007-04-23 - Updated: 2007-04-23 - 2633 words

Disclaimer:I do not own COTT

Archie's Twin
Chapter 5
A Recipie For Disaster

She knew exactly what she wanted to say, but somehow her thoughts going through her head left her speechless coz what she was feeling and what she was thinking didn't agree so she pulled back her hand and looked at him as she slowly walked backwards, she turned around and ran away. Mean while Jay and Theresa had the plan to go out for dinner, but Herry and Odie invited themselves so their plan didn't quite work out as they planned. At the brownstone Neil walked around in the house looking for everyone and then went to the kitchen where Athena was busy making dinner "Where's everybody?" she looked at Neil "They're all out"
Neil: "Why didn't anyone tell me or asked me if I wanted to go?"
Athena: "Jay and Theresa had dinner plans alone, but Herry and Odie invited themselves, Archie's at the gym and Atlanta...I don't really know where she is"
Neil: "Well I'll go see if Archie wants some company" he went outside and saw someone walking through the trees and coz it was already twilight he just saw the shape and we all know Neil's very, very curious so he went down there and said "Hello...excuse me" the person came closer and then he saw that it was Archie "What are you doing out here?"
Archie: "I'm just strolling around" Neil looked surprised coz the Archie he knows doesn't just stroll about doing nothing "Okay then" he left and decided to go to the gym anyway. When he came there the lights were on so he went in and there Archie was lifting weights, now you must know for pore numskull Neil that's way too much info "Dude you moved real fast" Archie turned around "Neil what are you talking about?"
Neil: "I just talked to you at the brownstone and came straight here and here you are" Archie looked surprised "I wasn't at the brownstone since this afternoon" Neil looked puzzled "Was my it was you I talked to you" Archie laughed "Well you must've dreamed it coz I was here the whole time" Neil scratched his head "I must be losing my mind" he went to Archie and took two weights. Then Archie started lifting slower and slower and then looked at Neil and he said "What?"
Archie: "Where's my clone?"
Neil: "In that glass room at Chiron's lab...why?"
Archie: "Well who else could you've seen?" Neil freezed "What's up with this dude?"
Archie: "Come on we need to go find the gang" they ran out of there to the brownstone and took Herry's truck and went to the restaurant Jay and Theresa usually go to. As they came there Jay saw them outside the window and said "Guys we better go outside and check what's going on" Theresa looked up "Why?" Jay looked at her "Other wise Archie and Neil won't be riding around in Herry's truck" they paid the bill and went outside
Jay: "Guys what's up?"
Archie: "We think my clone is loose again"
Odie: "What! We locked him up"
Neil: "I told you he belongs in a cage"
Theresa: "Where did you see him?"
Archie: "Neil saw him outside at the brownstone"
Jay: "Let's go" they climbed in the truck and drove to the brownstone. After they stopped Jay said "Neil where did you see him?" Neil pointed "Over by that trees" they all went to look, but didn't find anything then they all went inside and went to sit in the living room
Archie: "What will we do now?"
Jay: "I don't know yet, but it's useless to go look for him now we won't find him it's already too dark" then Athena came in "I see you're all back" they smiled at her "Where's Atlanta?"
Jay: "Yeah where is Atlanta?"
Theresa: "I haven't seen her since this afternoon"
Archie: "Me neither the last time I saw her was in my room she wanted me to go skate with her and then she left"
Odie: "You don't think..." they looked at him
Athena: "I think you kids better go to Hera and discuss this with her she'll know what to do" so they went to Hera's solarium. When they came there they knocked "Come in" they went in and Hera looked up "Children?"
Jay: "Hera we think Archie's clone is loose again and we don't know what to do"
Hera: "Are you sure did you check in the lab?"
Jay: "No we haven't, but..."
Hera: "Then go look before you get upset"
Odie: "Herry and me know exactly where we put him we'll go see quickly" they left
Archie: "Its not all Atlanta is missing"
Hera: "When was the last time you saw her?"
Archie: "This afternoon, but not one of us saw her after that" then Herry and Odie came back
Odie: "He's not there"
Jay: "What do we have to do to keep this guy locked up?"
Hera: "Children I think you must go to your mentors and stay with them until Atlanta shows her appearance and I think it'll be good for you to spend some time with a grown up" they all went to their mentors and told them all the same story. At Persephone's solarium she was busy showing Theresa some new ways to control her mind
Theresa: "Agh I can't concentrate it's too hard" Persephone went to sit next to her "You thinking about Atlanta?" she looked at her "I wish I knew where she was I'm worried" Persephone gave her a hug "Don't worry I'm sure she's fine" Theresa gave a her a little smile and said "I'm just really worried if something bothered her she always came to talk to me about it"
Persephone: "She must've had a real good reason for running away" Theresa looked at her "She better we're all sick worrying and she doesn't even let us know where she is or at least that she's alright." A few minutes turned into a few hours and still no sign of Atlanta. Mean while Ares and Archie were in the gym where Archie got so worked up he could explode any minute
Ares: "Archie why don't you sit down for a minute"
Archie: "If she shows her face here I will kick her butt" Ares looked at him "Hey don't you have any respect for girls?" Archie looked at him "Yeah...well she deserves it for letting me worry like this, what was she thinking?" then he took one of the iron balls and threw it through the window, well he was aiming for the board, but instead it went right through the window.
Ares: "I hope you know you're going to pay for that I'm not gonna take the blame again like the last time Atlanta ran away and you broke the 5 newly made spears" then it hit Archie "Of course Ares you're a genius" he ran out of the gym straight to the Lilly pond, 10 miles from the brownstone. When he came there Atlanta was there, but she heard him coming so she got away just before he got there, he looked around "Atlanta! Come on out! Please come home we're all worried and we're not gonna sleep until you come home! Atlanta!" she hid behind the bosses and waited until he left then she came out and said, "I'm sorry Archie, but I'm not coming home...not tonight." Mean while Ares went to Hera's solarium
Hera: "Ares where's Archie?"
Ares: "He went after Atlanta"
Jay: "Does he know where she is?"
Ares: "I guess so he remembered something"
Jay: "He can be so irresponsible when it comes to Atlanta he could've told us" he walked out and went to Persephone's solarium. As he came in Theresa saw him "Jay? What are you doing here?"
Jay: "Archie went after Atlanta and didn't let anyone know"
Theresa: "Well just as long as he brings her back" they went to get the rest of the gang and all went to Hera's solarium where they waited until Archie appears. After a few minutes he did come
Theresa: "Archie! Did you find her?"
Archie: "No she wasn't where I thought she was"
Herry: "What now?"
Hera: "I think you children better go home and go to sleep we'll find her first thing tomorrow morning"
Theresa: "But what if she's hurt or Cronus has her?"
Jay: "It's a chance we've got to take" the teens went home and went to bed, not that any of them slept very well. The next morning Jay was up at 7:30 and went to wake the other teens and while they were getting ready Jay and Odie were working on a plan for where to start looking and just as they wanted to leave Atlanta walked through the front door and everyone stood still not knowing what to do, she smiled "Hi guys" she said with a soft voice, Theresa went to her "Hey girl" and she gave her a hug "Let's go to your room and get you some new cloths" they walked past the guys and still they couldn't get a word out. In Atlanta's room she got new cloths and went to take a shower and then while she was blow-drying her hair Theresa said, "If you want to talk you know I'll always listen" she went to sit next to her "I made a mistake"
Theresa: "Why did you run away? Was it that bad?' Atlanta looked at her "Archie..." Theresa looked at her "What did Archie do?"
Atlanta: "He...asked me on" Theresa looked surprised she knew that Archie liked her, but she never knew that he'd ever have the courage to ask her "What did you say?"
Atlanta: "I didn't say anything that's the problem I just stood there...he must think I'm an idiot"
Theresa: "I don't think so he was really worried when you didn't come home last night" Atlanta looked at her "He was?" she smiled "Yes...why don't you go with me tonight and see what happens?" Atlanta smiled "I guess I could...what harm can it do anyway?"
Theresa: "If you want I could help you decide what to wear"
Atlanta: "I don't think it'll be necessary to dress up it's just a movie"
Theresa: "Oh well if you need advice just ask okay"
Atlanta: "There's one thing you could do for me thou"
Theresa: "What?"
Atlanta: "Will you ask Jay to go talk to Archie please? You know how he is and I don't wanna do this unless he really meant it"
Theresa smiled "Of course" she left and went to Jay's room where he was relaxing a little the door was open so she just went in
Jay: "Theresa"
Theresa: "Jay will you do me a little favour?"
Jay: "It depends"
Theresa: "See the reason why Atlanta ran away is because Archie asked her on a date and she didn't answer him and now she just wanna make sure that he meant it" Jay sat up straight "And you want me to go talk to him?" Theresa smiled "Yes please?"
Jay: "Okay I'll go talk to him and let you know" he got up and she smiled and said "Thank you." So he went into the living room where Archie was watching TV and went to sit next to him "What's up?" Archie looked at him "Nothing"
Jay: "You wanna talk about your date?" Archie looked at him "What date?"
Jay: "Your date with Atlanta tonight" Archie looked very surprised "Man I have no idea what you're talking about"
Jay: "Come on Archie we know that you asked Atlanta yesterday"
Archie: "No I didn't!"
Jay: "Okay Archie you don't have to get angry about it I'll leave you alone" then he left and Theresa came to him "And?"
Jay: "He denied everything"
Theresa: "He's probably too proud to tell us" she went to Atlanta's room
Atlanta: "What did he say?"
Theresa: "You know Archie he'll never tell Jay, but I think he can't wait" Atlanta smiled. You won't believe this, but the rest of the day Atlanta spend worrying about what to wear tonight, by the time it was 5:30 she went into the kitchen where Neil and Theresa was making coffee, well Theresa was making the coffee Neil was busy eating a cookie.
Atlanta: "Guys what do you think I should wear tonight?" Neil was so surprised he forgot to close his mouth and he dropped his cookie
Theresa: "Why don't you just be yourself? Besides that's who Archie likes"
Atlanta: "Yeah you're right I shouldn't wear something fancy" then she went to get her cloths and went into the bathroom
Neil: "Does Atlanta have a twin too?" Theresa slapped him on his shoulder "Stop it she's just nerves"
Neil: "More like brain damaged" then Theresa walked past him to get the milk and stepped on the cookie "Agh Neil pick that up"
Neil: "And why would I do that?"
Theresa: "Coz you dropped it"
Neil: "Prove it"
Theresa: "Neil just pick up the cookie or I'll reform your perfect face into a window cloth" she looked at him "How's that?" Neil gave a scared smile "Mm-huh." Mean while Odie, Herry and Archie where talking outside
Herry: "I wonder where we're gonna find the clone this time?"
Odie: "It could really help if we only knew what he was thinking or what he was looking for"
Archie: "I have no idea, but I have to go now last night I broke a window in the gym and I must go help Ares repair it"
Odie: "Okay man see you later" then he left and Odie and Herry went inside and went to watch TV. Mean while Atlanta was in her room getting dressed and then Archie walked past her door and slipped a piece of paper underneath and then left again. After she brushed her hair she wanted to go out and then saw the piece of paper, she picked it up and read it "Hey Lanta just wanted to say I can wait see you at the front door." After she read it she went out and Theresa came by "Hope you enjoy the night" Atlanta smiled "I hope so to" she went to the front door and opened it and there Archie stood and took her hand and she smiled and they left. Later that night Atlanta and Archie came home and went to stand in front of the house and then Atlanta laughed coz he's looking at her and he smiled "What?" she put her hand on his arm "Nothing I enjoyed the movie" he came a little closer "I enjoyed your company" she smiled and then he touched her cheek and she blushed and he came even closer. Then Theresa saw them through the window "The love birds are back" and just as Archie wanted to kiss her she pulled herself away "Um...I'm sorry I'm not ready for this" he let go of her hand "No of course not we don't wanna spoil the moment" she smiled "Let's go inside"
Archie: "I still have something to do at the gym I'll be right there"
Atlanta: "Okay" she went inside and he left, Theresa came out of the kitchen "Hey how did it go?"
Atlanta: "It was...interesting" then she walked to her room and Theresa stared at her "Interesting is that all I'm gonna get out of her" just as she wanted to leave Jay came to her "Have you seen..." and then someone knocked and Jay looked at the door "I wonder who that can be?" then Theresa opened the door and Hermes stood there "You guys must come quickly."
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