Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > He Tastes Like You, Only Sweeter.

Just Watch My Wildest Dreams Come True [chapter six]

by dear_jamie 0 reviews

Oh you'll see. I got the title of this chapter from a new Paramore song. omfg it's so good and I cannot wait until RIOT! comes out. Also, there's some boy/girl "contact" in this. Nothing graphic.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Published: 2007-04-23 - Updated: 2007-04-24 - 2127 words

Dear Friend,

I was at work, sorting bills, when a bag of Amerito's doughnuts plopped down in front of me. "I brought you something." A voice said. As I looked up the face became more familiar. Alex. He knew I loved Amerito's doughnuts. "Oh my god thank you. I've been starving like, all day." I grabbed the bag and dug through it's content. I decided on a chocolate covered doughnut, those were what Amerito's was famous for. I took the biggest bite imaginable and Alex smiled. "Don't choke." He snorted and pulled out a jelly doughnut for himself. I was so glad things didn't get weird after I told him it wasn't going to work out. We still hung out on every occasion.

As I took a big bite of my food, such a big bite chocolate frosting got all over my nose, my boss called me into her office. "Tegan. Can I see you for a minute, please?" She looked up from her desk. Her glasses were sitting at the tip of her nose. Miss Dasning was a very cruel lady. But luckily, she liked me. "Of course. One second." I looked at Alex and he let out a loud laugh then touched his nose. "Ugh." I grabbed a tissue and wiped the cocolate from my nose. As I walked into Miss Dasning's office I got an uneasy feeling. The only time anyone was every called there was when they were getting a promotion, or getting fired. I hadn't done anything amazing in my time working there, so there was only one option left. "Close the door behind you." She snapped at me as I walked into her room. I closed the door and took a seat in a chair in front of her desk. "Are you having a good time working here?" She pushed her glasses up onto the bridge of her nose, glaring at me. "Uhh, yes." I looked at her funny. "Oh, what a nice neckalce." She gasped, reached over her desk, and took a hold of the necklace Alex gave me at graduation. Yes, he gave me a present. "Oh," I laughed, "thanks. My friend got it for me. I just never wear it." I took a hold of it as Miss Dasning sat back in her seat. She continued to glare at me and proceeded to tell me that a large sum of money was stolen from the safe about a week before. Apparently I was the only one who had been in the safe at the time the money was taken. "You're fired." She screamed as she walked to the door. She opened it and motioned for me to leave. I got up from my seat and walked over to Alex. "Let's go." Tears were welling in my eyes as I grabbed the bag of doughnuts.

Just as Alex and I walked out the door my body jerked, I woke up. Why do I have such fucked up dreams? I looked at the clock, 11:11. Make a wish. "I wish ryan would take me somewhere amazing tonight." I closed my eyes and mumbled fast, making sure the clock didn't chnage to 11:12 before I was finished. I proceeded to go through my daily routine of showering and eating and watching tv. Finally it was 2:30 and I had to leave for work. I was a little uneasy walking in, as you could imagine.

As I was sorting money things started to get very familiar. I looked over to the door only to see Alex walk in was a bag of Amerito's doughnuts in his hand. "Calm down, Tegan. This is just a coinsidence." I quietly stated. I went back to sorting when the bag plopped down in front of me. "I brought you something." Alex said. I looked up. This was exactly like my dream. "What the fuck?" I said a little too loud. Max, one of my co-workers glared at me. "I thoguht you liked doughnuts." Alex said, a little ashamed. "No, I do. Thank you so much." I dug through the bag just as I did in my dream. I found a chocolate doughnut and took a big bite, just like my dream.

This was so strange. As I took another bite of my doughnut. "Tegan. Can I see you for a moment, please?" I looked over to Miss Dasning's office. "Of course. One second." I took a tissue from the box next to Alex. I had a slight feeling there was something on my nose. I wiped the tip of my nose and brought the tissue down, chocolate. I gave Alex a weird look and went on my way to my boss's office.

Ten minutes later I was in Alex's car, sobbing. "What happened?" He started the car. I walked to work so I didn't have a car there with me. "I got fired... for no reason." I glanced at Alex through my hands. He could barely make out what I said. "Oh god." He put his hand on my back and pulled out onto Main Street. I wasn't even going to try and tell Alex what I thought was going on. He would just call me crazy and kick me out of his car. "What's going on with you?" He continued to druve. "Nothing." I avoided the question like the plague. Alex pulled into my driveway and unlocked the door. "If you need anything just call me." I loved how he was still my best friend. "I will." I shut the door and ran into my house.

I ran up my stairs and plopped myself down in my computer chair. The only way I could vent about what I was thinking was by making a journal entry, as cliche as that is. I was a complete livejournal celebrity; it had it's advantages. If I never needed anything people would send me it. I began typing; after closing out of the 50 IMs I had gotten from that morning. "Something really strange is going on around here. Today I got fired from my job. That's not the strange part; the night before I had a dream that depicted the exact events of today. I knew why I was going to get fired. I don't know what's going on. I don't have anyone I can talk to about this. Not even my best friend. I just needed to vent. You can leave a comment if you think it's actually going to help me." That was the shortest journal entry I'd ever written. But within 3 minutes of posting the entry; I had 5 comments. Four of them reading "OMG EYEM SO SRRY", literally. But one caught my eye. It was from a girl I had talked to before, not a lot though. "I think I know how to help. Can I IM you?" I hoped she was serious. "Yeah. You know my screen name right?" I laughed a cocky laugh; of course she knew my screen name. "Of course."

After waiting a few minutes an IM popped up:
TANYA SAYS: Okay hi.
tegan loves p33n: Hi.
TANYA SAYS: So, your dream about being fired came true, right?
tegan loves p33n: Yeah, do you think it was just a coinsidence? I'm getting really nervous.
TANYA SAYS: It might be. But I don't know. The same thing happened to me a few years ago. Eveery dream I had (that was actually possible) came true.
tegan loves p33n: Did you do anything about it?
TANYA SAYS: No. But you can. You have to make sure it's not a coinsidence. Okay?
tegan loves p33n: Okay. Thank you bby.
TANYA SAYS: lmfao. You're welcome.
TANYA SAYS signed off at 3:37PM

I was getting very nervous. What if this wasn't a coinsidence? I remembered my dream about Him. What if that was going to come true? I needed to calm down. I walked to my bathroom which was litered with semi-dirty and clean clothes. I took of my uniform from work and picked up the best smelling shirt and the cleanest looking pair of jeans. I slipped them on and went downstairs to grab my keys. I needed to go somewhere to relax. I grabbed my keys off the kitchen table and headed towards the library. It was the only place I could go and actually relax. I didn't have to worry about seeing anyone I knew there, none of my friends liked books.

I parallel parked right in front of the old library on Main Street. I had a lot of memories here. My mother took me here when I was a little kid so I could read the Doctor Seuss books. I walked up the stone steps and opened the huge wooden door to reveal a quiet and musty smelling room. I always liked the smell of must. I knew exactly what book I wanted. So I walked to the non-fiction section and bent down to see the authors who's last names began with P. "Yes." I whispered to myself as I pulled out my favorite book. Choke by Chuck Palahniuk. I thought he was the greatest writer known to man. I practically ran to the librarian to check out this book. It was like I thought someone was going to jump out from behind a book shelf and steal it from me. "Hello Tegan. Long time no see, eh?" The librarian was a small, grey-haired woman. She was always nice to me. "Oh I know. A bit too long." I smilied and handed her the book. After she checked it out and handed it to me, I proceeded to the fireplace.

The fireplace was located down the spiraling stairs and next to a large stained-glass window. This library was as close to a church as you could get. It wasn't cold enough for a fire, but it was still lit. Surrounded by comfy chairs and fancy footrests. It almost seemed like a sofisticated living room from an older person's house. I pulled up the biggest, greenest chair in the circle and sat. I had decided to read until I was on chapter 10. I read and read until my eyes were sore. I finally reached chapter ten and put a bookmark in my place. "It's almost closing time Tegan." The librarian called from her desk. "Yeah. I was just leaving. Thank you." I picked up my book and walked out the door.

I started my car and began my short drive home. As I arrived at my house a chill came over me. I walked into the house and ran up the stairs to my room. I sat on my bed and plugged my phone into it's charger then lied down. I closed my eyes and decided it would be relaxing to put on some music and fall asleep. I got up from my bed and walked over to my computer. I put on Vulnerable by Secondhand Serenade and returned to my bed. It was on repeat so I would have time to fall asleep.

I returned to my bed and closed my eyes. "Hum hallelujah!" Someone sang as I woke with a jolt. Please let this be a dream. I turned towards my door and saw a tall, brown-haird boy. "Ryan." I blurted. "Tegan. I love you." After one date, you love me? How about that! I thought as he climbed on my bed and began kissing me. Oh god. Ryan was kissing me. He moved to my neck, my weak spot. I began to wiggle. "Ryan, Ry- what are you..." I couldn't even put full sentences together. "Ryan!" I yelled. Please don't tell I'm the only one that's vulnerable, impossible.

This seemed familiar. Ryan kissing my neck. Actually, just Ryan being in my room seemed familiar. "My drea-" I gasped for air. What was this kid doing to me? I remembered my dream but I couldn't and didn't want to do anything to make him stop. As he kissed every part of my body I thought of how this was no coinsidence. My dreams were coming true, and sooner or later I was going to have to deal with Him.

After we were done, Ryan sat up and smilied. "Are you ready to go out?" He laughed. "Uhm, no." I snorted and got up from the bed. It was weird that I didn't feel like a slut. I think I loved him too... but I wasn't too sure. "I just need to take a shower and do my hair and stuff. It should take me 45 minutes. I'll rush." I smilied and opened the door to my bathroom. "You can go on my computer if you want." He laughed, "Alright. Dress really nice, okay?" I blushed. So 11:11 really does work. "Okay."

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