Categories > Anime/Manga > Trinity Blood > A Never Ending Nightmare


by Rihanna_Night 0 reviews

Esther comes to the Vatican soaking wet and no one knows why, Abel's still disapeared Cain is still on the loose and the Vatican has more then they can handle Esther/Abel

Category: Trinity Blood - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Characters: Abel Nightroad, Other - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2007-03-31 - Updated: 2007-03-31 - 868 words

Riza AN:/ Bonjour everyone this is my first fic of Trinity Blood and I haven't written something in so long, be nice I might be a little rusty. My laptop if fixed and I'm just throwing this out here for now so I don't own Trinity Blood if I did the ending would be so different.
One more thing this is after the series

A Never Ending Night


"Rain again." Lady Caterina muttered rather darkly at her desk, she'd been watching the droplets pelt against the window pane every night for the past three years and she was getting rather cynical about it. Rain or snow it had to fall every night it seemed, well since the incident when Father Abel Nightroad had disappeared. Truthfully it was getting rather tiring.

No one knew what had become of Father Nightroad and the last one to have seen him was Sister- I mean
Queen Esther of Albion. Esther had been heartbroken when he had died the first time and even more so that he had disappeared with out a word or the very least a goodbye.

Everyone was worried about him but fortunately for that featherbrained idiot no one could find, especially a someone from the Vatican who would more then likely drag the idiot back here for a scolding of a life time or the very least a slap upside the head for disapearing.

"Lady Caterina?" Sister Kate asked questioningly. Caterina had been spacing out a lot lately and Sister Kate had to wake her from her musings each day, which scares the Duchess of Milan half to death when she appears out of no where. Kate just found it amusing, no one could sneak up on her but Father Nightraod but everyone seemed to be doing it lately.

"Is there any sign of Father Nightroad?" Lady Caterina sighed sadly she already knew the answer but she asked anyway each day.

Abel was like an older brother to her more so then her real one no matter how much they bickered it was more play then anything else and she missed him dearly, even his own sister had no idea where he was.

Kate looked on sadly, she hated telling Lady Caterina each day that they had no word but she kept asking. "I'm afraid not my lady." She stepped over to her desk quietly "All we know is he's traveling with the Earl of Memphis and even that is unconfirmed."

Caterina sighed in defeat sitting back in her chair, it had been a long day especially with her Elder brother harping about something or other. "It was worth a shot anyway." she muttered turning away disgusted at herself, she was the Duchess of Milan she should not be acting this way, she was supposed to be strong.

"I would think if he were to contact anyone it would be the Queen of Albion." Kate said a little to innocently they had learned a lot from Father
Nightroad and mostly how to play innocent. It was merely a ploy to get Caterina's mind off Abel more then anything and it worked everytime.

Caterina just smirked slightly but was cut off by a knock at the door. They both turned and just stared at it for a moment both confused everyone in the Vatican should be asleep.

"Who could be here so late?" Sister Kat asked out loudly to herself as well as to Caterina but Caterina wasn't really listening.

Caterina quickly crossed the floor to the door and curiously opening it to the person outside. It was a young women with red hair past her shoulders, Wintery blue eyes, and a white cloak surrounding her as the rain poured mercilessly down upon her.

"Esther?" Caterina asked uncertainly. Kate and Caterina were both shocked from her arrival, last they had heard she was ruling Albion on her own and quite contently.

And indeed it was Queen Esther of Albion dripping wet with only a cloak protecting her from the rain. "Lady Caterina?" It was more of a statement then anything but Caterina quickly pulled her tightly in an embrace.

When Abel left so did Esther, Caterina was fond of both of them. She had always wondered when Abel would just give up and tell her how he felt but he never did and it wasn't bound to happen anytime soon with him gone.

"Queen Esther what are you doing here?" Caterina asked completely dumbfounded, Esther never had time for her old friends in the Vatican and she was practically dead to them as well as Abel.

Caterina pushed her slightly away as Esther looked up at her with broken eyes. "May I have my job back?"


Riza AN-Sorry if Caterina was out of character but I usually can copy a character by watching it on TV I didn't when I wrote this. Hoped you liked it if you didn't I'm all up for changing it I'm not sure what I'm doing with this yet so no comments and yes it's short the update will be a lot longer remember to review and yes I hate cliffhangers to and yes I'm a hypocrite deal with it for a while.
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