Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Silence. A complete lack of sound.

There's a light on in Chicago.

by missfiona 2 reviews

meet hatboy, the newest addition to the band.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-05-06 - Updated: 2007-05-06 - 1452 words

Upon seeing a red pick-up, which had certainly seen better days, pull up outside the coffee shop, Lucy threw down her apron with a satisfied smirk. The five-hour shift had dragged on unbearably slow, even in spite of the constant flow of customers. Grabbing her bag from the back room, she hollered out a joyful goodbye to her manager, before rushing through the front door and hopping into the front seat of the idling truck.

The second that she had managed to pull the door shut behind her, Pete put the truck into drive and pulled out onto the busy Chicago street.

"Hello boys!" Lucy greeted the group, slapping Pete on the shoulder and turning to blow kisses to Andy and Joe, both seated in the back. Receiving various forms of mumbled greetings, Lucy turned once more to the front, resting her feet on the dashboard before her.

"What's on the agenda for today, then?" she inquired, turning to look at Pete as he pulled onto the expressway. Most afternoons were spent in various garages, pigging out and goofing around. Lucy tried her hardest to throw a bit of intellect into the mix, occasionally bringing a movie over for the boys to watch, but this usually ended with spilled popcorn and three snoring boys.

"Glenview!" he answered cheerily, glancing over at her out of the corner of his eye. Noticing the confusion that contorted her features, he quickly elaborated.

"Joe met this kid yesterday at Borders, and he pretty much plays every fucking instrument in existence, so we're picking him up and then going back to Andy's to see what he can do."

Lucy paused for a moment, her face still expressing confusion. "Borders?" she questioned with a laugh, looking around just as Joe reached out to push her forwards slightly. "Yes, /Borders/. They had a two-for-one sale on some crap CDs." Sitting back with a huff, Joe crossed his arms over his chest, obviously content with his explanation.

"Okay, Joe's inability to read anything other than comics aside, what's this kids name? And how old is he, because if we're picking up some forty-three year old creep, you can count me out." Pete was quick to interrupt her rant, pulling onto the Glenview exit. "Patrick, and he's nineteen, like you."

"Well," she said simply, reaching forward to fiddle with the radio dials. After skimming through various America's top 100 channels, a few 'Nsync songs, and a talk show about cars, Lucy let out an exasperated sigh.

"Honestly, what is this shit?" she complained, before turning the radio off all together. Admittedly, Lucy had little patience, but the mainstream music of 2000 was complete, and utter crap. The boys, however, seemed to be amused by her short temper, and proceeded to take turns mocking her frustration.

"/Honethtly/," Joe lisped, flicking his hand with as much sass as he could muster. His imitation was answered by an annoyed 'shove it,' and a quick slap to the 'fro.

"You did not just touch the 'fro, Lulu," he insisted, his eyes wide in disbelief. "Oh, I'm pretty sure I did, JoJo," Lucy returned, her tongue between her teeth in a cheeky grin.

Before either could speak another word, Pete came to an abrupt stop and announced their arrival. Andy, who had remained relatively quiet through out the entire ride, was the first to exit the truck, obviously eager to escape the bickering pair. With Pete in tow, he rang the doorbell of the quaint, brick house, shifting his weight to the balls of his feet as he attempted to see in through the peephole.

Just as Andy was ready to curse his height, the door was unlocked with a loud 'click', opening wide to reveal a plump woman with rosy cheeks and a warm smile. Her smile faltered only when Lucy, clinging to Joe's back as he swung his arms behind him, trying his hardest to knock her off, offered a cheery hello.

"You must be the boys Patty mentioned," she greeted, regarding Lucy with a wary eye. Sliding off Joe's back, she pulled at the hem of her shirt as she straightened her posture, doing her best to appear presentable, before extending a dainty hand.

"I'm Lucy, temporary band manager," she introduced herself with a smile, nudging Pete discreetly. "-And I'm Pete!" he exclaimed, rubbing at his ribcage with a disgruntled expression. The other boys continued in this fashion, obviously a bit uncomfortable.

"Er, is ... 'Patty' here?" Andy inquired finally, jumping slightly as another figure appeared from behind the woman. Motioning for her to retreat back into the house, Patrick nodded, his cheeks flushed. "I'm here, and please," he paused, adjusting his hat, call me Patrick."

The group waited for Patrick to say goodbye to his mother, assuring her he would be home before midnight, before repeating the introductions. Once introduced, they piled back into the van and started the short trip back towards Andy's garage.


"Okay, but maybe try that in A minor," Joe rambled, fiddling with his guitar as Patrick strummed on his own. The boys had been at it for a few hours now, playing various songs that they all knew their respective parts to, just trying to get the feel of their new vocalist. Lucy had immediately been floored by Patrick's voice, the unexpected melodic sound definitely taking her by surprise.

Patrick's ability to sing - which none of the other boys possessed, exactly - and his talent with the guitar had pleased the incomplete band, allowing them to be confident in their choice of a fourth member. Glancing out the window at the now setting sun, Pete turned back to the group with a decisive clap and a weary smile.

"Well, boys, I think we've got something here." His statement was met by various murmurs of both agreement and disagreement, the sound still very raw. Lucy nodded with an encouraging smile, rising from her seat on the couch to stand by Pete.

"It's no Arma, but I do believe it is the start of something beautiful," she chimed in with a cheesy grin, before pointing to the door. "How about we celebrate at, say, Homer's? My treat." Pulling out her wallet, Lucy opened it and rifled through with a frown. "Make that Peter's treat."

Gesturing toward the garage door with a flourish, Lucy lead the way to the truck, the boys following eagerly behind as Pete brought up the rear, mumbling in a disgruntled tone to himself.


Waving at the retreating truck, Lucy stood by the mailbox as she shifted weight to her right foot. Dinner with Patrick went wonderfully, and contrary to what she had feared, the boys welcomed him with open arms. It seemed that after knowing him for merely a day, they had not only found themselves a fourth band member, but a new friend.

She, in particular, had found the shy boy's mannerisms endearing, thoroughly enjoying his company and insisting - multiple times - that they work on a duet some time. Realizing now that she may have come off a bit overbearing to the rather reserved boy, Lucy shrugged as she turned her focus back to the matter at hand.

Through out the entire dinner, Lucy had not been able to keep her mind off what might be waiting for her at home. It was not something she felt she was ready to share with the boys, but keeping it a secret from them was killing her. Taking a shaky breath, she reached out to open the metal box.

Able to just make out the shape of a package in side, she hesitantly bent down to peer in. She waited there for a minute, working up the courage to take the plunge and pull it out, before finally caving and grabbing it. In a matter of seconds the seal had been broken, and the contents had been extracted.

A mix of excitement and dread filled Lucy as her eyes met the paper before her. The words were exactly what she had been hoping to receive, and yet, at the same time, they scared her to death. She was certain that this letter was different from any letter she had ever received, as the impact of this letter would surely have a great affect on her life. Lucy could feel her future changing already.

"It is an honor to inform you of the Admission Committee's decision to offer you a place in the Rhode Island School of Design's Class of 2004."

Author's Note: Okay, so I'm guilty of changing around the ages - I think it works better if Pete isn't a perv. Here's the breakdown (don't hate me):

Joe - eighteen
Lucy, and Patrick - nineteen
Andy - twenty
Pete - twenty-one

See? Not so bad.
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