Categories > Original > Humor > Five Minute Soap Dish

Week 19

by johmichaels 0 reviews

Before a show, Nick and Kelly scheme.

Category: Humor - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor, Romance - Published: 2007-05-06 - Updated: 2007-05-06 - 923 words - Complete

Week 19

Kelly was surprised to find the studio door already open. Surprised, and a little scared. She burst open the door to find Nick sitting at her control desk. She ran over quickly, pushing him off the chair.
"Don't-ever-touch-the-controls," she breathed hoarsely.
"Oooh, someone needing some meaningless power," Nick said, picking himself up as Kelly stared at each control in turn, "Don't worry, I didn't touch any of them. I was merely pondering over their use."
"I don't trust you," Kelly said, still staring at the controls, "Knowing you, you've breathed one out of place. That slight correction I made is the only reason anyone would ever listen to you."
"You listen to me normally, don't you?" Nick asked.
"No. I ignore you. Like I'm trying to do now," Kelly said, "How did you get in, anyway?"
Nick started pacing the control room, "I've got the spare keys, remember? It was a choice between me or Steve, and with Steve promising to have sex in this room, I was the ideal choice. I mean, if you think my breath would move your controls out of place, think what hooker arse would do."
"I try not to," Kelly said, finally turning from the controls to look at Nick, "But aren't you supposed to be at, and seemingly forever?"
"Oh, I always manage some time off. Especially when it comes to securing our radio program. This program is the only thing stopping me from going on a shooting rampage at my kitchens, honestly. That and tight gun control laws."
"Riiiight. So, you're here early to secure the radio program."
"Well, more to find out if our plan to secure the radio program is going to go ahead. Remember-Plan 'Brady'?"
"Oh definitely. Think of the facts. Gia's nice to work with. Steve, occasionally, isn't a total arse. They both do good work on the program. But they don't like each other."
"Add a liberal dose of vindictive tendencies in us both-" Nick cut in.
"And you have Plan Brady, under way. So we go tonight?"
"Definitely. Willing and able, except-"
"Except what? You're not getting cold feet, are you?"
"No," Nick said, moving into the recording both, and placing on the headphones, "But this is Steve's problem, really. Do we really need to make Gia suffer to start a change in him?"
Kelly spoke into the microphone so Nick could hear it, "Look, I'm aware of that, but the fact is we've got no other plan, and no matter what we've said to Gia, if we can't work as a team, that's going to be a problem. So we need to sort this out, and to do that, we need to get Gia involved."
"Get me involved in what?" Gia asked, walking into the control room.
Nick hided his surprise well, grabbing the first thing that came into his head, "Oh, our annual orgy, of course. Happens each yeah, with me, Kelly, Kelly's ubiquitous boyfriend-and Kelly was just saying we need to get you involved."
Gia smiled, "Not Steve?"
"No!" Kelly interceded, "Never Steve! Never!"
"Seriously, what is it you guys wanted?" Gia asked, joining Nick in the recording booth.
This time Kelly came up with the answer, "We need you to come to Steve's dinner party-"
"Ahem!" Nick coughed indignantly over the microphone.
"Sorry, Nick's dinner party under Steve's name," Kelly explained.
"I don't know," Gia said, reluctantly, as she put on the headphones, "You know how it is between Steve and I. Maybe it would be better if only his friends were invited."
"If that were the case Steve would be having a dinner for one," Nick said, "Steve's already said it's okay. In fact, it was one of my conditions of the dinner party."
"You said you'd have the dinner party only if I were allowed to join?" Gia asked, surprised, and pleased.
"Well, it's more I want to meet this Mark-guy," Nick explained, "Kelly's bringing her beau, so you might as well bring yours."
"Who are you going to bring, Nick?" Kelly asked.
"Oh myself, naturally."
"Yeah, everyone's gonna bring their loved ones, or failing that, their partners," Kelly said.
"Hang on!" Gia shouted, "I haven't said I was coming. Now you want me to bring Mark along?"
"Give us something to be interested in!" Nick pleaded, "Otherwise it'll be just Kelly, and me visibly in pain as Steve tries to bed his latest conquest, with a side benefit of us trying to remember Kelly's boyfriend's name, or at least number."
Gia breathed out a long sigh, "Okay. I'll come, but I'll talk to Mark tonight to see if he's available."
"You're going out tonight?" Nick asked, slightly worried.
"Yeah. He's taking me out again soon after we're finished here. So I'll ask him then,"
Nick turned and stared at Kelly. Kelly just shrugged back at him.
"What's going on?" Gia asked, "Is there something the matter?"
Suddenly the door burst open, and Steve danced in. He half sung, half shouted, "I'm gonna get laid! I'm gonna get laid!"
"Thank you segue," Nick said under his breath.
"Alright, once Steve gets himself seated we'll be ready to start broadcasting," Kelly said, as Steve continued to dance.
"I got sex on tap from the ugly one, and the possibility of sex from another. There is no way I won't get laid," Steve said, dancing into the recording booth, "Dance with me Nick-I'm gonna get laid!"
Nick rolled his eyes, looking at Gia. She smiled and whispered, "I'll be there, I promise."
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