Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Tried To See You Forgetting About Me.

Chapter Thrity.

by ryanrossISsove 14 reviews

I promise you, to date, this is probably going to be one of the best chapters you ever read, in your life. you'll probably be sobbing by the end, but not because of what you all think.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-05-13 - Updated: 2007-05-13 - 1566 words

Pete's POV-

Then next morning, I woke up, alone. For the first time in this hospital, I woke up completely alone.

"Rachel?" I whispered, as I looked around, wiping my eyes, which im sure were doing there usual morning bleeding, they always bleed when I woke up. She was no where to be seen.

I wanted her to hold me while I got the injection today. Where the fuck was she?

I sat up in bed, and looked around. I really was alone. I hated being alone. Why would she leave me? She knows I hate being alone. She knows more then anyone. I can't sleep alone, what makes her think I sit in a hospital room, dying, alone.

Yeah, I've come to the conclusion that I'm dying, because what the hell would everyone be doing here everyday to visit, if I was going to be fine? I'm most definitely dying.

"Jack, where's Rachel?" I asked the stuffed toy next to me. He just looked forward, saying nothing.

"Yeah, me neither." I told him.

Suddenly, a doctor walked in.

"I want Rachel to be here, before we do the shot." I said, quickly.

"Don't worry Peter, you're injections been rescheduled until tomorrow." He said, beaming.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"You're going out today." he said.

I was confused. Last time I checked, I wasn't aloud to leave the hospital.

I looked over at the door, and saw Rachel wheel in a wheelchair. Strapped to the side of it, was a little machine, which I am sure if I had asked what it was, they would have told me that I needed it to leave the hospital bed.

"Rachel!" I said, smiling.

"We're going out, to have fun." she said, smiling.

I just smiled. That girl was amazing....

It also convinced me that I definitely was dying. Ha-ha.

"Okay Pete, can you get up on your own?" Rachel asked, wheeling the wheelchair over to my bed.

"Ha-ha, no way. I'm weak." I giggled. I tried to make the best of being sick like this.

The doctors had to help me out of bed, I was kind of embarrassed that I couldn't just do it myself, but I'm sure Rachel understands.

Rachel helped me get dressed in the clothes she brought me, since I was in nothing but a hospital gown. I got in my mint polo, and some blue pajama pants, so that I'd be more comfortable.

I got in the chair, and they painfully hooked me up to the I.V and what not in the chair, and then Rachel ran a comb through my hair, and handed me a stick of eyeliner.

"We're going out, I thought you'd want to look presentable." she said, giggling.

"Thank you, so much." I said, applying the eyeliner, and handing it back to her.

"No problem." she said, pushing me down the long hallway, and soon, out the door.

"It feels so nice to leave that fucking building." I said.

"I second you on that." she told me, as she pushed me down the busy sidewalk of L.A.

"How'd you do it? How'd you make them let me leave?" I asked.

"Sweet talk, I told them you knew you were going to die, and you had last wishes." she said, laughing.

"I do." I said.

"What, really?" she asked, pushing me down the street.

"Yeah, do you think...we could do them, today?" I asked.

"Oh god yes, make a list in your head." she said.

"I've got one already. I made it last night." I said.

"Okay, whats first?" She asked.

"First, is to see an octopus, a real one. I've never seen one." I told her.

"Okay." she said, with a smile.

She pushed me down the busy L.A street, and we met so many caring fans, that always almost burst into tears, when they saw me in the wheelchair, with my I.V and what not.

I was so glad so many people cared.

Soon, we stood outside an Aquarium.

"You think they have octopuses?" she asked.

"I don't know, I've never had time to come here." I said.

"Well, today you do." she said, wheeling me in.

We bought tickets, and went inside.

"Wow, look at all these fucking fish." I said, looking around.

"We're here for the octopus, look around." she said, parking my wheelchair outside a huge fish tank.

I scoped every inch of the fish tank, and Rachel looked around in the one across from me.

"PETE!" she screamed, running over to my wheelchair, and wheeling me over to her side.

"Right there!" she exclaimed, pointing to a crevice in a rock.

I looked in it, and saw that a huge octopus sat promptly inside.

I smiled, at just studied it, for about five minutes, it was so cool looking.

I giggled.

"Okay, what's next?" she asked me.

"Next, I want to get a tattoo of Hemingway, on my ankle." I said.

"Oh wow, you're a dare devil, aren't you? Okay, let's go." she said, wheeling me out to the busy streets, and searching for a tattoo parlor.

I got my tattoo, after handing then a picture of Hem, that Rach had in her purse. It looked great, and hardly hurt.

The whole day went perfectly like that.

Rachel took me to the zoo, and after talking to the zookeeper, and surprisingly have it turn out she was a fan, I got to hold some bats, which I thought was amazing, then I got to pet a tiger, and visit with the chimpanzees, which I always loved, because I've been around them before. Hehe.

Me and Rachel went to the amusement park, and played all the games. Even if I couldn't go on any of my favorite rides, I still had the time of my life.

I found out that everything I had on my list was so simple. It was things only normal people, not Pete Wentz, ever had time to do.

We got ice cream, just like that far away day me and Rachel first became semi acquaintances, and then we went to Hollywood, and saw every sight we could, it was amazing.

Second to last on my list, was to sit on a hill, and see a real sunset, like in the movies, so soon, I found myself and Rachel on top of a hill, behind us, orange and pink sky, and the sun, slowly, half way, gone.

"Anything else, Pete?" Rachel asked.

"Today has been the greatest day of my life. It was so simple, but I had more fun then I've ever had in my life...unfortunately, I'm going to have to do one more thing today." I told her.

"Anything Pete." she said.

"Before I say anything, promise me you would never say anything you didn't mean just because you felt bad for me?" I asked.

"Pete, you know me. I'd tell a cancer patient his hat was ugly if he asked. Im brutally honest Rachel." she said.

It was true, she really was.

"The last thing on my list, you don't have to help me with..." I said.

"Mmkay." she said, smiling.

"The last thing on my list, is to tell you how I really feel about you, and then ask you out." I said, fast, closing my eyes.

Rachel just blinked, opened her mouth to speak, then closed it, and blinked again.

"So...." I said, slowly opening my eyes.

"I love you. I don't think I ever stopped loving you. Or waiting. And, even if I only last a few more days, it'd make me happier then I've ever been in my entire life, if you'd be my girlfriend. I really do love you Rachel." I said.

"I..." she said, obviously speechless.

"I'll understand if you don't feel the same way, I just needed to let you know." I said.

"I love you, too." she whispered, looking down.

" do?" I asked.

"Pete, I love you so much. As I said before, everything I've ever done was for you. I did Heroin because I was miserable without you in my life. I never stopped loving you, either." she said.

"R-really?" I asked, looking at her.

She looked over at me.

"Really." she said.

"I've been waiting for this day for so long. Just me and you..." I told her.

"Me too.." she said, tears streaming down her face.

She stood up, and sat on my lap, because I was still in the wheelchair.

"I love you, Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz."

She said, as her soft, wet lips came slowly falling on mine. I kissed her back, as softly, and passionately as I could, and then pulled away.

"I love you. Rachel Rose Hacikyan." I whispered, kissing her again.

She held the back of my head, and deepened it, sliding her tongue along my teeth. I opened up, and she slowly slide her tongue in.

She was an amazing kisser.

Soon, she pulled away.

"Come on tiger, we've got to get you back to the hospital." she said, smiling.

I just nodded, still blown away by that amazing kiss.

We're together. Me and Rachel, are...boyfriend and girlfriend...

She hated me.

Now she's the love of my life...the one that's most likely ending soon.

AW =] they're finally together! What was that? Don't kill Pete, you say? HMMMM. I'll think about it. ;)
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