Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Tried To See You Forgetting About Me.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

by ryanrossISsove 6 reviews

Pete hates hospitals Rachel hates hospitals Pete hates needles Rachel hates Pete's immune system Pete hates doctors and nurses Pete's body hates the first injection Rachel hates when Pete sle...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-05-13 - Updated: 2007-05-13 - 1108 words

Still, Rachel's POV-

It's been three days of hell.
Pete slunk into some kind of a hibernation period after we all visited with him.
Since then, everyone's been here, William, Hayley, Jac, Pete's Parents, with Andrew and Hilary, Dirtys here a lot, the boys are here when ever they possibly can, and the boys from panic are here a lot too. Shaant hangs around, too. So many people come everyday that I don't know, even Boo and Joe Chavez Barker, from Release The Bats came around. It was cool to meet them.

I'm the only one who hasn't left Pete's side once, except to go to the bathroom. Patrick and Joe offered to take my job of Dog Sitter, so I could stay here. They also brought the movies, and books. And Pete's stuffed Jack, and his laptop.

And, I broke up with Gabe, too. I just told him that this hard time im going through with Peter makes it harder for me to be with him. He took it well, and still comes around to visit Pete.

Me and Brendon are still best friends. I actually think Rydon is looking at a comeback, he and Ryan are hanging out more and more, and me and Brendon officially declared what happened that night, a spur of the moment event.

So, that's where everyone stands now.

Oh, and did I mention:

Leave it to Pete's body to reject the first injection. They plan on injecting the stronger stuff in a few days. No one's told him about the hair loss, because I'm sure if we do, he'll die on the spot, or just won't let them help him at all.

"And in that moment, I swear we were infinite..." I read aloud to Pete, sitting on the edge of his bed, at 2:00AM, the line of the end of the chapter from one of my all time favorite books, "The Perks Of Being A Wall Flower."
I'm sure Pete hasn't heard this one yet.
He's still asleep, but I'm sure he can hear me.

"That's all for tonight." I said, closing the book, and setting it on the stand next to his bed.

"The fans just keep sending things, everyday, thousands and thousands of cards, and pictures, and balloons, and stuffed animals. Everything." I told him, glancing over at the window sill, filled with get well soon wishes for everyone's favorite bassist.

"William came today, he brought Sprinkles. They're in the mini fridge." I told him.

I always told him about the day, in the night, just incase he missed some.

He looked so peaceful. His mouth was slightly opened, and he never snored, just breathed soothingly, and softly, as his chest moved up and down. He sometimes raised his eyebrows in his sleep, when I or someone else talked to him, which was a sign that he knew what was going on.

"Pete, you should wake up soon, everyone's worried about you, kid." I said, slowly, carefully lying next to Pete on the bed, and snuggling into his arm, falling asleep.
In the morning, I woke up, Pete's arms tightly wrapped around me. I slowly got up, and yawned.
Pete stirred, and I waited excitedly to see if he'd wake. He opened his eyes, and smiled. "Hello." he whispered.
"You're awake." I whispered back, smiling.
"Mhm, how long have I been out?" he asked.
"Three days." I said.
"Thanks for staying with me all this time. Perks is getting good, do I get another chapter tonight?" he asked.
I smiled even harder now. He had heard me.
I just nodded, beaming.
"Good, I haven't heard that one yet." he said.
"Good." I replied.

I glanced at the clock, it was seven o' clock. People would start arriving soon.

Soon came quickly, as suddenly I heard someone open the hospital room door.

I looked over, at William coming in.

He looked up, and saw that Pete was sitting up.

"Pete!" he screeched, rushing over to hug him.

"Hey William, thanks for the Sprinkles." Pete said.

"My pleasure." he said, winking.

"Rachel, you are amazing." William acknowledged.

"She is." Pete said, smiling at me.

"Thanks guys." I said, smiling.
The Next Day Later.
Pete's POV-

"Okay Peter, we've got to change your I'V's." A nurse said.

I winced.

I hate this. I hate the nurses, and the doctors, I hate needles.

Rachel firmly grasped my hand.

"It'll be okay Pete." she said.

I looked at her, and sighed. It won't be okay. I hate needles!

"Okay Peter, let's see your right wrist." the nurse said, with the syringe in hand.

Rachel wrapped her arms around me, and I dug my head into her neck, as the nurse took my right hand in hers, exposing my wrist.

I couldn't help but flinch every time I felt the needle brush my skin.

"Peter, stop moving, it'll be done sooner if you just stay still." the nurse said.

"Pete, it has to be done." Rachel whispered to me.

I nodded, my head still buried in her neck, and held my shaking arm as still as I could, and let the nurse pierce my skin with the needle.

I moaned in pain, and Rachel held me tight.

Soon it was over.

"God job Peter." The nurse said, walking out.

"Fuck you." I muttered.

"Pete." Rachel sighed.

"What? I hate hospital scenes. I hate it all." I whined.

"Me too, and I have the choice to leave." Rachel said.

I stayed silent, then turned to her.

"Thank you, so much." I told her.

"Don't mention it." she said, waving it off.

I smiled.

"Can we watch Sixteen Candles?" I asked.

"Of course." she said, getting up, and putting the movie in.

She sat back down on the bed, and I put my left arm around her.

"Pete, you know you're getting some more medicine tomorrow right?" she asked.

"Yup. I have a feeling it's going to make me better." I said.

"It will, it has too." she said.

"Or...?" I asked.

"Or you need a bone marrow transplant." she said.

"And if that doesn't work?" I asked.

"Nothing but a miracle will." Rachel said.

"I'll die?" I asked.

"You could." she said, sighing.

"Oh..." I said, thinking about things. I was finally happy, I actually didn't want to die lately...I'm so fucking scared. You wouldn't even imagine.

sooo, Pete's getting the second dose of shit tomorrow, which, juging on the fact that my plans consist of having no plans at all today, could be later today, in the form of an update, just be sure to review, or i'll have to kill off Pete.
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