Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Tried To See You Forgetting About Me.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

by ryanrossISsove 7 reviews

He's scared.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-05-12 - Updated: 2007-05-12 - 752 words

Rachel's POV-

We all sat outside Pete's room for an hour or two, in silence.
Finally, a doctor came out of Pete's hospital room. We all looked up, almost in unison.
"I'm happy to report Pete survived his first minor seizure." he said, clapping his hands together.
"First?" Joe asked.
"Minor?" Patrick said, at the same time.
"Are you saying that Pete's going to suffer more seizures...worse, then this?" Brendon asked.
"Yes, im afraid with what he's got he could suffer seizures that bring him into a coma state, or small states of hibernation, sometimes lasting days, weeks." he said.
"Why would you tell us this?" Shaant asked, pissed off that the information was getting me even more upset, as I hugged him tight, and cried into his neck.
"Shaant, he's not going to lie to us and tell us Pete's fine, because we ALL need to face that fact that our Pete is far from fine." Ryan said.
"I guess you're right." Shaant said, rubbing my back.

"So, whats the game plan? How are you going to help Pete?" Joe asked.
"We've got three plans, three chances to make him healthy before we depend on pure miracle." the doctor said.
"What are they?" Patrick asked.
"The first is using a medicine on him that should clear the virus, but it's out of stock here, so it should be coming in from a neighboring hospital in a few days. There's a risk that his body might reject it, so if that happens, we send for the stronger, last resort version which is plan b, because it drains calcium and nurturance, and Peter will most likely loose all of his body hair, and most of his strength." he started.
"Pete'll loose his hair?" I asked, putting my head up.
"Only if his body rejects the first injection." The doctor said.
That was horrifying to even think about. Pete would loose his spirit, and his mind if he lost his hair.
"And plan c, is a risky bone marrow transplant, because it'll give him more white blood cells to work with, which can fight off the virus." the doctor finished.
"Okay...that sounds like a plan." Patrick said, nodding.
"Is he awake?" Joe asked, trying to look over the doctor.
"He is, but I'm going to ask you all to see him one person at a time, is that okay? He's really weak, and we can't over stimulate him." the doctor asked.
"That's fine." Patrick said.

I waited for my turn to roll around, and finally it did, after all of fall out boy.
Joe walked out, wiping tears.
"You're turn, Rach." Joe said.

I took a deep breath, and walked in.
He was laying in his hospital bed, looking weaker then ever. He slowly turned his head to me.
"Hi Pete." I said, waving, and choking back tears.
"Rachel, im so glad see you." he whispered.
I sat on the edge of his bed, and stroked his beautiful hair, which I hope we'd never loose.
"Rachel..." he whimpered.
"Yeah Pete?" I asked.
"The boys don't know one does...I pretend I'm not..." he started, weakly.
"Huh?" I asked.
"Rachel, I'm scared. I'm scared shitless. Why me? Why'd I have to be the one? I'm...I'm in so much pain....I'm so scared." he said, tears falling down his cheeks faster then I've ever seen them.
I couldn't talk, I was completely and utterly choked up. I breathed in.
"Pete..." I said, with what I could, and wrapped my arms around his neck, and just cradled his head, and let him cry all his fears out on my shoulder.

"Peter, I promise I'll make you as comfortable here as I can. I'll go to you're place, and you don't even have to worry about Hem, I'll take care of him, and bring him in for visits. You've got a T.V in here, I'll bring a whole bunch of great movies, like Nightmare Before Christmas, and I'll watch it all with you. I'll bring you Sprinkles everyday, and anything else you might want to eat. I'll bring you're laptop, and I'll bring you're Jack Skellington stuffed animal, so you'll never ever be alone. You'll be healthy again, I promise." I said, sobbing.

"Thank you Rachel, thank much." he cried.

I think, at this point, I'm just about as scared as he is.

MMM yum. More updates for sex machines like you. Go review, you fools. =D
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