Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > TonTon's Bath

How It All Started

by Kurenai 1 review

Written by KurenaiTeam8 and ScuffyPagen33 over aim. Pairing: GenmaShizune This is how their relationsip could have started and the following of it...what will happen?

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Genma, Other - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2005-11-14 - Updated: 2005-11-14 - 1181 words

Shizune ran through the streets of Konoha franticly looking for TonTon. She had been missing all day without a trace and she was beginning to worry.

She was intercepted by Genma as she rounded the corner and he was carrying--ta-da!--TonTon. "Ah, Shizune-san, I was just looking for you."

Shizune blinked as she saw TonTon in his arms. "Genma-kun, you found her! Where was she?" She took the small pig into her arms and hugged her, "I was so worried...and Tsunade-sama would have been furious if she didn't return."

"She was in the forest, just snuffling around." Genma pointed over his shoulder in the direction.

Shizune smiled, "Thank you for bringing her back. You really saved my hide." She held TonTon close so she couldn't run off again, "I think she is trying to avoid her bath."

"A pig? Avoid a bath?" Somehow, Genma found that incredibly funny and started laughing.

Shizune raised a brow, "You think that is funny? Maybe I should have Tsunade-sama assign you with the duty and then see who is laughing."

"Er..." Genma paused, not sure what to say to that. "That's not really... I mean... that's not really a task befitting someone of my rank."

Shizune frowned, "Genma-kun, we are on the same team and the same rank....what are you trying to say?" She was getting a little irritated with him.

"What I'm trying to say..." Genma chewed on his senbon and stared at a spot directly over
Shizune's shoulder. "Well... I think I better get that TonTon is safe."

Shizune sighed, "You're so always avoid the question when you know you are wrong." She turned to walk away.

"Shizune-san..." Genma sighed and followed slowly after her.

Shizune stopped, looking over her shoulder, "Hmm?"

Genma sighed again, adjusting the sleeves of his shirt. "Are you going to bathe her now?"

Shizune smiled, "Actually, yes." She waited for him to catch up to her, "Thank you Genma."

"You're welcome." Genma nodded, falling into step with her.

Shizune was quiet as they walked, not sure what to really say. She had a slight crush on her team mate but never knew how to tell him. She usually avoided him for that.

"Where do we bathe TonTon at?" Genma asked as they walked.

Shizune side glanced at him, "I usually just take her to my house to bath her. I have a small tub I bathe her in, in my backyard."

"How often do you have to bathe her?" Genma was starting to wonder why he agreed to this.

"Once a week. We usually have Naruto-niisan bath her but he us in a mission." Shizune replied as she approached a small house, her house.

"I've wondered...what function does that pig serve?" Genma paused on the porch.

Shizune giggles softly, "She's Tsunade-sama's pet but more so her nose is better then most....almost as good as Pakkun's to be exact."

"Ah." Genma nodded. "Well let's get it ready then..."

Shizune nodded and opened the door for him, leading him through her small home to the backyard, "Over here." She had a tub ready for TonTon already.

"This is a nice house," Genma said as he walked through. It was certainly better than his bachelor apartment.

Shizune smiled, "Thank you. You are welcome to come over again sometime. Of course on other terms." She slipped TonTon into the small tub.

"Right, because if I have to come over strictly to bathe a pig, I might just skip out on it." He gave her a smile.

She looked up at him as she kneeled down bathing the pig, laughing at his remark, "I'm sure you would."

Genma winced as he leaned down too, sticking his hands into the soapy water. He didn't really like getting wet. "Well, this is hardly what I'd call an A-rank mission."

Shizune's hand brushed his as they bathed the pig together, "TonTon is behaving though now that I have help." She used a sponge to clean the pigs back. After a little silence she looked up at him, "Thank you for coming to help me. You really didn't have to."

"No, I suppose not." Genma sighed once more. "But you're welcome."

Shizune got quiet again, not sure what to say to him as she finished bathing TonTon.

"So..." Genma started conversationally, hoping she'd bring up a topic.

Shizune looked up, looking eyes with his, "Umm, yea. Our last mission. How have you been since it? I mean you got hurt badly; I was scared you wouldn't survive it. Luckily I was able to heal you enough."

Genma shrugged one shoulder. "I'm fine. The stay in the hospital was awful. As hospital stays usually are."

"I'm sorry I didn't get to visit you much. You know how I must stay on Tsuande-sama about getting things done." Shizune said as she lifted TonTon out of the tub and dried her off.

"I know. She came by to see Raidou and I and lectured us about 'taking it easy'." Genma sighed at the memory. He really didn't like feeling incapacitated.

Shizune chuckled at the thought, "She only does it because she cares."

"And what about you?" Genma asked as he looked up from TonTon to Shizune.

"Wh..what do you mean?" She didn't understand what he was asking her.

"Do you care?" His tone was soft, hoping she didn't have eavesdropping neighbors.

A blush rose across Shizune's cheeks, "About you?" She smiled as she nodded, "Yes I do care."

"Well..." Genma looked away at the floor. "That's good."

" you are my team mate after all." She said as she got the feeling that he didn't mean the way she had hoped.

"Are you busy tonight?" Genma asked as he suddenly looked back up at her face.

Shizune shook her head, "No. Tsunade-sama doesn't need me tonight."

"Would you like to have dinner with me?"

She smiled and nodded, "I would like that...a lot."

Genma breathed a small sigh of relief, so glad she said yes. "Is ramen okay?"

"As long as Naruto isn't there, yes."

Genma stood up, brushing off his pants. "Considering he's on a mission, I think it will be fine."

Shizune let TonTon go and smiled at Genma, "Then Ramen would be nice."

"Meet me at ...eight?" He offered somewhat shyly.

She nodded as she walked with him back inside, "How should I dress?"

Genma looked a bit confused for a moment by this. Why was she asking him? "...In clothes?"

Shizune laughed, "Never mind...I meant something casual or something that can get dirty..." She was referring to her field gear and yukata.

"Oh well..." Genma thought about this for a while, twirling his senbon. "Since I don't expect us to be ambushed, you can wear whatever you like."

Shizune nodded, "Eight then?"

"Ah," Genma smiled. "See you at eight. I'll show myself out."

Shizune watched him leave; smiling to herself that he had asked her out.
Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter. The next chapter is their first date. R&R
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