Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Unexpected Endeavors

Unexpected Situations

by scottishfae 0 reviews

IYFG Nominee // An unexpected request rocks the shard hunting group when Kagome, mistakenly, agrees to the deal. Now the group must not only deal with the end of their quest but a moody Kagome, an ...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Humor, Parody, Romance - Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome, Kikyo, Kirara, Koga, Miroku, Naraku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo - Published: 2007-05-16 - Updated: 2007-05-17 - 2501 words

Title: Unexpected Endeavors
Author: scottishfae
Rating: M
Pairing: Sesshomaru x Kagome
Summary: The shard hunting group is rocked by an unexpected request from Sesshomaru and forced to endure the deal when, by mistake, Kagome agrees to his offer. Now the group must not only deal with the end of their quest but a moody Kagome, an irritated Taiyoukai, and a very jealous half-demon.

A/Ns: This idea basically came to me as a joke and I'm not going to try to take it too seriously. Because of that, the characters may seem a bit OOC. I'm going to try and avoid this as much as possible, considering I don't like reading fics like that myself and don't want to force that onto other people. Just keep in my mind, that situation can bring out different aspects of a person's personality/character, and that's what I'm playing on. Enjoy!

This particular chapter is for Dawna Sama [aff] who put the whip down right away with her expectations of when the next chapter should be posted. Hopefully I got it out soon enough for you and that it's still of a decent quality.

Much thanks goes to /yukihime/ who has so kindly agreed to become my beta! Chapters are currently being edited and re-uploaded to all my sites. Sorry for the inconvenience, but hopefully this means a better quality of work from now on.

Disclaimer: I do not own IY nor do I make any profit from these works of fiction.


Chapter Two: Unexpected Situations


"I said no," Inuyasha fumed.

They were back on the trail towards Kaede's and expected to be there in less than two days. The mood around the group had changed. There was a somber anxiety that floated over them, and seemed to emanate from Kagome. She had said barely two words since they had left camp earlier that day. Her nails were nubs against her skin.

"I don't think that is the issue here Inuyasha," Miroku said.

"What would you know; you're one of the people who got her into this mess."

He looked pointedly at both the houshi and Sango. Then for good measure he glared at the fox kit, who was riding on Miroku's shoulder. "Hey, why are you looking at me? I wasn't there!" Shippo shouted, his tiny fists curled.

Inuyasha's face split in a feral grin. "I just don't like you."

Kagome's soft voice interrupted the oncoming fight. It was tired with worry. She looked up at the hanyou, her eyes seeming almost hollow. "Inuyasha?"

"Y-yes Kagome?" he said.

"Sit boy!"

The hanyou plummeted into the ground.

"Don't be rude to Shippo," she said, her voice rising. "And don't be rude to Miroku or Sango either. It's not their faults."

A few muffled words came from Inuyasha's grounded form, but the group ignored it as they passed him by and continued on their way. "I think we should try and travel through the night, if possible," Kagome said. "I'd like to get back to Kaede's as soon as possible and figure a way out of this mess."

Sango nodded. "That shouldn't be a problem, if we get tired, Kirara can carry us."

The small fire cat mewed her acceptance of the plan.

"Hey wait a minute," Inuyasha yelled, peeling himself off the ground. "I decide if we travel through the night or not, and I say no, we sleep when night falls."

Miroku lifted his brow and looked at the hanyou in confusion. "You're usually the first one who suggests the idea of continuing our travels, why are you suddenly all for resting?"

Inuyasha thrust his hand in his sleeves, crossing his arms across his chest. He held his nose in the air, away from the others. "Because I'm the leader and I say what is best."

"He's being a spoiled puppy," Sango muttered.

"What did you say?" the hanyou growled.

"I said, you're being a spoiled puppy," she repeated. "You're just upset, or jealous."

"I am not jealous!--"

Sango rolled her eyes. "And so you're taking it out on us by going against what's best."

"Why is that when I suggest we keep on traveling, I get sat, but when Kagome suggests it everyone agrees? Just who is the leader of this group?"

Miroku chuckled. The harmonious tones from the rings on his staff echoed across the area as they walked. "No one is claiming Kagome-san to be the leader. Everyone is just worried for her. The sooner we get back to Kaede's the sooner we can figure out a way to get her out of this deal."

Inuyasha huffed, still not looking at the group.

"I'm sorry Inuyasha."

The hanyou turned his head to stare at Kagome's figure as she walked ahead of them all. Her steps were heavy as if she was exhausted, but from her scent he could tell it was her emotional and mental instability over the situation that was causing the problems.

"I'm sorry Inuyasha," she repeated. "I'm being a pest again.--"

"No, you aren't--"

"When we get back to Kaede's I'll need to go home for more supplies, but I'll only go for that. I'll come back once I get everything I need."

"But Kagome-chan, what about your tests?" Sango said.

She jogged up to be even with girl, throwing an arm around her back and grasping her arms in comfort. Kagome shook her head but did not repel the other girl. "It'll be okay. If we can't find a way out of this, I won't be able to go to school anyway. So this situation takes priority."

"Don't worry Kagome," Inuyasha voice called out.

She turned her head to peer at him over her shoulder. He was standing with his arms crossed in his sleeves still, but his face was locked on hers. He gave her one of his rare boyish smiles. She couldn't help the pink that graced her cheeks. "I'll find a way out of this, even if it's killing that bastard to keep him from touching you."

Kagome smiled at him. "Thanks Inuyasha, but I'd prefer you not to kill anyone."


Miroku laid a hand on the hanyou's shoulder. It effectively silenced him. Inuyasha looked over to the houshi but Miroku just shook his head. "Kagome-san has never been one for killing and, even in this situation, I doubt she would change her mind."


"No buts, my friend, we'll simply need to find a nonviolent way of getting through this."

The girls had continued ahead forcing the guys to jog a bit to catch up with them. Sango and Kagome were still walking half embraced, whispering to each other. Inuyasha's ears flicked back and forth, half listening to the surroundings and half to the words spilling between the two girls. He couldn't deny his worry over the situation and just hoped they could find a way out of it.


The group arrived in the wee morning hours before dawn broke. The village was dark and quiet. Barely a sound could be heard as the group walked through the roughly cut streets towards Kaede's hut. Inuyasha was carrying a snoozing Kagome on his back. In her sleep her fists clutched tightly the hanyou's clothing. Sango and Miroku were close behind on Kirara, Shippo sleeping within the folds of the monk's robes.

"It's unusual for Kagome to allow ye all to travel this early in the morn."

Inuyasha looked over to Kaede's walking form. She was leaning heavily on a stick as she moved to intercept their party. "There was some matter of importance that brought us back early," Miroku whispered.

The group paused to allow the elder woman to meet up with them before continuing on to her hut. "I take it this matter involves Kagome?"

A deep growl brewed in Inuyasha's throat, the vibration causing Kagome to stir lightly before falling back to sleep. Kaede stared at him oddly. "Let us move this conversation inside."

The group entered the small hut in silence. With the help of Sango, Inuyasha was able to put Kagome down in her sleeping bag in the far corner of the room. Shippo was placed in the sleeping bag soon after and an exhausted Kirara curled up at the foot of the bedding.

"So tell me what brings you back here so early."

Kaede was stocking the fire pit in the middle of the hut. The others moved to sit around the fire. There was a silence before Miroku spoke up to explain the situation.

"We met up with Sesshomaru on our way back here," he began.

Kaede looked to Inuyasha but his head was hung so that his hair covered his eyes.

"He made a rather.../unusual/ request from Kagome-san. She refused but through a rather confusing conversation it seems the Taiyoukai managed to lock Kagome-san into said agreement."

"She made a deal with Inuyasha's half-brother?" Kaede asked.

Miroku nodded.

"It wasn't something we realized happened until it was too late to do anything," Sango added.

A blush spread over her cheeks at Kaede's inquisitive stare. "And what, pray tell, is this deal Kagome made?"

The air was thick with tension as the group hesitated. Sango looked over to their sleeping friend, worrying her lip. Miroku's stare was into the fire, his hands clenched in his robes.

It was Inuyasha who finally interrupted the silence to answer Kaede's question. "She has to bear his child."

"Son," Miroku corrected.

Inuyasha's growl answered him.

Kaede looked back and forth. "Excuse me? I fear my hearing is beginning to dim."

"No, you old hag, you heard me correct," Inuyasha said. "He wants her to have his child--"


"And she stupidly agreed to it and now we have until the new moon to figure a way out of the deal or else she has to follow through and rut with the bastard."

Kaede's eye had gone wide and she stared at the sleeping miko across from her. Inuyasha was still seething, his fist flexing his sword's hilt unconsciously. "She's to bear Sesshomaru's child?"

"Son," Miroku corrected for the third time.

"Shut up houshi," Sango whispered.

"Why would a Taiyoukai, Sesshomaru no less, want to have a child with a human," Kaede asked.

"Especially since said human is a miko who has the power to destroy him," Miroku added.

Inuyasha snorted. Sango looked over to the houshi. "Could that be it?"

"You'll have to elaborate my dear Sango, I'm afraid I don't understand."

"He said he was looking for someone strong enough to protect herself after the birth," she explained. "Could the reason he asked for Kagome-chan particularly is because she's a powerful miko?"

"Powerful? Kagome?" Inuyasha laughed. "He must have the wrong girl."

Kaede shook her head. She stood up on her shaky frame and walked over to the rear wall. She took a teapot off the wall and poured some of the collected water into the hardy pot. "You should not underestimate Kagome, Inuyasha."

She sat back down, placing the pot over the fire. "Or, maybe, Sesshomaru picked her because he knew you would protect her and the child during the pregnancy," Sango added.

Inuyasha shut his mouth, his ego appeased for the moment. He looked over to Kagome who was still steadily sleeping.

"What I would like to know," Miroku said. "Is why Sesshomaru chose now, of all times, to ask Kagome-san of this request?"

"It does seem odd. Of all the impressions I've gotten of him, he seems highly intelligent," Sango nodded.

"What? You're complimenting him now?" Inuyasha yelled.

Kagome stirred, unknown to the group speaking just a few feet from her.

"No, Inuyasha, I'm just saying he's intelligent enough to know that Naraku is still a threat and that any child born now would be a weakness, both to Kagome-chan and for himself," Sango continued.

A slap echoed around the hut as Inuyasha's hand came into contact with his neck. The group around the fire shifted their eyes to the hanyou in time to see a small flea float down from Inuyasha's neck to rest on the floor.

"Myouga," Inuyasha growled. "You coward, why are you here?"

"Inuyasha-sama, I am merely here to check on your well-being."

Miroku eyed the flea. "That's not the only reason you're here, is it?"

"What do you mean Miroku?" Sango asked.

Kaede was handing out cups of the freshly brewed tea. Miroku watched the flea, blindly taking his cup from the elder woman. Myouga, under the scrutiny of the entire group, shifted uneasily from foot to foot.

"Well I had heard some rumours."

"Of Naraku?" Inuyasha asked eagerly.

"No Inuyasha-sama," he stammered. "About Kagome-san."

Miroku took a sip of his tea. He smirked into his cup.

"About Kagome-chan?" Sango asked. "Wait, do you know about this deal that Sesshomaru tricked her into making?"

Inuyasha growled and slammed his fist down on the planked floor. Myouga's small form was thrown inches into the air before falling back down to the floor. "What do you know about this?"

The flea coughed apprehensively. He cleared his throat twice before answering. "Well I know that there has been pressure from the other Taiyoukai for Sesshomaru to either produce an heir or establish Inuyasha-sama as the next ruler of the Western Lands."

"So this really does involve him needing an heir," Sango muttered.

"Yes Sango-san," Myouga clarified. "From what I've gathered, Sesshomaru-sama has shied away from taking a mate, he does not wish to make a political alliance."

"Why not?" Sango asked.

"He's an arrogant bastard," Inuyasha muttered. "He doesn't like to rely on anyone, and so he probably doesn't see a need to mate for political reasons."

Miroku snorted into his tea. He leaned a bit to his right and whispered to both Sango and Kaede: "Sounds familiar, doesn't it?"

Inuyasha growled, hearing Miroku's comment perfectly. The houshi didn't even try to cover his comment and smiled at the hanyou.

"So, Myouga," Kaede said. "Sesshomaru needs an heir, he doesn't want to pick Inuyasha, and he doesn't want a mate...or, it seems, a woman with any political orientation, to carry his child. So what brought his mind to Kagome?"

Myouga shook his head. "That, Kaede-san, I do not know. It could be that she is powerful and has powerful friends to watch out for her."

"But the child would be hanyou," Inuyasha whispered. "He hates hanyous, he hates humans. Why would he--"

"I don't know why he chose Kagome-san," Myouga interrupted. "In fact it was just a rumour that he was going to proposition her at all."

The group fell silent, thinking over the things they had learned. Kagome lay silently in her bag, worrying her lip.

"I think it is time for ye all to sleep. We will discuss this more later," Kaede said.

The group nodded and moved to different parts of the hut. They bedded down and, after a while, fell asleep. Kaede stayed stoking the fire, talking quietly with Myouga.




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Edits completed and re-uploaded 07-03-07
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