Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Unexpected Endeavors

Unexpected Problems

by scottishfae 0 reviews

IYFG Nominee // An unexpected request rocks the shard hunting group when Kagome, mistakenly, agrees to the deal. Now the group must not only deal with the end of their quest but a moody Kagome, an ...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Humor, Parody, Romance - Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome, Kikyo, Kirara, Koga, Miroku, Naraku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo - Published: 2007-05-18 - Updated: 2007-05-19 - 5416 words


Thanks to quirkyslayer for the IYFanGuild Nomination.

This chapter is dedicated to /fiery_amazon/ (livejournal) for putting a fire under my arse to get this chapter out. Thanks a lot! I hope this chapter meets your approval.


Chapter Nine;

A loud groan echoed as the collected men struggled to raise the large wall. The few youkai workers available had stopped their menial tasks to help out as well. Kin watched on, carefully eyeing the placement.

"More to the right, you fools. This alignment is critical."

Two youkai moved to the left and pushed the wall over. Kin shouted for them to stop when the alignment was made.

"Now quickly," he shouted again. "Secure the structure."

He could feel a storm steadily approaching. The winds were beginning to pick up and the top of the wall undulated precariously. Several men moved away in order to secure the wall, making the situation that more hazardous.

The bear youkai found his human counterpart weaving his way between the load bearing men. Jiro would go to places where he was needed, giving struggling men a brief break from the heavy burden. Kin smiled at the dedication.

"Hurry with the wall," Jiro yelled. "The winds are picking up."

Kin looked up. The sky had darkened considerably just within the last few minutes. A slight drizzle had already begun to fall. The wall was beginning to thrash as the winds continued to strengthen. The humans were struggling to maintain their grip and the muddy ground left by the construction wasn't helping matters. Even the youkai were having problems.

A snap, followed by two more, drew everyone's attention to the wall. The safety lines had broken before it could be completely secured. The entire world seemed to freeze as the large structure stood upright on its own for a few brief seconds before the wind forced it to start toppling. Men rushed to get out the way but the mud made it hard for them to run. Kin watched, wide eyed, as Jiro helped the fallen, pushing them away as quickly as he could. Shouts from the men for the human to hurry up seemed futile as the wall continued its path downward.

"Oh fuck," Jiro said, looking up and waiting for the inevitable impact that was sure to kill him.

"Stupid humans," Kin growled.

The walls descent had stopped just inches from Jiro's head. He looked over to see the bear struggling to hold up the wall.


"Shut up and get our from under, I can't hold it up forever."

Jiro nodded and ran from under the wall. The bear walked towards the edge, still holding the massive structure, until he was out from under it. He dropped into the mud with a splat, growling softly.

"What are you waiting for," he yelled at the men standing around. "Get inside and dry off. We can't get any work done now and certainly not if you weaklings get sick."

The men scrambled off to their tens. Jiro stayed behind.

"That means you too," Kin said.

Jiro nodded but didn't move.

"Save a man's life and this is what he does? Ignores directs orders?"

The other man smiled. "Or rather, returning the favor by watching out for you."

A sharp laugh came from the bear as he spun around. He walked over and threw an arm around Jiro. "What an odd friendship we have. One, I believe, that deserves a drink."

They both walked out of the downpour and into the youkai's tent. The rain would delay construction but there was a little that could be done. They would just have to wait it out.

"Kagome-chan, I'm sorry, but it looks like you'll just have to wait it out."

Said miko sighed and pulled harder at a persistent weed. She was trying to help Kaede out by weeding her small garden but her four persistent shadows were getting to be too much. "Wait it out? But for how long? They could all be like this forever."

Sango tried to smile encouragingly but it fell short. Jaken sat near by, watching as the miko struggled with her duties. He tired to keep a diligent watch over the younger miko. Just beyond him sat a squabbling wolf and hanyou and a mildly inebriated inuyoukai. The monk had been drinking as well but left to chase after a few young ladies. He was soon left unconscious from the taijiya's crafty use of weaponry. Shippo was with Kaede picking wild herbs in the forest.

Kagome squealed as the weed she was working on finally uprooted and she fell backwards on her rump. All four males turned to check on her as she glowered at the weed in her hands.

"Kagome," Koga said. "Are you alright?"

He tried to make his way over to the fallen miko but Jaken stopped him with the swinging of his staff. "Stay away wolf."

"Shut up toad," Koga growled.

A cocky smiled spread over his face. "As you've already said, she's mine and you have no right to keep her from me."

Jaken huffed but did not stand down.

"She's not yours, you stupid wolf. Just because you claimed her doesn't mean she wants to have anything to do with you," Inuyasha yelled.

"Of course she does. Who wouldn't want to be my mate?"

He narrowed his eyes as Haru put his hand up with a cheeky smile. He continued, ignoring the smart ass of an inuyoukai. "And course, we're both power and gorgeous, especially Kagome, so our children would be perfect."

A large clump of dirt and weeds hit the back of wolf's head and he turned to look quizzically at the fuming miko behind him.

"Great," she all but growled. "First I was just a shard detector and now all I'm good for is baby making? What a great step up for me."

Kagome looked up at the darkening sky. "Why can't people just see me?" she spoke quietly.

"For what it matters," Haru said from his reclined position by Kaede's hut. "I'm not interested in you for either."

Kagome looked at him and smiled slightly. He smiled in return and gave her a wink. "I'm just in it for the sex."

Both Sango and Kagome rolled their eyes. Some how they'd both been expecting it. Inuyasha and Koga, however, sputtered indignantly before jumping at the inuyoukai. Jaken just stepped closer to the miko.

"We should go inside soon. A storm is coming," Jaken spoke.

"I think the storm already arrived," Sango said looking at the group of arguing youkai.

Kagome nodded in agreement to both statements. "We should drag Miroku inside and probably go get Kaede and Shippo."

"Kagome-chan, while they're distracted why don't you go find the others. I'll drag Miroku inside."

The miko gave the other woman a grateful smile. She wiped off the excess dirt then ran off into the woods. Jaken followed in the fastest waddle he could manage. The three arguing youkai didn't pause to notice Kagome's disappearance

Sesshomaru rushed through the rain. The cooling drops clearing his head from his pounding headache. It had taken everything from bribery to threats in order to get his mother to agree to take care of Rin while he took care of personal matters. Jaken's message had greatly angered him and now he wanted nothing more than to take care of the wolf issue as quickly as possible. He'd deal with his half-brothers afterwards.

The Taiyoukai felt foolish for not realizing Haru would probably seek his miko out. Not that he feared his half-brother anymore than a nuisance. Kagome seemed to dislike the advances of the suave, sweet-talking, and yet lecherous monk and if there were ever two people alike it would the monk and Haru.

Lightning struck through the air illuminating the area. The woods looked angry as the wind thrashed the trees about. Leaves and dirt flew everywhere, dusting Sesshomaru's pristine white clothes with a light coating of brown. The leaves stuck to his face and hair but he couldn't be bothered to pull them off.

He had passed the construction site on his speedy trial. From his brief view he saw that progress had been made but not as much as he would have liked. Since Sesshomaru had no intention of surrendering Kagome to anyone else, he really didn't feel the need to stop the construction.

Another few minutes and he would be at the edge of "Inuyasha's Forest." The rain had not let up, even though he had traveled far from the center of the storm.

A scream punctured through the roars of the wind and Sesshomaru faltered for a second. His heart rate increased for some unknown reason and dread began to percolate. He scented the air but the wind was too chaotic to detect any definite smell.

He sped up going as quickly as possible. He could only approximate the direction in which the scream had come. The storm escaladed to new heights and it was only then that the first realization begun to filter through. The storm was too vast and moving at too odd of a direction.

The hairs on his neck stood straight. Concentrating hard he could just barely pick up on the expertly hidden traces of miasma lurking within the clouds.

"Naraku," he growled, hackles raised.

He sped up, pushing his limits and then some. The wind hammered against him, his hair tangling behind him and his clothes plastered against his body. The white silk began to tear as he continued to push forward, leaving the underlying flesh bare to the elements.

His instincts were going wild and he didn't bother to try and suppress the red bleeding into his eyes. An uneasy feeling was growing in the pit of his stomach and it only fueled his need to get closer.


A burst of wind pushed him back again. His growling became a steady hum in his chest. Through the wind he could hear a familiar high-pitched laughter.

"For all your worth, Lord Sesshomaru," the regal voice of Kagura said. "To be bested by a storm seems to belittle you so."

The Taiyoukai nimbly dodged another burst of wind. Another was sent on its tail and again he dodged, but not without causalities. He noticed that the pelt around his shoulder had been considerably shortened by the last blast and a greater portion of it had been swept up by the winds and carried off.

The last of his eyes turned red, and Sesshomaru looked at the incarnation with seething anger. "Bitch," he growled, his voice beastly. "You will pay for harming that which belongs to the House of Inu."

Kagura gave a strained laugh. The aura of danger emanating from the Taiyoukai was enough to make her own instincts hammer like crazy for her to flee. But Naraku was nearby and it would be her death if she were to run now.

"'Pay for harming that which belongs to the House of Inu'?" She mocked. "I suppose that means the miko too? Too bad Naraku has plans for her already."

A howl ripped its way through the roar of the storm and even Kagura's face went blank. Sesshomaru was narrowly holding onto control. His eyes were already shining and his face was horribly distorted into that of his larger form.

"I-it seems that everyone has an interest in that girl," Kagura continued. "Unfortunately for her, it seems Naraku wins."

"He will not touch that which belongs to this Sesshomaru."

The voice coming from the inuyoukai could barely be described as anything "human." Instead it sounded more like growls and barks that ripped through the storm and calmed it. Even the miasma bowed down the Taiyoukai in his greater form. He had let go of his control and freely turned into his large, inu form.

Kagura panicked. She now had a choice of death by Naraku or death by Sesshomaru. "If you want to save her," she said in her panic. "You'd better move fast. Or else you'll never see her again."

He took her in, eyeing her with distrust. The storm had died down and he scented the air. Naraku's stench was covering everything making it hard to pick up on Kagome's unique scent.

"Over near the dry well," Kagura said, her voice quiet.

Scenting the air again, concentrating specifically on the area where the well lay, he was able to pick up on trace amounts of Kagome's scent. A powerful barrier kept him from knowing much else of what was going on within.

Without another glance to the wind demoness, Sesshomaru took off towards the well. He crushed the forest and underbrush under his large paws. Even with only three legs, he moved quickly and without problems.

He approached the barrier with confidence. Concentrating on the swell of power, he pushed with both his body and youki. The two conflicting powers crackled and charged particles emanated from the barrier like lightning.

Sesshomaru offhandedly noticed his brothers and the rest of the group approaching the barrier as well. He didn't let up on his own attempt to break though.

Inuyasha was running with Tessaiga drawn. Haru stood away from the others investigating the barrier with cunning eyes. The wolf prince was beating at the barrier aimlessly, lacking any of the power needed to break though, but all of the will to keep trying. The others were impatiently waiting for a chance to flood into the closed area once the obstacle was gone.

"Sesshomaru," Haru yelled. "Over there. It's weaker."

The storm picked up again and a poison rain began falling. The humans screamed as the acidic, liquid miasma began eating at clothes and flesh. Miroku was quick to throw up a barrier to protect Sango, Kirara, Jaken and himself. The Taiyoukai had moved to the area Haru had pointed and was pressing against that spot with all his might. Slowly he began to sink into the barrier.

In the back of his mind, Sesshomaru noticed the searing pain as flesh and fur was burned away both from the rain and the miasmic barrier. His earlier wounds from the lashing winds hissed and oozed.

A thundering boom echoed and the Taiyoukai found himself on the other side of the still erect barrier. Beyond the barrier was completely visible while it the inside remained impenetrable by those outside of it. He watched as Inuyasha moved from his spot to concentrate on where he had been moments earlier. His fire-rat outfit protected him mostly from the rain but his hair was falling out in clumps and his ears were bleeding.

Haru, likewise, was losing hair and his clothes were rapidly disintegrating. Neither inu brother seemed to notice.

Returning his attention inside, Sesshomaru looked around the enclosure. There was a lack of Naraku's presence, which deeply disturbed him. Near the well, however, twin cries were coming from the huddled bodies on the ground. Kagome sat with Shippo in her arms, both hovering over the prone form of the elder miko. They were both keening. The stench of death hung heavily over the area.

"Kagome," he said in a half-bark.

She jumped and turned watery eyes to the large dog. "H-he killed her," she cried.

"Where is Naraku?"

"You were looking for me?" an eerie voice said.

Sesshomaru turned his head to the right to see a baboon-clad man standing at the edge of the clearing. "Back to hiding behind masks and puppets?"

"I apologize for having to leave you with a substitute," Naraku said. "But I had to deal with the more pressing issue of a disobedient incarnate. They can be so intolerable at times. But I am sure you are grateful, her defiance will allow you to keep your mate, for the time being. Know, however, that I will return for her."

"You will not touch what--"

"Yes, yes," he interrupted. "But does she even belong to you? I believe that claim is questionable, Lord Sesshomaru, even before the wolf's involvement."

Sesshomaru growled. He slowly allowed himself to transfer back to his more humanoid shape. He reached for his swords immediately.

"She belongs to me because I say she does and because she will agree to be on her own. However," He pulled Toukijin from its sheath. "She will never willingly go to you."

"Such noble sentiments, Lord Sesshomaru, but weren't you the one who entrapped her in deals of honor? Using confusion and trickery, how does that make you better than I?"

The inuyoukai's breath hitched. He tightened his grip on his sword.

"I see I have hit a nerve," the puppet jeered. "Then I will leave you with that to dwell on. But be keenly aware that she is on borrowed time and eventually, she will be mine."

The puppet dissolved and split. The barrier flickered but remained, however weakened. The physical damage done to Sesshomaru began to take its toll and he fell to his knees. Toukijin fell to the ground at his side.


Only absently did he hear his name being called, but he did noticed when gentle hands began to pull him down. He found himself lying on his back with his head pillowed against the soft, green fabric of Kagome's skirt.

"Kagome," he said softly.

"You're a mess," she said. "But thank you for coming to my rescue."

She gently ran her hands over his marred face and then through his now thinning hair. She looked in worry as large clumps fell to the ground.

His entire body hummed with pain but even so he could feel the gentle pattering of wetness against his cheek.

"Is it raining again?" he murmured.

"No," she said. "That's me. I apologize."

"You're crying? For the miko?"

Her hands tightened briefly and she swallowed a whimper. "For her, yes, but also for you."

"For me? You're crying for me?"

Kagome sniffled. "Yes."

"Why? I bound you with trick--"

"Never listen to what Naraku has to say, it's his own form of manipulation."

Kagome shifted under his head. Her scent filled the Taiyoukai's lungs. "Then why do you cry for me?"

"The barrier is falling," she noted.

"Why?" he persisted.

"How can I not?" she replied. "You came to my rescue and you were hurt for it. You deserve more than just my tears."

A small, ghost of a smile overcame the normally stoic features. With much effort, he lifted his arm and ran a hand through raven tresses. "You are such a beautiful woman," he said quietly. "Such a pure soul."

"You and Inuyasha have a lot in common, you know?" she replied.


They could hear the hanyou shouting and ramming his entire body against the barrier now. The inside had become visible to the outer world and those beyond looked worried at the four grounded people inside.

"You are both incredibly sweet when you're hurt badly."

"Moments near exhaustion or death," he said. "Are when the tongue becomes more nimble, loose, and honest."

She smiled and brushed some of his remaining long hair from his face. "So if I bring this up later, when you're feeling better, you'll just deny it all?"


"That's too bad."

"I'll never admit I was injured by the likes of Naraku."

She giggled slightly. Shippo had wandered over to the two, away from Kaede's body, and sat near the injured youkai.

"So you get a sense of humor when you're hurt too," she said. "Cute."



"Well then, may I advise you never to show such kindness as you are now to Haru."

"Why? Though I believe I know the answer."

She watched as Sesshomaru lifted his arm and pulled Shippo against his side. He put his arm down again to give the shivering kitsune an extra level of comfort.

"Because even near his death, he will always be groping the nearest thing possible."

Kagome giggle again. "I figured. He doesn't seem to be too...discriminative against who he goes after."

Sesshomaru shook his head. The green skirt under him rode up. Kagome shifted, trying to pull it down without disturbing him.

"No. He is happy with whoever attracts him, gender pays little heed," he said.

Koga had begun pounding on the barrier too. With each blow they made a little more progress. Soon the barrier would be gone completely.

"Maybe I should set my brother up with the wolf, that would kill two birds with one stone."

Kagome looked down, horrified. "I assume you mean Haru and not Inuyasha."

Sesshomaru smirked. "I doubt the half-breed and wolf could ever tolerate each other enough. But if Haru claimed the wolf, then the wolf would be out of my hair and Haru would be occupied."

"You really think--"

"No," he interrupted. "I know it wouldn't work. But, given my current state, I can dream."

"I suppose you came here because of Jaken's letter."

Sesshomaru nodded.

The barrier finally fell. The acrid smell of decaying flesh overtook the area and Kagome couldn't help but gag.

Inuyasha ran to the girl and looked her over. "Are you okay?"

Koga was by her side as well, ignoring to the best of his abilities the inuyoukai resting in her lap.

"I'm fine," she said. "Though I need to get all four of you to Kaede's to mend properly."

Haru had walked up but his attention was focused on the body in the short distance. "Kagome, is she--?"

She nodded. "We'll need to gather the villagers and have them carry the body back to the village. She deserves a proper burial."

Inuyasha had turned to see the body. Exhaustion was taking over and he sunk to the ground by Sesshomaru. The Taiyoukai's arm rose and grasped his brother on the shoulder briefly before returning to envelop the kitsune.

"Stupid, old hag," he mumbled.

"I'm sorry Inuyasha," Kagome said.

She chewed on her lip, looking out into the horizon. Jaken had waddled over to his master and sat near his feet. Miroku and Sango stood frozen at the edge of the clearing, staring at Kaede's form.

"Inuyasha, I hate to ask this of you," Kagome said. "B-but, it wouldn't be proper, you know, if..."

She took a deep breath, closing her eyes momentarily. "We need to find Kikyo."

Inuyasha's head snapped to stare at Kagome. "What?"

"They were sisters, she'll want to know about Kaede's death."

"You want me to go find Kikyo and what? Bring her here for the funeral?"

Kagome nodded. "But only after you've had some time to heal. I don't want you going off as you are now."

Inuyasha's golden eyes dulled and he turned them down to stare at his pants. He nodded his consent to the task given to him.

"Now let's get you four to the cabin," she said.

She looked between all canine youkai and blushed. "And maybe some different clothes."

Besides Inuyasha's fire-rat outfit, none of the other youkai's clothing had endured the acidic rain (though she wasn't sure how the Taiyoukai's had been damaged); very little was left on their bodies, and even less left to the imagination. Keeping her eyes on the horizon, she helped Sesshomaru to his feet. Inuyasha reached down and picked up Shippo. Haru grabbed Toukijin, with a bit of difficulty.

Miroku looked over to Kagome and nodded a greeting. "Miroku, will you go find some temporary clothes for Sesshomaru, Koga, and Haru?"

The monk nodded again and trotted off to the village.

"Sango, I need you to go inform the village elders about Kaede. We need to get her body back to the village before the scavengers come out."

The taijiya nodded. Kirara, in her large form, mewed. Sango jumped up on the youkai and flew off towards the village.

"Calm under pressure, delegation of power," Koga said. "You'll make a perfect alpha female Kagome."

"Koga, I'm sorry, but for the moment," she said. "Could you just shove it?"

The wolf stopped and stared at the retreating female oddly. The group hobbled along the path moving its way back towards the village. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Inuyasha shook his head.

"I believe it means, keep your mouth shut. No one is in the mood for that particular argument at the moment. There will be plenty of time for it later when everyone is healed and Kaede-san's remains are taken care of," Haru answered.

"All of the sudden being respectful, Haru?" Sesshomaru asked. "How unusual."

The hanyou snorted as Kagome hit his elder brother on the shoulder. "You can be quiet too," she threatened.

"Why can't anything ever be normal in my life?" Inuyasha grumbled.

"What Inu?" Haru asked. "You don't get your body scorched while rescuing a beautiful damsel in distress daily?"

"No, that happens pretty regularly, Kagome does have this way of getting herself in trouble."


The youkai chuckled lightly, ignoring the pouting miko. Shippo even mustered up a smile from his spot against Inuyasha's chest.

"I really shouldn't be nice to you three," he said. "But for some reason, at this point, it seems so pointless to be angry."

"That's the exhaustion talking," Sesshomaru spoke. "You'll be back to your foul-tempered, idiotic self within the next few hours."


The youkai laughed again. Kagome rolled her eyes. "I'd hate to say it guys, but I think I prefer you all injured than healthy. You all get along so much better. I could get use to this."

The group went silent. They had reached a point where the village was in sight. They sped up a bit. A group of lamenting villagers were following Sango in the opposite direction they were heading. Miroku was standing near the end of the path, his head down.

"You know that can never happen," Sesshomaru whispered to the miko.

"Yeah, but a girl can wish, can't she?"

"I suppose," he said.

They continued to walk, moving off the path when the two opposite groups came upon each other. The humans looked warily at the youkai around Kagome. Tears began to well up on the girl's eyes again and her sniffles reached the ears of all the men.

"But I also suppose," the Taiyoukai said. "That a slight attempt can be made, if it is the wish of such a beautiful woman."

Kagome smiled through her tears. "Thank you," she whispered back. "I'll remind you of this when you're back to being your normal, stoic self."

Sesshomaru hummed and nodded his head.

They met up with Miroku who gave the clothes to the youkai then left to follow the villagers. A sullen Kagome led the youkai to Kaede's hut, letting them change inside before she went in herself.

She looked between the four youkai. Shippo had fallen asleep in the corner. Jaken sat demurely next to the kit. She clapped her hands to boost her own morale and prepared herself. "Well let's get a look at the damage."

Kagome dug out her first aid kit then gathered up some of the dry herbs and remedies Kaede had lying around.

"This is really unnecessary, I will heal--"

Kagome interrupted Sesshomaru before he could finish. "Just let me do this," she said. "I need something to occupy myself."

He nodded.

The miko looked around at the four, gauging who she needed to look after first. Many of the wounds had already begun to heal, even though their appearances were less than pretty.

"That's it," she exclaimed.

She went back to her backpack and dug out a pair of scissors. "I'm sorry guys, but...well, your hair."

She gestured at the ragged silver locks of the three inus and Koga's fallen, black tresses. Large patches were missing from all four leaving their appearance anything but noble.

Haru gulped. "What are you planning on doing?"

"Just going to even it out."

"It'll grow back quickly on its own," Sesshomaru explained.

He too was nervous and the glint of the silver scissors were looking even more menacing then the acidic rain.

"Well it'll grow back even if I give you all a bit of a trim. At least in the meantime you won't look so silly."

Inuyasha shoved his hands in his sleeves. His ears were burning still. "Fix my ears," he said harshly. "Then you can deal with my hair."

Kagome smiled at him. She grabbed the white box of her first aid kit and dropped down behind him. She quickly went about sterilizing the wounds. She couldn't wrap his ears in gauze but she carefully placed band-aids on the more severe wounds. Once she was satisfied that the bleeding would be deterred at least a bit, she grabbed the scissors.

Carefully, Kagome pulled the remaining long hair back into her free hand. Cringing a bit, she brought the scissors against his beautiful hair and cut it away. It floated to the floor and blanketed the wood in a silver carpet. She continued cutting until Inuyasha's hair was even.

"You know, Inuyasha," she said while admiring her handy work from all angles. "You look good with short hair."

"Feh," he responded. "Don't get used to it. It'll grow back quickly and it'll stay that way."

The miko smiled. "I figured. Anything else hurting that you want me to look at?"

The hanyou shook his head. He looked over to Sesshomaru who was leaning against a wall watching them behind half-closed lids. "He needs to be looked at next."

Kagome nodded and moved her supplies over to the Taiyoukai. "What hurts," she spoke quietly.

"I am fine miko."

"Obviously, you're going back to being cold and distant."

Sesshomaru didn't respond but he sat up.

"So you won't let me look at your wounds but you'll let me cut your hair?"

"This Sesshomaru does not tolerate looking a fool. You have proved you can do a decent enough job."

Kagome sighed and moved behind him. With careful precision, she repeated the same motions she did for Inuyasha. Cutting off the leftover long locks and evening out the rest so it was cropped against his head.

"You look good with short hair too, though I think the long is much more suiting."

Sesshomaru nodded his thanks and leaned back against the wall.

"How long will it take your hair to re-grow?"

Inuyasha shrugged. Sesshomaru didn't bother to answer. Kagome wasn't completely sure he was still awake.

"A day, maybe two, depending on how much of the natural healing ability is being diverted to other parts of the body. Hair is one of the less essential parts of the body, after all," Haru answered.

Kagome nodded, eyeing the Taiyoukai. She chewed on her lip for a bit before turning to Haru.

"You next then?"

The other inuyoukai smiled. "Looks like it. You'll have us all without hair within the hour."

The young miko had the decency to look sheepish. "Sorry, but--"

"It's perfectly fine, Kagome. I understand."

She moved over to the inu with her white box in hand. "Any other injuries you need me to look at?"

He smiled and leaned forward. Twin growls had him stop before he got too close. "It seems that all I need taken care of is my hair, since my brothers are no fun."

Kagome gave a half smile and moved around back. She quickly cut his hair, noting that it wasn't as long as the other two brothers, nor was it the same hue. "Haru?"


"Later, when we get all this behind us, you'll have to tell me more about you."

He nodded silently, feeling the glares of the other three youkai in the room.

"Koga, your turn."

The wolf looked at the other three men, hair cut closely to their head; he cringed but didn't stop her.

"Thank you Kagome, always so caring."

"Stuff it wolf," Inuyasha growled. "It's not the time to try and suck up to her. Just let her cut your hair and be done with it."

"Inuyasha," Kagome warned.

He gulped and braced for the impact.

"Sit boy."

Shippo was startled awake by the thud. Seeing the hanyou plastered to the floor, he stretched briefly, shifted positions and went back to sleep. Jaken mumbled something under his breath before returning to his silent vigil.

Kagome ignored the grumbling hanyou to concentrate on Koga's hair. They all awaited the return of Miroku and Sango. Then reality would set back in and preparations would have to be made for their departed friend.

editations! 05-10-07 Let me know if I missed something, I'm sure I did.
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