Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Unexpected Endeavors


by scottishfae 0 reviews

IYFG Nominee // An unexpected request rocks the shard hunting group when Kagome, mistakenly, agrees to the deal. Now the group must not only deal with the end of their quest but a moody Kagome, an ...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Humor, Parody, Romance - Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome, Kikyo, Kirara, Koga, Miroku, Naraku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo - Published: 2007-05-18 - Updated: 2007-05-19 - 4235 words


I've made a couple of huge landmarks with this fic as of late, including reaching over the 10,000 hit mark on AFF. Once I can finish my current gift fic, I'll set up some landmark goals and gifts. But that's for the future.


Chapter Ten

He tried never to think of himself as vain. It was, after all, of great importance for a Taiyoukai to look his best and that was to look better than most. So it was with considerable relief when Sesshomaru looked over into the reflective surface of the lake, that his hair had already grown back significantly. It was not back to its usual length, but already far past his shoulders.

He listened as Kagome sighed behind him. "I really wish I had hair like you," she said. "It's so silky and beautiful. You didn't even have to wash it and it looks pristine."

Sesshomaru could feel his pride swell at the compliments. He flipped his hair casually and drew a hand slowly through it. Kagome giggled softly behind him.

"And what is so funny?"

She just smiled at him, her head cocked to the side. He raised an elegant brow at her but she continued to say nothing.

"Oy, Kagome," a brusque voice called out.

Koga walked out of the forest, his hair too had returned to its normal length and was held high on his head. "What you doing out here with him?"

The Taiyoukai stared down at the wolf with impassive eyes. "Do be silent wolf, you're voice is aggravating to my ears."

Said wolf huffed, crossing his arms across his chest. "Maybe you can talk to Inuyasha like that, Lord Sesshomaru, but I'm a prince and leader of my tribe. Speak to me with the respect I deserve."

"I will speak to you ask I wish," Sesshomaru said. "And you will refrain from speaking ill of my brother. He is the son of my father and a member of the House of Inu, by those rights alone his position is higher than yours."

Koga narrowed his eyes. He dropped his arms by his side and clenched his fists. All of his muscles tensed under bronzed skin.

"Really, you two," Kagome said exasperated.

Both youkai looked over to the miko. She had stood from her position on the ground and was wiping at the grass that clung to her backside.

"Can't you both just give it a rest? At least until..."

She trailed off and looked down at her feet.

"Don't pay either of them any mind, Kagome," Haru said walking up to the group.

He slung an arm over narrow shoulders and drew her to him. She clung to him, holding back tears. The scent of musk and cloves filled her lungs as she buried herself into his embrace. Haru, to his credit, acted only in comfort and without any untoward intention.

Sesshomaru looked away from the two, ignoring the emotion that was welling up in his stomach and stifling the breath his throat. He turned from the group and began to walk out of the clearing.

"Where are you going?" Haru asked.

"To look for my pelt, it fell off during the attack from Kagura."

Haru nodded.

Taking one last look at the girl, Sesshomaru walked away. Koga was soon following in his wake.

"What do you want wolf?"

Koga mumbled something.

"Repeat yourself so that this Sesshomaru may understand."

"I'm going to help you--"

"I do not require your help," he interrupted.

"Well too bad."

A moment of silence passed between the two as they made their way through the forest. "And what do you ask in return for this service?"

Koga snorted. "Wow, how cynical of you. Couldn't it be that I just wanted to help out? Moment of good will and all that?"

The Taiyoukai spun around, pulling up to his full height. "Don't try and play with me cub, you are no where near smart enough. Tell me outright what you are trying to bargain for."

The wolf opened his mouth to answer but was cut off quickly. "And do not think of asking me in any way to give up on Kagome. Once this affair with the elder miko is settled, I will once again pursue Kagome with my original intent."

"I won't relinquish my claim on her," Koga growled.

"Than you will die."

The two stared each other down. Stormy blue eyes looked angrily into a calm, golden gaze. Neither giving anything to the other.

"I'd figure you'd be smart enough not to pick fights with him, dumbass."

Koga looked over to see Inuyasha jump out of a tree. Two halves of a fluffy pelt slung over his shoulder. The hanyou offered it to his elder brother. Sesshomaru took it, a hesitant nod his only sign of gratitude.

"Where is the undead one?"

"On her way."

Sesshomaru raised a brow. Inuyasha shrugged the question aside. "She said she'd be here by the end of the day. She didn't say anything else."

Inuyasha continued after a pause. "Did you leave Kagome by herself?"

"She's with Haru."

Inuyasha's hackles rose. "Why did you leave her with him?"

Koga was tense and his eyes adverted.

"She was upset and Haru has the better ability to comfort her."

"Why was she upset asshole?"

Sesshomaru looked at his brother with cold calculation. He turned from the group and began walking back to where they had come from. "She is in mourning, Inuyasha. It is obvious why she is upset."

The hanyou shut up from his elder brother's words. He looked over to Koga. The wolf met his eyes then turned to follow the eldest youkai. Deciding to beat the other two back, Inuyasha took to the trees again.


Inuyasha jumped into the clearing after leaving his brother and the wolf. He noted that Kagome and Haru were sitting by the lake, a couple of feet separating their bodies. Shippo was playing in the shallows just in front of them. Inuyasha stifled a growl at the domestic scene before him

"Why are you keeping your hair like that?"

Haru, already reclined in the grass, tilted his head back to see the hanyou. He smiled as sweetly as he could, but the expression looked alien on his face. "You don't like my hair Inu?"


Kagome turned half way around. She smiled at him though the sadness in her eyes dampened the usual spirit-lifting affect. "Were you able--"

"Yeah, she'll be here by tonight."

The woman smiled gratefully at him. "Thanks Inuyasha."


He walked over to the other three and abruptly sat on the ground. He crossed his legs and arms and looked over to where Shippo was still playing. He noted the fact that the kit's behavior wasn't as energetic as usual and suspected it was more an act for Kagome's benefit.

"Aw, Inu, are you blushing?" Haru teased.

"Shut up."

"See now he's embarrassed too. How adorable."

"I told you to shut up."

"But Inu--"

"And stop calling me 'Inu', it's not my name."

"Haru," Kagome interrupted. "Stop teasing him."

Haru grinned and sat up briefly before dropping down into Kagome lap. "But Kagome," he drawled. "It's too much fun."

Despite herself she giggled at the inuyoukai. She pushed at Haru's head but he refused to be budged.

"Stop acting like an idiot," Inuyasha growled.

Haru stuck out his tongue and kept his position. From the water, Shippo giggled at the three. Kagome's attention switched from the two brothers to the kitsune.

"Shippo, it's time to get out," Kagome said.

He obeyed and ran out of the water. The miko pushed Haru aside so she could grab a towel to wrap Shippo in. He gladly accepted the fluffy warmth of the fabric as Kagome dried him off.

"What an odd material this is," Haru noted. "Where did you find it?"

Kagome forced a smile. "That's a tale for another time, I believe."

Noticing her discomfort, Haru didn't persist the subject. "I suppose I do owe you my story before I delve into yours."

"That would be nice. I'd like to get to know you better."

"He's a pervert and a leech," a regal voice said. "And his wondering interests have become renown in all of Japan."

The miko smiled over to Sesshomaru and Koga as they entered the clearing. She frowned once she saw the ruined pelt. The Taiyoukai shook his head, trying not to upset her further. Personally, he was both furious and grieved over the fate of his family heirloom, but there was little that could be done now.

"Hey, where's Jaken?" Shippo asked.

"He took Ah-Un to return to my home and collect clothing. He should be back soon."

"I suppose all three of you would rather return to your normal attire," Kagome chirped.

Koga, Haru, and Sesshomaru looked at each other and then down at the human clothing they still donned. Sesshomaru continued to act regal, no matter his clothing, but it was obvious it annoyed him to be dressed down.

"It will be nice to wear my normal clothes," Haru sighed.

"And who said I was having your clothing fetched?"

Haru looked at his elder brother in surprise. "But you sent Jaken back--"

"For my own clothing, not yours. If you want that ridiculous excuse of an outfit, you'll have to return to the palace and get it your self. I have no intention of helping you out when your presence here is unwanted."

The shorthaired inuyoukai stood and stared at his brother. The other didn't even flinch at the unbound anger. Without a word, Haru turned and stalked back to the village.

"Sesshomaru, don't you think you were being a bit mean?" Kagome asked.

She was watching Haru as he left the group, easily taking note of the anger suppressed just under the surface.

"I do not regret what I said. His appearance here was in direct disobedience to my wishes."

"But that doesn't mean you have to tell him he is unwanted."

"He is."

Kagome looked over shocked at the Taiyoukai. Her brows were knit and her normally calm eyes were clouding over with anger. "I really wish I could 'sit' you."

Unintentionally Inuyasha was forced down into the ground by the subduing spell. The miko began to apologize profusely for the accident. For once, he didn't press the issue.

"Shippo," Kagome said, turning from the youkai, half and full, in the area. "Let's go back to the village. You can help me cook."

The kitsune nodded. He ran to grab his clothes, shucking the towel in the process, and throwing them on. He hastily tied his hair back in its tie. Kagome gathered her stuff, and the now discarded towel, before picking up Shippo and walking down the path Haru had taken just a moment ago.

"Wow, you just really fucked up. You know that right?" Inuyasha said. "And Kagome can hold a grudge for days."

Sesshomaru remained silent but watched the miko as she walked away. "Mongrel follow her to make sure no trouble falls upon her."

"Don't call me a mongrel," the hanyou growled.

"Not you idiot, the wolf."

Koga looked like he was going to protest but instead took off without saying a word. He caught up with the miko and kitsune quickly, leaving the two brothers in the clearing.


By the time Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, and the newly returned Jaken found their way back into the village, midday had already passed. Most of the villagers were heading back to the fields for their daily chores, their feet dragging and obvious sadness etched on their faces.

The smell of ramen and stew drifted to the youkai as they neared Kaede's hut. Inuyasha sped up and entered in a hurry, his stomach's growls overbearing the noise of the chatting youkai beside him. Sesshomaru chose to take a seat against the outside of the hut instead of entering.

"Jaken," he commanded. "Go inside and return the humans' clothing."

"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru."

The toad bowed and entered. The Taiyoukai lay back against the shabby building and closed his eyes. He made sure to keep his senses alert in case any danger approached.

"You can come inside, you know. She's not still mad at you, though you have probably hurt your chances some."

Haru stepped out of the hut and sat down next to his brother. He mimicked his position.

"Were you really upset? Or were you being overly dramatic for the miko's sake?" The calm voice asked after a few moments.

Haru smirked. "Angry, yeah. We are family after all; we're supposed to look out for each other. But you didn't say anything I didn't deserve."

"You will be the death of me," Sesshomaru sighed.

His headache was returning and he gave into the urge to rub his temples.

"That's where you're wrong."

Haru sat up, looking over to his brother. "I'll be there to make sure that someone else isn't the death of you. It's what family does."

Sesshomaru snorted. "I doubt you could defeat anyone who had enough power to harm my person."

"There are different ways of harming you though, some in a less direct way."

The Taiyoukai agreed. Haru was speaking directly to Naraku's attack of Kagome.

"Though something bugs me about that attack earlier," Haru noted.

"I agree."

"The fact that Naraku allowed a small weakness in his shield--"

"Everything with Naraku is a game. This was his way of challenging me, of trying to hold some control over me, but as he realized the past few times he tried to do similar things, I am much stronger than he."

Haru looked at his brother skeptically. "Still, it may be best not to leave Rin alone."

"Rin is with mother."

Both inuyoukai shivered at the unspoken threat that posed.

Haru grinned and leaned back against the hut again. "Wouldn't that be a sight to see? Naraku attacking mother?"

"He wouldn't last more than a few minutes." Sesshomaru said. "He wouldn't even need to goad her into showing her true power, she would dispel of him with her nagging alone."

Haru laughed out right. He slapped his brother on the arm. "Wait, I thought her nagging was her true power."

"Ah, only one of them, I'm afraid." Sesshomaru said before turning serious. "She is quite powerful. Don't let the spoiled nature she lives in now delude you of that fact. My father chose her for a reason--"

"Wasn't she chosen as your father's mate because of some political reason or another?."

"Yes, I suppose that is correct. But even those alliances come with stipulations. If mother had not shown the power she had, then the alliance would be deemed unworthy. To rule over the Western Land requires a strong heir, and a strong heir requires strength from both parental lineages."

Haru nodded. "So, in a round about way, you're saying I'm strong as well, being my mother's son and all?"

The Taiyoukai looked blandly over to the other youkai. He brought his hand up and flicked his younger brother in the forehead. "Must things always return to you?"

"Yeah," Haru said with a large grin. "I am the center of the universe, after all."

Sesshomaru rolled his eyes. "Only in your delusions."

A giggle interrupted the conversation. Kagome stood halfway out of the hut, holding the straw door-hanging up with one arm. She was smiling sweetly at both inuyoukai.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything."

"Ah, you weren't, Kagome," Haru assured her. "Just some brotherly teasing."

The miko's smile grew and she met Sesshomaru's gaze. "I see you're back in your normal attire," she said. "It does suit you so much better. White seems to just have been made for you to wear."

The Taiyoukai nodded in gratitude of the compliment.

"I am sorry, you know," Kagome began.

"There is no need to apologize Kagome," he interrupted. "I understand why you were upset. Though I cannot promise it will not happen again."

She nodded. "I understand. But in the meantime, how about you both come inside to eat something. I'd like to finish off the stew now. Koga's promised to go hunting later so we can eat a more substantial meal for dinner."

"Shouldn't he be returning to his pack soon?" Haru asked under his breath.


The younger inuyoukai shook his head. "Nothing Kagome, if you would lead the way to the food."

"Sure," she smiled. "This way."

Haru stood up and wiped the dirt off of his backside. He reached down for his brother's hand. Sesshomaru declined the help and rose on his own. They both followed the miko inside.


After the midday meal, the group had settled on helping the villagers out. Koga had gone out on the hunt, bringing back enough food to feed the entire village. With Kagome and Sango's help, they managed to put the meet on a spit and began cooking it for dinner later that day. In the meantime, they had decided to retire to Kaede's hut to discuss the later funeral arrangements.

The group looked up as the flap to the hut was pushed out of the doorframe. Kikyo stood looking at the odd mixture of humans and youkai with obvious disgust in her eyes.

Kagome stood, bowing to the elder miko out of respect. "Kikyo, I'm glad you could make it, even for such a horrible event."

Kikyo's gaze focused on the younger miko and she strode briskly forward. Before anyone could do anything to stop it, she lifted her hand and slapped Kagome across her right cheek. The force threw the younger girl to the side where she lost balance and fell to her hands and knees.

Silence reigned in the cabin before Kikyo began to talk with obvious hatred in her voice. "A fool of a miko you are, if even you can claim to be such," she said. "How could you allow Naraku to use my sister like that?"

"What are you talking about?" Inuyasha asked.

"He has her soul and is using it as he wishes."

Kagome was whimpering on the ground, her hand brought up to a bruising cheek. Kikyo turned from her supposed reincarnation and looked directly at the Taiyoukai. No trace of fear shown in her eyes as she confronted him. "And you, oh /great Lord Sesshomaru/," she spit out. "You knew that this was happening. It's why you didn't attempt to save her soul, because you knew that it had already been taken."

Sesshomaru remained passive under the accusations. Inwardly he was flinching as he could feel the horrified eyes of the other group on him. While he cared little of what they thought, Kagome's reactions, once over the shock, would be much the same.

"This Sesshomaru was in no condition--"

"Making excuses now?" Kikyo interrupted. "Or were you aspirations to bed Kagome over coming your ability to think correctly?"

"Hey," Inuyasha shouted.

He had stood up and was shaking with suppressed anger; it was unclear whom it was pointed towards, however. "He may be an asshole but he didn't do anything like that on purpose."

A twisted smile grew on the dead miko's face. "So quickly to defend a brother that easily condemns you for your human heritage?"

"And you're so quickly to condemn and change Inuyasha because of his youkai side," Sango spoke. "You're not much different, now are you?"

Kikyo looked at the taijiya. "You are not one to speak /demon slayer/. Considering the amount of youkai in this room, you seem to be quite ineffective."

Sango gave the other woman a sarcastic smile. "Not ineffective, just with a better ability to know who is friend and who is foe."

"Where was that judgment when Naraku killed your entire family?"


The group looked over to Kagome. She was still on the floor, tears falling to the wooden surface freely. "Stop it please," she said again. "This isn't the way to remember Kaede."

She looked up to Kikyo. Everyone but the elder miko flinched at the bruise blooming on her ivory flesh. Sesshomaru found himself growling despite himself.

"I understand your upset Kikyo, I really do. But this isn't the way to deal with this. If we're to get Kaede's soul back, we need to work together."

Miroku nodded and petted Shippo lying on his lap. "I agree with Kagome-san. The best we can do is go ahead with the funeral than set out to find Naraku."

"But," Kagome said. "If we burn her body, then we can't return her soul, can we? I mean, by getting her soul back, we can bring her back to life?"

She looked over to Sesshomaru. Her eyes were wide and both cheeks tear-stained. "You can bring her back with your sword, right? I mean, that's what it does, correct?"

The Taiyoukai diverted his eyes to the side, staring at the cracks in the wood. While he could easily stand up to the foulest of youkai, his heart ached when looking at the desperate eyes of the miko before him. The monk saved him from having to explain.

"It doesn't work like that, I'm afraid, Kagome-san. Her body has already started to decay, even by putting her soul back, the body would not be able to support it."

"The only way for her to 'live' now," Kikyo went on to say. "Is to condemn her to a body made of clay, like my own, and that is not something I will allow."

A silence filled the hut and all eyes turned away from Kikyo. She continued to stand tall in the middle of the hut.

"Gather the villagers and take me to my sister's remains."

Miroku and Sango stood and walked out of the hut. Kirara followed. Haru and Koga followed quickly after.

"Koga went hunting earlier," Kagome said quietly. "We were planning on a communal village meal, in honor of Kaede's memory. It would be nice if you--"

"I will be leaving after I see that my sister's remains are properly taken care of."


Sesshomaru put a hand on Kagome's shoulder, silencing her. She looked over to him with questioning eyes. He shook his head.

"Can't we at least work together to help Kaede?" She murmured.

Kikyo looked down at the girl. She was resting on her knees, hunched over. The Taiyoukai's hand was still on her shoulder and she was, unconsciously, leaning into his touch.

"My way is for the best," the elder miko said.

She walked towards the doorway, he hair flowing behind her. She paused before exiting. "If the time arises, however, a collaboration may be the wisest."

She strode confidently out of the hut and over to the shrine to say her final goodbyes to her sister's body.


The sun was setting and the last remnants of the smoky plume could be seen from a distance. Kagome had run from the funeral service at its end, wanting to be away from the others to mourn. She had debated about returning to her own time, but was too afraid that Naraku was still nearby. It was for that very same fear that four canine youkai stayed near, and yet out of sight.

"We will be leaving in the morning," a regal voice said, interrupting the natural silence that overwhelmed the area.

Kagome sat with her knees folded under her chin, hugging them to her body. She nodded slightly at his statement. She was a bit surprised at his inclusion. "You're coming with us? Don't you have Lordly things to attend to?"

He stood behind and to the side of her. His shadow cooled her even more and she shivered slightly.

"It is always within my duties to patrol my lands and keep those that would harm it at bay."

"And if we don't stay in the Western Lands?"

"Then I will stray from your side only on occasions to watch over the duties of my birthright."

Kagome nodded. "Thanks, though I suppose you're not doing this out of the kindness of your heart. Still trying to figure out a way to work out your deal?"

Sesshomaru didn't answer. He kept his gaze on the smoke in the distance.

"Please don't hurt anyone," she said.

"I cannot promise this."

She looked up abruptly, her eyes wide.

"I will promise to avoid physical fights if possible, but hurting someone is easily done and often unintentional."

Kagome smiled at the Taiyoukai. She stood and brushed off her backside. The lose grass caught the slight breeze and floated away.


He looked down at her and gave a slight smile. "Let us return, it has been a trying couple of days for us all and it is time for you to rest."

She nodded. He extended his arm for her to take. She wrapped her arm around his, resting her hand on the elegant white silk of his forearm. She giggled.

"I feel like a princess or something, walking like this."

"Good," he said. "It is how you should be treated."

Kagome blushed pink and turned her face away to cover it. Sesshomaru smirked at the blushing miko on his arm. His smirk widened when he heard the twin growls behind him. He ignored Haru's bellowing laughter.


I realize now that I hate the ending of this chapter. Wow--I'm special. Edits done 05-07-10, let me know if I have missed anything. Thanks!
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