Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Tried To See You Forgetting About Me.

Chapter Thirty-Five

by ryanrossISsove 15 reviews

drama doesn't follow me, it rides on my back.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-05-19 - Updated: 2007-05-19 - 665 words

Pete's POV-

"I heard about your little incident, it'll be okay." she said, seeing the tears flowing down my face.

I couldn't speak to her.

"Why-are you here?" I sobbed, my head in my hands.

"I'm here to comfort you." she said, rubbing my back.

I didn't know how she knew about me and Rachel, and I frankly didn't care, either, at the moment. I backed into my house, and sat in a chair, just crying.

She patted my back. I didn't like her, but I was too upset to ask her to leave.

"I don't-I don't understand." I sobbed, to anyone who would listen.

"You didn't do anything. It was only a little white lie, my love." she said, patting my back.
I slowly lifted my head.

"Wha-what?" I asked.

She smiled.

"I ran into your friend at the store. I missed you. She was ugly anyway. Not good enough for my Petey boo. I knew you were probably using her for easy fucks, so...I fixed the problem." she said.

I gritted my teeth.

" TO HER?" I screamed in her face, unable to control her.

"It doesn't matter now. She hates you, Pete. You'll never get her back." she said.

"GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE!" I screamed, tears running down my face.

"But Pete..."

"OUT!" I said, pointing to the door.

She quickly grabbed her purse that she had set on the ground, and ran out and to her car.

I walked up to the door, and slammed it as hard as I fucking could, and then collapsed on the ground. It was a misunderstanding. She hated me. She was gone. I loved her. I cried my eyes out, as hard as I had ever cried before, until someone else knocked on the door.

"Come in." I squealed, with a hoarse voice, hoping it was her, as I was curled up in a ball, in the corner.

I looked up, and saw Shaant standing above me.

"I definitely don't believe the words coming out of my sisters mouth at the moment. Yeah, she drove to my house. Now, get up, and tell me whats really going on. Your too smart, too in love with her, to be doing what she says your doing to her." he said. I lifted my hand for help, and he took it, and helped me up.

I sat on the couch.

"Ashlee lied to her. I don't know what she...sniff told her b-but, she hates...she hates me. And I don't....understand." I sobbed.

Shaant put a hand on my shoulder.

"I'll get the message to Rachel, I doubt she'd pick up the phone for you. I WILL fix things Pete. I will." he said.

I just broke down.

"Thank you..." I sobbed, so hard. Squinting my eyes, scrunching my face.

"Pete, it's going to be okay buddy." Shaant said, rubbing my back.

I just cried.
"Well, I'm going to see how Rach is, and tell her this. I'll call you." he said, heading towards the door.

By now, my face was beat red, and wet. I just nodded, and kept crying.

I cried for what seemed like hours. Afraid.

Suddenly the phone rang.

I looked up, and grabbed it, clicking talk.


"Pete, I'm so sorry." Shaant said.

"Wh-what? What happened?" I asked, worried.

"She doesn't believe me. The only thing she has to say is, 'bullshit'." he said.

"Oh...okay..." I said, dropping the phone.

I could hear Shaant, from the floor, calling my name. I just collapsed, grabbed my knees, and cried myself into a deep sleep. This was all happening too fast. Too fast. She didn't believe me. She hated me. Back to square one.

I hate Ashlee too, don't worry guys. But, reviews would suck. (another one of my schemes to make you want to tick me off and review, when you think I don't want you to review, and I really do want you to review. =)
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