Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Believe Every Lie


by aznfoblover 2 reviews

And yet another story. I honestly don't know how I'm finding the time to start these. Summaries are overrated. Read/review and that's all I'll say.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Published: 2007-05-22 - Updated: 2007-05-23 - 551 words


"Psst." It was Mike. I chose to ignore him. We were now in second period, which we discovered that we had together. Science. Not my greatest subject. We were supposed to be taking notes, and I really didn't want to fail again this year.

"Hey. Ria." Could this boy not understand that I was ignoring him?

"Ria, come on," he whispered again, poking me. I sighed and looked over at him.


"Give me your schedule." That was it? I handed it over and he looked at it.

"OK, next is lunch, and everyone has the same lunch. So you're sitting with me," he started. The teacher gave us a disapproving look. I shrugged and went back to my notes.

"Michael, quiet down," she said. Mike rolled his eyes and took out a piece of paper and a pen. Was he actually going to take notes?

He pushed the paper on top of my notes after he finished writing. It read:

"You have third period French with Joanne and fourth period music with all three of us. Yes there are only three of us in our group. I kid you not. And are you walking or taking the bus or getting a ride home?"

I sighed. I hastily scribbled my reply.

"OK there are only four periods? That's why they're so long. And don't worry. It's better to have four of us than just me and you. And I believe I'm walking."

After passing it to him, I tried to focus on my notes, but was interrupted again by a piece of paper on top of them. That boy wrote fast.

"Yes there are only four periods. But the ending times of each period change every day, so it gets confusing. The classes change at the end of each semester so we're basically doing a year's work in half a year. And we have two different weeks for finals, which sucks. But what's wrong with hanging out with just me? By the way, you're walking with Joanne and Patrick. I take the bus all by my lonesome. :("

Classes change at the end of the semester? Two different weeks for finals? Peachy. And who were Joanne and Patrick? Ugh. I think I hate being new.

The teacher finally dismissed us for lunch, and I got a chance to talk to Mike.

"What, are we too good for bells or something?" I asked jokingly.

"Apparently. They only use bells at the end of study hall, when school starts, and at the end of lunch. Study hall is a joke, though. You get to go wherever you want on campus, but it's only Tuesdays and Thursdays. You get used to the schedules after a while. We're pretty much a poor school, though, so they can't afford to program the bells every single day," he said. I think the last sentence was supposed to be a joke.

"Are you ready to meet your other two friends?" he asked. I raised an eyebrow.

"How do I know they'll like me?" I asked. He laughed and threw an arm around my shoulders.

"If you're with me, they'll like you," he said reassuringly. And we finally got to a bench where two others had the exact same quizzical look I'm sure I had on too.


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