Categories > Books > Chronicles of Narnia > cycles of the moon

new moon

by gecko 0 reviews

some one new turnes up, saving peter from an assanation attempt. they become his body guard and later even more. k so i suck a summeries. plase read it anyways.

Category: Chronicles of Narnia - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2007-05-22 - Updated: 2007-05-23 - 448 words

Cycles of the moon
Disclaimer: I own nothing other than the idea to write this story and the character Eliza Moon.
Please rate and review.
Ps. I'm changing tings a little bit. Eliza can travel back and forth between Narnia and Brittan with Peter.
Chapter one: new moon

It was a clear and crisp night. Only two weeks before Peters 19th birthday even. As Peter he would have made a big deal about it but as a high king all he did was give every body the day off. It should have been a normal night like any other but things change in a heart beat. This night was no different.

They came riding through the trees taking the guards by surprise, maiming or killing most all of them. Peter not about to give up with out a fight drew his sword swearing to take some of them with him if that was what it came down to. Then she turned up. Dressed in black breeches, a pure white puffy sleeved shirt, and a dark green vest she looked more like a noble out for a ride then some one able to protect him. Her first words however proved other wise.
"Stay behind me. No worries highness, you'll be just fine."
"What about you? Are you going to be ok?"
"No worries." she said brightly. Turning then she stated "come closer and you will never hold a sword again, I promise." several men flinched but came closer she smiled and lifted her hand. A sword had appeared in it. She smiled even more and went to work. No sword rested in its owners hand when she was through. Peter looked at the departing men then at the girl sitting on the black and white horse two feet away.
"Thank you." he said softly, she blushed and smiled at him. His heart fluttered a little.
"It was nothing Highness. When one hears about these things one has to do something or nothing will be done." It was then that he saw her wince.
"Are you alright?" he asked, concern lacing his voice. "I can bring you to a doctor if you need one."
"It's alright. No worries." She grinned then fainted. Peter took one look at the girl lying on the ground and dismounted. She was light and bony he noticed, under feed and obviously on her best clothes. Up close she looked less the noble and more the commoner, still pretty but not what he had expected. The stars looked on as he gently lifted her onto his horse and brought her to the castle, the last of his guards and her horse trailing speechless be hind them.
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