Categories > Original > Horror > Amok

Chapter two

by lost_in_the_shuffle 1 review

A woman is drawn into a horrfic plot to take over the world, after she hits a man with her car.

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-05-28 - Updated: 2007-05-28 - 923 words

The leaders of the resistance all gathered around as Pitin outlaid the plan of attack.
"The Amoks are planning on using the United Nations meeting to infect every high official in government. He said, "they must be stopped, we are the world's only hope."The leaders erupted into cheers as the plan for attack was made.
Phyllis listened to his speech, than walked out of the airplane hangar into the cool night air. She looked up at the stars, and wondered where her son was.
"We've all lost someone to the Amoks," a voice behind her said. Phyllis turned, the man who had come with Pitin stood there.
"The only thing we can do is fight," he continued "the Amoks must be stopped, don't let revenge cloud your judgement. Sometimes we have to make choices, even if it's not the ones we want to make."
With those words the man walked away leaving Phyllis alone.

Two days later the group of resistance fighters prepared for battle, arming themselves with grenades and pellet guns.
Pitin stood on a chair giving last minute instructions. "Remember" he shouted over the commotion. "You can only kill am Amok by shooting it with a salt pellet to the heart or setting it on fire. Make each shot count."
As Phyllis grabbed a pellet gun and some grenades, the man she had talked to before grabbed her arm.
"You're with me," he said causally leading her through the crowd.
Phyllis yanked her arm away from him, "I don't even know you." She said "I can take care of myself."
The man smiled again "the name's Logan and I don't have any doubt you can. I'm just here to make sure you don't freak out. It's been known to happen on a person's first battle."

They stopped five miles away from the building where the meeting would be held.
"There will be guards," Pitin said as the fighters gathered around him."They will expect anything, be ready."
The scouts ran ahead as the rest of the fighters took position. At the scout's signal the fighters began to yell running forward. The surprised Amok guards barely had time to grab their weapons before they were taken down.
Breathing heavily Pitin kicked one of the fallen guards with his foot. "Over confident bastards," he said "ok this is where the fat lady sings folks, it won't be that easy inside."
He signaled to Logan who threw a grenade at the front doors of the building, they exploded open and the fighters ran inside. Chaos reigned as people ran screaming away from the smoke and flames. An Amok guard ran at Phyllis. She raised her pellet gun, shooting him through the heart. Logan smiled appreciatively at her shooting skills.
"Firing range every Saturday with my father," she said as she fired her gun bringing another Amok down. Before running farther into the building.
"Nice," he said as he followed her in.
As the smoke cleared, Phyllis looked around. Dead and dying Amoks lay everywhere as humans fled in terror. She saw movement out of the corner of her eye, turning she saw the president and his guards fleeing up a flight of stairs. She turned and signaled to Logan who followed her through the carnage. She ran up the stairs, pursued by Logan. She shot a guard who lunged at her from around a corner catching him in the head, she quickly shot him through the heart and ran on through an open steel door. The president's bodyguards clustered around him at the end of the hall.
The president stepped forward, shaking his head as Phyllis held up a grenade"I wouldn't do that if I were you Mrs. Locke." He said signaling to one of his bodyguards, Phyllis gasped as her son was brought forward, a gun held to his head.
"Now you can kill me," the president said "and your son will die. Or you can let me go and we'll let him live but he will be one of us. It's your choice."
Phyllis looked in the scared eyes of her son. "Mommy loves you," she whispered than jerked her gun up shooting the bodyguard in the heart. He let go of her son as he flew backwards, she grabbed Pete, spinning around. She pushed him at Logan, shoving them out the door than slamming it shut.
Logan ran holding Pete in his arms, than dove to the ground as fire exploded behind him, shielding Pete with his body.

Logan held Pete in his arms as he limped out of the building, Pitin and the other fighters were waiting outside.
"Where is Phyllis?" Pitin asked.
"She sacrificed herself," Logan said "and she took the president with her."
Pitin looked at Pete, "your mother was one heroic lady." He said as they slowly left the scene of the battle.

"Unfortunately we did not get all the Amoks," Pitin said as he debriefed the fighters. "But we did cause considerable loses, including the president. But I'm afraid the fight has just begun, and I don't know when it will end."
Logan walked to the back of the room, where Pete sat wrapped in a blanket. "Are you doing all right?" he asked as he sat beside him.
Pete looked up at him with eyes older than a six-year-old. "I'm going to make every dirty Amok pay for my parent's death." He said vehemently, "I'll make them wish they had never invaded our planet. I'm going to become the greatest resistance fighter ever."
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