Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Hate My Life

PLANES! [part2]

by clutsy_93 6 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-05-30 - Updated: 2007-05-30 - 1174 words

"So, Gerard what do you guys do when you're on the plane?" I asked Gerard. It was only about 2 hours into the flight now.
"Hey Claire you can call me Gee? And we do nothing, pretty boring aye?"
"Okay Gee, well yes it sound boring, there should be some good movies on"
"Lets ask for a list to see what's on, I'm so hungry"
"Yes me too, what can we eat?"
"Let me get the attendant" I went back to staring out the windows, it was dark and cloudy.
"Excuse me, Miss?" The flight attendant came to where we were sitting,
"Yes sir?" I stopped staring from the window and looked at the attendant and Gerard.
"Uhm, could we please have a list of the movies that will be playing, and not to be too rude but how long will the first meal be?"
"I shall just go and get the paper with the list on it, and I don't really know how long the meal will be but it shouldn't be long, can I offer you two a drink?" I think she liked Gerard because she kept staring at him, and smiling when ever she could, but I don't think Gerard was getting the hint,
"Yes we would like a drink, Claire what would you like?"
"Uhm, can I just have a coke?" The attendant took her eyes off Gerard and looked at me,
"Yes we do have coke and what would you like sir?"
"Just lemonade, thank you"
"Welcome, shouldn't be too long with your drinks" She walked off,
"I think she likes you?" I was now looking at Gerard,
"Oh come on, she isn't my type"
"How do you know that?"
"Okay, for will just be in it for the fame like most regular girls, she might be fake, and she is a stranger"
"Oh harsh words Mr. Way"
"Maybe" I just went back to looking at the window,
"What's wrong?" Gerard was looking at me; I could see from the window, He put his chin on my shoulder,
"Nothing, just tired and hungry"
"Haven't slept enough have we?"
"Very funny, Oh sorry to make you get up but I have to go to the toilet"
"Haha, I could make you suffer and sit here"
"Oh trust me, I will get put some how"
"Nah, I will be nice" He got out of his seat and let me walk to the toilets.

"So Gee, is she okay?" I turned around so I was facing Frank and Ray,
"I think so, I think she is having some trouble adapting to this?"
"What do you mean?" asked Ray,
"I mean, she is living the dream and it just seams as if she misses her family, well not Kyle or her mum" Frank was sleeping and he was snoring pretty bad.
"God, we should really do something about him snoring"
"I know, Lets wake him" Gerard gave an evil grin.
"Okay, you can do it because I will get into trouble if you know what I mean"
"Yes I know what you mean" Gerard reached for the pillow that Claire was sleeping on h picked it up, and bashed Frank over the head with it.
"OWW, FUCKERS!" We got a few stares from the parents with their kids.
"Frank this plane is PG rated, no swearing" Gerard told him,
"Oh I'm sorry, how about you go to sleep and I wake you up with a pillow and see how it feels"
"Okay, I'm sorry" Claire walked out of the toilet and sat back down,
"Hey Claire, how are you going?" asked Ray,
"I'm uh okay" Gerard stared at me,
'Claire, what's wrong tell us?" asked Gerard,
"Guys its nothing, I'm alright like I said before, just tired"
"Are you sure?" Ray now had his head leaning Gerard's head,
"Yes I'm fine, trust me" I stared out the window; I must do this a lot, because I notice something every time.
"Ray that hurts my head"
"What does?" asked Ray
"Your chin on my head"
"Oh right" He pulled his chin of Gerard's head and went back to talking with Frank.
"Excuse me, sir" 'Great, the flight attendant is back' I thought to myself'
"Yes" Gerard turned around to face her; she had our drinks and a piece of paper.
"Here are your drinks and the list of movies that will be playing"
"Okay, thank you" He grabbed the drinks and I got the piece of paper from her, she walked off.
"Slut" I mumbled under my breath.
"What was that?" 'Crap, Gerard must have heard what I said.
"I just, oh what ever I called her a slut"
"Why would you do that?"
"Okay, from what I saw in her walking off, she wanted you to check her ass off, then if you did, she would've asked her friend, you see that guy over there"
"If he gave her the nod, she would've come back and asked you to follow her to the toilet and make lloovvee"
"You are lying?"
"Nope, like I said before not my first time on a plane"
"So you have seen this before?"
"Yes, all the time, happens when we go to see my Nanna who lives over in London"
"Wow, you do, do a lot of traveling"
"Let's have a look at these movies" We put the paper on the tray and read it.
"Oooo Shrek 3 is on in half an hour" I spoke,
"Why yes it is" Gerard went back into the silence and I grabbed the list and started to read it. There was Pirates 3, and some other crappy ones.
"SHIT!" I yelled,
"Claire what's wrong?"
"What the hell was that?"
"It was just turbulence"
"It's okay"
"I'm so hungry, crap why does it keep doing that?"
"Claire it's a plane, your not okay are you?"
"I'm fine, doesn't anyone believe me?"
"Claire we are just worried that's all"
"Okay, I know you guys are worried but I'm okay"
"Gerard please don't yell it just makes it worse?"
"Sorry, but makes what worse?"
"I can't say"
"Okay, please tell me what is going on?"
"Fine, you know when I was in the bathroom, I went to call Kim because I got a message from her saying to call her so I did, she told me that when I land in Australia Kyle will be waiting for me, apparently when we left he got a ticket onto the next plane"
"Claire, he is not coming near you, I am going to make sure of that"
"How can you be so cool about this, I'm going to die!"
"No you are not" I started crying and Gerard brought me closer to him, and I cried into his shirt,
"Shhhh, Claire it's going to be alright"
"Gerard, please take good care of me, don't let him take me"
"I wont"

I am still doing parts to this
tell me what you think ;)
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