Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Stranger

Chapter One

by HauntedTears 1 review

I was running. My blood pounded in my ears. I had to keep running. I couldn't let those guys get me. If I did stop there were sure to beat me to a pulp. They never cared who their next victim was. ...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Horror, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-05-30 - Updated: 2007-05-30 - 437 words


Chapter One.

I was running. My blood pounded in my ears. I had to keep running. I couldn't let those guys get me. If I did stop there were sure to beat me to a pulp. They never cared who their next victim was. Just as long as they were bleeding, they were happy. Being a teenager in Belleville was always risky. You were forever in danger of being beaten up. No matter whom you were.

My name is Amy Cross. Well my full name is Amelia, but I prefer Amy. Not so much of a mouthful. Well that's what I thought anyway. How to describe myself? Well, I suppose you could class me as one of those typical 'emo' kids. Damn I hate that label. What ever happened to the word human? Anyway, I have black hair with pink streaks thrown in for good measure. My right eyebrow, nose and lip are pierced. Mainly why these jerks are running after me, they don't feel I fit in. I had just started my new school a week ago after my parents divorced. And I might of only of been there a couple of weeks, but I was already being thrown into lockers.

That's when I saw my escape. I could still hear them behind me. Yelling and laughing. I quickened up my pace and continued to run. Until I finally got to the gates of the cemetery. I pulled open the gates and slipped in. The rusty old gates creaking shut behind me and I ran to hide behind a gravestone. Praying they would just leave. I heard some footsteps behind me and I turned around and saw a figure there. He stared at me and I stared back. I saw him look up as the shouting got closer. But I heard one of them say, "Leave it." And I heard their footsteps ebb away.

"You know, it's dangerous to come out here alone." He said and I snapped my head up to see him with his hand outstretched. I knew you shouldn't talk to strangers, especially round here and he wasn't the friendliest looking person. But I took his hand and he helped me up.

"I know. But I had to get away from them some how." I said and I saw the ghost of a grin on his face.

"Well. See you around maybe." He said and he stuffed his hands in his pockets and began to walk away. I suddenly felt the urge to call after him and when I did, the iron gates had slammed shut and the mysterious guy had gone.
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