Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Fame < Infamy

Chapter 2

by petewentzlover69 0 reviews

. "Mom, we're packing today right?" She slowly nodded. "Good, Evie can help me clean under my bed. There's a piece of cheese under there that I won't touch." I winced at the thought. He always had ...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Humor - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-06-02 - Updated: 2007-06-03 - 656 words

It's been a week and still no...wait a minute...YES IT'S HERE!!!!!!!! I ripped open the envelope from Bristol Hillman University and find out the unthinkable. I MADE IT!

"You did what?" Uh-oh. Dad wasn't supposed to know that.

"I... uh... made it into Bristol Hillman University, Daddy."

"I told you a million times before, Evelyn, that you are not going and that's final."

"Dad, I'm tired of living up to your bullshit. I'm going and you can't stop me." That one earned me and hard slap across the face. I saw it coming and honestly I didn't mind it. I was actually used to it by now. "That doesn't hurt me anymore Father, I'm tired of the pain and the games you put me through. I'm going this university and you can't do anything about it." Another slap. Will he not learn? That slap earned him a slap from me. Something I shouldn't have done but did anyways. I was pushed back onto the ground with great force but just stood right back up again. "You don't hurt me, you don't even fool me anymore. I'm done." With that I ran up to my room and began packing. I couldn't wait to get out of this house. My face was sore and my butt hurt like hell. Soon I was all pack and ready to leave next month. This was going to be a long month.

I'm staying at Abbi's house until I have to leave in a month. Her mom was basically my second mom so we got along great. She treated me like a daughter, an equal, and her husband (for slow people, Abbi's dad) was like the nice dad I never had. Within 2 days of staying with them I was already calling them mom and dad like I had my entire life.

"Hey mom," I said as I walked into the kitchen. "What cha' makin'?"

"Jamaican, where?" she teased. I loved the way she always joked at the most random times. Of course, I set myself up for that one, but it was still funny. "Well this morning I decided on bacon and eggs, seeing as how it's your favorite and all." She smiled warmly at me and continued making breakfast.

Steven came down noisily, tired, and grumpy as always. His hair was messy and he was still in his pajamas, signaling that he had just woken up. "Mom, we're packing today right?" She slowly nodded. "Good, Evie can help me clean under my bed. There's a piece of cheese under there that I won't touch." I winced at the thought. He always had the most disgusting things under that bed. "Not to mention the dirty socks and the old moldy sandwich I had last week. I'm afraid it'll bite me if I stick my hand under there." Ok now that's just gross.

"Ok Steven I'm not cleaning up under your bed."

"But you have to Ev. You're the only one in this house daring enough to hide under there."

"That was once over a month ago and I instantly regretted it. I had to take 20 showers to get that gunk out of my hair. I don't even wanna know what else in under there this time." I'll explain... we were playing hide and seek over a month ago for Steven's party. I made the mistake of hiding under his bed because it was so nasty that people wouldn't look under there. I regretted it and got this green, funky, slimy stuff in my hair. When the game was over I immediately took a shower. One wasn't good enough and I took another. After literally 20 showers the smell and everything else finally washed off.

He stormed off yelling something about mood swings. I guess I could clean under his bed seeing as how I did before. I AM the only one daring enough to clean under it in the first place.
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