Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > He Said It Was A One Night Stand

I Know This Hurts

by xXprettyinpunkXx 11 reviews

it was meant to

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-06-04 - Updated: 2007-06-05 - 1576 words

All day long Tessa had felt bad about the way she had treated Pete that morning. Just the day before he had poured his soul out to her, told her his true feelings. He gave her his whole heart, and this morning she was such a bitch. She couldn't even concentrate through out the day, it was so profound that her friends at work had asked her what was wrong during lunch. She just put on a smile and said she was fine. She always said this while rubbing her nose, that's when everyone noticed her ring and she had to give the juicy details about her fiance.

" Is he cute?" asked Alison, the Science Teacher.

" What kind of car does he drive?" asked Kristen, the Math Teacher.

" That doesn't matter, how much money does he make in a year?" asked Carlos, the janitor.

" He's very handsome, I don't remember the car he drives, I think it's a rental, um he...he's in a band." at this, the people around her gave each other looks that clearly said they didn't approve.

By the time Tessa got home, Jennica was already in her room napping. Pete's mom had picked her up from day-care since Pete had explained everything to her a few months ago. Tessa greeted her mother-in-law to be, but she quickly explained that she had to leave, something to do with funeral arrangements. Tessa pulled off her shoes and threw herself on the couch. She stared at the phone in the kitchen. The blinking red light mocking her. She sighed heavily, got up and dialed Pete's cell number.

Three rings and he answered.

" Hey babe..where are you?" asked Tessa as she fiddled with a paper on the counter.

" I'm...I'm at my house."

" Oh...your packing huh?" she asked.

" Well, ya." Tessa noticed his tone, it wasn't a good tone. It sounded like he wasn't telling her something.

" Want me to go over and help you bring the stuff over?" she asked nervously.

" No." he said firmly. She heard someone in the background call Pete's voice. " I gotta go Tess. I'll come over and explain everything." a click and the line went dead. Tessa put the phone back on it's base and walked to her daughters room. When she walked in, she noticed that Jennica wasn't sleeping. Her eyes were wide open and she was looking at the ceiling.

" Hey baby." whispered Tessa as she walked over to Jennica. She didn't answer, just kept her eyes focused on the ceiling. Tessa sat down on the edge of the bed, worried.

" Baby, what's wrong?" she asked.

" I saw him mommy." Jennica said shakily.

" Who?" pressed Tessa worried.

" Ivan." she whispered. Tessa's breath got caught in her throat. That couldn't be true. The police had picked him up, he was in prison at the moment for abuse he had plead guilty to. It was impossible.

" Sweety...Jen baby look at me." Tessa ran a hand over Jennica's forehead pushing the hair out of her face. Jennica looked at her mom. " Ivan's far away from here..okay. I think you just saw someone that looked like him, okay?" Jennica nodded slowly and resumed to look at the ceiling. There was a knocking on the door of Jennica's room. Tessa looked up and found Pete standing there awkwardly. Tessa kissed her daughters forehead and walked over to Pete who had moved to the living room. He had his hands in his pockets.

" Alright...what's wrong?" asked Tessa as she studied the look on Pete's face. Worry.

" Tessa, this is hard for me. It really is. But...I'm leaving." Tessa's heart rate began to quicken.

" Wh-where are you going?" she asked. Pete shook his head.

" I can't tell you." Tessa laughed nervously.

" What do you mean you can't tell me? I'm your fiance Pete...we're getting married." Pete bit his lip, his eyes not meeting hers.

" I don't think that's going to happen." Tessa stepped back, her arms falling to her side, her eyes bugging.

" What?!" she asked hoarsly. Pete licked his lips quickly.

" We moved to went to fast, and now...I realized if this was going to work we should've slowed it down. I'm not even sure of my feelings-"

" How can you say that?! Yesterday you wanted to spend your whole life with me! Yesterday you said you loved me! Yesterday-"

" Yesterday didn't mean anything!" yelled Pete. His eyes were blazing and puffy. He looked back down after his outburst. " I had alot of emotions running through me yesterday Tessa...and I think what I was feeling wasn't for you.."

" You love her don't you?" her voice was shaky..she was scared, so afraid. " You talked to her today and somehow she persuaded you to be with her didn't she?! Didn't she?!" screamed Tessa. Pete didn't flinch, just stared hard at her.

" Don't you dare talk about her like that! I loved her and broke her heart! I was her everything, and she was mine. I can't stand this Tessa. You constantly put me down about me not having a steady job, even before we were together. Saying that I had to get a career in order to support my daughter. You know what..this isn't me! This isn't the life I want anymore! I thought I was ready to settle down, ready to have a calm life. I'm not. I'm not done partying, I'm not done seeing the world. Not done making music. That's the only thing that has never hurt me. That's the only thing that has never put me down. I've left it alone long enough, and I'm going back to it." Tessa stood there and listened. What was Pete saying? None of it made sense to her. Either she couldn't or wouldn't understand. But what she did understand was that he was leaving.

" Fine. Go. If you want to leave just go! Go to that bitch and take this." she pulled off the ring and threw it at Pete, it fell to the floor as it bounced off his chest. " It was meant for her anyway! Wasn't it?!" Pete swallowed the lump in his throat, picked up the ring and started to walk towards Tessa.

" No! Don't you get any closer! Get out of my house! Get out of my life! That's what you want isn't it?! Just get out!" She pushed Pete out the door and slammed it. She turned around and found Jennica standing at the opening of the hallway. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she watched her father be thrown out of the house. Tessa cried harder as she slid to the floor covering her face in her hands.

" Petah! Hey buddy!" yelled Joe. He jumped into Pete's arms. He groaned under the weight and set Joe down. He smiled sadly.

" Oh..sorry man. We just heard about Riley..sorry dude. She was really cool." said Joe hugging Pete. Andy came up and said his apology for Riley, as well as Patrick.

They walked together into the studio.

" So ready to pour your heart out?" Patrick asked Pete.

" You don't even know." he whispered.

There are hardly any happy endings in real life, but they do exist if you choose to believe. Pete and Tessa just met at the wrong time...or that's at least what Pete kept telling himself. But this was his dream, to make music. Write lyrics and have kids in the crowd sing them back to him. Maybe if he had thought it through, things would've been different. Maybe, he could've lived this dream long ago if he hadn't had that chance encounter with Tessa.

Sometimes things don't end the way we want them to, instead we are left with unanswered questions and a burning hunger to know what would've, or could've happened.

Pete went off and lived his dream. Spending long hours up on stage sweating his whole heart into the music he played. Living the life he wanted since the beginning. He never spoke to Tessa again, leaving her on that note might've been a huge mistake, but he knew that he would have regretted his whole life not taking the chance to make music. So he took the risk, and left her behind..left his daughter behind. He was too young, too scared. He wasn't ready for a life of responsibility. He wanted to live, just be a guy. Not ready for commitment or a family.

Tessa eventually married a man who was sweet and took care of her and her daughter. Jennica never quite understood why her father left, but her new daddy was good enough.

The time Pete and Tessa spent together brought so much drama, not even they could handle, but they will never forget the time they shared never forget the love they though they had.

" It was just a one night stand."

this is the end my lovers!
thanx for reading, and i'm sorry if this didn't meet up with your expectations
i added that last bit because i panicked and didn't know how to wrap it up.
believe me, this is way better than the chapters i would've posted.
please review, whether you liked or disliked it. don't hold back at all, just write what you felt
other than that, this isn't he last of me, i already have another story under way, it'll be under the panic! section.
thanx for reading!
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