Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Great Escape

Chapter 3

by little_miss_screamo 4 reviews

Mae has some emotional trouble when Gerard confronts her about her past. A/N: sorry a little short

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] [V] - Published: 2007-06-06 - Updated: 2007-06-07 - 736 words

"That was an awesome show" yelled Gerard back to the guys. I was laying on the ground woht my eyes closed. All of a sudden I was being carried. I opened my eyes to see Gerard's beautiful face looking at me. "Ah! Put me down" I was beating on his chest with my fists. Gerard started to laugh and just held me tighter. "Where are you taking me?" I asked giving up. "Im taking you someplace quiet" he said smiling. He put me down 5 minutes later on the pavement. I looked to see we were behind some buses. "So why are we here" I asked looking at the sky and squinting my eyes against the sun. "To talk and stuff" he said looking at me as I looked at the sun. "Ah, and about what?" I asked Gerard. "Can you really play guitar and piano?" he asked turning to look at me better. The question caught me off guard and I sucked in my breath fast. "Ya, my mom taught me when I was 11, that was before my dad started to drink and beat me regualarly," I said closing my eyes to hide my tears. "Mae, please don't cry," said Gerard wiping away some tears that had slippeddown my cheek. "Im sorry, I cant do this," I said before getting up and running to the distant beat of a band. "Mae! Their you a- ooof" said Frank as I smacked into him. I held onto him for dear life crying inot his shirt. He held me awkwardly as I cried. I finally had no tears left. I felt childish when I cried. I hated crying. And I hated feeling out of control. "Do you want to talk about it" asked Frank looking me in the eye. I shook my head slowly. He nodded in understanding. It was almost dark. Most of the bands were done playing. I told Frank I would meet him back at the bus. He nodded and left me. I waited till I could see no lights except some distant ones from the buses. I climbed onto the stage Taking Back Sunday had finished using. I found an acoustic guitar behind some electric ones and a bass. I pulled it out and started to play a song that Mikey had played at the show. It was a nice song, short and kinda sad. I think the beginning went "Turn away, cause im awful just to see" it explained how I felt right now. Soon it got too dark to see the ground in front of the stage so I headed back to the bus.

When I got inside I found the rest of the band staring at me. "Where the hell have you been?!" yelled Gerard getting up and marching towards me with fists bared. I shrunk back in fear. It was all too familiar. This scene had happened too much for me. I shrank against the front bus window and waited for the blow, but it never came. I think I was crying or something. I opened my eyes to see Gerard with his mouth hanging open and staring at me wide-eyed. I pushed past him and ran into the bathroomand locked it. I was crying; that was definate. I could hear Frank yelling at Gerard for yelling at me. "That is the second time today you've made her cry! What is wrong with you?!" I heard Frank yell. "I don't know okay im sorry, I just sort of lost it!" Gerard yelled back. "You can't just "lost it" Gerard!!!" yelled Frank. Then I heard Frank storm out and go to the back lounge. A minute later I heard someone knock on the bathroom door. "Can I come in?" Gerard asked softly. "Will you lose it again?" I asked from the other side of the door. "No" was all Gerard said before sighing heavily. I flung open the door and hugged Gerard like I hadnt seen him in 20 years. I don't know why I was hugging the man that made me cry but I was. "Im so sorry" Gerard said softly into my ear. All I could do was nod and keep hugging him. Gerard then led me to the bunks and told me to go to sleep, and that we had a long day tomorrow. I nodded and layed down on his bunk. I fell asleep instantly into a dreamless sleep.
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