Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > New York Eyes and Chicago Thighs

Wedding and Sweet Endings

by TeamWentz17 0 reviews

Mr. and Mrs. Frankie Iero!! Enjoy!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Other - Published: 2007-06-15 - Updated: 2007-06-16 - 434 words

Simone stared at herself in a full-length mirror. She was in a long, poofy, princess-style, wedding dress, and she was glowing. Today was her wedding day. The day she was going to marry the man of her dreams. Frank Iero. From the moment they met on New Years Eve up 'til now, the two have had more love than anyone could have in a million years.

Frank waited patiently at the alter for his fiancee to walk down the aisle. He was in a black pin-striped tux and was wearing a black tie. Simone's brother, Jon, was Frank's bestman, but he was waiting with his sister. Because Simone had recently lost her dad, she wanted Jon to do the honors of giving her away. Jon was honored to have that privilege.

Frank's POV

Oh man, I can't believe today is the day. In a few minutes I'll be married to the most beautifullest girl in the world. I love Simone so much!! All of her family is here. Wow, they look great. My mom looks so beautiful. I can't believe she's letting her son marry such an amazing person. Damn I'm estatic. Damn I'm in-love.

Simone's POV

Well here I am. Standing right before the doors to the church. Jon looks so handsome in his tux. I can tell that he's gonna miss his little kid sister always hanging around, but he's also happy for me. I love my brothers so much. My sisters look great in their dresses. Red is such a good look on us Walker ladies. Though on this specific day, my favorite color is white. White and pure.

The music started to play and Simone followed her bridal party down the aisle. She and Jon stopped and then waited for all the bridesmaids to stand before she and Frank at the alter. Simone and Jon then continued their way down the aisle and met up with Frank. Jon kissed his sister's cheek and told Frank to take good care of her. Frank agreed and promised he would.

Frank and Simone had a beautiful and blissful wedding. It was Heaven-sent and perfect. No one could complain. They had a great time at their reception and now they're currently on-tour with the rest of My Chemical Romance. Gerard Way and Steph are expecting their first child in a few short months. Frank and Simone aren't going to have children, yet. They're just enjoying married life. It's been perfect and Simone couldn't ask for more. Frank's a special guy. Simone's a lovly girl and they are absolutely perfect for one another.

The End.
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