Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Moonlight

Scroll eight: A new life grows...

by kirayasha 0 reviews

A Sesshomaru story...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Sesshoumaru, Other - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2005-11-26 - Updated: 2005-11-26 - 12108 words


Author's note's: Thank you, Ithilwen! And you too, Tir-chan! Your beta skills have made this one of my best stories ever, & I'm very grateful for all the work you've done on it.

Scroll 8: A new life grows...

"A new life grows/ The blossom knows there's no one else/ Could warm my heart as much as you/ Be not gone..." from Teo Torriatte (Let Us Cling Together) by Brian May

Things had settled down nicely at the lodge. Sesshomaru found that showing some restraint when it came to Tsuki was not as bad as he had feared. He still was able to spend time in her company without wanting to give in to his desire. The end result was the many hours they had spent playing shougi in the main hall just like they had before. The only difference was this time his father would divert his attention away from Tsuki if he needed it and Sesshomaru was beginning to relish hunting with his father as much as he did spending the time with Tsuki. He loved hearing about the goings on at home although he was strangely quiet whenever Inutaisho would mention his mother. Sesshomaru found he just could not forgive her for what she had said to him in her anger and disappointment. He thought it was funny that she now turned to Takahara when ranting about the most insignificant of things and it was with sadness that he realized that he just did not care any more what happened to her. She had proved to him that his loyalty to her wasn't worth all the emotional pain and suffering she had put him through. If his father chose to spend his time in the company of the soft spoken human, that was his business for who was he to stop an old fool from behaving like one? Besides, the human had never once said anything nasty or hurtful to him unlike his mother. Sesshomaru realized that if he tried hard enough, he could almost forget she was human. He found it odd that a human could be so lacking in faults. Still he was wary of giving his loyalty to her beyond what was necessary out of courtesy.

Lost in thought, he missed what his father had said to him. Fortunately, it was important enough for Inutaisho to repeat it.

"Sessho-kun, don't you have anything to say about getting another sibling?"

"Hunh?" Sesshomaru stopped and looked at his father. "What was that, Chichi-ue?" Did I hear him correctly? Is Haha-ue...? Damn it! I had better become the perfect son, or else I'm going to find myself disinherited and regent to the brat. True brother or not, I swear I'll make the little shit's life a living hell if that happens! Damn it all!! I'd had better start praying to the gods and hope they finally bless me with a sister!! Damn it!! I've spent far too long listening to your bullshit and playing your games, Haha-ue, for you to insist this pup becomes the heir!! Just because you don't approve of my choice of a mate doesn't mean you can get Chichi-ue to change his mind about his heir like Watanabe did! Poor Shigure was so upset over it he took his life. Shit! My eldest son, should I be lucky enough to be blessed with one, will be my heir no matter what! Thankfully Tsuki-chan is above that sort of nonsense...!

Smiling, Inutaisho repeated it for the third time, "I said 'Izayoi-hime is going to have a pup.' You're finally going to be an older brother."

Sesshomaru gaped at his father in surprise. "I am?" he said stupidly as he struggled to control his whirling thoughts. "But didn't you say it was Haha-ue? Iie?" Oh shit...

"Iie, I did not. Weren't you listening to me?" He looked at his son and frowned. "Look I'm as surprised about it as you are...Honestly; I had never really planned on giving her a pup." He held up a hand. "I know what fate is in store for your rivals," he said dryly. "Izayoi-hime is a good woman, my son, and she deserves the same bit of happiness your mother had with you. She's human and her life is so short compared to ours...I tell you, Sessho-kun, I don't relish the day she passes on to the next realm." He sighed. "But this way I'll have a son or a daughter who will remind me of her and help to ease the pain of missing her, understand?"

"Hai..." Sesshomaru said distractedly. A hanyou! Does he realize the shame this will bring to our family? And if he was so worried about outliving her, then why even take a human for a mate? What kind of legacy is he leaving me? Damn, if Haha-ue was angry before, she's going to kill him when she finds out. His precious mate's life won't be worth shit when we get home!

"I'm surprised you took this so well, Sessho-kun. You've really matured haven't you? I'm very proud of you, son. So do wish for a little brother this time, or perhaps another sister?"

Sesshomaru looked at his father as if he were standing there raving in front of him instead of calmly discussing things. Shaking his head, he mumbled something about it being nice to have a younger sister, before his father left him alone with his thoughts.


Inutaisho walked slowly away. He was just as lost in thought as Sesshomaru was. He could feel his son's gaze upon his back as he headed towards the lodge and warmth of Izayoi, who waited patiently for his return. He briefly looked over his shoulder in time to see his son turn away and he debated with himself as to whether or not he should go back and talk things out further. Sesshomaru's reaction to the whole thing had surprised him more than he let on. He had expected his son to be upset about Izayoi and the new pup, for Sesshomaru had a jealous streak just like his mother. Sighing, Inutaisho thanked the gods that he had spent the time, showing his son how to deal with it in less destructive ways. Still, the relative calm in which Sesshomaru digested this news worried him more than he cared to admit. Knowing what he knew about the fate of his son's rivals, the dog general wondered if Sesshomaru had more of a hand in their destruction than he thought. /Hopefully, if he manages to sire a pup of his own, he'll realize his position as my heir is secure and he can finally enjoy being an older brother without worrying about nonsense... /and giving his head a shake to clear away the thoughts that threaten to weigh heavily in his heart, Inutaisho focused his thoughts instead on his mate.


"Maru-chan? You're not ill, are you? Maru-chan?" Tsuki stood before him, vainly trying to get his attention. It was not until she knelt in front of him that he finally noticed her presence.


She reached out and laid a cool hand on his forehead. "You're not feverish, which is good, but you've been out here for hours...Come, it's nearly dinner time and you know we are expected to be there and on time..."

Sesshomaru looked up at her and nodded. He rubbed his hands over his face before standing, and once he had stood up, he reached down and helped Tsuki to her feet. "Hai..." he finally acknowledged softly.

"Maru-chan, is something wrong?" They stood there looking at each other for several long minutes as concern for him played across her face.

"Iie, it's nothing..." Sesshomaru took her hand and kissed the palm before releasing it. Giving her a half smile, he started heading back to the lodge.

Tsuki watched him for a minute before she too headed back to the lodge. "Are you sure?" she asked softly as she quickly closed the distance between them.

Sesshomaru sighed. "My father told me Ningen-hime is going to have a pup..." he said flatly.


"And I'll be the elder brother of a hanyou..."

Tsuki walked along beside him. She wasn't sure what to say that would comfort him.

"Don't you have anything to say about it?" he asked, his tone cutting her like a knife.

Tsuki took a deep breath as she tried to choose her words carefully. "Iie...I mean what can I say? Ningen-hime is my friend, Maru-chan, and she's been like an older sister to me... She loves your father very much and I'm sure if this pup was a burden to them, she would have done something to lose it..." she trailed off softly.

Sesshomaru nodded. "But she's going to whelp a hanyou! A filthy disgusting malformed creature!" he shuddered. "And not only that, but this hanyou is or going to be," he shot her a pained look, "-the son or daughter of the lord of the western lands! This is not some poor youkai who happened to spot some wench in the fields! This is my father! This is someone who should never have taken that woman as his mate!"

Tsuki shrank back from the force of his anger. Sighing, she spoke so softly that he had to strain to hear her, "But I'm hanyou too... my parents were-"

"You're not a filthy crossbreed!!" he blew out a breath between clenched teeth as he fought to regain control of himself. "You're just half yamainu! Damn it! What's with your people? They actually dared call you a hanyou?! You're fully youkai! It doesn't matter if a demon's mother was a fish youkai and their father a bird youkai; they're still fully youkai!"

"My father was inuyoukai like you...and my mother was yamainu..." she gently interrupted.

"Hai! I know that! I was just trying to make a point!"

Tsuki nodded mutely. Tears stung her eyes and she discreetly tried to wipe them away. She shook her head sadly and turned back towards the lodge without him.

"Don't cry!" He looked over at her and reached out to stop her.

"Hai..." Tsuki paused; she continued to look away from him and Sesshomaru felt guilty about upsetting her.

"Tsuki-chan..." Sesshomaru softened his tone and gently cupped her cheek, forcing her to look at him. "I'm not angry with you, nor will I forbid you to be friends with her, so there's no need for you to be crying like that." He gently rubbed his thumbs on her face as he dried her tears. "I'm...I don't know, angry at my father I guess. Funny I've never been so angry before about things like this. I've usually left that to my... mother," he said dryly. "It never seemed to matter before as the pups never survived anyway." He clarified at her look. "They were either lost before they were born or they died shortly after..." Sighing, he looked away for a minute before going on, "Let's just forget about this and go to dinner before they think we're doing what we promised not to do." He grinned at her and unable to help herself, Tsuki laughed. "That's better." Throwing his arm around her shoulders, Sesshomaru whispered in her ear all the things he wanted to do to her when they were alone together after dinner. By the time they had made their way inside Tsuki was laughing and Sesshomaru even felt better about seeing Izayoi at dinner.


After dinner they took a long leisurely stroll to the hot spring. Sesshomaru enjoyed Tsuki's companionable silence and he forced his thoughts away from his father and the human and onto his mate. He kept hoping that he would soon give Tsuki a pup of her own as he felt that would give him something much more pleasant to think about than his newest sibling. Try as he might, he couldn't stop thinking about Izayoi's pup. He had no doubts about his father ever considering replacing him as heir with a possible hanyou brother, but the thought of such a child being given similar status to himself was galling.

"Are you going to just stand there and watch, or are you coming in too?" Tsuki's soft voice shook him from his reverie.

Sesshomaru gave her a questioning look, before nodding. "Hai..." He quickly finished removing his yukata and joined his mate in the onsen's wonderfully hot waters. Sighing, he felt all his tension and worry leave him in the tendrils of stream that floated up from the hot spring's surface. He sat there, letting his mind go blank, as his body adjusted to the heat. A few minutes later a gentle wave lapped up against him and, raising his arms, he sighed contentedly as Tsuki moved into his embrace. They stood for what seemed like hours before she broke the moment by suggesting they go back to their rooms.


Sesshomaru lay there, staring at the ceiling of the room he shared with Tsuki. She was curled up next to him; fast asleep and he listened to the soft sounds of her breathing as she slept. Just as Sesshomaru and his father were able to see each other as men and finally become friends, his father had to go and sire another child, who would demand all of his time. Sesshomaru, growing up as he did in the palace, had seen one too many times the foolishness into which men could descend when they sired pups in their old age.

Sighing, he held his mate closer and prayed to the gods that they would soon grant his mate a pup. The thought of getting her with pup was an appealing one for he would now be accepted as a man. Finally sleep claimed him as well.


It seemed that the gods had answered Sesshomaru's prayers; although he was too ignorant realize it. A few days later Tsuki made the first of several requests that further strengthened their bond. Had he been aware of it he would have noticed the inkling of what was to come. They had been walking through the peony garden, talking about the dying plants, when he mentioned something about sweet potatoes for lunch.

"Sweet potatoes again?" Tsuki sighed. "I know Ningen-hime is fond of them, and now more than ever, but must we eat them again? You know, I really love a nice rich rabbit stew with mushrooms and onions and tiger lily bulbs...and I suppose they could put a few sweet potatoes in it too!" she laughed.

"Hai! I too am sick of eating them. What if I went hunting and caught some rabbits? Do you think you could find the rest of the stuff to make it? We'll make it in the room, now that they've filled the brazier with charcoal again."

"Hai...I think so, but what would I cook it in?"

"I'll find something before I leave." He kissed her lightly on the cheek before hurrying her along towards the lodge.


Sesshomaru walked silently through the forest that surrounded his father's lodge. He had spent the late morning hunting rabbits, and now that he had had several, he tied them together by their hind feet. Holding them loosely in his left hand, he walked back to the lodge. He figured he and Tsuki would have just enough time to start the stew before lunch. By this time tomorrow we'll have something edible to eat instead of all those stupid sweet potatoes. Damn! I have no idea how Chichi-ue can stand eating that shit day in and day out! Mate or no mate, she's a human it would never do to indulge her like this all the time.

Soon the main gates of the lodge came into view. Sesshomaru quickly entered and headed around towards the back and the sleeping quarters where his mate waited patiently for him. He glided silently thorough the shadows and he nearly made it to his room without being seen. He paused briefly and scanned his surroundings as he searched for his unseen watcher. Finding no one, he shrugged and hurried on his way.


Inutaisho stood away from the window that overlooked the main courtyard of the sleeping quarters. He was tempted to call out to his son but a movement from Izayoi stopped him. Turning to face her, he held out his arms and waited while she settled into his embrace. "What is wrong, Koishii?" she murmured into his chest.

"Nothing, I just saw Sessho-kun outside and it looked like he had been out hunting this morning. Perhaps I need to ask Itamae to vary the menu a bit." He smiled and kissed her cheek. "Don't worry, I'll see to it you still have those sweet potatoes you love so much."

Izayoi giggled like a young girl. "Arigatou, Koishii."

"Have I told you, you look much better since you've been eating them?" he teased.

Izayoi shook her head as a puzzled frown settled on her features before she noticed the twinkle in his eye and smiled.

Leaning in towards her, Inutaisho planted a gentle kiss on her lips. " taste much better too," he murmured in between a few more little kisses.

"Are you trying to get me to pillow with you?"

"The thought has crossed my mind, but are you sure it won't hurt the pup?"

"I'm not so big yet that it would hurt the baby," she said coyly. "Especially... if you're gentle with me..."

He smiled at her and gently led her towards their sleeping area.


"Tadaima!" Sesshomaru called out as he entered his room.

"Welcome home!" Tsuki giggled as she threw her arms around his neck.

"I take it you missed me?"

"Hai! A little bit..." she teased.

Sesshomaru raised his brows in surprise. "'A little?' Well maybe I should give these rabbits to Itamae to cook up for everyone then..." He set the rabbits down before coming to stand behind her as she stirred the stew.

Tsuki made a little sound of annoyance. "I was just teasing."

"I know, and so was I." He chuckled. "It smells really good." He took a deep appreciative breath. "I didn't know you knew how to cook. I've had to make my own food at times and I would have made us something. But this is nice." Sesshomaru peered over her should at the pot of vegetables cooking on the brazier.

"Arigatou. But it shouldn't be a surprise to you. My village was small and all the women were taught how to cook and work in the fields alongside the men if needed."

Sesshomaru took her hand and held it up. "But your hands didn't appear calloused like a laborer's nor did they ever look like they've seen any work beyond sewing and painting and flower arranging."

"Hai. I was taught how to do things, but I wasn't given the opportunity to really use what I had learned. I was raised to be a great lady like my mother. For all her being just a yamainu concubine, she was a noble woman...well maybe not as noble as your family, but noble enough, ne?" she looked upset and he kissed her cheek.

"Hai! You are a great lady, just like any one of my father's women. If you weren't I'd have never looked twice at you," he murmured softly in her ear.

"Nani? I remember you couldn't keep your eyes off me," Tsuki giggled and playfully pushed him away. "And you didn't even know who I was or anything else about me."

"Oh really?" he gave her a mock serious look.

"Hai! Now are you going to clean those rabbits so we can eat them or are you going to look at them all day?"

"Hai...come, you can help me." He picked up the rabbits after handing her two large bowls.


They sat outside on the low veranda where Sesshomaru gutted and cleaned the rabbits before handing them back to Tsuki who was at a loss as to what to do with them. Seeing her hesitation, Sesshomaru took each one back in turn from her and cut them up into pieces for their stew. He made quick work of it and soon the remaining bowl was full of meat. Tsuki then picked it up and dumped it into the pot. She gave it a quick stir while Sesshomaru busied himself tidying up. While he was cleaning, she complained about being hungry. The youkai prince rolled his eyes at her and told he had a few dried plums that he had stolen from the kitchen and he hoped she wouldn't complain too much about their shriveled up appearance. After telling her where to find them, Tsuki dashed off to get them. Upon returning, she lovingly asked him if he would like it if she fed him some. Sesshomaru shook his head and told her to eat them as she was hungry. She opened the cotton square that Sesshomaru had wrapped them in and sighed softly to herself. Instead of being big, fat and juicy, the plums were all dried up and shriveled as if they were old and held no life in them. Still, hunger won out and Tsuki bit into one. She made a face and wondered why it tasted so bad. Even if they had been a year or two old, they should have been sweet to the taste, instead of assaulting her tongue with their bitterness. If Sesshomaru had had any sense about these things, she was sure he would have soaked them in fruit juice so that they would have plumped up and looked much more appetizing. Unable and unwilling to swallow it, she spat it out and hid the rest of the plums in her kimono so that she could get rid of them later.

Sesshomaru then handed bowl of offal to a passing servant and Tsuki shivered when she saw it. She sat there, watching the leaves fall from the trees in courtyard, wishing her mate would hurry up as she hated the sight of blood all over his hands and scent of death that hung over him. Once Sesshomaru had finished, the two of them left for lunch.


Inutaisho and Izayoi walked past the room his son shared with the girl. "He went hunting for her..." he said to himself as the aroma of rabbit stew tickled his nose.

"What was that?" Izayoi asked. "Gomen nasai, I didn't hear you."

"It's nothing." He smiled at her. "I was right; Sessho-kun had been out hunting this morning. I smelled the rabbit stew they're making as we walked past their room."


That night at dinner, Inutaisho announced that there would be a hunt in two days' time so that they would have enough meat for the coming winter. Most of the men were excited over the thought of an outing. Sesshomaru looked around and felt pity for those who were chosen to remain behind guarding the women. Never before had his father invited the servants to accompany them aside from those who would track the game as well as flush it out into the open and those whose job it was to clean and dress the game for the trip back to the lodge. This time they would be included in the kill, which was normally the privilege of the nobles, and they were eagerly looking forward to the trip.

Inutaisho also announced that on the day of the harvest, which was scheduled for a week later, everyone would dress as peasants and assist the field laborers as best they could and afterwards they would have a festival of sorts to celebrate. "My father used to tell me stories about one of our ancestors who despite being a simple peasant caught the eye of his lord. Apparently this ancestor was very loyal vassal and in the end, the lord made him noble and declared him his heir for this lord valued the strength he had from a life spent working long hours in the fields. He also held in high esteem my ancestor's honesty when dealing with him for it would seem that my ancestor was the only one who dared tell this lord when he wrong to his face. This lord apparently admired his bravery in this. Anyway, one of the customs this ancestor had from his former life as a peasant was to get the whole family from the youngest to the oldest involved during the planting or the harvesting. They believed if they all made an effort the gods who not only reward them with extra food, but would also reward them with more hands to help in the form of new pups. It was considered especially lucky to plant when carrying a pup and those who carried pups claim it made their whelping easier if they helped with the harvesting. After a while young girls who desired pups would go and work extra hard and for the most part they were blessed..." He laughed and went on, "You know, I wonder what would happen if we tried that here... maybe dress up and live a simple life for a change." He made a joke to his shocked vassals about the ladies being too pampered before adding that his own father had done something similar. "My father, according to my mother, did the same thing when she told him she would bear him a pup, with the result being myself!" Everyone laughed. "And my mother toiled alongside him as well." Surprised murmurs chased around the dinner table and the dog general held up his hand for silence before going on. "While I know there are those among you who are saying to themselves that this was not the case when Inukouhi-sama carried Sessho-kun, but then the okugata-sama was most insistent she was going to bear me a son and that it would never do for a person such as myself to engage in something so menial as well as herself. Yet I did none-the-less, spend several weeks with Uekiya planning and planting a garden for her. Besides, Izayoi-hime is not afraid of getting dirty, are you, my pet?" I wish they could see you as I do, my love, someone who is no different than they are and perhaps by declaring everyone equal for the day, they will see this. Besides, you are looking very frail and fragile; Izayoi-chan, I'm more worried about you than you know, my love and I'm hoping that what helps a youkai woman will help you too. If only Baba-chan were here...

Izayoi blushed and shook her head. The dog general went on, "That's right, she's is going to have a pup, and in her desire to give me another son, she had consented to do this. Is this not also the custom of your village, Tsukikage-hime?"

"Hai...everyone there helped with the harvest and the gods were kind enough to always see to it we had plenty, but then, everyone also helped with the planting..." She cast a puzzled look at Sesshomaru, who shrugged. "I do not believe it was done so as to give my father many sons, but come to think of it I did have seven brothers."

"I now know where I went wrong," Inutaisho said.

"Where, Dono-sama?" one of the women asked.

"I never helped with the planting or the harvesting at home, and all I did do was to plant a garden, so maybe that's why I only have one son, ne?" he flirted.

"Perhaps if you helped with the planting next year, the Okugata-sama will bless you with another son," she flirted back at him.

Inutaisho laughed. "'Perhaps' indeed! What an excellent idea, Reiko-hime."

Annoyance at doing work that was beneath them was soon turned into anticipation of the day's events by the few nobles who lived at the lodge. It was a topic of conversation that lasted long after the dinner had ended as everyone was excited about the festival.


"You're bored with the idea of being here for so long aren't you?" Izayoi asked as she put her arms around her mate's neck.

"Hai, a bit," he sighed and reached around to pull her onto his lap. "But it's not your fault. We just need to stay here for a while. I want our pup to survive and be whelped safely." He sighed again. "That's something I'm afraid wouldn't happen at home with all the pressures of court life. So don't trouble yourself about it."

"Hai, I promise I won't," she glanced at the letter he had been writing. "Have you heard any news from home?"

"Hai. Takahara has written to inform me that my dear wife has been complaining nonstop since we left," he said dryly. "I've written back to him to tell him what to do about it as well as to see to it Ryoushi-san is sent here. Since it appears we are going to be here for a while, there's no need to ignore their studies any longer." Inutaisho paused lost in thought for a moment and Izayoi waited patiently for him to go on. "I was I had an idea and I'd like to ask your opinion on it. If Sessho-kun does manage to sire a pup while we're here, I was thinking of declaring it to be my own. I'm worried about someone also doing away with it; especially Tsuki gives him a son. They may be mated but he hasn't formally declared her his wife, so there are still those who will wish to forge an alliance through marriage with him and a pup and possible heir will be seen as a liability. Trouble is I'm not sure if she's with pup yet as I haven't heard anything. I'm sure if she was they would at least tell us, ne?"

"Hai, of course they would. Even if your son was a bit reticent about it, I know Tsuki-chan would tell me in a heartbeat, so it's possible they may not know yet, or perhaps she isn't," Izayoi gently stroked his cheek before Inutaisho grabbed her hand and kissed her palm. "Then I think it would be wise if you talked to them about your plans once you're sure there's a baby to worry about, but until then I would suggest you not worry about it, Koishii."

" may be right and I'm worrying for nothing. Come, let's get some sleep and I mean sleep, my naughty little temptress. I need to get up early for tomorrow's hunt."

Izayoi pouted before a smile broke out on her face. "I think that is a wise course of action. Last time we pillowed I felt the baby moving around. It was most distracting..."

"You did? Have you felt the pup any other time?"

"Hai...a few times today. The first time it happened, I wasn't sure what it was," she murmured softly. "But then I figured it out."

"Really?" the dog general gave her a puzzled look. "Are you sure you're alright? You look a bit pale again." Laughing, she assured him she was alright and that the baby was not making her feel ill at all. She shook her head at him and told him again that she was feeling fine and that he was not to trouble himself about her. Then she rose and moved over to where their futon had been laid out. Inutaisho waited until she was settled, before blowing out the candle and joining her. When he pulled her close she whispered to him that the baby had moved and he placed a gentle hand on her abdomen. "Good night, Pup. Your mother and I need to get some sleep. I promise I'll play with you as soon as I can tomorrow," Inutaisho spoke softly to the new life growing inside her. "Is he still moving? I can't feel anything."

"Iie...and how do you know it's a 'he'? You know I could just as easily be carrying a girl."

"I don't just look like you're going to give me a son," he smirked as the baby moved again.

"Oh, you men and your sons!" Izayoi laughed softly and he kissed her cheek. "Anyway, when you spoke just now I felt the baby move before settling down. I wonder if it heard you."

Inutaisho shrugged. "I don't know, I don't really remember the time when Inuki-chan carried Sessho-kun. I was busy with affairs of the state, and learning to govern my empire. It's nice to finally know the joys of having a beautiful woman who'll grow fat with my pup by my side." He kissed her softly before she rolled over onto her side and he spooned in behind her, his arm lovingly thrown across her waist.


Tsuki lay back; nestled happily in Sesshomaru's arms when she giggled softly. He smiled and reached over to tilt her head up towards his.

"What's so funny?" he asked a hint of shared amusement in his own voice.

"Nothing...I was just thinking about how I used to be afraid of, you know..." she said softly.

"I don't know..." he said and she giggled again.

"Pillowing," she laughingly clarified.

"Baka! I told you that was nothing to be afraid of." He gently kissed the top of her head.

"Hai...But that's because I'm here with you and you're gentle and loving..." she let "unlike Takahara" remain unsaid.

"Hai." Sesshomaru chuckled. "But I could be rougher if you'd like..." he teased.

"Iie! I want you to stay the way you are! Please don't even joke around like that!" Tsuki pushed away from him and sat up.

"What's wrong, Tsuki-chan?" Sesshomaru sat up and pulled her close.

"I'm afraid that despite all of this, your father will still give me to Takahara. Or what if he finds you a wife and she wants me gone? Where will I go? What if we have a pup? Your wife will want her pup to be your heir, not mine." A single tear gently course its way down her cheek.

"But I will tell her in no uncertain terms, that our pup, yours and mine, Tsuki-chan, will be my heir! That's if we are blessed with a son. So you have nothing to worry about, Koishii..." He held her in a close embrace and let her cry herself out when it hit him. "We didn't make a pup? Or did we?" he asked as a surge of pride went through him.

"Iie...I don't think so..." Tsuki looked up at him while she thought about it. "I...ummm...well I won't know for a while yet." At his look of disappointment, she quickly added, "It's possible as we've certainly pillowed enough...and umm...honestly, I won't know for a while as it's not time for me to know..." she trailed off softly.

"Know what?"

"Ummm..." she shot him a pained look as she blushed darkly. "Cycle," she whispered so softly he was not sure if he heard her correctly or not.


"Hai!" she said sharply.

He looked at her in mild confusion. "It's something women do...and please don't ask me to explain further..." she flushed a deep crimson.

Shrugging, he left it at that. "Do you want to pillow again before we go to sleep?" he asked hopefully.

Tsuki sighed and shook her head. "Hai..." she reached up and kissed him.

Sesshomaru lets his hands travel down the length of her back as he kissed her hungrily. Somewhere in the back of his mind was the idea of getting Tsuki with pup and he found it quickened his desire to mate with her. He trailed a line of kisses down her neck, stopping at her collarbone, while he gently eased her onto her back. After Tsuki wiggled her way into a more comfortable position, he continued his conquest of her body. The youkai prince then made his way down to her breasts where he cupped them in his hands before taking the left one in his mouth. Sucking gently, he felt her nipple harden as he flicked his tongue slowly back and forth over its tip. Tsuki moaned in pleasure under his tender ministrations and leaving her swollen left nipple behind he quickly went to work on the other one. He let himself become lost in the sound of her enjoyment and the feel of her fingers as they laced themselves through his hair. The soft tugging he felt as she gently pulled his hair spurred him on and he made his way down. Lower and lower he went, trailing little kisses over the soft swelling of her belly, until he reached the silky tangle of curls before he lost himself in her sex. He ignored the ache in his own loins to concentrate on her arousal and he eagerly lapped at sweet tangy nectar of her flower. When she begged him to enter her, he moved away so that she could roll over and grabbing her hips, he quickly sheathed himself inside her. After a few quick thrusts, he spent his lust. They remained that way lost in time, each shuddering, as they rode the waves of pleasure that washed over them before he pulled out.

"Damn, you're beautiful..." he said as he admired the smooth curves of her buttocks and the way her hair flowed down over her back to puddle at her sides.

"I love you, Maru-chan," she said softly and he could hear the smile in her voice. Tsuki then arched her back, before reversing the stretch and lying down on their futon. She rolled over onto her side, a dreamy smile on her lips as she basked in the warm after glow of their love making. She could still feel the warmth that their pillowing made in her belly and clamping her thighs together, she sighed contentedly.

"Me too..." He laid down next her; adjusting the quilt that was made from a few old kimonos they used as a blanket over them, and cradled her in his arms. "Shit! I could pillow you forever and ever and never tire of a minute of it, Tsuki-chan," he murmured in her ear and she giggled appreciatively. Tsuki turned over onto her side and Sesshomaru snuggled in behind her as he reached over and cupped her breast. Fondling the fleshy orb, he chuckled when Tsuki whispered "insatiable." Kissing her cheek, he wished her "pleasant dreams," before drifting off to sleep.


"Ohayou, Sessho-kun..." Inutaisho whispered as he entered the room his son shared with his mate. He stealthily made his way to the screen that separated the sleeping couple from the rest of the room and softly called out to him again, "Wake up, Sessho-kun. I'm tired too, but we have a hunt planned for today and I need you awake and dressed." He stifled a yawn. "Sessho-kun..."

Sesshomaru, who had been pleasantly dreaming about Tsuki, did not want to surface from his dream. Still, the low persistent voice pulled at him and reluctantly he rolled over and opened eyes. Rather he tried to roll over but finding his arm neatly pinned to the futon by Tsuki's head, he settled for opening his eyes before answering his father. "Ohayou, Chichi-ue..." he whispered. Yawning, he went on, "I seem to be stuck."

"Nani? Stuck?" came his father's puzzled whisper from the other side of the screen. "Then hurry and get yourself unstuck as we are set to leave shortly."


"And don't fall back asleep, Sessho-kun." The dog general turned to leave when another sleepy voice greeted him.

"Ohayou, Inutaisho-dono-sama...What are you doing, Maru-chan?"

Inutaisho chuckled to himself before replying, "Ohayou, Tsukikage-hime, forgive me for waking you. I trust you slept well last night?"

"Hai... and you and Ningen-hime...?"

"Arigatou, we both slept well," he said; amused at her attempt at politeness while half asleep. "Come, Sessho-kun, you need to hurry up and I'll meet you outside. Tsukikage-hime, I believe Izayoi-hime would love the pleasure of your company at breakfast. All I ask is that you let her sleep a bit more. I'll make arrangements before we leave to have breakfast sent you when you're ready."

"Arigatou, Dono-sama," she yawned sleepily, "Gomen..."

"It's fine, just see to it Sessho-kun hurries up and you can go back to sleep. If you're not up and out before I count to ten, Sessho-kun, I'm coming in to get you, regardless of what you may be doing," with that the dog general turned and left. "One...two...three..."

Sesshomaru, who really did not want to leave the warm confines of the futon and the loving arms of his mate, sighed as he sat up.

"Maru-chan, it's cold!" Tsuki complained when he pulled the quilt away from her. "And it's dark too, are you sure we didn't dream that your father was just here?" she asked hopefully.

"Iie. He was here, and you're right; it's cold as hell in here, and I really don't want to leave." He flopped back down next to her and cuddled her.

"You'd better go; I think your father's up to six now..." She sat up and leaning over, she kissed him before he sat up as well. "I promise you when you return; I'll spend the afternoon napping with you." She leaned over onto his shoulder.

Hugging her, before he got up to get dressed, he replied, "Hai...I'll be looking forward to it then. Although, I was hoping to do something other than napping..."

"Go, you baka hentai, you!" she laughed and he silenced her with a kiss.

"Sessho-kun! Are you ready?" his father called from just outside the room.

"Hai, Chichi-ue! Just give me a minute while I get dressed!"

"Sessho-kun! Let's go!"



The men left just before dawn and headed out into the woods, leaving the sleeping lodge behind them. They strode quietly into the deep dark depths of the forest. One by one they changed into their larger canine forms as the wind whipped up around them. Inutaisho watched his son. He noted the way Sesshomaru stretched and rolled his shoulders, how his head came up in a silent howl, how his face contorted and elongated at the same time his facial markings came together and outlined a noble muzzle full of huge teeth before the image of a beautiful white dog superimposed itself over a half changed Sesshomaru. The images then merged into a ball of pink light that seemed to burst forth and shoot upwards towards the sky. Then it turned around and contorted as it headed to the ground where a large white dog touched down in its place. When he was finished, the dog general watched as his son raced along with some of the other inuyoukai, snapping and snarling like some village curs. Looking around him he saw others in various stages of transformation, with each one as unique as each individual youkai and he could understand how humans would be afraid of them and how his own people could look upon a half-formed hanyou as ugly and monstrous as well. A hanyou... he wondered why he thought of that when he realized to his horror that's what he and his beloved Izayoi created in love. His stomach clenched and he felt sick at the idea of her whelping a half formed monster, one that was neither human nor youkai. Thoughts of the life such a being would live made him feel terribly guilty and he wondered if it would be a better kindness for Izayoi to lose the pup now, before it had a chance at life than after. Sighing, he briefly regretted getting her with pup. Then he watched as Sesshomaru played with some of the others who were now in their canine forms and he was reminded of the beauty of nature. A quick glimmer of hope rose up in heart and then his mind seized upon the small chance that their pup would be born just fine, a perfect blending of the two races.

Putting those thoughts aside, Inutaisho began his own transformation. He could feel his demon blood coursing through his veins, as his mind started to focus on the hunt. His delicately pointed ears lengthened and his skin crawled as they moved upwards on the sides of his head. Hands no longer felt dexterous as they stretched downwards to meet the ground while fingers fused into paws. Inutaisho felt mighty and strong as he arched his back and shook. The heavy armor and kimono he wore soon became white fur. He stood there panting, tongue lolling in his mouth, deeply breathing in the crisp autumn air, before he gathered the demon dogs into an orderly pack with a bark. Inutaisho growled and gave his orders with a few short yips and snarls. Then one by one the pack scented the air and looked about for their prey. Some also sniffed along the ground and it was not long before one of them found the trail of some deer that had passed by on their way to a small glade. The dogs took off as one; their shadows dancing about, as they passed from pockets of sunlight to the dark gloomy recesses of the inner forest as the hunt began. Whining softly, they slowly fanned out to encircle the tiny meadow, where the deer ate peacefully unaware that danger was fast approaching. Before they had a chance to escape, the deer were caught. A quick bite to their throats and the dogs quickly slaughtered their prey. When it was all over, they changed back into their more human-like forms. The men wiped the blood from their mouths and a few of servants, unused to the taste of blood and fur, spat. Then the servants looked around for some suitable saplings which were cut down and stripped of their branches before the deer were lashed to the poles for the long trip home.


Meanwhile the lodge and its inhabitants slowly woke up and began their daily routine, a perfect masquerade of a noble human household. Some of the tasks served the needs and desires of the lord and his family. Others only served the clever illusion which helped keep it safe. Breakfasts were served, lunch was started, laundry was washed, dishes were washed, chickens were fed and life went on as it always did except most of the men were missing. The women who hung the laundry out to dry looked no different from the women who performed the same duties in the human village on the other side of the forest and neither did the young girls who tended the flocks of chickens and gathered their eggs. Some of the men who had remained behind went out to check the fields to decide the best day for the harvest just as their human counterparts did. Pups cried in the same way as babies did when they wanted attention and their mothers, as mothers always do, tended to their needs.

The only appreciable difference there that day was the women who engaged various servants in small talk in order to learn more about what they would need to wear and to know about for the harvest festival. Those that had time helped the ladies fashion work clothes from old discarded kimonos. Everyone, from the lowliest kitchen maid to the noblest lady, looked forward to what seemed like a holiday from the cares of day to day living and the promise of a fun day doing something completely new.


"Ningen-hime, are you awake yet?" Tsuki knocked on the shoji frame before entering her friend's room.

"Hai! I'm glad you're here, Tsuki-chan. I was wondering if you could help me with this," Izayoi said from where she stood getting dressed behind her sleeping screen. "I'm having a bit of trouble wrapping my obi this morning and the more I laugh at myself, the more the baby moves around." Izayoi laughed. "The baby's doing it again."

"Hai. So what is the pup doing that's so funny?" Tsuki asked as she came over to help.

"Lately, whenever I find something funny enough to laugh at, I can feel the baby fluttering inside me," she smiled. "That's strange, I'm not laughing anymore, but I can still feel the baby...would you like to feel it?"

"Hai...what does Inutaisho-dono-sama think about the pup moving?"

"He's been trying to feel it, but he can't, so he hasn't said anything except he's happy he finally has time to enjoy the pup," Izayoi took Tsuki's hand and after assuring her friend it was okay, she placed it inside her kimono just under the little bulge of her stomach. "Can you feel it?"

"Iie..." Tsuki replied and the human pressed her friend's hand into her belly a bit harder. "Gomen, but I still can't feel anything. Can anyone else feel the pup moving?"

"Iie. I was hoping you did, so I could tell the Dono-sama what to expect, but perhaps the baby is still too small to make its presence known to anyone but me..." she sighed. "Let's finish getting me dressed and I'll make us some tea while I send word to the kitchen about breakfast."

"Hai... Ningen-hime... what's it feel like when the pup moves?" Tsuki picked up the obi from the floor and carefully started wrapping it around her friend.

"It feels like I swallowed a butterfly." She laughed.

"Nani?" Tsuki giggled. "A butterfly?"

"Hai. It feel like something's fluttering deep down inside, like when you're ill in your stomach, but without the pains and the rest of the sickness," she smiled. "It's a good feeling, like how it sometimes feels when you're...ummm... pillowing..." she whispered the last word and the two women started giggling again.

"Oh...You know I hope I don't start giggling when we're in the middle of it..." Tsuki laughed.

"Please don't! That's all I need; the Waka-sama mad at me because you were foolish enough to giggle while pillowing," Izayoi gently admonished between giggles. "Now look what you've done, you've made me laugh so much I woke the baby!" She could not stop laughing.

Tsuki also laughed. "Gomen! I'm sorry I made you laugh, but I could just imagine the look on his face when I explain why I'm laughing! That's if I could stop laughing long enough to tell him!" She laughed again along with her friend as she finished trying the obi. "But you must promise me, that you won't think about that when you're with the Dono-sama! No use making him upset with our laughter, ne?"

"Hai! Come, Silly One, let's go see about breakfast." Composing herself, Izayoi walked over to the inner shoji and knelt before it. Then she slid it open and looked around for a passing servant and finding one, she asked that breakfast be brought to her room. "Breakfast will be here soon. Would you like some tea now?"

"Hai. Why don't you sit and let me make it for us," Tsuki said. She went over to the tansu and under Izayoi's direction; she found the tea as well as a pot to heat water in and the tea pot. She turned and came over to her friend. "This is so beautiful!"

"Arigatou. Inutaisho-sama found it in his travels and when I saw it and complimented him on it, he brought it here for me to use."

"'s really beautiful and so delicate too! I'd never imagine him owning something like this..." Tsuki studied the little tea pot, before handing it back to her friend. "I'll be back in a minute; I need to get some water." She rose in one fluid motion and headed to the shoji leading outside. After she slid it open, she stepped out and back into her sandals. Then a few quick steps brought her to the courtyard's fountain, before returning to the warmth of Ningen-hime's room. Soon the tea was made and the two of them sat in companionable silence as they ate before turning the conversation to the coming festival.


The men came home just after sunset and after their prey had been seen to and they had washed up, they joined the women in the banquet hall for dinner. The conversations buzzed around the long low table where everyone sat. They eagerly waited for the dog general's announcement on the date of the festival. When he cleared his throat, the place grew quiet as everyone paused to hear him speak.

"Would someone be so kind as to pass me that bowl of sweet potatoes?" Inutaisho teased. "Iie?" He looked around at the expectant faces before him. Smiling broadly, he gave them what they wanted, "The festival will be in a week's time, by the way, and ummm...I'd really like some more sweet potatoes."

"Dono-sama!" Shikako cried and picking up the bowl of sweet potatoes she handed it to Izayoi who in turn passed it on to the dog general. Shikako was old and she performed much the same duties here that his wife, Inukouhi, performed at home. Her age as well as her position, made him trust her with Izayoi's care although Inutaisho longed to know Baba-chan's opinion on the human's health. Izayoi seemed even more delicate to him with each passing day, for she tired quickly and she spent most of her time sleeping or cloistered in her room with either him or Tsuki for company.

Inutaisho helped himself to more food and after setting the bowl down; he sat back and listened to the conversation that flowed around the table. He noted with amusement that while Tsuki seemed excited about the festival, his son did not. In fact he noted that most of the men were not as enthusiastic about the festival as the women were.

Seeing the frown that had settled on his face, Izayoi leaned over and addressed her mate. "My lord, is there anything wrong?" she asked softly.

"Iie, I'm just wondering if this was a good idea as none of the men seem particularly interested."

She smiled at him, "That is because they know they'll be taking on most of the work. It is the same in all things, whether it is a small dinner party back home, or your men going off on a raid."

He raised an eyebrow at her. "Really?"

" women have nothing more to do than see to your comforts and it is something which pleases us and we love to do for the men in our lives. You men have weight of taking care of us on your shoulders, and doing most of the harvesting is one way you have of doing that. For what if we in all innocence, were to do something that'll hurt ourselves? You will feel badly that you couldn't prevent it and so you sit and spend you days thinking of ways to keep us out of trouble." She laughed softly and ran a slender finger down his cheek. "You see?"

He grabbed her hand and kissed her palm. "Hai, I had forgotten how wise you are, for that is it exactly. I was thinking of a way to keep you from doing anything other than keeping me company. Plus I'm a bit worried about you, Koishii, you sleep so much-"

"Please don't; I'm fine," she gently interrupted. "The baby just tends to keep me up at night. I can feel it moving around and kicking and then I just lie there wondering if it'll be a son and if he'll look like you or if I'll give you a daughter instead, and what he or she will be like and before I know it, it's morning..." She sighed. "Then I'm tired the rest of the's nothing to worry about, I'm fine."

Inutaisho studied his mate a few seconds longer as he discerned the truth of her words. Smiling, he lifted her hand and gently planted a kiss on her upturned palm. Izayoi smiled at him in return and he looked at her lovingly one last time before returning his attentions back to his meal and his guests.


The day of the festival dawned cool and bright. The promise of a beautiful day was seen in the clear cloudless sky and everyone eagerly awaited their instructions for the day. They were separated into small groups of men and women, each led by a couple of peasants who were nervous at thought of having their roles reversed for the day. Inutaisho had seen this and after asking his leader for instructions, he set everyone at ease by following them exactly. That was how he found himself pulling radishes from the ground, Izayoi at his side, doing nothing more than placing them in the large basket along with Tsuki. Sesshomaru silently pulled the large daikon from the ground with an air of boredom about him, while Tsuki alternately pulled and placed them in the basket that Izayoi was charged with keeping upright after it was knocked over.
Sesshomaru would watch his mate work as surreptitiously as possible, for he found her particularly fetching this morning, dressed as she was in a short kimono and leggings. He loved the way the wide brimmed straw bowl hat she wore threw shadows on her face as well as the way she harmonized with the peasant women who sang as they helped harvest the large white radishes. He rolled his eyes in disgust when his father also sang along, for the women started giggling and he thought of the silly birds that would caw at each other in the trees. So he ignored their outburst as best he could, by immersing himself in the mindlessness of his task. Before long he was surprised to note that they had nearly cleared their area of the large kitchen garden.
"Come, Maru-chan, let's go eat! We can always finish this later!" Tsuki tugged gently on his arm. "I'm hungry!"
"Hunh?" He looked up at her and as he wiped the sweat from his brow, he left a large muddy mark that made her giggle. Frowning, he asked her what was so funny.
"Gomen nasai, Maru-chan, but I've never seen you looking anything other than neat and tidy..." she giggled again. "Your face is dirty from where you just wiped at it. Here, let me fix it for you..." She took the scarf she had tied around her neck and after she had wet it with water from her bamboo flask, she wiped gently at his face. "There, you look better now," she said softly.
"Arigatou, Tsuki-chan," he murmured and after a few minutes of maneuvering without removing their hats, he managed to steal a kiss. They stood that way for a few minutes, their gazes locked, before he reluctantly turned away from her. "Come, let's go eat."
"Hai..." Tsuki followed him. She walked a few paces before she paused. "Maru-chan...?" she said softly. "I don't know what it is...but I suddenly don't feel so good..." She closed her eyes in an attempt to halt the sudden spinning of her world.
"Tsuki?" Sesshomaru was at his mate's side in an instant; just in time to catch her as her eyes rolled back in her head and her knees buckled. "Chichi-ue!" he cried out and the others came running.
Tsuki's eyes fluttered open and she was surprised to find herself lying on her friend's futon. She groaned softly when she tried to sit up. The room gently spun again and she eased herself back down into the comfy softness. "Ningen-hime, Maru-chan?" she whispered.
"Hai...Tsuki-chan, are you alright?" her mate's voice gently caressed her ears as his face swam into view.
"I don't know, Maru-chan, everything keeps spinning. I felt fine before but now all I want to do is close my eyes and lie here." She smiled as he tenderly stroked her forehead. "I'd ask you to come and lie down next to me, but we're not in our room...why are we here?"
"You fainted," he stated simply. "Maybe you worked too hard or something?" His eyes were so full of concern for her that she felt her own welling up with tears. "Tsuki-chan, are you sure you're alright?"
" just looked so sweet there before...Ningen-hime?" Tsuki looked over at her friend who had come over with a tray. The younger girl watched as the elder knelt down next to her and set the tray down in front of her. She smiled as Sesshomaru helped her to sit up again and seconds later Izayoi had placed a warm cup of tea in her hands.
"Try and drink a bit. You've given us all a good scare. Inutaisho-dono-sama has gone to find Josanpuko," she placed her hand on Tsuki's knee and gave a gentle squeeze. "I'm fine," she said softly, before pausing and changing the subject. "Waka-sama, would you please be so kind as to see what is keeping your father?"
Sesshomaru scowled at Izayoi before he leaned over and kissed his mate's cheek. Rising silently to his feet, he bowed to them both, before leaving in search of his father. The two women watched him go.
"Why has the dono-sama gone to get Josanpuko? Are you sure it's not for you?"
"Hai, Little One, I'm sure. It''s because we," she paused and took a deep breath. "Tsuki-chan, please listen to me and very carefully. The reason the dono-sama has gone to get Josanpuko is because we think you fainted because you're going to have a baby too..."
"Hai..." A pup?/ Could Maru-chan and I have made a pup? And so soon, too?/
"He said the okugata-sama had fainting spells when she was...ummm...well when she was going to have a baby. We just want to be sure you're alright."
"Gomen nasai, Ningen-hime, I didn't hear what else you said."

Izayoi waved her hand as if to dismiss Tsuki's apology. "It wasn't important. You know what?"
"What?" Tsuki sipped her tea. "Can I please lie down again?"
"Hai! Do you need me to help you?" The human woman took the cup away from her friend and set it down.
"Iie, I'm fine and please don't fuss over me, Ningen-hime. I feel silly when you do."
"Hai..." She watched as Tsuki lay down. Once she was sure the girl was settled, she said brightly, "I'm so happy you're going to have a baby around the same time I will. They can grow up together and be friends, ne?"
"Hai! That would be fun."
The two women chatted on about the babies as Izayoi thought about how to bring up the subject of Inutaisho's plan.
"Chichi-ue!" Sesshomaru found his father quietly speaking with an old woman. "Gomen nasai," he quickly apologized for interrupting, "but Ningen-hime is concerned that you are taking too long. She won't say what's wrong with Tsuki, but I think it's some kind of women trouble..." he trailed off and looked away.
"Calm yourself, Waka-sama; I'm on my way to see her," she said before turning to her lord and master, "I'll let you know what it is that's troubling her."
"Arigatou, Josanpuko, please go on ahead, as I need to speak with my son."
"Hai, have no fear, Boy, you're not derelict in your duties." She smiled at Sesshomaru, before bowing to them both and leaving.
Sesshomaru wanted to follow her, but his father's gaze held him rooted to the spot. "I need you to pay attention to me and heed my words, Sesshomaru. What I going to tell you is going to be difficult for you to hear and-" Inutaisho cut himself off when he noticed his son had gone pale. "She's fine, Sessho-kun," he quickly reassured. "I think she's going to have a pup, that's all and I want to be sure for I'm about to tell you something, you aren't going to want to hear."
Sesshomaru let the breath he had been holding out. "Why wouldn't I want to hear that? And how do you know she's going to have a pup, Chichi-ue?" He looked at his father with a puzzled frown on his face.
"Because your mother used to faint all the time like that when she was with pup, it's nothing to be concerned about. But this is; I'm going to declare the pup my own."
"Nani?! You can't do that!" Sesshomaru cried, outraged that his father wanted to cuckold him with words if not in the actual deed.
"Quiet! I can and I will. I'm telling you this now as your lord and not as your father. You will obey me in this and you go along with what I say in this matter. I'm doing this for the pup's own protection as well as Tsuki's-"
"I know what happens to pups under your protection! They die and half the time their mothers die along with them!"
"I'm sorry, Sesshomaru, but I feel it's better to being doing it this way. As soon as I know for sure, I will be sending word to your mother and she'll give her help as well."
"Haha-ue? Why don't you just kill Tsuki yourself?" Sesshomaru said bitterly. "Haha-ue doesn't like her any more than she likes Izayoi." At his father's shocked look he went on, "I know very well what her name is, Chichi-ue, and I also know the various names Haha-ue has for her as well as exactly what she thinks of her." He sighed wearily. "I also know that whenever there's been a new pup in the palace that there can even be the remotest possibility of it being yours, something always happens... and Haha-ue nine times out of ten has had her hand in it somewhere. I may be young, Chichi-ue, but I'm not a little pup any more nor am I stupid."
"Hai... perhaps I have misjudged you, my son." Inutaisho looked at his on as if he were seeing him for the first time. "Honestly, I really think this is the best course of action to take. And I'll tell you something else. I think we need to go home. I'd really like both of them to be under Baba-chan's care as well as under your mother's protection. You have to trust me in this. I know your mother will obey my wishes when I tell her. How about this: when the time is right, I'll announce to everyone the pup is yours." He reached out and placed a hand on Sesshomaru's shoulder. "I wish there was another way to handle this, but I can't for the life of me think of any other way..."
Sesshomaru remained cloistered away with the two women for the rest of the afternoon. He was torn between his desire to comfort Tsuki, pillow with her until they were both exhausted and his longing to rant and rave over his father's "solution." However, Izayoi's presence put a stop to pursuing any of it so he sat there and silently brooded. The women could tell he was angry as it radiated off him in nearly visible waves, and after many failed attempts at calming him down they gave up and went about their own business until Inutaisho arrived carrying a kimono.
As annoyed as he was over his father's insistence that Tsuki wear the dog general's inner kimono, it was nothing compared to the anger he felt when she became upset. He barely listened to his father's explanations for it and impatience over what he thought of as nonsense. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, he spoke calmly, "Tsuki-chan, just wear the damned thing and be done with it. We've both agreed to listen to my father in this and he in his infinite wisdom feels that by wearing it you'll be carrying his scent. Besides, it's better than getting his scent the other way."
"What do you mean 'get it the other way'?" she asked in all innocence and blushed profusely when she caught his pointed look. "Hai..." she said softly and took the kimono from his hand.
"Now please hurry and get dressed so we can go to dinner." He gave his father a look of bored disdain before he returned his gaze out the opened window.
Dinner was a dismal affair for the four of them despite the hearty congratulations that flew about the room. Inutaisho announced that Tsuki was now under Sesshomaru's protection, since she was carrying a possible heir, who unlike Izayoi's pup, was full youkai, thereby giving an excuse to their constant togetherness.
Sesshomaru dully answered the questions thrown his way as well as politely accepting the well wishes that were offered. He felt as if he was suffocating in the noise and din of the dinner, and he longed for the quiet of his room and Tsuki's arms.
Tsuki sat there quietly and after a while no one bothered her much to her relief as she stated simply that she was feeling good which was true as well as tiredness. Since she was rather pale, everyone believed her and she was left alone with her thoughts.
Izayoi, happily chatted on with her dinner companions about how excited she was for her friend and how much fun it was going to be for the two of them when they had their babies and how nice it will be for them to grow up together. Her mate also found himself drawn into her conversation despite the fact he longed for the dinner to be over so that he could set about informing his wife that she was to be a grandmother.
The next day Inukouhi was surprised to see a letter from her husband on the tray where her breakfast sat growing colder by the minute as she struggled to wake up. Yawning, she reached over and eagerly read its contents. At first it seems full of the usual nonsense he would write to her and as she read it over again her eyes caught the sentence that was the key to its true meaning. The line asking about Hiroshi's battle wounds was the clue to read it again, using the simple battle code they had developed for their own private use...
My dearest Wife, I'm writing to inform you that I am also writing to ask Takahara to create an excuse to summon me home. If you can assist him in this I will be most grateful to you. The reason I need to return- it gives me both great pain and great joy to tell you - is this: I need to come home because Izayoi-hime is with pup as well as Tsukikage-hime. It would seem that just as I am to know once again the joys of fatherhood; I am to learn the joys of being a grandfather as well. As for Izayoi, I am truly sorry if that hurts you; honestly while I had considered giving her a pup of her for I was angry at you and I beg your forgiveness for it, it would seem despite the fact I wasn't that serious about it, the gods had heard of my desire and gave her a pup anyway. Tsukikage also came as a surprise, and yet I suppose I should have expected it. Anyway, dear wife, I need you help. I fear for Tsukikage's life and the life of her pup, since she is only Sessho-kun's concubine and not his wife. Therefore I have said the pup is my own and that Sesshomaru is in charge of seeing to her safety. Needless to say he wasn't very happy with me, but he accepts it and so does the girl. That is why I need you to help me and look after her and the pup in the safety of our home. All I ask is that you treat her the same as you would treat as any of the women who are bearing my pups while in the company of others, and privately I hope you will treat her as you would treat our son's wife and mother of his pups. I expect you to guard her with your life as much as is possible for Sesshomaru's sake if for no one else's. I'll be leaving here as soon as it can be arranged. When I get home, I would like the pleasure of your company as we have much to discuss. Love always, your husband, Inutaisho.
"Damn it!" she swore before tossing the letter into the brazier that warmed her room.

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