Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Moonlight

Scroll nine: Duties and Obligations.

by kirayasha 0 reviews

A Sesshomaru story...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Sesshoumaru - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2005-11-26 - Updated: 2007-10-24 - 20782 words


Author’s notes: Many thanks to my betas Ith & Tir-chan for their invaluable help in making this fic the best it can be...and a huge plate of brownies to Ith for going above & beyond the call of duty...

Scroll nine: Duties and Obligations.

Takahara rode out across the plain to the edge of the forest as he did every day. He found he was always looking forward to it, as it was a handy excuse to avoid contact with the okugata-sama. He was beginning to understand his friend and lord’s fascination with his human mate. There were times when a quiet woman was a welcome refuge from the troubles of the day and Izayoi was as soft spoken and docile as Inutaisho’s wife Inukouhi was loud and spirited. And yet, when she kept her mouth shut and went about her business, the okugata-sama was decidedly attractive. He had in fact taken a distant cousin of hers as his mate, and while he believed he loved her very much, he would just as easily bed any other willing woman as he would her. In fact, he thought to be her the perfect wife and he counted himself lucky that he had only had to beat her a few times in order to get free reign to do whatever he pleased. Sighing, the youkai lord banished that train of thought and concentrated on the area in front of him. He reigned in his horse and it halted, snorting and shaking its head, impatient for a good gallop across the plain than wait for the shadows to separate from the trees. Fortunately for them both, neither one had to wait long for one of the shadows soon materialized into the figure of a yamainu.

Takahara recognized the older man immediately. He was just as tall and darkly handsome as Takahara, although he was dressed in skins as well as a leather breastplate instead of the fine silks and armor like Takahara and the others in Inutaisho’s army wore. A single short sword hung at his hip and he rested his hand casually there as he walked slowly over to the horse and rider. Takahara’s horse had taken a sudden dislike to the man who smelled of wolves, and tossed its head at his approach. The stallion snorted a few times and pawed the ground as a warning to stay away which the wolf ignored. Most, if not all of the horses in Inutaisho’s stables, shared the stallion’s unease with the yamainu, for dogs and wolves had been enemies as far back as anyone could remember and they were used to meeting each other on the battlefield. The horse’s nostrils twitched when he caught the wolf’s scent and despite the fact that he smelled somewhat familiar, the horse still equated the odor of wolves with danger. He whinnied and tossed his head a few more times, before trying to rear up and lash out at the man and nearly succeeded in unseating Takahara, and trampling the other man.

“Easy,” Takahara, patting the stallion’s neck, soothed.

“It’s been a long time, Takahara...” the yamainu smiled and reaching out, he tried to catch hold of the bridle.

“Hai, too long, Kurayami.”


“Soon, my friend, soon... Inutaisho is still away, which is good a sign. He’s brought his human wench with him as well as his son which means he’ll be there for a while. I’m hoping he’ll spend the winter there which would give us just enough time to get our plans into place, ne?”

“Hai, if you say so. Speaking of winter, will you be able to get out as much as you have before?”

“I believe so, and you?”

“Keh! There’s nothing that can stop me once I put my mind to something...” he chuckled and Takahara joined him. “So, you think all will be ready by spring?”


“And there’s no way he’ll be home sooner?”

“Iie. Everything is going just as it always does whether or not he’s here as lately he’s been so fascinated with the human that he barely gives more than a second’s thought to what goes on around him,” Takahara said and patted his horse’s neck in an effort to reassure him the yamainu was not a threat. “Which is bad as then he ignores his wife so she takes out her frustrations on those around her.”

The yamainu laughed as the horse whinnied. “The okugata-sama’s still a pain in the ass, then? You think she’d be happy to get rid of her husband. How embarrassing it must be to be married to a man who prefers the company of humans to his own kind.”

“Hai,” Takahara said almost wistfully as his thoughts strayed to the dog general’s wife.

“You want to bed her, ne?” Kurayami laughed again. “It would serve her useless husband right if you did, you know.”

Takahara grinned. “Hai. I bet if she were my mate and wife, she’d have more than one son to look after her in her old age. Shit! I never realized it but Inutaisho must have been weak even back then. They only have the one son, and she tried to give him a couple of other pups but always lost them...and then there was a daughter that only lived a few days... If Inutaisho were stronger, none of that would have happened. And as pampered as he is, Sesshomaru does have a bit of strength to him...far more than his father does.” He thought for a minute and laughed. “I wonder if my idiot mate mixed the pups up when she looked after them. Keiichi is as weak as piss water tea, unlike my other sons.”

“But then they all have different mothers, ne?”

“Hai, if I’m going to go through the trouble of spilling my seed it should at least grow.”

Kurayami laughed. “By the way, your son Nibori is doing well and Yoshiko sends her love too.”

Takahara swelled with pride. “Tell your sister that I miss her dearly and hopefully I’ll get to spend a few days with them soon. Besides, once our little plan goes through, she’ll rule as my queen and then I can see her every day if she’d like.”

“Hai, but what about your mate?”

“Toukasa? She won’t mind; in fact she never minds what I do. She knows better than to make a fuss about things unlike the okugata...” Takahara smiled nastily. “My Toukasa knows her place and she knows it well.” He paused lost in thought. “You know, she really is the perfect wife and mate. She lets me have other women without complaint, she’s quiet and docile for the most part, plus she enjoys being roughed up when we’re fucking and she knows how to take it like a man too!” he winked and they both laughed. Shaking his head, Takahara went on, “Besides if anything unforeseen should happen to her; I won’t suffer long as I am yamainu.” He sighed. “Although, I suppose I’ll miss her...”

“Indeed,” Kurayami nodded then came to the matter at hand, “I still can’t believe our luck that those dogs took you in and raised you as their own, not to mention how lucky it was that we found you again. It’s like the gods have smiled the yamainu clan, my friend.” He grinned. “I have a feeling it won’t be long before those stinking dogs are gone and the sooner the better, if you ask me.”


“You’d better go now, my brother, before they start looking for you and then all would be lost.”

“Sayonara,” Takahara said, and tugging on the reins, he turned his horse around before he spurred him on homewards.


“Boy! Come here!”

“Hai!” the young soldier in the palace guard hurried over to the okugata-sama. “What can I do for you, my lady?” he asked as he bowed deeply.

“You can find out if Takahara has returned from wherever it is he goes!” she snapped. “And if he’s back, I want you to tell him I wish to speak with him about an urgent matter. If he’s not back, you’re to wait for his return. Understand?”

“Hai!” and he hurried off to do her bidding.


Takahara had finally arrived home after spending most of the morning riding. He was looking forward to a nice long soak in the bathhouse before coaxing Toukasa into spending the afternoon with him. Handing the reins to a passing stable boy, he rubbed the back of his neck and headed off in the direction of the bathhouse when he was spotted by the young palace guard.

“Takahara-sama!” he cried and tried to bow. Takahara ignoring him continued walking. “Please, wait! The okugata-sama wishes to speak with you on a most urgent matter.” The young soldier, who had started to dog after him, nearly collided with Takahara when he stopped suddenly.

“What is it she wants now?” Takahara groaned and let some of his irritation bleed into his voice.

The young soldier stood there at attention as he addressed Takahara, “Gomen nasai, Takahara-sama, but she didn’t say anything other than it was urgent. If I were you, Sir, I’d hurry. She’s not in the best of temper this morning.”

Takahara sighed. “Arigato. You can relax; I’m on my way.” He dismissed the young guard, and taking a deep breath to compose himself, Takahara spun on his heel and headed towards the women’s quarters. While he would have preferred to have a bath first, he decided to go and see what she wanted. He wondered what was so terrible that it demanded his immediate attention.


“I believe you wished to speak with me,” Takahara said as he entered her room. He stood there, looking down at the okugata-sama, while she sat calmly drinking tea.

“Good morning to you too, Takahara-san,” the dog queen said dryly. She took a sip of her tea, and left him silently fuming for a few minutes, before she invited him to sit down across from her. “Would you like some tea?” She daintily crinkled up her nose, before plastering a smile on her face.

Takahara gritted his teeth and bowed before he complied. “Iie, no thank you,” he said while he waved away the proffered teacup. “Okugata-sama,” he smiled at her and she laughed. “Please forgive me if my presence offends you, but I had hoped to bathe first as I had been out riding, but then I was told in no uncertain terms that you wished to see me immediately.” He paused to see if she would come to the matter at hand but she smiled sweetly at him, before leaning over to hear what her friend Atsuimi-hime had to say. “So have you heard from your husband lately?” He watched as her smile evaporated like dew on a hot morning. I hit a nerve here. Interesting...

“As a matter of fact I have. I’ve received a letter from him this morning and-” she ranted, and Atsuimi who had already heard it all earlier that morning decided to stop her before she got going again.

“My lady,” Atsuimi said softly, and picking up a particularly plump dried plum from a plate that sat on the low table before them, bit into it.

“Hai!?” She looked at her friend.

“Softly,” Atsuimi whispered and bit into the plum again.

“Hai.” Inukouhi groaned, before clearing her throat and going on. “I received a letter from my dear husband this morning. There should be one waiting for you as well.” The dog queen looked at him sharply. “And since you were out and about doing Kami knows what, I’ll tell you what he said.” She looked down at the letter and then back at him. “It seems that both the human and Sesshomaru’s little plaything are with pup,” she said disgustedly. “My husband needs our help in creating a diversion as he wishes to come home. Why he needs such a thing is beyond me! Since when does a man need such an excuse?”

Takahara laughed. “A man never needs an excuse, but then your husband is no ordinary man. Still, I fail to see why he needs one.” Oh hell...both are with pup? It appears the waka-sama is following in his father’s footsteps...

“Hai, I suppose he is and therefore he shouldn’t need an excuse, but apparently my husband feels the need for one so he can bring them back. If I know my husband, it’s because he wants Baba-chan to look after them as he doesn’t trust Josanpuko. Why doesn’t he just bundle them into a cart and bring them back already without all the nonsense?” She took a sip of her tea. “Anyway, Atsuimi-hime thinks he wishes to save face with you.” Eyes narrowed as though she were sizing him up, she stared at him for a minute or two before smiling sweetly. “Therefore I have decided that something, although I have no idea what, should happen to you.”

“But why not you? I would think he’d hurry home faster if you were in danger, my lady. I’m only his friend while you are his wife.” Shrugging, Takahara tried to maintain an air of nonchalance.

“Be that as it may, you are the regent, not I, and in this instance I believe he would be more inclined to hurry home if his empire were leaderless...” she pointed out to him, her tone implying that she thought he was stupid to think otherwise.

Takahara, playing along as he tried to figure out if she were up to something or not, pretended to think about it and nodded. “Hai, you may be right,” he paused for a moment. “So what do you have in mind?”/ This ought to be interesting.../

Inukouhi smiled and sipped her tea. “I was thinking you’re so fond of riding every opportunity you get, that should be the victim of an unfortunate accident.” My, my, aren’t you the agreeable one today? You must want something and badly too, if you’re going to give in this quickly.

“An accident?” Shit! What the hell are you up to? Don’t tell me you’re planning something for real? Could she have found out? Don’t tell me the bitch had enough brains to have me spied on every day? What the hell am I going to do now? And how am I going to find out what she knows?

“Hai. You’re going to fall off your horse next time you go out. I figured since Keiichi has done it several times already, why not have you do the same thing?” What I wouldn’t give to know what you’re thinking right now... She smiled inwardly./ If only you could see the look on your face. The dog queen chuckled to herself as she watched the play of emotions flit across his face. So, you really do want something badly, don’t you?/

Takahara scowled as he chose his words carefully, “I’m not sure if you are aware of this, but I happen to be an excellent horseman. I don’t think anyone would believe I would fall off my horse.” Damn it, woman! You’re just lucky you’re Inutaisho’s wife, or else I’d be having the pleasure of putting you in you place for that insult!

“Hai...but horses are known to get spooked at the strangest of things; even veteran warhorses will throw a rider at a most inopportune time during a battle.” She smiled knowingly. “We could always say he was frightened by some low level youkai...” Ouch, did I hit a nerve? You went positively white when I mentioned the word “youkai.” Just what are you up to? “And I’ll be sure to ask Toukasa about finding you someone suitable to nurse you back to health.”

“Or perhaps we can arrange to have you poisoned instead,” Atsuimi said, calming eating another dried plum. “What about a pretty woman and a plate of poisoned plums, for example?” she said as she picked up a dried plum and held it between her index finger and thumb. “And you’ll only be mildly ill for a few days, although we could always say you’re really close to death and the dono-sama is urgently needed home.” My lady, did you notice how he flinched when I said “poison”? “My lady, something like that might be more believable than Takahara-sama falling off his horse...”Atsuimi narrowed her eyes as she watched Takahara slowly blanch. Don’t tell me you’re really up to something, Takahara?

“Hai...” the dog queen purred as she thought it over. “That’s an excellent idea!” And hopefully you’ll be incapacitated long enough for me to figure out what you’re up to before my husband gets home. It’s about time he realizes what a sneaky underhanded bastard you are! Why he trusts you so much as to hand over his realm to you is beyond me, but then my husband hasn’t been all that levelheaded since that bitch arrived...

“Nani?” Does the man-hating bitch know for sure or merely suspect? Either way her choice of poison couldn’t be a coincidence, could it? What if she told the other one? Perhaps she’s the one with the network of spies... “I was thinking, perhaps it would be better if it were you who was going to be poisoned instead. I would think Inutaisho would then be home in a heartbeat if it were his beloved wife whose life hung in the balance.” Takahara gave them his most sincere smile.

The dog queen laughed mirthlessly. “Perhaps if his pet human had been poisoned, but his wife...” she shrugged.

“What do you mean, ‘if his pet human were poisoned’? You can’t seriously think that?” I wonder just how thankful you would be if something were to happen to her...

“Oh please! You know as well as I do that he’s so besotted with her; it’s sickening!” She waved her hand at him and smiled knowingly./ I’m not that stupid, Takahara! Everyone here is well aware of just how much that stupid human means to him. You know as well as I do that the person who harms her is going to die a long painful death, which is why she has lived as long as she has./

“Well I still think it would be better if something were to happen to you-”

“It’s decided then,” the dog queen interrupted. “You’re going to be poisoned in the next few days. So tell me, is there a special woman you’d like? You know, to be with you and gain your trust before she does the deed...” Inukouhi laughed and her friend joined her.

Takahara reined in his anger as he laughed halfheartedly along with them. “Well Sumomo is rather pretty...”/ Damn it! She must be planning something; therefore I’m going to have to be careful. Too bad I don’t have time to let Kurayami know I won’t be able to get out for a while. /

“Then it’s settled; Sumomo it’ll be. So who would you like her to ummm...visit you later? I believe she’s somewhat expendable and how about we send her along with a plate of dried plums soaked in sake for desert after a bit of ‘fun’? Kami knows how long you’ll be laid up so I think you’d be wise to umm... you know beforehand, as we all know what kind of man you are.” She laughed again. “Then, if you have nothing further to say, you can go now.” She dismissed him with a wave of her hand and he stood there silently fuming.

“Takahara-sama...”Atsuimi called out softly, “beware of dried plums in sake...”

“Sayonara, ladies,” Takahara said as he bowed and he left the room; the sound of the women laughing, ringing in his ears.


Takahara rode out the next morning to let Kurayami know what was going on and that there was a very real possibility they would not be able to meet again for a while. He also asked him if there was any way of him procuring some poison as he had an idea concerning the way they could throw Inutaisho’s household into confusion.


A few days later the excuse to come home arrived in the form a letter begging Inutaisho to return as Takahara had fallen ill and the okugata-sama was concerned about his health as she suspected he was poisoned. Since he had been expecting something to happen soon, Inutaisho had had the fore thought to get everyone ready to go at a moment’s notice and they hurried off even though it was late afternoon and they would then be forced to travel through the night. The dog general wondered what his wife had done to get Takahara to agree to this excuse as he knew Takahara would drop dead at his post before leaving it. He chuckled as he was sure there was a woman tied up in this whole poisoning business, both literally and figuratively and he wondered who she was.

Izayoi, sitting next to him in the palanquin, asked him what was so funny and he replied, “I have the feeling that there’s a girl somehow mixed up in this whole poisoning business.”

“That’s terrible, I hope the poor thing will be okay,” she said softly.

“Hai...I believe she will be.”

“Good. I would hate for something to happen to her, especially since it’s partially my fault she’s been forced into his bed.” She patted her swollen belly.

“It’s not your fault, Izayoi-chan. However, if it’ll make you feel better, I’ll see what I can do when we get home. But most likely the same girl who poisoned him was charged with nursing him back to health. Which means Takahara has probably talked her into seeing to his needs in exchange for her life and she’s fine.” He smiled ruefully at her. “And no doubt when we arrive home, my wife will be more angry over having to bribe Toukasa-chan into silence than she will be over us.” He sighed and squeezed her hand. “I have told her about you and the girl, so there are no surprises there and you will have nothing to worry about as I will talk to her as soon as we are home. In all likelihood, I’ll be absent from your bed for a while,” he said, a touch of regret in his voice.

“As much as I will miss you, I understand the need for it,” she said softly before leaning into his embrace. “I wonder if it was...” she giggled and shook her head. “Gomen nasai, my lord, I know I shouldn’t think it, but I can’t help wondering if perhaps the okugata-sama or perhaps Toukasa-chan was the one to poison him. Forgive me, I should not speak so ill of your wife or Toukasa-chan.”

The dog general laughed. “It’s alright, my love, for all we know you may be right.”


Sesshomaru and Tsuki rode in another palanquin that trailed behind the one his father and his human mate rode in. He was happy to be returning home as he could not wait to drop hints around that he had gotten her with pup, until it hit him. There was no way that he could brag about it now that his father had declared the pup his. Frowning, he lay back; his left arm slung around Tsuki’s shoulders as she snuggled into his embrace. They sat there in silence; slowly moving side to side in time with the gentle swaying of the palanquin. After a while he noticed she had drifted off to sleep which was fine with him as he sat there, brooding.

Damn it! Why’d he have to go and declare her pup his? I would think Haha-ue would be overjoyed to have a grandpup, even if she was mad about me and Tsuki when we left. I’ll forgive you, Haha-ue, if you help me keep Tsuki safe. I’m glad Chichi-ue told you the pup’s mine, although I wish he hadn’t sired a pup with Ningen-hime. Hell, what was he thinking...? /He sighed and tried to focus his thoughts on something happier as the miles drifted by. /That would be something if Tsuki-chan gave me a son! he thought, and pulling her closer, she woke up and looked at him somewhat bleary-eyed as she tried to figure out where she was.

“Maru-chan...” Tsuki covered her mouth and yawned, “Are we there yet?”

“Iie. Did I wake you?”

“Hai, but it’s alright, I can’t spend the whole trip sleeping. Anyway, where are we?”

Sesshomaru gave her a little hug before he opened the blind on the palanquin and peered out. It was dark now, for the sun set earlier in the day now that winter was upon them and he figured they had been traveling for a few hours judging by the thinning of the trees. It was a clear night and the full moon was high in the sky, and the youkai prince stared at it for a few minutes, before closing the blind, and turning his attention back to his mate. “We’re nearly to the edge of the forest. So I’d say it was close to the time we’d go to sleep anyway. If you’re hungry, I have some rice balls left from earlier.”

“Iie. So does that mean we’ll be home soon?”

He shook his head and replied, “We’ll be home later, around dawn. I think you should sleep, Tsuki-chan.” He yawned, hoping to get her to go back to sleep, as the thought of meeting his mother tomorrow morning, made him feel suddenly very old and weary and he wanted to try and sleep as well.

“Fine, we’ll sleep then.” She snuggled back into his embrace, and laying her hand on his chest, she smiled when he picked it up and gently kissed her palm.

“Sleep well, Tsuki-chan...”


They arrived shortly after dawn and were met by the Okugata-sama. She stood there; proud and alone in the center of the courtyard as she waited patiently for her husband and son to alight from their palanquins so that she could welcome them home. Inukouhi glanced to her left, pleased with the way her husband’s men waited in an honor guard to escort Tsuki and the royal heir she carried in her belly to her rooms. She wasn’t pleased about having men in the women’s quarters, but she understood the necessity of it. Sighing, she thought about the time she had carried Sesshomaru and the other pups she had lost, as she plastered a smile on her face. She watched as first her husband exited the palanquin followed by his mate. Swallowing her hurt and anger, she relaxed and allowed her smile to become more genuine, truly feeling how much she had missed him while he was away.

“Konnichiwa, my dear husband,” she said softly before bowing deeply to him. “I wish to apologize for asking you to return quickly, but I feared for Takahara’s life and the fate your realm.”

Inutaisho gave her a slight bow before he greeted her in return. “Konnichiwa, my wife, and do not trouble yourself; you did the right thing. I trust the women’s rooms are ready?”


“I’ve also assigned Sesshomaru as Tsukikage-hime’s personal guard.”

“A wise decision and who will be the one to watch over Ningen-hime?” She glanced at one of the palanquins and back.

“She’ll be fine and so will her pup.” Inukouhi flinched at his words and Inutaisho feeling sorry for her, reached out and pulled her into his embrace.

“She may be only a human, but she is still carrying a royal heir,” she murmured softly into his chest.

“I know, but-”

“What if I looked after her for you?” Inukouhi asked softly.

“You would do that for me?”

“Hai. She is your senior concubine and also carrying your heir. Besides, it looks odd that no one’s watching over her when you’ve made such a show of Sesshomaru watching the girl. As the mother of a hanyou,” she spat the last word out as if it had left a bad taste in her mouth. “I would think she’d be in even more danger than Tsukikage-hime and I am sure there are those who would think it best to take care of what they see as a problem for you.”

“They wouldn’t dare.” No one would be that foolish, my wife, would they?

“You’d be surprise what someone would dare to do if it meant currying your favor, my husband.” And if it means I have to watch over her to win you back, then so be it.

Inutaisho held her tighter as he considered her words. Finally he said, “Arigato, Inuki-chan. This means a great deal to me.” He whispered softly in her ear, “Can you really put away your jealousy, my dear wife?” Inutaisho nuzzled her cheek. “Forgive me, for doubting you, but I’ve taken your heart when I shouldn’t have.”

“Think nothing of it, dear husband...” She looked up at him and he kissed her, which pleased her very much.

Releasing his wife, Inutaisho said, “We have much to discuss concerning this. I trust you’ll have breakfast with me, and we can talk about it then.”

“Hai. Shall I give you some time to rest?”

“Hai, as long as you are there by my side. It’s been too long, my wife, and I miss you.”

She looked up at him, shocked and hopeful that he had truly meant what he had just said. “I miss you too, my love,” she whispered and he kissed her nose before he turned and headed back to his palanquin. Inukouhi, annoyed, watched as he helped the human woman out and then a triumphant look settled on her features when she saw her husband walk away from her towards his son. Inukouhi stood there pondering the situation. /That was a breach of etiquette, ignoring your favorite. Then again, if you want to truly keep your mate and her brat safe, now’s the time to ignore her as you’ve ignored me all these years. If she seems less important to you now, then those who wish to gain favor in your eyes won’t think it worth the trouble to harm her or the hanyou. /The dog queen secretly hoped the human would fall out of favor when she grew huge with pup and she idly wondered just how long it would be before she whelped the hanyou brat.

Sesshomaru exited his palanquin and surreptitiously eying the dog queen, he stood there, listening to his father charge him with looking after Tsuki, before telling him to go ahead and greet his mother as the women were tired and he was to escort them back to their rooms. Nodding to his father, he walked over to where she waited. They stood there gazing at each other in silence, before the Inukouhi broke it.

“Welcome home, my son,” she bowed and smiled at him. “You’ve been away for so long that my little boy has turned into a man.”

“Four months is not that long,” he said softly. Sesshomaru, closing his eyes, nodded as he found he had nothing more to say to her. She was still the same as she had been when he left; a bubbling mass of hurt, anger and jealousy and not only that, she also expected him to go on as if she had not said anything hurtful to him. He listened somewhat impatiently as she prattled on before finally speaking. “Haha-ue, Tsukikage-hime is tired. Chichi-ue has told me to see to it she’s taken to her rooms so she can rest. I’m sure he’s told you I’m to watch over her.”

“Hai...Go ahead then. I hope we can speak later...?” She frowned when he shook his head almost imperceptivity.

Sighing, he resigned himself to an hour or two of her ranting. “Possibly, now is that all?” He waited to be dismissed.

“Go,” she said softly with a wave of her hand. She watched him turn and head over to where his mate waited for him. She wanted to call out to the two women but decided against it and she was pleasantly surprised when they both came over to greet her before leaving.

“Let’s go get some rest, my dear,” Inutaisho came over and whispered in her ear. Smiling, Inukouhi allowed herself to be led in the direction of her husband’s private chamber.


They walked along the quiet corridors, whispering softly about their son and how much he had matured in the months they had been gone. Inukouhi smiled and held her husband’s hand tighter. At her touch, Inutaisho looked at her and smiled as well before giving her fingers a gentle squeeze. She was amazed at how things could seem to go back to the time when they had first married, when he would come to her in the grey half light of dawn and bring her back to his rooms. She remembered how they used to have a cup of tea to chase away the last remnants of sleep before they would spend the morning pillowing, until tired and hungry, Inutaisho would serve her a light breakfast and then they would sleep the afternoon away until he woke her and they would start all over again. Smiling, she recalled how quickly she found herself pregnant with Sesshomaru, barely after adjusting to her new role as Inutaisho’s wife and okugata. That led to warm thoughts about her son and how he had grown when it hit her. She stopped dead in her tracks and nearly stumbled when Inutaisho pulled her along.

He then stopped walking, and turning to face her, he asked tenderly, “Inuki-chan? Is everything alright?”

“Hai... iie... ummm, I’ve just realized I can’t have any more children,” she said sadly. “Sesshomaru is all I’ll ever have.” She lightly touched his cheek. “And I have tried everything I could think of to give you all the heirs a man in your position should have.”

“Hai...” he said uncertainly.

“Nothing worked! And now Ningen-hime’s going to have a child!” she pulled away from him. “And everyone will think there’s something wrong with me because I haven’t been able to have any children except for Sesshomaru and poor Katakuri-chan! And they’ll wonder if you’re going to put me aside in favor of her!”

“I would never do that to you,” he said softly as she looked up at him, and smiling suggestively, he said, “And I know how to fix that little problem concerning your lack of offspring...”

She laughed bitterly because he did not understand and she found she loved him all the more when in his ignorance he chuckled along with her. She was happy he still wanted her in his bed despite the fact that nothing would result from it and yet she could not refrain from scolding him, “I bet you do. But that still doesn’t change the fact you spend way too much time with her! Time you should be spending with me!” She wagged her finger at him.

“Gomen nasai, my wife, you’re right. I should never have spent that much time away from you, but I was...” he trailed off when her face went from angry to happy to sad to angry again. “Please forgive me; I’d really like to make it up to you.”

“Hai...” she said hopefully./ Please, Kami-sama, let him be giving her up in favor of me, now that the idiot’s going to have a hanyou brat.../

“Well then, what are you waiting for?” he asked as swept her off her feet and gathered her in his arms.

Giggling like a young bride, Inukouhi kissed him. “It’s good to have you home again, my husband.”

“It’s good to be home again, my wife...”


Izayoi sighed softly to herself as she glanced around her room. She was pleased that it had been kept clean as if she were only gone for a few days instead few months. She had also been pleasantly surprised when Sesshomaru had taken futon out from where she kept it and set it out without asking. Still, she wasn’t surprised when he left quickly along with Tsuki. Smiling, she shook her head and was happy for her friend even though she felt a small stab of jealousy. Izayoi knew she had only herself to blame for that, for she was the one who had always insisted Inutaisho spend as much time with his wife as possible. And yet, this time she found she wanted her mate to stay with her instead of running off to be with his wife. She slowly waddled back and forth for as tired as she felt, the human woman was certain sleep would elude her no matter how hard she tried, and she just wasn’t in the mood for trying. As she passed by the futon again, Izayoi glared at it and kicked it as another stab of jealousy hit her.

/It’s not fair; he should be with me not her! I bet he’s busy pillowing her so she’ll be happy and get over her anger at his being away for so long, but why can’t he visit with her later? She kicked the futon. Because I have always insisted he do so and now this is the way it is when he returns, that’s why! /She kicked it again as the tears well up in her eyes. She roughly wiped the tears from her face. /The last thing I want to do is go to him all red faced and puffy eyed. Yes, he swears up and down that I look more beautiful to him the bigger I get, but that’s because his slim-hipped wife wasn’t around. Let’s face it; I can barely see my feet without leaning over.../A ragged sob quietly escaped her lips as she waddled around her room. She paused in front of the wall scroll Inutaisho had given her the last time they had returned from the lodge, and feeling sorry for herself, Izayoi slowly sank down to the floor and sat there crying softly to herself.

I wonder if the gods are punishing me now for making a baby with him... I never realized what a slap in the face my presence must be to his wife...Kami-sama, what have I done in that moment of selfishness? Kami-sama, please forgive me...

She hastily wiped her tears when she felt the life she carried within her stir./ Gomen nasai, my baby, I’m so sorry to have upset you too.../


“Your mother took that rather well, ne?” Tsuki asked. She lay there cuddled up next to Sesshomaru with her head pillowed on his chest.

Sesshomaru yawned lazily and murmured, “Hai...” He trailed his hand up and down her back and she also yawned.

“Maru-chan, are you tired?”


“I’m not.”

“I’m not surprised; you slept most of the way home,” he said laughingly into the top of her head.

“Maru-chan!” Tsuki cried, before dissolving into a fit of the giggles. “Hai...but I was tired and anyway, one’s supposed to sleep at night. Besides, we couldn’t talk without being overheard. Then again, you seemed to want to be alone with your thoughts and-”

“And, sitting there watching me brood put you to sleep, hunh?”

“Hai...Gomen, I should have stayed awake with you, ne?”

“Iie. If you’re tired you should sleep; if not then don’t.” He rolled over so he could face her, while gently easing her head off his chest and onto his arm. Sesshomaru ran a finger over her lips and Tsuki placed a little kiss on it. “And you’re not tired, ne?”

“Hai...would you mind if I got up and read a bit? I promise to be quiet, or I can go visit Ningen-hime and see if she’s awake. I heard her moving around her room before...”

“Go...” He kissed her and she rolled over. Standing up, Tsuki threw another kimono over her sleeping one. She blew a kiss to her mate, who grinned as he closed his eyes and shook his head at her.

“I promise not to be gone too long...” she said before she left him to sleep alone for the first time since he had taken her as his mate and Sesshomaru found he didn’t like that one bit.


Toukasa, staring down at the couple entwined in the futon, said, “Get up, girl, and leave us. I wish to speak with my mate in private.” She held out a kimono to the naked girl, who took it and bowed, before slipping it on and leaving. “Gomen nasai, Taka-sama, but I thought it best to let you know that Inutaisho has arrived home.”

“Arigatou. Do you think he’ll be here soon?” Takahara motioned for her to get his discarded kimono from where it lay in a puddle at her feet.

“I honestly don’t know. He’s with the okugata-sama, so my best guess is he’ll be here later, reeking of her and spent lust. I’m thinking they will have discussed the situation....imagine, siring a hanyou like that and not only that but to have the nerve to bring here and flaunt it! I know he’s the dono-sama and can do as he pleases, but he should be above that sort of thing.” Toukasa bent down to pick up his kimono and handed it to him. Takahara seized the moment and pulled her close. She squealed and then whispered in his ear, “Haven’t you had enough of that this morning?” She asked as she wrinkled her nose and giggled.

“Iie, a man like me can never have enough. Besides, I feel like being with someone soft and gentle like yourself,” he whispered back and licked her ear.

“If you insist...” she said playfully as he tugged at her obi knot.

True to his word, Takahara took her gently this time and his mate relaxed enough to actually enjoy herself for a change. Sighing contentedly, Toukasa remained entwined in his arms, happily telling him about the latest gossip concerning the apparent shift in power between the okugata and the human concubine.


Tsuki paused before the inner door leading to her friend’s room. She could just make out the faint sounds of her crying and she wondered if it would be better to leave her alone or stay and try and comfort her. She waited another minute or two, paused on the cusp of indecision, when a ragged sob made her mind up. Swallowing, and taking a deep breath, Tsuki knelt before the low door and knocked tentatively before she rapped on it a bit louder. She continued to knock, being carefully to make just enough noise to alert the human on the other side of it, while praying she wasn’t disturbing the youkai women whose rooms were farther down the hall.

“Ningen-hime...?” she called out softly. “Is everything alright? Ningen-hime, may I please come in?” Tsuki tapped lightly one more time and as she stood up to leave, a faint voice called out to her.

“Please come in, Tsuki-chan...” Izayoi sniffed and as she entered, Tsuki could have sworn she saw her friend wiping away her tears.


“Are you hungry, my wife?” Inutaisho asked as he nuzzled and kissed Inukouhi’s neck.

“Only for you, my love...” she replied breathlessly. She lay there, caught up in a web of old memories. The dog queen desperately wanted to cement her position as the mother of the heir apparent and she had the feeling that by conceiving another pup she could do it. Otherwise she felt she would be forever seen as second best in her husband’s eyes. She was also worried that hanyou or not, her husband would be just foolish enough to declare Izayoi’s pup the heir over Sesshomaru when he came of age and there was no way she was going to give up her position as mother of the heir to a mere human. So she used all the little tricks that Atsuimi told her about to keep her husband here at her side and the two of them happily spent the morning enjoying their physical closeness, and rediscovering the pleasures of it. Smiling smugly to herself, Inukouhi shivered at the sensation of his hot breath as it cooled her neck; pleased that he was there with her as she pushed all thoughts of her rival out of her head.


“What’s wrong, Ningen-hime?” Tsuki asked, and putting her arms around her friend, she made little sounds of comfort as the human broke out into fresh tears.

“He’s with her... and now that we’re home and he can be with her...and she’s not all fat and ugly...and...and...she’d never give him a baby that was hanyou...”

“Sssh...It’s you he loves; not her.” Tsuki murmured softly. “Besides, you can’t help being human, and anyway, I really don’t think it matters to the dono-sama at all. If it did, he’d never have made you his mate, ne?”

Izayoi nodded in agreement. “Hai, but I still can’t help feeling the way I do...and normally he’d have sent for me by now. Inutaisho-dono-sama never spends that much time with her when he comes back. What if he’s pillowing with her? I know they do, but I-”

“But you thought he’d stop when you made a pup,” Tsuki said and Izayoi nodded sheepishly. “Perhaps he’s afraid he’ll hurt now that you’re ...ummm...a bit bigger?”

“Hai...but I have told him that’s not...” Izayoi blushed when she realized what it was she was about to say.

Tsuki laughed. “So he was pillowing with you up until we came home.”

The two women laughed.

“He always spends time with her when he comes home, so what are you worried about? Besides, if I were you, I’d be more worried if this was something new. Anyway, Atsuimi-hime told me that men have certain needs, which is something the okugata-sama is always whining about too. You should be happy you never had to spend as much time around her as I have,” Tsuki rolled her eyes.

“Is she that bad?” Thankfully I’ve never had to spend that much time with her and when I do it’s always been with other people besides Atsuimi-hime so she can’t make a fuss...

“Hai! I always hated it when she was there while I got my lessons form Atsuimi-hime, not to mention the few times I had lessons with her. Actually it was more like all we did was sit there quietly while she stared at me and I poured tea for her. Then she’d interrogate me on what I learned while I was at classes with the waka-sama and what I did during my free time in the afternoon. Sometimes I got the feeling she wanted to ask me about you but she never did.”

Izayoi sighed. “It’s hard being the number two woman,” she said somewhat cryptically and Tsuki was afraid to ask if Izayoi was talking about herself or the okugata-sama. “Gomen nasai, where are my manners? Would you like some tea?” Izayoi asked as she struggled to get up.

“Hai! And please sit, I’ll make it for us.” Tsuki got up and started making tea; while Izayoi sat there sadly fanning herself, staring off into space. The younger girl made some small talk which was fast becoming a one-sided conversation before she changed the subject completely. “Did I ever tell you about my lessons with Atsuimi-hime? You wouldn’t believe all the stuff I had to learn.”

“So exactly what was she teaching you?” Izayoi blinked in surprise.

“Well, if you promise me you’ll stop crying and stay happy and not worry about what the dono-sama does with his wife, I’ll tell you,” Tsuki said smugly.

Tsuki told her as she poured tea for them. It seemed Tsuki’s lessons had ranged from things that were so bizarre to things that were so natural that Izayoi was surprised anyone needed to learn them. Izayoi also thought it was cute that her friend was equally embarrassed by them all. She asked questions and as they felt more comfortable discussing things with each other, they collapsed in a fit of giggles when Izayoi mentioned something she had done with her mate that sounded similar to something Tsuki had ascribed to Atsuimi-hime.
“If I had known that, I would have paid more attention to her lessons!” Tsuki tittered.
“Tsuki-chan!!” Izayoi cried. “I can’t believe you just said that!”

“Well it’s true. Half the time I was so embarrassed by what she was saying and having one of her girls do, not to mention dreading the day she’d have me show her how well I’d master it that most of the stuff used to go right out of my head. Thankfully we left rather quickly for the lodge and we stayed there long enough for me to get out of those lessons by getting a pup of my own. Although I’m sure once I’m able to she’ll have me back there for more lessons...”


“Unfortunately, my dear wife, I cannot survive on you alone,” Inutaisho said. He was tired and hungry and he felt a sudden overwhelming desire to be back at his mate’s side.

Nani?! Don’t tell me you now want her with us in our bedchamber? If you think I’m going to sit idly by and allow that, you’re sadly mistaken, dear husband!

Seeing the frown that had settled on his wife’s face, he sighed. “Sweetheart, I haven’t eaten since last night and while I have had to live on short rations before, this time I really need to eat something other than the beautiful woman lying here next to me,” he grinned at her.

Oh thank Kami!! He’s just hungry for food!

Rolling her eyes, she replied, “Alright, go ahead and send for something. Now what is it you wished to discuss?” Sitting up, the dog queen stretched and reached for one of her discarded kimono and pulled it on. Then she handed her husband his and he stood up to get dressed. She watched him reach for his obi and wrap the stiff fabric around his waist before knotting it behind him. Then he left without answering her, which annoyed the dog queen greatly as she was sure he was heading towards his human mate. Before she could work herself up into a raging fury, he quickly returned. Inukouhi, hearing the door slide open, ran her fingers under her eyes and tried to calm herself.

“Breakfast will be here shortly. I’d like to discuss Sesshomaru and the girl...” He came over and sat next to her. “What’s wrong, my love?”

“Nothing...I think I must be tired too. Perhaps it would be wise if instead of discussing things now while we’re both tired, we wait until after we’ve had breakfast and a nap.”

“You’re sure?” He gently took her face in his hands and bringing it close, he kissed her deeply.

“Hai...” she said breathlessly when she broke the kiss.


Tsuki sat another pot of tea down in front of Izayoi. “Lunch will be here soon. I hope you don’t mind grilled fish and miso soup. I remember last time you ate that you got sick and that’s all had.”

“Iie. I seem to have gotten over it.”

“That’s good, but when did you start liking it again?”

“I honestly don’t know as we never ate it at the lodge. Perhaps all I needed was a break from it. Then again, I seem to remember my one aunt used to hate eating eel whenever she was with child. In fact my mother and the other women used to laugh about it. I wish I could remember what they said...”

“It’s okay.”

“I remember now! They used to say she hated eels as that what got her that way in the first place!” she laughed.

Tsuki blinked and then it hit her. “Eel? I’ve never heard it called that before! You know if they ever have eel for dinner I’m not going to be able to eat it,” she laughed.

“Why not?”

“Because I’m going to look down at my plate and instead of eel I’ll be seeing ummm...” she tittered.

“A sword!” they chorused and laughed themselves silly.


Several days later Sesshomaru and Tsuki were summoned to his parents’ presence. They had been spending their days leisurely in each other’s arms, making an appearance only at mealtimes and Sesshomaru spent the walk to his father’s private chambers assuring Tsuki they weren’t in any trouble as they kept the promise they had made back at the lodge. “I bet old Ryoushi-sensei has been complaining that we haven’t been showing up for our studies, that’s all. Come to think of it, perhaps you were right after all and we should have made an effort to go.” Sesshomaru shrugged. “Then again, maybe they’re going to let me have you as my wife.”

“You think so? That would be wonderful, ne?” Tsuki sighed and reached for her mate’s hand. “But then again, what if people count on their fingers and find out we made really made the pup before we got married...or what if they refuse to believe it’s yours? Won’t that reflect badly on you?” She looked up at him as they walked along the empty corridors.

“Iie...I’m sure my father will come out with some sort of an announcement explaining things and the sooner the better...” he mumbled the last bit under his breath.

“Did you say something else? I quite hear you.”

“Iie. Anyway, there’s no use speculating on what’s going to happen. I’m sure once we get there, will know right away as my mother’s not once for wasting time dancing around things,” he smiled ruefully. “She prefers to get right to the heart of the matter when she can.”


They walked the rest of the way in silence and when they arrived they arrived they spent several minutes waiting outside before going in.


“Konnichiwa, Sessho-kun, Tsukikage-hime. Please sit,” Inutaisho greeted them as they came in, while his wife sat there quietly and nodded.

“Konnichiwa,” they replied almost in unison as they bowed before sitting on the cushions across from Sesshomaru’s parents.

“Do you know why your father has called you here today?” Inukouhi said before taking a sip of her tea.

“Iie, but I believe it has something to do with us missing our studies, ne?”

“Iie.” The dog queen raised a delicate eyebrow at her son. “We’ve called you here to discuss what’s going to happen. I believe your father wishes to discuss that with you. Now would you care for some tea?”

“Hai. Arigatou, Haha-ue,” Sesshomaru said and taking the proffered cup, he handed it to Tsuki who quietly thank them for it. Then he took the second cup she handed to him and drank from it.

“Ah...yes, your studies. Ryoushi-sensei isn’t happy that you’ve missed some lessons, but that isn’t why I’ve called you here. In fact I want you both to continue as before. It is after Tsukikage-hime...ummm...” he looked towards his wife.

“It is after the girl begins to ummm... well ummm...swell and her condition becomes apparent that things will have to change.” She smiled; amused at the glances that her son and his mate exchanged and was pleased to note the blush that spread across the girl’s checks. /Good, she’s not the wanton I feared she was. Perhaps you have made a wise decision in choosing her as your mate, my son. She thought. Still it’s a pity she looks so much like her.../She sighed and banished that line of thinking. “Once she reaches that state, my son, it will no longer be proper for her to be traipsing through the halls any more.”

“And don’t worry; you will still be able to be with her for now.” Inutaisho added. “Later on when Tsukikage-hime is unable to leave her room, you’ll have to go alone.”

“Hai. But we still have time before that happens, ne?” Sesshomaru asked uncertainly as he stole a look at Tsuki.

“Hai... I believe so, but I wish for Baba-chan to be certain about just how much time we have. When the time comes, she will spend her confinement in the company of Ningen-hime.” his mother said.

“And you will have to learn to do without her, my son,” Inutaisho said.

“Why? Didn’t you spend time with Haha-ue?”

“Hai, but I rarely saw her, especially at the end. Besides, I had other things to occupy my time.”


“But nothing, Sessho-kun, it’s not proper for you to be there at that time.” The dog queen said firmly.

“But didn’t you tell me you saw me being whelped, Chichi-ue? What am I supposed to do without her if you didn’t do without Haha-ue?”

“I happened to have gone there to tell your mother something when I saw the whole thing. I didn’t spend more than an hour or two with her the rest of the time and besides, there were times when I didn’t see her for days on end. You will learn to do this and soon.”

“Nani? First you tell me things can continue as before and I can stay with her and the next thing you’re telling me I can’t? Which is it, Chichi-ue? And how long is this bullshit going to go on that it’s your pup she’s carrying? We’re home now, so why haven’t you said anything?”

“Sessho-kun, you will not speak to your father that way!”

“Sessho-kun, if you will let me finish, I will explain things to you. First of all, I’m not changing the story so you can put that thought out of you mind once and for all. Secondly, I want you to keep up with your studies. As my heir, you must have the best education possible, so I don’t want to hear any more nonsense about you missing your lessons. Thirdly, there are things I wish to discuss privately with you that the women shouldn’t hear and-”

“Ummm...Dono-sama, Okugata-sama, what am I supposed to do when I’m not with him?” Tsuki asked softly and everyone turned to look at her. She gently placed her hand on Sesshomaru’s arm as he glared at her. “Please, Maru-chan,” she continued in the same soft tone as before, “There’s no need to argue with them. They are right; I cannot go around later on as if nothing were wrong...”

“But there’s nothing wrong with you!” he exclaimed. “Shit! You’re just going to have a pup!”

“Hai...and it’s not proper to be seen near the end... and what if...” she trailed off helplessly.

“What if what?” Sesshomaru looked at his parents in confusion.

Inutaisho stood up. “Come here, Sessho-kun,” he said, and motioning for his son to follow him, the two of them walked over to the far side of the room where he quietly started to explain things. “It’s not so much that she can’t be seen like that. I remember spending time in the bathhouse with your mother when she carried you, Sessho-kun, and she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It’s when her time comes to have the pup, she needs to be in the women’s quarters where there are women to help her, not going for lessons, or wandering around the orchard or any one of a number of things you two like to do together where you can be seen. Simply put; she can’t have her pup in, say, the main dining hall, for example.” He sighed at the look on his son’s face. “You can still sleep with her at night and you can still take meals with her but she will have to remain here in the women’s quarters. That means once she starts her confinement, her lessons will stop. As far as I’m concerned she’s educated enough and besides looking after a pup takes up a lot of time.”

“Is that why you and Haha-ue had me looked after by Toukasa-san? I hope not; as it would be really terrible to find out that one’s parents didn’t have time to look after one properly,” Sesshomaru replied tartly.

“That’s not it at all, Sessho-kun. You were looked after by her, because as the okugata-sama, your mother had duties to perform that were more important than-”

“More important than her own pup?!” Sesshomaru cried.

“Hai! As okugata-sama her duty was to this realm which supersedes those duties which can be considered more of a personal nature. Besides, your mother was raised by foster parents as well for those same reasons.”

“But what about you, Chichi-ue? Weren’t you raised by foster parents too?”

“Iie...I wasn’t, as my family wasn’t as important as hers...” Inutaisho sighed. “And you came as a bit of a surprise, Sessho-kun,” he chuckled at his son’s look. “I wasn’t so young and foolish that I didn’t know where pups come from, and yet I was so overwhelmed by suddenly finding myself in charge of a vast empire that I took refuge from the day’s worries in your mother’s arms...and the rest they say is...’Sesshomaru.’” He laughed. “I needed help in learning to govern it and since your mother was raised as a ruling heir, that she was a great help and a blessing from the gods. It was just lucky that Takahara had managed to get Toukasa with pup around the same time so that she could take care of you not only as your foster mother, but she also helped by being your wet nurse during the day until your mother was able to finally let go and turn you over completely to Toukasa’s care,” he said and Sesshomaru snorted out a laugh. “I know, your mother still has trouble letting go, but she’s getting better, ne?”

“I suppose so,” Sesshomaru replied dryly. “Anyway, Haha-ue is standing there trying to get your attention.”

“Hunh?” Inutaisho looked over his shoulder at his wife. “Inuki-chan, is there anything wrong?”

“Iie. I’m taking the girl with me back to the women’s quarters. I will see you later, ne?”

“Hai...” Inutaisho turned his attention back to his son and they continued their discussion

Inukouhi nodded at her husband and son, and turning to Tsuki, she said, “Come, girl.”

“My name is Tsukikage,” she said softly.

The dog queen stared at Tsuki for a minute before looking at her son and then back again. She was surprised at the gentle rebuke over the girl’s name, yet pleased that she stood up to her, however quietly she did it. “Come, Tsukikage...hime,” she said as she left. “I’d like Baba-chan to have a look at you now.”

“Hai...” Tsuki replied as she followed the dog queen out. She heard Sesshomaru pause in his arguments with his father and she wondered if he was going to accompany them back to her room. The dog queen had quietly explained what Baba-chan would be doing to her and she really did not want her mate there, so she was relived when his footsteps did not dog theirs as they made their way back to the women’s quarters.


“Where are you going, Sessho-kun?” The dog general asked as he sat down.

“Back to Tsuki’s room. We’re finished, ne?”

“Not really, I still have some things I wish to tell you.”

Now what? Please don’t tell you’re not going to let me with Tsuki-chan? I wish you’d make up your mind already, Chichi-ue! Am I allowed to stay with her or not? Sesshomaru groaned. “What kind of things, Chichi-ue?” he asked feigning interest.

“Stuff about women and pups,” he helped himself to more tea. “And why don’t you sit down. This could take a while.” He took another sip of tea. “And don’t give me that look, Sessho-kun. I know I’ve explained to you about pups and how to make them,” Inutaisho grinned. “And it’s nice to know that you’ve actually listened to me when I told you.”

“Hai...” Sesshomaru rolled his eyes.

“Well once they get with pup, they kind of get strange. They stop eating one kind of food and can’t get enough of another. Or they spend all day sleeping and they’re sometimes sick in the morning, but you already know that, eh?”

“Hai...” Now what are you babbling about, Chichi-ue? So Tsuki slept a lot at first and so did your pet. But she never got sick and she never stopped eating anything...

“Well, ummm...they also get some silly notion in their heads that they are fat and ugly, my son, and not matter what you say or do they will refuse to believe you even for a second and when they get like that,” he paused to have more tea. “They will cry like there’s no tomorrow and then they will accuse you of all sorts of stupid things, like pillowing with other women. And this is even if you stay out of the women’s quarters and spend your time in the company of men so much so that you reek of your friends’ scents.”

“You’re joking, Chichi-ue!” Sesshomaru laughed.

“Iie! I swear it to be true! Your mother did that to me every single time she was with pup...” He smiled ruefully and shook his head. “Even Izayoi-hime does it, although she’s not as bad as your mother was.” He sighed.

Sesshomaru sat there quietly trying to make sense of what his father told him as well as ignore it for the unpleasant images it brought to mind.

“Then there’ll be times when they are further along, that you will look at them and wonder just who that wanton is. She will look like your beloved, smell like your beloved, and her voice will sound like your beloved’s, but she will be there practically begging you for pillowing and you will wonder where the woman went who only days before when you hinted about pillowing looked at you like you not only had three heads, but that you are the most horrible creature in the world for even suggesting such a thing!”

Sesshomaru looked up at his father as if he couldn’t believe he was hearing such things coming from his mouth.

“That’s the look, my boy! That’s it exactly!” Inutaisho laughed and Sesshomaru shook his head. “So for your own peace of mind I want to pass on a bit of advice that I wished my father had lived long enough to pass on to me.”

“And what is that, Chichi-ue?”

“First of all I want you to realize they don’t mean a thing they say or do. For some reason they can’t help themselves. Secondly, I suggest you stay away from the other women in the court who’ll be looking to help you ease your ummm...’tension.’”


“Hai...tension. And I mean the sort of tension that made you a father in the first place.” The dog general said dryly and Sesshomaru flushed. “You keep forgetting I’m not stupid, my son. But if and when Tsukikage has no desire to relieve your tension, I want to remember Hana.” When his waved his hand Sesshomaru flushed even darker and sat there wishing he were any place other than sitting here with his father going over the stuff they had already talked about when he gave him the “now you are a man” speech. “Now do you have any questions?”

“Hai! Can I go now?”


“What did Baba-chan say?” Sesshomaru murmured in her ear while he nuzzled her cheek. He had arrived back in Tsuki’s room just minutes before and he felt an overwhelming desire to cover her in his own scent as he found the fragrance of his mother’s perfume combined with her scent and Baba-chan’s bothered him and he could see something about what had gone before he got there had upset his mate. Tsuki seemed so agitated that he wondered if they had held her down and forced the examination on her. He was half tempted to ask her what was wrong but since she quickly relaxed as he cuddled her, he let the matter drop.

“Nothing much, just as far as she could tell the pup will be born in the beginning of summer. It’s that wonderful? Our pup will be able to grow up with Ningen-hime’s.”

“Hai...just wonderful,” he said and he kissed her before moving away from her.

“Maru-chan is something wrong?”

“Iie...” he shook his head. “I’m hungry; let’s get something to eat and I’ll tell you what my father said.”

Tsuki smiled, “Hai.”

Instead of using the much warmer inner corridors, they went out the out shoji into the courtyard. It was starting to snow and Tsuki paused to watch the little flakes fall in the courtyard. They landed softly on the azaleas and just as quickly melted off their tiny leaves as they did when they hit the ground. “Do you think it’ll stick to the ground and cover it?” she asked softly.

“I don’t know...why?”

“I was just thinking how pretty it would look here all blanketed in snow. It used to snow a lot where I came from...” she said wistfully.

“It did?” Sesshomaru came up behind her, and putting his arms around her, they stood there watching the snow fall.

“Hai...and I remember how much fun I used to have playing in it too.” She giggled as she titled her head and looked up at him sideways.

He laughed as well. “I used to have fun pelting Keiichi with snowballs when I was little. We’d each make a mound of snow to hide behind and then we’d throw snowballs at each other and sometimes Chichi-ue and Takahara would come and play with us too.”

Tsuki covered her mouth and giggled again.

“What’s so funny?”

“I was just thinking about how nice it would be to play in the snow...” she turned to look at him. “You know, when the pups are born and they’re a little bigger. And you can teach them how to play the game with the snowballs...” she trailed off softly and shivering, she rubbed her hands up and down over her arms.

Sesshomaru pulled her into his embrace. “Hai... come, let’s hurry and get inside before you get sick,” he said as he released her and reaching for her hand, he took it and they walked along, hurrying towards the shoji that led to the inner corridor. They had not gone very far when they saw Takahara approaching from the other end. He had just turned a corner and there was no where for them to hide until he passed. Sesshomaru gave her hand a little squeeze before letting it go. Sensing her fear, he drew himself up and walked ahead, hoping his show of confidence would make her relax.

Takahara noticed the subtle shift in their positions and he laughed to himself when he saw the waka-sama move between the girl and himself. Protecting our mate from imaginary danger are we? How cute...It must be fun to sit around playing house all day.

“Konnichiha, Waka-sama, Tsukikage-hime,” he called out a greeting to them as they approached.

“Takahara...” Sesshomaru nodded and the older youkai was amused to see a fleeting look of shock on the girl’s face over his rudeness, before she spoke up and greeted him properly. The three of them stood there, making small talk as the two men sized each other up.

“I wish to offer my congratulations on your pup to be. And don’t look so alarmed, Waka-sama, I know the truth of the matter.”

“Domo arigatou, Takahara-sama,” Tsuki said softly. “Gomen nasai, but I find it too cold to be standing out here for long; perhaps we can continue this inside?”

“Ah! Where are my manners? Of course it’s too cold out here. What were you thinking, Waka-sama, dragging the lady around outside like it was the middle of summer? Go get her inside. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to see my Toukasa-chan.” Smiling, he bowed to them before leaving.

“What was that all about?” Sesshomaru wondered out loud as he watched Takahara walk away.

“I don’t know, perhaps it is as he said, Maru-chan, he merely wished to offer his congratulations and good wishes for our pup...”

“Hai...but somehow I have a bad feeling about it. I don’t know...” He shrugged.

“I know you don’t like him any more than I do, but don’t you think you’re letting that cloud your judgment here? He really could be sincere about it for a change...”

“Iie. If there’s one thing I know about Takahara, it’s that the bastard’s incapable of being sincere about anything.” He shook his head and taking her hand, he gently led her towards the main part of the palace and the kitchen. “Come, let’s forget about him and go get something to eat.”



Things by now had settled back into their old familiar routine of Sesshomaru spending his nights in Tsuki’s room and in the mornings after breakfast they would go for their lessons with Ryoushi. The only difference was that they were only expected to dine with everyone else at dinner time, for Inutaisho now divided his time between his wife and mate, with his wife occupying his evenings. Sesshomaru laughed at the subtle shift in things back to the way they originally were when Tsuki had first arrived. He was telling her just that as they sat waiting for their teacher to arrive when he noticed she was acting a bit strangely.

“Tsuki-chan,” he called softly to her as he watched her lean forward onto the low table in front of her, her other hand on her belly. She seemed to be listening to some inner voice as she rocked forward only to return to an upright position. “Are you alright?”

“Hunh?” she said as she sat up and gave him a funny look after he had finally broken through her reverie.

“I asked you if you were alright. You’re not listening to anything I’ve said and you keep rocking back and forth. I thought maybe you were getting sick or something...”

“Oh...gomen nasai, Maru-chan. I didn’t mean to worry you.” She smiled at him. “I think I felt the pup moving...”


“Hai! Whenever I lean forward like this,” she demonstrated it for him, “I feel this fluttering deep down over here...” Tsuki took his hand and placed on her belly. “Now press kind of hard...that’s it and keep it there.” She placed her hand over his and leaned forward again. “Did you feel it?”

“Iie...I think you have too many layers on as I can’t really feel anything except your hand on mind and your hakama. Maybe we can try later at the baths?”

“Hentai!” she giggled. “Okay, we can try later tonight. But I would have thought you could feel it by now as I can.”

“Baka! Of course you can; it’s inside you.” Sesshomaru snorted out a laugh and shook his head.

“Iie! I’ve felt that for a while...ever since the snows first began to fall. This is different and besides, Ningen-hime said she could feel it through my hakama...”

“I don’t believe you.” He scowled at her and looked away.

“She said she did...but maybe she knows what she’s feeling as she has a pup too...and when she was as big around as I am now when I felt it. And I couldn’t wait until I got big enough for you to feel our pup too...”

Sesshomaru sighed. “Don’t cry...maybe I just got too much fabric in the way and you were distracting me...”

“You want to try again?”

“Hai...and hurry before Sensei gets here.”

Tsuki giggled and placed her mate’s hand on her belly again. This time she slid it a bit lower and left it there while she took her hand away and leaned forward again. Sesshomaru pressed harder this time and a look of wonder fell over his face when he felt the faint stirrings in her belly. Before he could say anything they straightened up, as their teacher took that moment to finally arrive for their lessons.


Their lesson over, they took the shorter route through the open passageways on the outside of the buildings. The strolled along the low porches and paused every so often to admire the way the snow had fallen on the trees and small courtyards as they made their way back to the women’s quarters and the warmth of Tsuki’s room. Sesshomaru had fallen behind as he had stopped to watch the birds fight over the remains of a dropped rice ball. He grinned when he caught sight of the stupid cat that Fumiko-chan insisted on keeping as a pet. It was stealthily stalking the unsuspecting birds and he wondered if it would finally succeed in catching one of them, for the cat was just as fat as it was stupid and Sesshomaru was surprised it had summoned up enough energy to attempt catching its prey. After the cat failed in yet another attempt at proving itself the supreme predator, he ran to catch up with her. However, instead of running to catch up with her and taking his cue from the cat he decided to have a bit of fun stalking his ‘prey”. Sesshomaru waited a bit, and passed the time, watching her tromp through the courtyard just outside her room. Then he bent down, and picking up a handful of snow, quickly formed it into a ball. He waited until Tsuki had nearly reached the steps leading up to her room, before throwing it at her.

Whirling to face him, she cried, “Maru-chan!” She could not believe Sesshomaru was standing there laughing at her, and Tsuki narrowed her eyes at him, before turning on her heel, and hurrying towards her room in a huff. That was when he pelted her again with a snow ball. She shook the snow from her hair and as he stood there shaking with mirth, she bent down and grabbed a handful of snow and whirling around, she threw it at him. That only had the effect of making him laugh harder as the snow drifted towards him in a little flurry. He bent again and scooped up another handful of snow and quickly formed it into a ball, before launching at her. Tsuki this time was ready for him and she ducked. When she did so, she gathered another handful of snow which she made into a ball and when she threw it, as luck would have it, she hit him in the face.

“Gomen nasai, Maru-chan! I didn’t mean to! I’m so sorry!!” she cried and rushed over to him.

Sesshomaru wiped the snow from his face as he hid his smirk and when Tsuki got close enough he grabbed her. However, he had startled her and she lost her balance and the two of them fell over into a heap on the soft snow, where they lay there laughing. She tried pushing him off her when he grabbed her hands and held them over her head. She giggled when he told her he would release if she would give him a kiss, but that only made her giggles deepen in a laugh. The more she laughed and struggled to get out from under him, the more he was determined to stay where he was until they both heard a loud disapproving noise behind them.

“Sessho-kun! What in Kami-sama’s name do you think you’re doing? Do wish to hurt her? And you, girl, what are you, mad? Do you realize you could have hurt the pup?” Inukouhi hissed.



“Iie!! I..I...Gomen nasai...I...ummm...” they chorused as they disentangled themselves and Sesshomaru once he stood up leaned over and extended his hand to help his mate up as his mother glared at them.

“Atsuimi-hime, kindly take the girl back to her room and see if Ningen-hime can help you get her change into something dry,” the dog queen commanded. “Where do you think you’re going, my son?”

“Back with Tsuki.”

“I don’t recall naming you Atsuimi when you were whelped.”


“Good, you’ll stay put as I want to talk to you. Atsuimi-chan, please when you bring the girl to my rooms, bring the human with her as well.” She turned her attention back to her son, “Sessho-kun, what you did was unthinkable.”

“How so? All we were doing was playing in the snow.”

“Well for one thing you knocked her over and yes, I saw the whole thing. Then you fell on top of her. What were thinking? You shouldn’t hold her hands over her head and make her struggle like that! Do you want the pup to be whelped with its parts all mixed up? Just because the girl is youkai, it doesn’t mean she’s safe from whelping a monster! Remember what happened to Izumi-chan?” The dog queen sighed as he her son shook his head. “Well the idiot never worried about running and jumping about like a flea! Her son Kaijuu was born with a deformed head and limbs and... well fortunately he never lived long!” she paused briefly in her ranting. “Or what if you two hurt the pup in your foolishness? Didn’t your father explain things to you? If so, then I expect you to be more responsible than that!”

“He did. But Tsuki-chan isn’t so delicate that falling would do that,” he said and quickly amended when he saw her frown, “unlike you were...besides, she fell on snow.”

“Sessho-kun, you were probably too young to remember this, but I did slip in the snow and ice and I lost a pup because it came too early. She may be hardy, my son, but the pup isn’t! What if you hurt the pup and it isn’t normal? Have you thought about what you would do? Perhaps you should meet Kikeiyo-chan. She’s kept hidden away in the women’s quarters, for the girl has the mind of a child. The only reason she’s still alive is her parents couldn’t bear the thought of putting her out of her misery. Her poor mother is beside herself in her grief over what happened. The woman fell, Sessho-kun, fell hard enough that Kikeiyo-chan was whelped with a large bruise on her face that the gods have seen fit to put there as a reminder of her mother’s foolishness. Stupid woman had to leave the women’s quarters see her mate when she should have been home sitting in confinement!” Inukouhi made a small sound of disgust. “When I fell I didn’t have the extra burden of having your father land on top of me.”

“Well maybe that had something to do with it...?” He winced when it looked like his mother was going to explode.

Sighing heavily, Inukouhi said, “Come, I want you to go get Baba-chan for me and then I want you to go talk to your father about ways to live without the girl for a while-”

“Tsukikage. Haha-ue, her name is Tsukikage and I wish you would refer to her as such as well as address her that way. Like it or not, Haha-ue, she’s my mate and as such, she’s deserving of your respect.”

“Fine!” the dog queen huffed. “Now go!”


“I’m fine, Atsuimi-hime, really I am,” Tsuki said as the court’s chief geisha hurried to strip her out of her wet clothes, while her human friend set about gathering extra charcoal.

“I’m sure you are, but you must understand the okugata-sama had lost a pup when she fell and she’s been very worried about you falling even if she hasn’t shown it.”

“Hai, she’s right, Tsuki-chan, the okugata-sama has even been somewhat worried about me,” Izayoi said from where she sat adding charcoal to the brazier in an attempt to quickly heat up the room. “You’ll be lucky if the worst thing to happen to you is you get a cold.”

“Hai, but if you do, I wouldn’t want to be you, as the okugata-sama’ll probably get crazy trying to get you over it and your life will be hell until you’re better.”

“Why would she care so much if she really doesn’t like me?” Tsuki asked, searching their faces for answers. “Look, I know she’s about as fond of me as she is of you, Ningen-hime. She still won’t call me by name; I’m always ‘girl’. I’ve made her son happy; I could be giving him an heir, and at the very least she’ll get a grandpup to spoil, so why does she treat me like I’m the most horrible thing she’s ever seen?”

“Because, like Ningen-hime, you’ve taken the love of someone close to her and not only that, you’ve all but taken away her chances of getting a good match for the waka-sama. Tsukikage-chan, you must understand that when they find someone suitable, they will marry him off. Plus whatever sons you’ll give him won’t be counted as heirs, unless his wife is unable to give him one. Even then, your life will be miserable as his concubine as I’m sure your friend can tell you...”

“Hai...sadly Atsuimi-hime is right. Not matter how hard I try to pretend otherwise, I will always be nothing more than a beloved concubine. And it’s quite possible they’ll marry him off quickly...”

“And if they do, this will be the only pup you’ll ever have.”

Izayoi looked at her confused, “Why not? Human daimyo often have several children by both their wives and concubines. And I have a child by the Dono-sama...”

“First of all you forget that a youkai woman would stand for anything like that. The pup would be quietly disposed of before it even had a chance to draw its first breath! And as for your condition, I believe the okugata-sama allowed for reasons of her own, which we may never understand...” Stupid fool thinks that by allowing it, she’ll gain her husband’s love...

“Iie! You’re wrong! He loves me and he’s told me that our son will be heir! And ...and...that he will never marry...” Tsuki placed a hand over her mouth and stood there crying while the two women fussed over her.

“ mustn’t cry. It may all never come to pass...but you should think about it and prepare yourself incase it does. Plus I’ll come to see you whenever I can, and I promise I’ll bring my baby too.” Izayoi soothed.

Tsuki wiped her face and nodded. She then splashed the cool water that Atsuimi had brought her on her face and held a wet rag up to her eyes in an effort to halt their puffiness and redness. Once they were satisfied that she was calm and in control, they led her through the inner corridors to the dog queen’s rooms.


“Is the girl unharmed?” the dog queen asked softly as pulled her friend aside.
“Hai, Tsukikage-hime appears to be fine, my lady. But then I’ve limited knowledge in that area... Have you sent for Baba-chan?” Atsuimi whispered in reply.

“Hai. Sit down, sit down.” She waved a hand at them and after looking around for some cushions, they did. “Would you like something to eat while we wait? I have some dried fruit and there’s a few onigiri left from this morning. Would anyone like tea? Sakuya-chan! Come here, girl, and pour everyone some tea.”

Sakuya silently came over and did as she was told. Once everyone had refreshed themselves, Inukouhi turned the conversation to the matter at hand. “Baba-chan will be here soon but before she gets here, I have decided that the time has come for your confinement.” She paused to look at Tsuki who flinched under her gaze. “I know your pup isn’t due until the summertime, but it’s clear that you have no concern for your health and safety not to mention your pup’s. Here me out, girl...ummm...Tsukikage, I’m ordering this for your own good and just so you won’t be lonely I’ve decide you can spend the time with Ningen-hime. You already spend inordinate amount of time with her anyway, so you might as well spend your time there.” She turned to the human sitting there and said, “And just so it won’t be a total waste, I want you to show her how to make clothes for her pup and perhaps she can also help you make clothes for your own pup, Ningen-hime.” She paused and looked over her shoulder, “Ah, Baba-chan, you’re here. I need you to have a look at Tsukikage,” she flashed a smile at the girl, “And see if she’s alright as she and my son had an unfortunate fall earlier.”

“Haha-ue...?” Sesshomaru said softly as he entered the room.

“Sessho-kun, you may leave us.” She waved a hand at her son.

“But, Haha-ue...”

“Sessho-kun, I believe I told you to go. The girl,” she sighed, “Tsukikage-hime, has started her confinement and that means you are no longer welcome in her presence. Now go, my son.”


“I said Tsukikage-hime has started her confinement and now you are no longer allowed free rein of the women’s quarters. It’s about time you grew up and spent time with the men, now leave us.”

Sesshomaru stood there, unable to believe what his mother just said to him and just as unwilling to believe it. He wanted to at least have a moment alone to say good bye to his mate, for she was clearly distressed by his mother’s decision. “Can’t I at least-”

“Go, Sessho-kun before I have you removed. There will be plenty of time to be with her once she’s recovered from the whelping.” She turned her upper body to face him, “Sesshomaru, you wanted to be a man and sire a pup, now behave accordingly. I promise you, nothing will happen to her. Now go.” She turned her back on him and resumed her conversation with Baba-chan. Since he still had not left, she tried one more time, “Sessho-kun, if you leave now, I’ll make arrangements for you to see her one last time tonight at dinner. Now go!”

Sesshomaru let whatever protest he was about to make die on his lips, and giving Tsuki one last look of longing, he turned on his heel and quietly huffed out of the room.

“Now that he’s gone, I’ll need you to examine the girl and make sure she’s not going to lose the pup...”

“Hai. Come, Tsuki-chan.”


Sesshomaru was early to dinner for once and he felt a heavy weight lift from his heart when he saw Tsuki enter the room, following his mother. As usual she was seated on his right and it was all he could do to control himself and sit there calmly eating his dinner while making small talk with her. They sat there stealing looks at each other in much the same manner as they did on that night when they had first met. Much to Sesshomaru’s horror, the dinner went quickly and when his mother rose to leave, Tsuki also followed suit. He closed his eyes and held her discarded napkin in his lap for a few minutes before he realized he father was telling him he could also leave. After making his good byes, he calmly left with the intention of sprinting down the corridors to the women’s quarters only to find Tsuki and his mother waiting for him just outside the dining hall.

“Tsuki-chan...” he said softly and he found he wanted to hold her more than anything else.

“Maru-chan...” she said softly echoing his tone, before she reached out to gently touch his cheek. “Baba-chan says I’ll be fine but she’s worried about the pup. She said it should have been moving around more than it was and she thinks we might have hurt it. So I’m to start my confinement after dinner. They want me to take it easy and stay off my feet for a while. I really shouldn’t be here, but you mother insisted I’d never rest if I didn’t come tonight, because of her promise to us. So you’ll have to make my excuses to Ryoushi-sensei for me and...ummm...and...ummm...and I’m going to miss you.” A single tear gently coursed it way down her cheek.

“Don’t cry, Tsuki-chan...I’m sure I can send messages to you through my mother.” he looked over at the dog queen who nodded. “And I’ll see to it our lessons are sent to you too so you won’t fall too far behind.”


“Ummm...I’m going to miss you too...”

“Hai...Gomen nasai, Maru-chan, but I’d better go,” she said softly and choked back her tears. “Atsuimi-hime says a gentleman must only see a few tears when parting, and if I stay any longer, I think I will start crying and never stop...” Her lower lip quivered and before he could even think to hesitate, Sesshomaru gathered her in his arms and kissed her.

“Please stop crying,’ll go quickly and if you want I’ll send you my shougi board...” he half smiled.

“That’s okay, Maru-chan. Ningen-hime doesn’t know how to play and I don’t think I have the patience to teach her. But don’t worry, she has a go board and I know how play, so we shouldn’t be too bored.” She sighed as more tears welled up in her eyes. “I know it won’t be the same without you, but I will try my hardest to endure it, okay?”

“Hai, as will I.” He kissed her one more time before his mother led her away.


Although the early spring flowers poked their heads up through the snow, winter had yet to release her grip on the land. Takahara rode out on the open plain, the sounds of his horse’s breathing and the soft crunch of its hoofbeats as the animal galloped in the snow breaking the morning’s stillness. Time was limited and he was desperate to meet up with Kurayami.

He was smiling, pleasantly lost in thought, while letting his horse slow to a walk, when Kurayami appeared out of the shadows of a small grouping of pine trees.

“Oi, Takahara! I’ve got it!! It took some doing as we had trouble tracking down a single taijiya, but as luck would have it...”

“You got it!” Takahara laughed. “Excellent! It’s tasteless and acts quickly enough, ne?”

“Hai! Completely odorless, tasteless and difficult to detect! They use it all the time to get rid of troublesome low level know, the stupid mindless things that cause more trouble than they’re worth.” He laughed. “They give it to their young to train with...I guess they figure a quick victory will make them stronger. And the interesting thing about this stuff,” He held up a clear glass vial containing an oily liquid, “is if they leave the corpse lying around, anything that eats it will die too.”

“Indeed?!” Takahara laughed. “You know, their deaths will be the perfect thing to throw the whole palace in an uproar!!”

“Hai!!” Kurayami smiled nastily.

“And what’s even better is the okugata thought she was with pup, but wasn’t, so you can imagine how happy she is about that and how busy he is placating her. Plus the stupid human is counting down the days until she spawns that hanyou brat of hers, and the girl’s been put into confinement because the waka-sama couldn’t keep his hands off her or something like that, so she’s just as unguarded as the human. Then once everyone finds out the two are dead it’ll throw everything into chaos! And everyone will blame the okugata and when the dust settles, I will be victorious! And if I’m lucky, Inutaisho will execute his wife for her treachery thereby saving me the trouble...It’ll be his last moment of weakness and if he had any sense he’d find away to get himself killed on the battlefield. “

“Hai! It’s going to be a glorious day when this all come to pass!”

“Hai. Domo arigatou, my friend, so what do I owe you for this?”

“Nothing for now. But I would like a place in your chain of commend when it’s all over.”

“You’ve got it. Now I’d better be going as I don’t have much time. That stupid human could fucking spawn her hanyou brat at any minute and spoil things...”

“Just one more thing before you go, if you inject it via a dart like a taijiya would do when getting rid of a more powerful youkai, it’ll work almost instantaneously. If you put in some food, which is what they normally do when it’s just some stupid low level youkai, then it’ll take some time before it acts. If I were you, I’d put it in food as it’ll be harder to detect who did it that way...”

“Will do, my friend, will do!”


Sakuya looked at the covered dish she held in her hands before looking up at the retreating form of Takahara as he disappeared down the hall. She was puzzled as to why her mistress would send him to give her the bowl of dried plums soaked in sake, if anything, her mistress would have sent for her instead. She hesitated a few more minutes before heading towards the human’s room, and she wondered if she could sneak a plum, but then decided against it. She knew if the okugata-sama smelt sake on her breath there would be hell to pay and she was sure her mistress would not believe her lame excuse that the women had offered her one.


Atsuimi was hiding in the dimly lit corridor, and watched from the shadows. Inukouhi had sent her to find Sakuya-chan, and Atsuimi had - much to her surprise- seen the girl accept a dish of plums from Takahara. She found it odd that the girl would do anything for the one person she feared more than her mistress Inukouhi.

Years spent in the women’s quarters had sharpened her sense of intrigue and yet she wondered if she were reading more into this than she should. Since she was sent to find the girl, Atsuimi shrugged and slowly followed her.


Sakuya slowly approached Izayoi’s room and as she arrived at the low door she knelt, being careful not to spill the contents of the dish. Then she softly knocked on it a few times before it was answered by Tsuki and she was invited in.

“Gomen nasai, my ladies, I’m very sorry to disturb you, but I was told to bring this to you by my...ummm...mistress.” She placed the dish on the floor and bowed deeply before sitting up, and holding the dish out to Izayoi, who took it from her.

“Domo arigatou, Sakuya-chan. So what do we have here?” she asked as she placed the dish on one of the low tables that furnished her room and opened it.

“Oooo...look, it’s dried plums soaked in sake! They’re my favorite!” Tsuki said when she saw them.

Izayoi laughed, “That’s certainly true, but why would the okugata-sama send them to me? I like them, but I’m not so fond of them that I would eat so many, perhaps she meant for me to share them with you.”

“Hai! Do you want some, Sakuya-chan?” Tsuki asked as she helped herself to a particularly fat and juicy looking one. “Mmmm....they’re delicious!! You should eat some, Sakuya-chan, before I finish them all! And don’t be shy about it either!” She popped another one into her mouth.

“No thank you, Tsukikage-hime. I really must get back to my mistress. Sayonara, my ladies,” she said softly and bowed. Sitting up, she was startled by a strange sound coming from the courtyard. “What was that?” she cried.

Tsuki got to look, “It’s probably just Fumiko-chan’s cat fighting with the tanuki again.” She looked out the window. “Well at least the birds are back, so whatever it was is gone.”

“That silly cat has also been bothering the birds. Remember what happened with Rika-chan the other day?” Izayoi said.

Tsuki thought about it a minute before answering, “Hai! Rika-chan likes to feed the birds and there was this whole big fight when she said something about wringing the cat’s neck if Fumiko-chan didn’t keep it inside and away from the birds, and then Fumiko-chan got all mad and screamed at her that it was really the tanuki who were bothering the birds. Then they started yelling and screaming and pulling each other’s hair and everyone came out of their rooms to see what the uproar was about. Luckily the okugata-sama walked by and put a stop to it before it got too out of control.” She turned and came over to sit down again.

“Sakuya-chan, are you alright?” Ningen-hime asked softly. The girl had blanched when Tsuki mentioned the cat getting its neck wrung and the human felt sorry for the poor girl. When Sakuya silently nodded before bowing again, the human dismissed her and sadly watched her leave.


“Ah! There you are, Sakuya-chan.” Atsuimi purred. She noticed Sakuya had nearly jumped out of her skin when she called her and she wondered if the girl really had been up to something. “The okugata-sama is looking for you, so come, girl!” Atsuimi waited for Sakuya and once she had caught up to her, they walked slowly back to the okugata’s rooms.

“Hai! Gomen nasai, Atsuimi-hime. I’m so sorry you had to come and get me.”

“Nonsense...I was headed here anyway as I wanted to pick up a few more scrolls to read. So how is Ningen-hime doing? I noticed you were coming out of her rooms just now.”

“Hai...ummm...She seemed to be fine, my lady.”

“That’s good as I believe it won’t belong before she has her pup, ne?”

“I wouldn’t know, my lady.”

“She didn’t say anything while you were there?” Atsuimi asked and Sakuya silently shook her head. “That’s odd as she had been complaining the other night in the bathhouse about being tired of waiting for her pup.”

“Iie, she said nothing about it at all, my lady. Tsukikage-hime was happy to get the plums my mistress sent... but I didn’t eat any! I swear it!”

“Really? You could have as I’m sure no would have minded, especially if they offered it to you. Anyway, that was really nice of the okugata-sama to share her fruit like that, ne?”

“Hai...Atsuimi-hime, may I ask you something?”

“Hai, what is it?”

“Do you know why my mistress had asked Takahara-sama to give them to me? If she could not find me, she would have sent one of the other girls to come get me as she knew I would have been busy helping Ayame clean Matsu-hime’s rooms.” Sakuya said timidly.

“Really?” the courtesan said as if musing out loud. “Takahara-sama said the okugata-sama sent him to give you the plums?”

“Hai. Takahara-sama I was to give them to Ningen-hime as that’s what my mistress told him. Atsuimi-hime, if my mistress couldn’t find me, then she would have sent Toukasa-chan, not Takahara-sama. I thought maybe...ummm...” She looked away and shuddered.

“You thought Takahara-sama was up to something...” But what? Don’t tell me he’s been trying to get you back in his bed again. The idiot never gives up when he wants something...

“Hai...” her voice was barely above a whisper.

“Don’t worry, I’ll talk to the okugata-sama and I’ll see to it she mentions it to the Dono-sama again.”

“Domo arigatou!” Sakuya made a little bow as they walked and Atsuimi was pleased to see the girl’s spirits were lifted. Still, Atsuimi could not shake the nagging feeling that somehow she wrong about Takahara and his reason for bothering the girl.


“Come on, have just’ll make you feel better!” Tsuki wheedled.

“I don’t know...I’ve been feeling rather sick to my stomach ever since I woke up. Do you really think it would be wise for me to indulge in sake-soaked plums?”

“I don’t know...all I do know is that you should eat something. You don’t want to make the pup sick.”

“Hai...I suppose so.” Izayoi helped herself to a plum as Tsuki ate another one. “You’d better go easy on them before you get drunk!” she laughed. “I remember Inutaisho-dono-sama had once and he ate so many of them he spent the day in his rooms with a terrible headache. You should have seen how mad the okugata-sama was too when she found out. Poor Sakuya-chan got the beating of her life over it too even though she had nothing to do with it. No wonder she was nervous about giving them to us.”


“Where have been, girl?” the dog queen barked at Sakuya. “I’ve been calling you and calling you and no response! Well?”

“Gomen nasai, my lady...gomen nasai...I’m sorry it took so long to do what you wanted but they were talking to me and I couldn’t get away...gomen nasai!” Sakuya apologized over and over again. She had bowed low; her forehead touching the tatami mat and she mumbled softly as she feared her mistress’ wrath.

“Now what are you babbling about? Who were you talking to?” Inukouhi looked at her trembling servant and grew impatient with her. “Never mind, you idiot! Just get up and go make yourself useful for a change!” Having been dismissed, Sakuya rose and hastily made her retreat.

“What the hell was she babbling about now?” the dog queen muttered to herself and a look of surprise spread across her face when she received an unexpected answer.

“She was trying to tell you that she was on a little errand for Takahara...” Atsuimi said. “I saw her go to Ningen-hime’s room, carrying something and I think I heard him say it was from you, so I didn’t do anything other than satisfy my curiosity as to where she was going...”

The two women looked at each other. “Oh hell...” Inukouhi whispered.


Sesshomaru sat in his lessons bored out of his mind as Ryoushi droned on and not even the new student sitting to his left in Tsuki’s spot alleviated it. He stared out the window, watching the birds flit through the trees, as they chased their rivals and sang to their mates. They reminded him just how much he missed Tsuki as it had . His hand strayed to the latest letter Tsuki had written him about her fears over all the nonsense she had heard concerning the act of whelping a pup and he longed for class to be over so that he could write her back to help ease her mind. Since he could not wait any longer, he pretended to take a few notes but was really writing back to her. Pausing, Sesshomaru looked up and stared off into space as he wondered how he could get Atsuimi-hime to meet him earlier than usual, when the birds had stopped singing, before exploding up and out of the trees towards the distant hills, their cries suddenly shattering the momentary silence.

Everyone looked up from what they were doing, before Ryoushi called it day and decided to end their lessons early.

Sesshomaru walked slowly towards his rooms so that he could drop off his scroll and get the one Tsuki had wanted to borrow. He soon became lost in his thoughts and before he knew it he was heading towards the women’s quarters. Without realizing it, he started speeding up the closer he came to Tsuki’s room.


“What’s the matter, Ningen-hime?” Tsuki asked brightly and she giggled as she tried to stifle a hiccup.

“Nothing...but I think you’ve had enough of those, don’t you?” The human said and reaching for the dish she shook her head when Tsuki grabbed another plum and popped it into her mouth.

“Hai...but they’re so good...” she said before she grabbed her stomach and cried out. “Maybe you’re right; maybe I shouldn’t have eaten that last one...”

“Hai...” Izayoi took the dish away. “Tsuki... tell me you’re not having those sympathy pains again?” she asked when her friend gasped again as if in pain.

“ stomach really hurts this time...” Tsuki said softly. “It feels all crampy and it’s really sore... aaah....”

“Worse than the sympathy pains you had last week?”

“Hai, maybe I just could have ate too many plums, ne?” She grimaced.

“Perhaps, but I think I should go and get Baba-chan. She might have something that’ll make you feel better.” Izayoi slowly hauled herself to her feet and made her way over to the shoji leading to the outside. “I’ll be back in a minute as I think I heard Toukasa-chan walk by and maybe she can send her girl to go get her.”

“Hai...ummm...please hurry, Ningen-hime! Aaah! That hurts!”

Izayoi turned to ask her if she would be alright if had to go and get Baba-chan when she saw her friend’s eyes roll back it her head and seconds later she passed out. “Tsuki-chan! Tsuki-chan!!” Izayoi was at her side in a minute. “Tsuki...please be alright...” Ignoring her own painful stomach cramps, Izayoi opened the outer shoji and rushed out onto the porch surrounding the inner courtyard. “Help me!” Another sharp pain this time much lower down hit her and Izayoi grabbed the nearby wooden post for support. Kami-sama, please help us both! /She thought before her stomach cramped again and she got sick all over the poor azaleas. /Please, Kami-sama, let Tsuki be okay...


“Sessho-kun! What did I tell you about coming here?” Inukouhi cried as her son sped by them. “Sessho-kun?!”

“Come, my lady! Perhaps they really are in danger...” Atsuimi said and the two women hurried towards Izayoi’s room.


“Waka-sama...” Izayoi reached out to him. “Gomen nasai...I shouldn’t have let her eat so many of them...Gomen nasai...” The human covered her mouth with her hand and started crying when Sesshomaru looked at her sharply before rushing into the room.

“Iie...Tsuki-chan...” He cradled her limp form in his arms. “Tsuki-chan...?” Sesshomaru looked up when he heard someone enter the room.

“Gomen nasai...Waka-sama we were eating the plums your mother had sent us and Tsuki kept stuffing herself with them...and aaah!” She winced in pain. “Tsuki ate a lot of them before I made her stop and one minute she was fine and the next she fainted...gomen nasai...Waka-sama, but she won’t wake up!”

“Tsuki-chan...” He patted her cheek. “Damn it! I trusted you to watch out for her! Now go get Baba-chan! What are you standing there for? Go!!”

“Hai...gomen nasai, Waka-sama...I don’t know why she’s like that...aaah!”

“Stop crying and go! You’re wasting time, you fool!”

“Gomen nasai...”

“Go get Baba-chan! Now!!” Sesshomaru gathered Tsuki’s limp form in his arms as his mother and her friend arrived.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s Tsuki-chan! Haha-ue, she fainted and won’t wake up.”

“Euuuph! She reeks of sake! Perhaps the little fool is drunk and that’s why she won’t wake up. Just put her down and let her sleep it off.”


“By the way what are you doing here? I thought I told you to leave her be while she’s in her confinement,” she paused when Izayoi cried out in pain. “And what’s wrong with you now, Ningen-hime?”

“Aaah... we need to get Baba-chan, Okugata-sama, as Tsuki’s not drunk. I’ve seen her eat that many plums before and all she does is giggle. I ate one as well and I also feel really ill...”

“I need her to get Baba-chan! Haha-ue, you can talk to her about this later! She needs to go now!”

“How ill...?” The dog queen said from where she knelt next to Tsuki’s prone form.

“Well, I didn’t feel all that good when I woke up. I had a terrible backache and my stomach felt ill all morning...”

“Oh... and...?”

“And after I ate a plum my stomach started cramping up a lot worse...gomen nasai...but it hurt so much that I got sick in the garden... and then I felt a little better afterwards, but the cramping hasn’t gone away...” She winced.

“Oh...hell,” Inukouhi closed her eyes and let out the breath she had been holding. “Sessho-kun, leave Tsukikage and go get Baba-chan now!”


“But nothing! Just go...NOW!” She waved him off and turned her attention back to the human woman. “You are in pain where?”

“My back was sore when I woke up but now the pain is getting sharper and it started in my back but now I feel it more in my stomach...Aaah! had been coming and going this morning, now the pains are getting closer together...that’s odd.”


“I should have had another pain just now and I didn’t...I was scared my baby was coming, but perhaps I was ill from the plums.”

The two youkai women looked at her and at each other before Inukouhi asked, “You mean human women get pains before whelping, like youkai women?”

“I don’t know... did you have pains with the waka-sama?”

“Iie!” Inukouhi cried.

“Iie, my foot!” Atsuimi laughed. “I seem to remember someone crying for her long deceased mother to come and get her, before Baba-chan made you drink some warm sake and then we walked you around until you couldn’t stand up...” she chuckled. “Then you lay there moaning like you were dying until the Dono-sama came running in just in time to see the waka-sama enter the world!” she smirked.

“I did not! You’re making that up! And besides, what do you know about whelping a pup?” The dog queen narrowed her eyes and glared at her friend.

“Absolutely nothing, to which I thank the gods!!” Atsuimi cried in relief.

Their argument died there when they heard the sound of laughter. “Gomen nasai...or rather...aaah! Gomen...I meant to say, ‘rather arigatou’ for taking my mind off my are most kind, my ladies.” Izayoi made a strange sound that was part giggle and part cry of pain.

“Keh!” Inukouhi held up a hand. “Are the pains staring again?” She swore as Izayoi nodded. “Damn it! While I have some knowledge of whelping unlike some people I know...” she shot a pointed look at her friend and they all laughed. “I’m sorry but I know next to nothing about humans...”

“Hai and I bet she still doesn’t believe it’s possible for a youkai to pillow with a human...” Atsuimi whispered to Izayoi rather loudly.

“That’s not true!” The dog queen frowned. “What the hell is taking them so long? And why won’t she wake up, the poor thing?” She leaned over and gently shook Tsuki again. “Wake up, Tsuki-chan...” she said softly. “It’s not funny and you’re ummm...” she looked over at the human, “You’re scaring your friend. Ningen-hime is getting sick with worry over you...”

“Hai...please wake up, Tsuki-chan...” Izayoi said softly.

“Ningen-hime...” Atsuimi said as picked up a dish of plums.


“Is this the dish of plums Sakuya brought you?”

“Hai...she brought them earlier, you don’t think they were bad or anything...”

“Not bad in that they were spoiled as they smell rather strongly of sake which should have pickled but good...but I have an idea I want to test...”

“Go ahead. Any more pains?”

“Iie...what do you think could be wrong with them?”

“I wonder if they were poisoned. I saw Takahara give them to Sakuya. I wasn’t close enough to hear them clearly, but I followed her and saw that she brought them straight here. So if they were poisoned...”

“That bastard did it! I’ll have his head for this one if the girl dies! Whatever possessed him to do such a thing?” Inukouhi raged.

“Well we don’t know if they were poisoned for let me go see if that pair of tanuki are still here...” She got up and went out the outer shoji. Once on the porch she removed her outer kimono and made some soft kissing noises before a pair of dark masked eyes emerged from the shadows under the far end of the porch and morphed into the tanuki. Atsuimi then flung the contents of the dish at them, causing the tanuki to scatter before hunger drove them to investigate what was thrown at them. Finding it edible, they quickly scarfed it up and before they could return to the safety of the shadows, Atsuimi threw her outer kimono at them, neatly pinning them both under its dark voluminous folds. She called to a passing servant to have them both caged so that she could observe them. After they were caged she returned to the warmth of Tsuki’s room, leaving only to take a look every now and then at the tanuki. After a while, the smaller of the two stopped its pacing and made some whining sounds as it retched and tried to empty its stomach. It stood there wracked in pain before it collapsed and lay unmoving on the bottom of the cage. Its mate turned and came over to it and sniffed it a few times before it too succumbed to the poisoned plums. Sighing, Atsuimi hurried back inside.

“Ningen-hime, you said you got sick in the garden and now you feel fine?”

“Hai...but why? What’s wrong?”

“They were poisoned...we need to make Tsuki sick before it’s too late...I don’t know if it’ll work, as the tanuki got sick and then they died...but Ningen-hime’s fine now...”

“But I got sick right away... and besides, I’m human.”

“I know, but the tanuki are also not youkai and besides, they got sick right away and died. Come, we’ve wasted enough time, already!”

They dragged Tsuki outside, and cradling her head in her lap, Atsuimi stuck her fingers in Tsuki’s throat until she gagged. They waited to see if she would get sick before Atsuimi repeated the process a few times before they had some success.

“Don’t cry, Ningen-hime...Baba-chan will be here soon and she has much knowledge in these things...besides you need to calm yourself down so you can whelp safely,” The dog queen patted the human’s arm somewhat reassuringly and the human woman was touched by the gesture.

“Hai...and domo arigatou,’ve been must kind to me...”

“Keh!” she waved the sympathetic gesture off. “How’s the girl?” she said to her friend.

“I don’t know. I wish Baba-chan would hurry up and get here.” Atsuimi said softly. She trailed her finger down Tsuki’s cheek. “She feels a bit warm, which is good, ne?”

The dog queen shrugged. “There they are,” she sighed and they could hear the relief in her voice.


“You say the girl’s been poisoned?”

“Hai. Apparently they ate poisoned plums in sake. Husband, we feel it was made to look as if I were to blame. Atsuimi-hime saw Takahara give Sakuya-chan a covered dish and Ningen-hime said they were dried plums soaked in sake. And unfortunately Tsuki was very fond of them...”

“Hai...Are you alright, Izayoi-chan?”

“Hai. Ummm...aaah.”


“She’s fine, husband. She’s...ummm...” The dog queen whispered in her husband’s ear. “Tsukikage is questionable...”

“I see.”

“ get Sesshomaru out of here as we have things to do!” Inukouhi pushed her husband toward their son. “He can’t stay here and he needs to be distracted... Right now we’re hoping she’ll get better, but if not...”

Inutaisho grabbed his wife’s wrists. “Hai, I understand. Look after her and Izayoi as well.”

“I will, my love.”

“Arigatou, Inuki-chan.” He lifting her hand, he kissed her upturned palm and she smiled. “Come, Sessho-kun!” Inutaisho called to his son.

“Wait! We can’t have Ningen-hime in here...I can’t look after the two of them nor can I afford to be distracted by Ningen-hime’s travail. Perhaps you can look after her in your room, Inukouhi-sama.” Baba-chan said as she felt Tsuki’s forehead.


“You’ve had your share of pups and seen your share of them whelping, so I trust you’ll do fine when the time comes.”

“Nani?! I cannot...”

“Please, my would be there anyway.”

“Hai...and I trust you...I’d be very grateful if you helped me...” Izayoi said softly. “Please...”

“Hai...” Inukouhi grumbled. “Come, Atsuimi-chan...and you too, Sessho-kun...”

“Arigatou, Inuki-chan...” whispered as he brushed his lips across her cheek. “May I?” he said to Izayoi before gathering her in his arms and following his wife and the others out.

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