Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Moonlight

Scroll ten: Inuyasha

by kirayasha 0 reviews

A Sesshomaru story

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Sesshoumaru - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2005-11-26 - Updated: 2007-10-24 - 24616 words


By kira

Scroll ten: Inuyasha

Author’s note: Thanks to both my beta’s Ithilwen & Tiranth for making this the best story I’ve ever written! You guys are the best! huggles

Sesshomaru walked slowly, trailing behind everyone, hoping against hope to stay as unnoticed as possible so that he could turn around and double back to Tsuki’s room. He knew he would be in the way there, but he just could not help it as he was afraid of her dying. He had also heard something to the effect that Takahara was involved in the poisoning, but as to why he would want to hurt Tsuki when months before he had been so enamored of her, Sesshomaru had no idea. Ningen-hime and her hanyou whelp he could understand as he could see Takahara doing this as a way to keep the blood of infanticide off his father’s hands and if the human died in the process, then his mother would certainly be happy enough to use her influence over his father to save him.

Pausing, he listened carefully to the sound of retreating footsteps and the voices of his father and mother as they tried to reassure Ningen-hime she would be fine and that the pain she felt was apparently normal. Sesshomaru slowly counted to ten, before spinning on his heel and doubling back the way he came. He made his way as quickly and quietly as he could, for he did not want anyone coming after him and making him wait elsewhere. Within minutes, he found himself just outside Tsuki’s room and as he stood there facing it, he could hear the sounds of the women inside tending to her. He took a deep breath before slipping inside, and hugging the shadows of the walls, he crept as close as he dared to before sliding down the wall to sit and wait.

He watched, fascinated, as they worked. Baba-chan knew how to direct her assistants just as well as his father did his troops on the battlefield. She was the model of efficiency, giving terse orders that were obeyed the instant they fell from her lips. In the short time he had been gone, the women had brewed a strong smelling tea and two of them were gently sitting Tsuki up while the other made her drink it. He winced as she coughed a few times before getting sick in a bucket and the process was repeated until Baba-chan was certain Tsuki had emptied her stomach. Then the old woman took a basin of water and a cloth and wiped Tsuki’s face and mouth before the women laid her back down to rest. They watched over her and soothed her as she retched a few times before falling back asleep. That was when Baba-chan noticed Sesshomaru and she motioned for him to come closer, which he did.

“She needs to rest now and recover so let her be.”

“She’ll be fine, ne?”

“I hope so, Sessho-kun,” she said softly and smiled and was pleased when the waka-sama returned it. “We got to her quickly, which is good, and it was lucky that you happened by when you did.”

“Hai... and the pup?”

“I’m worried about the pup, but I believe it’ll be fine as I felt it moving around before.”

Sesshomaru sighed in relief and Baba-chan reached up and pinched his cheek affectionately. “Why don’t you go and sit with her while I go check on Ningen-hime,” she said softly and gathering you women with a look, they quietly left the young couple alone.


Baba-chan and her assistants walked quietly through the women’s quarters. They were on their way to the dog queen’s rooms and every so often they would stop and reassure someone that both women were fine and that as far as they knew it seemed to be an isolated incident. When they had arrived, the old woman knocked softly and Inutaisho let them in. Baba-chan spoke quietly to him and he left before she entered the dog queen’s inner chamber.

“It’s about time you showed up!” Inukouhi said as she picked up a black stone and placed it on the go board. “How’s the girl doing?”

“She’ll be fine, but I’m worried about the pup.”

“Do they know?” the dog queen asked and noticing a flash of color out the corner of her eye, she said, “You can’t do that, Atsuimi-chan!!” Inukouhi then slapped her friend’s hand gently as she tried to exchange a black stone for a white one without the dog queen noticing. “I can’t believe you’re trying to cheat!!”

“Gomen...” Atsuimi grumbled as she winked at Izayoi who laughed along with Baba-chan, who then let out a soft sigh as she realized she never answered the dog queen’s question.

Inukouhi frowning, looked up at Baba-chan and said, “I said ‘do they know?’”


“Hai, ‘they!’ I know my son is there. He left as soon as he could get away with it and don’t tell me otherwise.”

“Iie, I haven’t really voiced my concerns. Right now Tsukikage-hime needs to concentrate on regaining her strength. So in order to keep him from worrying and upsetting her, I told him they were both fine. I really didn’t want to lie to him, but I felt I had no choice.”

“Hai, I understand, but they should be told soon. It’s something they should be prepared for.”... And something that would solve our problem.

“Hai, but-”

“I know, it’s not easy to lose a pup and Kami-sama knows I’ve lost plenty of them myself, but still-”/ And yet, Kami-sama knows that’s not something I would wish on anyone, least of all the scheming whore who managed to seduce my son. And yet, I suppose everyone was right and like it or not he’s made his choice and I’ll have to live with it.../

“My lady, this is her first child, and think of how terrible it would be for her, for them both, knowing she’s going lose it,” Izayoi said softly as she waddled around the room.

“Enough talk of losing pups! We have one here who wants to make an appearance in this world, but if everyone keeps going on like this, I dare say, the little one will most likely change its mind!”

“Please! I think I’ve had about enough of this as I can stand...” Izayoi grasped as she had another contraction.

“And speaking of standing, Ningen-hime, I need you lie down so I can see how you’re doing.” Baba-chan motioned for the women to help the human. Once Izayoi was made comfortable on the futon, Baba-chan opened her kimono and placed her hand on Izayoi’s swollen belly and waited. A few minutes later she felt the contraction as Izayoi cried out in pain again. “That’s good, but try not to push yet...I want to feel inside you so I can see how close your pup is to being whelped. If you are ready then you can start to push, but don’t do it until I say you can, or you’ll just exhaust yourself.”

“Hai...” Izayoi closed her eyes as Baba-chan examined her.

“You’re getting there, but it appears that you are still not ready to push yet. Did you know that you feel similar to a youkai woman?”


“Hai, you do, but until you are ready to push, I’ll leave you in the okugata-sama’s capable hands.” Baba-chan smiled and closed Izayoi’s kimono. “If you feel like walking around again, then do so until you need to start pushing.”

“Hai...” Izayoi nodded, although she was worried about just how far she could trust her. Everyone seems convinced that you won’t harm me or my baby, but I wonder... She cast a surreptitious glance at the dog queen, before struggling to her feet and continuing her pacing.

Baba-chan spent the rest of the day in the dog queen’s rooms, occasionally sending her assistants to check on Tsuki who seemed to be out of danger, while she waited along with the others for Izayoi’s labor to come to an end. The shadows deepened and the lighting of the lanterns outside signaled the start of nightfall. The women had chatted the afternoon away, talking about the many pups Baba-chan had delivered, and both Atsuimi and Izayoi listened intently much to Inukouhi’s amusement. She sat there bored and when she stood up to see about having some food brought to her chambers, two things happened to push any thought of food out her mind and everyone else’s.

“Gomen nasai, Okugata-sama, but Baba-chan is urgently needed in Tsukikage-hime’s rooms.” The younger of Baba-chan two assistants had arrived to bring her back. “Tsukikage-hime has developed a fever and-”

“Go see to her; we should be fine here, ne?” The dog queen looked from her friend’s face to her rival’s and back. I hope, and please Kami-sama, have this pup wait until Baba-chan returns. The last thing I need is for something to go wrong...

“Hai...” Atsuimi calmly said as she walked around the room with Izayoi.

“Gomen nasai, but I believe my water’s broken...” Izayoi said softly. “Aaah! The pains seem to be getting worse...”

Baba-chan sent her assistant back with word she would be there in a few minutes. Then she took another look at Izayoi. “It seems it won’t be long now before the pup is here. I’d walk her around as much as she wants to help speed things up. When you feel like the pain is one big blur, tell them and you two,” she looked at the dog queen and her friend, “help her get into position, encourage her to push, and help deliver the pup...” She then shot the okugata a look, before leaving.



“Maru-chan...” Tsuki murmured softly.

“Hai...Tsuki-chan? Tsuki-chan, how are you feeling?” He did not like how warm to the touch she had become and he wondered if he should leave her and go in search of Baba-chan when she finally answered him.

Tsuki moaned softly. “Need water...”

“Hai,” Sesshomaru said softly and getting up he went outside and brought her a cup of fresh water from the courtyard’s fountain. Returning quickly, he padded silently over to where she lay, before setting the cup down. Then he gathered her in his arms and helped her drink. Tsuki sighed before falling back asleep in his arms. They remained that way until Baba-chan arrived to check on Tsuki’s progress, much to Sesshomaru’s relief. Thank Kami she’s finally returned. If that idiotic human had kept her from being here where she belongs, looking after Tsuki-chan she’d live to regret it! I can’t believe she was fussing after that damned bitch, I mean how hard can it be to help her brat into the world? /He glanced at Tsuki before staring off into space. /Damn it! Why is she still so weak? Shouldn’t she be getting better by now?


“Come on, let’s just walk you around a bit more before we go inside...” the dog queen said as she helped Izayoi waddle around her private garden.

“I can’t. It hurts too much.” Izayoi doubled over as another labor pain hit her. “Okugata-sama, gomen, but they’re coming a lot closer together now...”

“I know, ummm...perhaps I should take a look like Baba-chan suggested? To see if you’re ready to push.” She wore such a pained expression on her face that Izayoi could not stop laughing. “I thought you said you were in pain...” the dog queen said as she quirked an eyebrow at her.

“Gomen, I am. But you look so put upon, and I’m so sorry but I just can’t help it. I don’t mean to laugh, but I’m...frightened.” I know you’re doing your best to be nice to me, but I’m really frightened I could end up losing my life or my child. Izayoi moaned softly when she felt another contraction.

Inukouhi stood there helplessly, before reaching out and rubbing the human’s lower back. “ is rather scary the first time you have a pup. And I’m sure it must be even scarier having a hanyou pup...they don’t always come out so easy from what I’ve heard... and they often look monstrous.” They waited out the contraction before the dog queen gently led her back to her room. You have no idea how much I’m beginning to regret my promise to my husband, but I’ll never go back on my word.

Izayoi nodded sadly. “As much as I really want this baby and if...ummm...” Please, Kami-sama, let my baby be fine. Please keep her from harming it. If it’s true what Atsuimi-hime said, that this will be my only child, then I don’t want to lose it! I want it to be born just fine, with all its fingers and toes in the right place, and I want it to be as beautiful as Inutaisho, so that every time I look at it, I’ll see him reflected in its face.

“If the child is one of the lucky ones, then I won’t have to ‘panic’ and forget to help it take its first breath...”

“Arigatou...” Izayoi choked back a sob. Maybe I shouldn’t have asked her. What if she refuses to let me see my baby and quietly kills it? I bet if it were born perfectly, then she would want to harm it even more.

“Oh, please don’t cry on me now!” she groaned and Izayoi hastily wiped away a tear.


“I think we really should see if you’re ready to push,” she said and the two women waited for the contraction to end before continuing their slow progress back to the okugata-sama’s room.

“Hai ...ummm... you don’t know if there’s any way we can tell if my baby’s going to be alright?” Izayoi asked softly. She had some knowledge of what to expect from her talks with Baba-chan and Inutaisho, but somehow now that she was about to give birth, the ugly reality of the situation made her feel anxious and panicky. She had hoped against hope that her child would be born as normal as possible and that he would be as beautiful as her lord and lover.

“Gomen, the only way I can tell is to wait until it’s whelped. I suppose if I had more knowledge of midwifery, I’d know.” They entered the dog queen’s rooms and Atsuimi got up to help Izayoi sit down.

“Know what?” Atsuimi asked.

“More midwifery... Sadly, all I know is what I can remember from the numerous births I had attended. Atsuimi-chan, please go get Baba-chan, I believe Ningen-hime is near her time.”

“Hai,” she said softly, and after giving Izayoi’s shoulder a quick pat, the courtesan left.

“You don’t feel as though you need to push, do you?” Inukouhi asked nervously.

“Iie, I just wish it didn’t hurt so much.” Izayoi grimaced again in pain.

“Why don’t I just pour you a bit of plum wine? It might not dull the pain completely, but I doubt you’ll mind after a while.”

Izayoi laughed. “Please don’t make me laugh...I’m in enough pain as it is.”

“Hai, I know the feeling, and just watching you is bringing back memories... I was so frightened and nearly out of my mind with the pain when I whelped Sesshomaru. I truly did call for my mother. I remember I had wanted to crawl out of my skin and be anywhere else than where I was in a hot stuffy room with too many women fussing over me. And then my husband, the idiot,” the two women laughed. “Burst into my room and stood there for Kami-sama knows how long as I whelped Sesshomaru...He had come in to tell me he was going riding and for someone to let him know when I was finished. I believe just at that moment I gave a final push and Sesshomaru fell into Baba-chan’s waiting hands.” She smiled. “You know, my husband wanted to name him Inuyasha, but I told him I wanted to name our son Sesshomaru, ‘killing perfection.’ At the time I couldn’t believe something so perfect nearly killed me. My other pups were much easier.” She looked so sad that Izayoi laid a hand on hers. “Here, if you want, you may squeeze my hand as it’ll help with the pain, but first I want you to drink this.” Inukouhi handed her a cup of plum wine. “Come on, drink up and if you want more, I’ll pour you some.”

“Arigatou...” Izayoi sipped her wine and the two women lapsed into a brief silence.

“Okugata-sama, Inutaisho-dono let you pick the waka-sama’s name? I never knew that,” Izayoi said softly as she held out her cup for more wine.

The dog queen picked up the bottle and poured for the two of them. “Hai... he may have been so stunned by seeing Sesshomaru’s birth that he gave me the privilege of naming him, instead doing it himself.” She sipped her wine.

“Are you saying Inutaisho-dono will name our child? But we talked so many times about what to name him or her...” she trailed off, feeling like she was lied to. “And the waka-sama will name their child as well? Does Tsuki-chan know this?” She took a sharp intake of breath when another contraction hit her.

“Hai! Of course she would know this. If not, then I’m sure my son has told her. I doubt very much he would allow her to think otherwise.” She paused as Izayoi had another contraction. “My son did tell me she was named by her mother, but that was only because her father had died months before she was whelped. I don’t know what she told you, but perhaps you are mistaken as to what she meant. It’s entirely possible they have talked about names, as a name that is very honorable in our family may not be so in hers and to avoid that, they need to discuss these things. But I doubt very much he told her she can go ahead and name their pup.”

“I see... Then when I told him the names I liked and he said they were nice, he never really considered them?” Izayoi said sadly.

“Iie, it’s possible he’s considering it, but I doubt very much that’ll be your pup’s name. However, he could surprise you by using those names. He certainly surprised me by giving you a pup of your own,” the dog queen said dryly and Izayoi felt her face go hot as a deep blush spread across her cheeks.

“I don’t know what to say...I’m sorry.” Izayoi was mortified and she was at a loss as to what to do.

“Don’t worry about it. What is done is done and cannot be undone.” The dog queen shrugged and sipped her wine. “Enough of that! If you really want to make me feel better, you will hurry up and have this pup.”


“Baba-chan, I think Ningen-hime is about to have her pup and we need you,” Atsuimi said as coolly as she could upon entering Tsuki’s room, and walking around the dividing screen, she sent up a desperate prayer, Kami-sama, please let her be able to drop everything and come quickly with me.

“That’s wonderful news, but what makes you so sure?” The old woman quirked an eyebrow at the rather pale courtesan and Atsuimi frowning, shrugged. She tried to maintain an air of cool indifference, but after taking in the scene before her, she felt a moment of panic as she had the feeling the old healer was not going to leave.

“Her pains are now very close together and...” Atsuimi stood there, feeling very helpless and unsure of how to get the old woman to come with her. She knew it was one thing to be in the same room as another woman in the midst of childbirth, watching meekly from the shadows, it was quite another thing to be responsible for helping the woman along. The fact that is was the dono-sama’s beloved concubine was bad enough, but why did the woman also have to be human? If there was one thing Atsuimi hated above all else, it was the idea that there was actually something she was ignorant about and pregnancy and childbirth certainly qualified. She had no idea if she really needed to get the old healer to come with her to shift the responsibility off her mistress’ shoulders in case anything awful should happen. The courtesan also could not understand the complete shift in the okugata-sama’s behavior, for the woman often tearfully complained about her rival stealing her husband’s affection and now they were bonding as if they were two raw recruits who had just survived their first battle.

Thrusting aside her doubts, she tried again. “Everything here looks under control for now and if Izayoi-hime whelps as quickly as you say she will, you can be back here in a few minutes,” she said in what she hoped sounded more like a reasonable tone of voice than one tinged with hysteria. Kami-sama, why is this harder to deal with than a shy virgin confronting her first erect cock? Hell, I’d much rather spend my time explaining what is going on to a girl in her first heat cycle than this! Perhaps I should have given in to my idle curiosity when I was younger and had a damn pup of my own. I bet I’d know more of what’s going on... Atsuimi rubbed her temples in an effort to ease the throbbing that threatened to erupt in a full-blown headache.

Baba-chan sighed and with a nod, her two assistants came and hauled her to her feet. Then, gently taking Atsuimi’s arm, she led the courtesan outside. “I can’t come right now, as Tsuki-chan’s developed a fever and I’m worried about it. Plus if anything happens to her, I’m going to have my hands full with the waka-sama, so you’ll have to go back and manage by yourselves. She’s human and there shouldn’t be any problems. I’ve heard stories of their women pausing to whelp their pups in the fields and then going right back to work when they’re done. Besides, I have the feeling Ningen-hime is a lot stronger than she looks. Also, to know for sure if she’s ready to whelp, I would check inside her and if you can feel the pup’s head then help her to her feet and have her start pushing. Thankfully they whelp in much the same manner as we do. Now if you’ll excuse me I’d better go...” The old youkai woman turned and left. Atsuimi, blanching, watched her go before heading back to the dog queen’s rooms.


“Well, where is she?” Inukouhi demanded when Atsuimi entered her room.

“She’s not coming. Tsuki-chan has developed a fever and she’s worried about her,” Atsuimi sighed. “She told us we have to manage by ourselves and that we were to feel inside Ningen-hime for the pup’s head. And quite frankly I didn’t want to know what she meant by that,” she said and there was a slight edge of panic to her voice despite her attempt at being flippant.

The dog queen groaned softly to herself, “Oh hell. So you had better, ummm...feel around then.”

“Nani?” Izayoi and Atsuimi chorused.

“I’m not doing that. Besides, if anything happened to her, I don’t want to be responsible,” the courtesan hissed quietly at her friend.

“Oh really? I could order you to do it! Besides, what are you getting all squeamish about? You’re the one who always mucks around with those... those ummm, things down there!” the dog queen a face.

“That’s different! When the new girls come in they don’t know one end of their bodies from the other. Someone has to teach them what to do.”

“And here I thought you did that because you liked it,” the dog queen said dryly.

“Please someone just do something! I really want to have my baby and as soon as possible would be nice...”

The two youkai women stared at her, their argument forgotten.

“Fine, I’ll do it! And if either one of you breathes a word about it, you will suffer my wrath, understood?” She smiled sweetly. “Who would ever have thought, I’d one day be a midwife and to a human too...” she muttered under her breath.


“Murasaki-chan, please take this and get me some water from the fountain,” Baba-chan said. She handed her assistant a bowl and the girl did as she was bidden. While she waited for the girl’s return, Baba-chan fussed about and had Sesshomaru open the window. Then she loosened the sash on Tsuki’s sleeping kimono, opening it. When Murasaki came back, Baba-chan took the bowl of water and after gesturing for a rag; she dipped it in the bowl and wrung the water out. Then she gently ran the rag over the girl’s upper body. She knew if the fever did not break soon, both Tsuki’s and her pup’s lives were in danger. So she continued until she was tired before passing the job off to Sesshomaru.

“If the water in bowl starts to feel warm, have one of the girls change it. Also if Tsuki-chan feels warmer to you instead of cooler, I want you to wake me. And if your mother sends for me I need to be awakened as well. Gomen nasai, Waka-sama, but I’m an old woman and unfortunately I need my rest if I’m going to be of any use should anything go wrong. I’m sure our patient will be fine under your capable hands.” She smiled broadly and her assistants helped her get up so that she could rest on Sesshomaru’s unrolled futon. It lay in a darkened corner of the room and within minutes the soft rasp of her snoring filled the room.


Inukouhi rubbed her hands together nervously as Izayoi lay back on her futon, her head cradled in Atsuimi’s lap. She closed her eyes and listened to the soft rustle of fabric that signaled the human woman was in the correct position. Still keeping her eyes closed, although she did snap them open briefly to glare at her friend, when the courtesan snickered, the dog queen reached out tentatively. She was blindly trying to find the area in question, but after a few minutes gave up in frustration. “I can’t do this,” she said softly.

“Please try. I won’t mind if you look, really I won’t. Baba-chan would have to look, ne?”

“Hai, she would. I...I just have never really looked there before,” she said softly before clarifying, “Not that I want to either. However if I must, I must.” Inukouhi then looked towards the other two women and at Atsuimi’s silent encouragement she moved closer and looked. “Unbelievable...but you look very much like a youkai woman...” she said in amazement.

“I thought you never looked at these things,” Atsuimi quipped and they all laughed as the tension was broken.

“Well, I haven’t! But I have seen myself...I remember taking a mirror once when I had first started becoming a woman and had a look. Then I looked again when my husband told me I had the most beautiful flower he had ever seen,” she said smugly.

“Not to interrupt your pillow memories or anything, but is the pup here? Ningen-hime and I would like to know.”


The dog queen sighed and continued, “Hai...I believe I can feel something soft, damp and fluffy. You’re not fluffy in inside are you?”

“I don’t believe so...”

“Good! Then we need to get you up again. I think it’s time you started pushing.”

They hauled Izayoi up into a squatting position. Atsuimi helped steady her from behind while Inukouhi knelt in front ready to help deliver the pup as Izayoi rested her hands on her shoulders. They encouraged her to push as Izayoi cried out in pain, her body working hard to birth her baby and soon the dog queen had its little head in her hands. “I got its head now, and once we deliver its shoulders, it should relatively easy to do the rest...” Inukouhi looked up and into Izayoi’s frightened eyes. The smell of her fear was overpowering as it overrode the scents of her labor. “You can do this,” she said, a strong note of encouragement heard in her voice.

“Iie, I can’t! It hurts too much and I want to stop... I’m tired and I can’t!”

“Well you should have thought of that when my husband was busy trying to entice you into his bed, but you didn’t and now you’ll just have to live with the consequences,” she snapped back in reply. “So stop your complaining and push!”

“Iie...I can’t-”

“What do you mean can’t? Don’t be an idiot, human, and push!”

“Iie! Don’t you listen? I’m tired and I just can’t push any more...”

“If you tell me one more time you can’t, then I’ll just leave you here to figure it out all by yourself! Now take a deep breath, calm yourself down and push, damn it!” Her eyes flashed red in anger.

“My lady, please, calm yourself as well,” Atsuimi soothed.

“Nani?” the dog said as her anger faded.

“Never mind. Is the pup here?” Atsuimi asked.

“Iie...that’s it push!” the dog queen ignored her as she worked to deliver the baby’s shoulders.

“Gomen nasai, I can’t! And please stop looking at me like that...” Izayoi broke into tears.

“What are you babbling about? And stop crying! It’s getting on my nerves!”

“My lady...” Atsuimi said softly.

“You keep looking at me like you want to kill me and I’m afraid,” she sobbed.

Inukouhi sighed wearily. “Of course I want to kill you, if you were me; you’d want to kill you too just to put us both out your misery!” She grabbed Izayoi’s chin and forced her to look her in the eye. “But I promised my husband that I would see to it nothing happened to you and your pup. And, human, I keep my promises!” She let go of her chin and looked away then back again. “You have no idea how tempting it would be to let you simply die in childbirth. I could easily tell my husband you died because you were a weak and foolish human who thought she could whelp a youkai. But I won’t,” she said softly. “I love my husband very much,” she paused as Izayoi had another contraction. “Push...” she said and Izayoi bore down enough for her to free one of the baby’s shoulders. “As I was saying, I love my husband and if you died he would grieve until he joined you in the afterworld...” When Inukouhi looked at Izayoi, she briefly allowed all of her pain, hurt and anger over the whole situation show and Izayoi deeply regretted the part she had played in it. Sighing softly, the dog queen continued as if nothing was bothering her other than the birth of a baby who was taking its time getting there and the difficulties of dealing with a first time mother. “So, you’re now going to pull yourself together and push when I tell you to, as I’m just as tired waiting for this whelp as you are! Now push!”

“I’m trying to!” Izayoi said through gritted teeth.

“That’s it! The other shoulder’s free. It’ll be much easier now...”

Izayoi took a deep breath and as another contraction hit her, she held it and bore down through the pain. This time it felt different and she hoped it was all over as a loud cry shattered the relative quiet of the room.

Inukouhi was holding in her hands the newborn pup and she was not sure if she wanted to take a look at it or not. It felt normal, but even hanyou who appeared normal could still die within hours of whelping...along with their mothers. The newborn squirmed and that was enough to bring her back to the task at hand.

“Well?” Izayoi asked softly, although there was a touch of panic in her voice, before Atsuimi helped her lie back on the futon.

“Ah,” Inukouhi said, and bringing the newborn closer to her, she took a look at the howling infant. “You have a son.” Damn it! Why couldn’t you have whelped a daughter instead? This ruins everything! “He’s rather loud.”


“He appears to be fine, but I’m not sure,” the dog queen said. “He’s looks a bit squished...and reddish and he has these little bumps on top of his head and ummm... Oh wait...those are his ears!” she looked up in amazement. “Are human babies supposed to look like this?”

“Like what?” Izayoi cried as she gave into her fears. “And what’s wrong with his ears?!”

“Nothing, they’re just folded up like a puppy’s and they’re half hidden by his hair. I bet they’ll open up and look better when he gets older. But as I was about to tell you, inuyoukai whelps are pale when they are born, and they also look this strange as they are covered with birthing fluids and such... but they never cry right away. Sesshomaru did, but Baba-chan said he was born hungry. Perhaps he’s hungry too?” She looked from the infant to his mother and back.

“He sounds like he’s angry to me, but then again I don’t know anything about pups as I’ve never had one,” Atsuimi said dryly. “And after this experience, I don’t think I want one...” She gently patted the human woman’s shoulder and Izayoi let out a brief exhausted laugh.

“I want to hold him!” Izayoi held out her hands for her child.

“Hai... but first I need to clean him up and cut his life cord. Atsuimi-chan, I need you to go find out what we need to do when we’re done.”

“Hai,” she said before leaving.

Once she had cut the cord, the dog queen took the newborn hanyou over to the far side of her room and washed him. She kept trying to quiet him down, but he howled no matter what she did. “I think I’m right in that he may be hungry,” she said as she swaddled him tightly in a cotton square before wrapping him in silk. Then getting up, she gave him to Izayoi. “Why don’t you put him to your breast for a while, while I clean up? When I’m finished I’ll take him to my husband.”

Izayoi gazed lovingly at her newborn son before she quickly unwrapped the silk and the cotton square that swaddled her son. Heedless of his crying, she carefully looked him over and was pleased to he looked exactly as the dog queen said he did. I cannot believe how beautifully perfect he is! And those little ears of his are adorable! She smiled through her tears when he grabbed her finger and held on as he waved his tiny fist and howled in protest. She wrapped him up again, cooing softly, before turning to address the dog queen, “Why? Can’t Inutaisho-dono come here?” Izayoi put her son to her breast and quiet descended on the room, save for the sounds of the newborn suckling happily.

“You know it’s our way. Even though my husband was present when I had Sesshomaru, he was still cleaned up and formally presented to him by my sister. Besides, he needs to go, so that my husband can give him his name. As you know, this is also his first test of strength; to see if he can survive away from your presence.” She looked down at the suckling infant, “By the way, you’ll need to switch sides, as it’s better for them and then you won’t have to worry about remembering which side you last suckled him on.” She reached over and helped her. “Oi! Quiet, whelp! You can’t feed from the one side only, you know!!” She laughed and her face softened into a genuine smile as the two women tried to figure out where their fragile bond was leading them. “My Sesshomaru was the same; always hungry and never full.”

“And the waka-sama turned out to be a fine young man.”

“Hai that he is,” she sighed. “I can’t believe he’s all grown up and soon to be a father himself.” She reached out a finger and gently stroked the little one’s cheek. “Oh good, someone seems to be getting sleepy... Careful, careful...I’ll take him now. Look, Baba-chan.” She held the sleeping pup up to show him off to the old woman as she entered.

“How sweet, and from what I heard you did a fine job. Now all we need to do is finish up.”

“I’m going to bring him to my husband. By the way, how is Tsukikage-hime doing?”

The old youkai woman lowered her voice, “I’m worried about her. She’s feverish and that’s not that good for the pup she carries. I’m hoping it’ll break soon and then they’ll both be out of danger.”

“Well do what you can...”

“Hai, that’s all I can do.”


Inukouhi, holding the newborn pup tightly to her chest, made her way to the inner courtyard garden where her husband waited. Unfortunately he woke up and she would occasionally pause and rock him gently in an attempt at quieting him down as the soft soothing noises she made had no effect on the howling pup. Spotting her approach, Inutaisho was quickly at her side, trying hard to see his new child. “You have a hanyou, my husband.”

Inutaisho coolly nodded and reined in his irritation over something he perceived to be of no importance, “Well...?”

“It’s male.”

“Arigatou, my dear wife,” he kissed her cheek and she looked away. “And?”

“Ningen-hime is fine and he’s perfect as far as it goes, seeing he’s hanyou. See...” She held him out to his father who gently took him. “So what are you going to call him?”

“I was going to call him Inuyasha after you... and-”

“Nani?! I know you have always liked that name, as it very similar to yours, Husband.”

“Is there a problem, my wife?” Inutaisho said rather coolly.

“Hai! I’m not happy at all with idea that he’s named after me. Why can’t you say he’s named after you? He’s your hanyou!”

“He’s my son and if I choose to say he’s named after you, then he’s named after you and you will accept it with the good graces that I know you to possess. Do I make myself clear?” Inutaisho said with deadly calm. Please, Inuki-chan, don’t fight me on this. I need your help. If the members of my court see you accepting him, they will accept him as well. I can think of no better way to show them than by naming him after your side of the family and having you graciously tell everyone how honored you are. Be grateful I haven’t asked you to formally adopt him.

“Hai,” she said softly as she swallowed her hurt and anger.

“Well?” he asked, his voice still holding the frosty note from before.

“I am honored, my husband,” she replied in kind.

“Good, then it’s settled. My son will be called Inuyasha in honor of your assisting with his whelping. You know I’m only doing what I think is the best way to get him accepted by the court.”

“Hai...” Inuhouki said softly.

He smiled sadly at her, “I hope you will come to see him as something other than just a hanyou.” Inutaisho looked down at his howling son and smiled. Softening his tone, he said, “Besides, you have always known that if we had been able to have another son, I would have called him that.”

“Hai, I know that.” She took her namesake from his father’s arms. “Anyway, he needs to go back to his mother.” She turned and started to leave.


She paused and stiffened when he called her by his pet name for her. “What is it, husband?” she said softly, as she hoped this was an invitation to meet him back in his room. Despite the hurt she felt over the situation, she longed for the physical closeness and sense of validation that he still loved her.

“Do you know if Tsukikage-hime is alright?”

She hid her disappointment when she answered, “Hai, although it’s questionable at the moment.” She shot him a troubled look. “He could lose her.” At least he’s finally remembering he has another son...

“It this true?”

“Hai... now I really need to get back,” she said softly.

“Wait! I wish to introduce him to Sessho-kun.”

“Hai...” the dog queen sighed. Your son could lose his mate and all you can think of is showing off your whore’s new brat! Unbelievable...

They left together for Tsuki’s room.


“Here, take him, while I get Sessho-kun,” the dog queen said, and handing Inuyasha over to his father, she left in a soft rustle of silk. She quietly entered and after catching his eye, she beckoned her son to follow her. They made their way outside and Sesshomaru was surprised to see his father standing there, holding a silken bundle.

“I want you to meet your brother,” Inutaisho said.

“I have a brother?”


“And he’s...?”

“He appears to be fine, Sessho-kun. It would seem that the gods have smiled on your father and the human,” Inukouhi gave him a tiny pained smile.

“I see...”

“Come, have a look at him,” Inutaisho said as he lifted the silk that gently shielded the infant hanyou’s face. “He looks a bit like you, ne?”

Sesshomaru looked from his father to his mother and back, then sighed before coming closer to have a look at his new brother. “I don’t think he looks like me, Chichi-ue. He’s all squished and red faced from all that yelling he’s doing. And I think he really looks more like Ningen-hime, except his hair is white and he has those funny ears too.” He looked up at his father. “Are they going to move down to where they should be or is that some hanyou or human thing? And why does he keep howling like that? Are you sure there’s nothing wrong with him?” His father frowned at him and Sesshomaru took another look at his half brother. “Chichi-ue, does he have a name yet?” He plastered what he hoped was an interested look on his face.

“Hai. I’ve named him Inuyasha after your mother. She helped Izayoi-hime whelp him, and I wished to honor her.”

“Oh...Wasn’t Jiisan named Inuyasha, too?” He gave his father a puzzled look, before looking to his mother for an explanation.

“Hai. That was my father’s name. I was named for him, or so the story would seem that my mother was convinced she was carrying a son and so my father had chosen many boys’ names and when I had arrived, it was a bit of a shock and so in the confusion I was named Inukouhi.”

“Hai, but I don’t understand why you are giving him a name from Haha-ue’s family. She’s not going to adopt him, is she?” Please say “no.”

“Iie! I most certainly am not. It’s just that your father is rather enamored of that name...” She and her husband sighed in irritation as their son sighed in relief.

“Hai. It’s a good strong name and it suits him.” Inutaisho ran a finger down Inuyasha’s cheek, and the infant hanyou ceased his howling, after he let him chew on his knuckle.

“Well then, I had better go. Tsuki-chan needs me.”

“Hai... I trust she’ll be well enough for Inuyasha’s third day celebration?”

“I hope so, Chichi-ue...” he sighed and when they saw his distress, he was dismissed.


Sesshomaru spent the night helping to care for his mate, while the rest of the palace slept on before rumors of the new pup had spread. The second day passed with little change in Tsuki’s condition, although by now, word of the new pup’s birth had spread throughout the women’s quarters. It would seem that Inuyasha cried constantly and any thought of keeping his presence a secret were dashed with the noise that emanated from the okugata-sama’s room. So the preparations for his third day celebration, which would have been done as quietly as possible, were now done with all the pomp and circumstance that had been accorded to Sesshomaru’s birth.


On night of the second day, Tsuki’s fever spiked and Baba-chan knew her worst fears had been confirmed. She quietly pulled the waka-sama aside and spoke to him in low hushed tones. “Waka-sama, gomen nasai, but it seems as though Tsuki-chan’s pup has died. We need to start her travail now, or we could lose them both.”

Sesshomaru looked pained as he took in the news. “ there anything I can do?”

“Iie, just go to your rooms and rest now. I’ll send for your mother and don’t worry; we’ll take good care of her.”

“Hai...” He closed his eyes and let out a long heavy sigh, before leaving for lonely refuge of his room.


The women woke Tsuki up and forced her to swallow a cup of strong tea that was laced with herbs to bring on labor. Then they settled in for a long night of watching over her and trying to keep her fever down, while waiting for her to deliver the body of her deceased pup. Baba-chan reasoned that her only consolation was that the poor girl was out of her mind from the fever and she doubted she would remember what had happened to her. The okugata-sama agreed and shortly after first light, Tsuki too delivered a son. Word was then sent for Sesshomaru.


Sesshomaru arriving quickly, heard the news and stood there stone faced as his mother handed him the lifeless bundle.

“How’s Tsuki-chan?” He took a quick peek at his son’s face before covering it back up.

“She’ll be fine now. Once she delivered the pup, her fever broke and she’s resting as comfortably as she can,” his mother said softly.

Sesshomaru nodded. “Can I see her?”

“Hai...” she said softly and led the way to the sleeping girl. Once there she took the tiny bundle from her son and she left him alone with his mate.

Sesshomaru knelt beside Tsuki’s sleeping form and gently stroked her cheek. “Tsuki-chan, you know you gave me a son and I thank you...” he leaned over and kissed her damp forehead.

Tsuki’s eyes fluttered open. “Maru-chan...” she said breathlessly. “Gomen nasai...”

“There’s no need to be sorry; it wasn’t your fault.” He took her hand and kissed it. “I swear to you, that I will get my revenge on whoever did this to you. But I want you to not worry about it and just get well. We’ll have more pups, I promise you. As soon as Baba-chan says you’re well enough, I will do my best to give you another one...” he smiled as she took a ragged breath and tried smiling back.

“Hai...Our son, what was his name?”

Sesshomaru gently wiped her tears away. “Aisoku...our beloved son...I know how much you liked that name and if my father can go along with my mother’s wishes concerning my naming, I didn’t see why I should be any different.”/ I wonder if you had liked a more powerful name, our son would have been stronger.../

“It’s a beautiful name...I think it suits him as he was very much loved and wanted and with that name he’ll know it...”

Sesshomaru nodded. “Sshh... sleep now and get strong.” He gently placed another kiss on her forehead.

“Maru-chan... please lie here with me....”


Sesshomaru quickly stripped down to his inner kimono before climbing under the heavy quilt that covered his mate. She still felt warm to the touch, and ignoring it, he enveloped her in his arms. Tsuki settled back and fell asleep. Sesshomaru lay there, listening to the sound of her breathing, before joining her in sleep. He woke up some time later when a servant came to remind him that it was time for his brother’s third day celebration. Sighing softly, he got up and dressed, and while looking around for the gift Tsuki had made for Inuyasha, he heard her call out to him.

“Maru-chan, take the chest...over there,” she pointed briefly to a small teak chest that stood in the shadowed corner of the room. “I...we...don’t need it any more,” she said sadly.

“What do you mean we don’t need it any more? Have I not told you there’ll be other pups?” he said more sharply than he had intended and he winced at her expression.

“ did, but I just can’t bear to look at it. Every time I do, I will be reminded of what happened...” She started crying softly and he came back over to her. Gathering her in his arms, he let her cry herself out.

“Sssh...if it’ll make you happy, I’ll give her the whole thing,” he murmured softly into the top of her head.


“Tsuki-chan...? Promise me you’ll stop crying so I can go.”

“You’re not angry at me?”

“Iie. I just want to do whatever will make you the happiest.” He gently cupped her cheek and titled her face up so that he could kiss her. “You know if you really want me to, I’ll stay, and the hell with everyone else.”

“Maru-chan, please go. It would hurt your father if you didn’t. I’ll be fine and I promise I won’t cry while you’re gone. And could you please give Ningen-hime my congratulations as well? Tell her I’m sorry I couldn’t attend...”

“Hai...” He held her close, before helping her to settle back on the futon. After making sure her favorite scroll was within reach, Sesshomaru walked over to the teak chest. He ran a hand over its smooth surface before picking it up. Walking back over to his mate, he set it down to say goodbye, and then he left with the promise that he would return as quickly as he could.


Sesshomaru entered the banquet hall and walked slowly over to where his parents sat with Izayoi and his infant brother. He knelt, setting the gift beside him, before bowing and offering his congratulations to his father and the human woman. Then he sat upright and reached for his gift, pushing it toward his brother. Izayoi looked puzzled at first and then heartbroken when he opened it to reveal the contents. As he did so, he softly whispered Tsuki’s congratulations to Izayoi and she nodded sadly.

Catching Sesshomaru’s eye, she mouthed a silent “gomen nasai” along with a promise to come see Tsuki as soon as she could. Sesshomaru acknowledged her with a nod and the rest of time passed in a blur. He felt sad and numb and he longed for the quiet refuge of Tsuki’s room. He barely noticed when Inuyasha was given to him to hold and he woodenly accepted everyone’s good wishes. He had no idea how long he had stayed there, although he was conscious of his half brother’s crying several times presumably so that his mother could nurse him in the relative privacy of an adjoining room. Sesshomaru looked up, annoyed by the senseless gossip of two passing women about who was going to get the “honor” of being the hanyou’s wet-nurse. Damn it! They’re right; not even the meanest kitchen wench would merit such punishment. Imagine the disgrace of being forever known as the wet-nurse of my father’s human brat!

There was a brief moment of tension when Takahara arrived with Toukasa and they gave their congratulations. Sesshomaru wanted to rip his head off or at the very least have him removed, but he was powerless as his father acted like nothing was wrong. His mother, sensing his mood, was at his side in an instant. Pulling him aside into a quiet corner, she spoke to him.

“I know you are upset by his pretense, but there is nothing that can be done about it. Be the man I know you to be and forget our enemy for now. There’ll be time enough for revenge, my son. Kami-sama knows I want that bastard’s head as much as you do, but sometimes it’s better to wait and let an enemy grow stupid in his complacency.”


“Look, we’ll be sitting down to eat soon. I’ll go speak to your father; I’m sure he won’t mind if you leave afterwards to go be with Tsukikage. It’s enough that you were here already giving him your support for that human and her brat. Imagine naming him after me...”

“Hai. Tell me, Haha-ue, is it true, what Chichi-ue said? That I was to be named Inuyasha?”

“Hai, but I could see you were special, and deserved a name that was all your own. I think your father also had a relative named Inuyasha and that’s where he got the idea from.” Reaching out, she briefly touched his cheek.

Sesshomaru nodded. “Haha-ue...?”


“I suppose if you can stand having a hanyou named after you, then I can take my time in plotting my revenge, ne?” Sesshomaru grinned wickedly at her and she laughed.

“Hai! Now let’s go and show our support for your father. Kami-sama knows he’s going to need it, it he’s going to successfully integrate the brat into society...”

They mingled with everyone and spoke to several people as they both pretended everything was fine and that having a large party celebrating the birth of a hanyou was a perfectly normal thing to do.

He sat quietly next to his mother and picked at the food before him, before his father noticed his distress and dismissed him. Inuyasha had started crying again and he stiffened as he paused briefly before leaving. The young youkai prince savored the relative quiet of the empty halls and lost in thought, he was back by his mate’s side before he knew it. He was not happy to learn that Tsuki had not eaten at all in the time he had been gone and he struggled to get her to eat, but had little success.

He silently cursed the servant who arrived an hour later, for he had just managed to get a few bites into her, when they were summoned to his father’s rooms.

“Come, Tsuki-chan, it’s time,” Sesshomaru said sadly as he bent down to gather her in his arms. He carried her the long way around through passage ways that only his mother used, whenever she was called to his father’s bed and both were thankful they were empty. Once there, he helped bundle Tsuki up in one of his father’s cloaks for they were headed to a small private garden that was littered with tiny shrines. There was a fresh mound in front a new stone shrine and here amongst his deceased sisters his own son was also entombed. He brought Tsuki over to it and set her down so that they could say good bye while he lit several sticks of incense next to the small offering of fruit his parents had left. Tsuki knelt beside him weeping openly and rocking back and forth in her grief. Then he put an arm around her, and pulling her close, he gently stroked her hair as she cried her heart out. When her tears had settled down into a few hiccupping sobs, Sesshomaru picked her up and without a word or a backwards glance he left the garden for the haven of her room.


Several days passed and Sesshomaru found himself sitting at another banquet, this one celebrating Inuyasha’s seventh day, and while it was quieter than the first one, he still wanted to be at his mate’s side. He hated it whenever anyone would ask how she was doing and he longed to lash out at someone, but instead he kept it all inside and to all appearances Tsuki was suffering nothing more than a bad cold.

The thing that had really bothered him more than anything else was the fact that Izayoi was moved back to her rooms which unfortunately were next to Tsuki’s. Inuyasha seemed to be a fussy pup that rarely slept and when he was awake, he was either howling to be held, or suckling happily on his mother’s breast. They could also hear Izayoi singing softly to him and they dreaded the night when she would take forever to awaken and tend to him, so as a result they got about as much sleep as the human did. Sesshomaru toyed with the idea of moving into his rooms, for Tsuki had grown weaker by the day and he was at a loss for how to help her, but she was still publicly known as his father’s concubine. While she was no longer pregnant, his father still insisted her life was in danger and so Sesshomaru was allowed to stay by her side until his father was certain the threat was gone.

The next day dawned as it always did with Inuyasha howling and Izayoi padding softly around the room as usual. The only difference was that Tsuki refused to eat. She barely spoke and she seemed almost lifeless and not even a visit from Izayoi and the baby cheered her up. Tsuki had to be helped to sit up and the human woman was appalled at how weak her friend had become, for Tsuki barely had the strength to hold Inuyasha even with Sesshomaru’s help. When he fussed again, Izayoi took him and left, but not before speaking to Sesshomaru about it.

“I didn’t know she was so ill. Is there anything I can do to help?”

“I don’t know,” he said softly. “She barely eats or sleeps and she just lies there and does nothing but cry. At night when she hears him, she wakes up and makes me go look for our son before she realizes he’s gone,” he had trailed off so softly that Izayoi wasn’t sure if he were speaking to her or himself. He then settled a mask of cool indifference on his face before continuing with an imperious touch to his voice, “It upsets her to hear the baby crying all the time. Perhaps you could tend to him quicker?”

“Hai, I will try my best, Waka-sama.”


Around midday, a servant girl was sent to see if they wanted lunch. Sesshomaru had her bring whatever they were making for the rest of the palace. Then he got up and hunted around in Tsuki’s tansu for her tea things. When he found them, he went outside and filled a pot with water from the fountain. After coming inside, he set it to boil on her brazier while he carefully measured out enough tea for two cups. He thought back to all the times she had made tea for him and how he used to tease her just to get a rise out her. Now looking at her, he wished she would revert back to the shy quiet girl she had been. He sat there, lost in thought as the water heated up, before he realized he was catering to her needs instead of the other way around and he laughed.

“What so funny, Maru-chan?” she asked softly and he was glad she was starting to take an interest in her surroundings.

“I was thinking about something Ningen-hime had said about tea. Remember when she was here and I made tea before I left to go sit in council with my father?” He paused and waited to see if she would reply. When she didn’t, he continued as if she had, “And she was scandalized about it. Remember she told us that human men would never make tea for a woman unless it was a special occasion like the tea ceremony? And she said it was because they would be seen as weak and inferior for catering to a woman’s needs. And I had asked her what human men do when their mates are ill and can’t make tea.” He smiled as he turned to look at her. “Tsuki-chan, are you listening to me?”

“Oh...” she said softly before turning away to face the wall that separated her room from the human’s.

The moment passed as quickly as it had come, and before he had time to grow even more frustrated over the situation, Sesshomaru noticed the water was beginning to boil. Once it was ready he made the tea and brought the steaming cups over to Tsuki. Try as he might he could not get her to drink and he had even less success at getting her to eat once their lunch had arrived. She simply maintained that she was not hungry. Sesshomaru had the feeling she was lying, but he did not have the heart to argue about with her. Besides, it was bad enough that when every time his little brother cried Tsuki would also lie there, softly weeping. He wished his mother had kept the human in her chambers for a while longer so that his mate could recover from her loss. But unfortunately for them, as soon as the human was well enough to stand, she was whisked off to her own rooms.

Inuyasha had started crying again, and groaning softly, Sesshomaru tried to no avail to get his mate to ignore it and show some interest in something, anything. He was afraid she would die and he was unsure of what to do. So when she dosed off again, he went in search of his mother. He figured she would know how to help Tsuki since she had unfortunately experienced this herself. Hoping she was there, and that she would assist him, Sesshomaru knocked softly on her door and then entered at her command.

“Haha-ue...?” he said softly.

“Hai?” The dog queen looked up from the game of go she was playing with Atsuimi-hime. She was dressed in mourning, although she maintained an air about her that this day was no different than any other. “Is there something wrong, Sessho-kun?”

He came over, and facing the go board, he sat down and composed his thoughts before speaking. “Hai... I’m worried about Tsuki-chan. She won’t do anything other than lie there and she sleeps most of the time too. Plus every time Inuyasha,” he winced at her expression when he mentioned his half brother’s name, “cries, she starts crying too. What if she dies, Haha-ue?”

Inukouhi sighed. “It’s a very sad thing to lose a pup, my son. And I suppose it must be even harder to lose one’s first...especially when it should never have happened. She’ll get over it in time; you just need to be patient with her.”

Sesshomaru looked away and stood up to leave. “Arigatou, Haha-ue...” he said softly before turning to go.

“Sessho-kun, would you like me to go see her? I can go now,” the dog queen looked at her friend who nodded, before getting ready to leave as well.

Atsuimi, noticing his look of uncertainty, spoke, “It’s alright, Waka-sama, I have things to do this afternoon and I was in danger of being late for them. So if you’ll both excuse me?”

The dog queen waved her hand in dismissal.

Atsuimi bowed and said her goodbyes and was gone.

“Come here, Sessho-kun,” the dog queen said softly and he came over and sat in front of her. They stared at each other and Sesshomaru placed his hand on his mouth before he gave into his sorrow. Placing his head in her lap, he cried softly and his mother let him go on for a few minutes. She stroked his hair as she had done when he was just a child and made the same soft sounds of comfort, before cupping his chin, and lifting his face up to look at her. Then gently wiping his tears away with her thumbs, the dog queen gave him a minute to compose himself before speaking. “Sessho-kun, I’m glad you released the sorrow from your heart. I trust you feel better now, ne?” She smiled when he nodded. “Good, this is what Tsukikage needs to do. She needs to cry for real, not the little tears she sheds when she hears your brother, but tears to cleanse the loss from her heart. You must be strong for her and I believe you have been and I am very proud of the man you have become. But I think in this instance it would be best if I helped her. You were right to come to me as I know the pain of losing one’s pup. I will go to her now, but I want you to stay here and rest or go visit your father if you desire company.”

“But won’t Tsuki-chan need me there?”

“Iie, actually that’s not true, she does, but it’s better if you weren’t there. I think you both are trying too hard to be strong for the other and it’s not letting your hearts heal. I will talk to her as a woman who knows, and we’ll share our sorrow so she will start to heal. Then I’ll send for you...” she sighed and smiled ruefully. “I have the strange feeling the best thing would be for you both to have another pup as quickly as possible, but she needs time to recover from all that’s happened to her. So just love her in other ways...when the time comes, you’ll know and may the gods bless you again.” She kissed his forehead and rose. Smiling sadly at him she turned and left.


Takahara slapped his mate in frustration. “What do you mean; no one’s allowed to see her? Rumor has it she’s just sick with a cold.”

Toukasa took in a ragged sobbing breath before answering him, “That’s what they’re saying. But I’ve also heard rumors that her pregnancy was faked and that she was trying to curry favor with Inutaisho-sama in bed. They also say that the reason she’s been locked away is the okugata-sama had her beaten to within an inch of her life. Some women were talking about overhearing Baba-chan telling the okugata-sama that the girl miscarried the waka-sama’s child.” She cried out in pain when he roughly grabbed her chin and forced her to look up at him. “Please, you’re hurting me,” she said softly, in an attempt at calming his anger. Squeezing her eyes shut, she gulped as he dug his fingers in. Toukasa flinched when he released her chin and ran finger gently across her cheek. Catching her tears with his finger, he smiled sweetly at her before he backhanded her across the mouth.

“Bitch!” he roared. “Don’t lie to me or you won’t live long enough to regret it.”

“I swear to you, I’m not lying. Don’t you think I know better than that?” Toukasa whispered harshly. She trembled in fear, and putting a hand to her face, she wiped away the blood that trickled down her chin.

Takahara bent and gathered her in his arms. He carried her to their sleeping area and Toukasa resigned herself to an afternoon of pleasure and pain as he took out his frustrations on her. This time, however, he surprised her by gently tending to her wounds.

“Gomen nasai,” he whispered softly as she held him tight.

“I forgive you,” she whispered along with a promise to ferret out the truth behind the rumor.


“Tsuki-chan, it has come to my attention that you are suffering.” Inukouhi sat down next the girl. “And I’m here because I believe it would help if you talked about it. I know what you are feeling as I have gone through it many times myself and while it has never gotten any easier, you do learn to get over the pain and trust me, the sorrow does fade as well.”

Tsuki’s eyes welled up with tears and she turned her head away.

“It wasn’t your fault; you were poisoned, whether by design or by accident, it happened. Kami-sama knows we all would have avoided it if we could have, but what is done is done and cannot be undone,” she paused and took a deep breath. Remembering her own sorrows, the dog queen slowly started to voice them. “My third pup,” she said softly, “I had lost when in my ignorance, I climbed where I shouldn’t have and fell.” The dog queen shook her head at the memory. “Stupidly I had gone looking for my husband. We were at the hunting lodge, and he liked to go sit in the quietness and serenity of the rock garden-”

“I know the place...The waka-sama had taken me there.”

“Hai...he can be so like father at times...” she laughed. “Let me tell you a secret. We made Sesshomaru there,” the dog queen said and smiling, she placed a finger to her lips, making a silent plea for Tsuki to keep the secret. “Anyway, it was winter and I was about as far along as you were when I lost the pup. For a long time afterwards I couldn’t get with pup. Baba-chan said I held too much sorrow inside about my losses, and so after I prayed hard to Kami-sama, I was blessed with Katakuri...” She paused and looked away. “That, Tsukikage-hime, is the worst. To carry one’s pup until the end, only to lose it days later... you should be thankful you didn’t have to deal with that.”

“Gomen nasai, Okugata-sama, I’m so sorry to hear that,” Tsuki said softly. For the first time in days she felt something other than the mind-numbing sadness she had felt since the loss of her child and it was all she could do not to scream at her. I thought you were here to make me feel better; not play ‘pity me because I suffered more than you did!’ “The waka-sama once mentioned he had a sister and that she had died, but he said he really didn’t remember much about it as he was very young at the time...”

“Hai, he was about six summers at the time and shortly after that, your friend arrived and things changed. I hated her so much,” she said wryly. “I still do to an extent, but like everything else, its intensity fades with time.”

“Is that how you managed to help Ningen-hime?”

The dog queen shrugged. “It’s possible, but I also did it to get my husband’s heart back. It’s been very hard knowing he’s given it away so completely and to a human of all things, but at least I am mother of the heir apparent and that will never change. Sesshomaru will rule here when we have gone to the next realm. Whether he does so with his wife at his side or a beloved concubine hasn’t been decided yet.” She shot the girl a knowing look. “Although, I wouldn’t get my hopes up, as it may turn out it may be necessary to marry him off to someone else. In fact, I don’t envy your position at all. I sincerely doubt that any wife of my son’s would be as tolerant of you as I am with my husband’s human pet. There’s no way she’ll let you have children who’ll be rivals for their father’s attention and the ultimate prize of ruling here after he’s gone.” She sighed. “Enough of that, instead you should be thinking about regaining your strength.”

“Hai... so the pain I feel in my heart will get better?” Tsuki said as she took the hint and changed the subject.

“If you want it to, it will,” Inukouhi said softly. “You must cry it all out, let your tears wash the sorrow from your soul and then you’ll heal.”

“But I have cried and it sometimes feels like I will never stop...” Tsuki wiped away a few tears.

“You are simply mourning your loss, that’s all. Cry, then. I won’t mind. But if you prefer I can go, and we can talk again at a later date.”

“Hai...domou arigatou, Okugata-sama. I...I wish to be alone if you don’t mind.”

“Hai, then I will go. Sessho-kun is in my rooms or perhaps with his father, do you want me to find him and tell him you wish to see him?”

“Iie, I need to be alone for a while...”

“I understand,” she said as she rose and turned to leave. “It will get better with time,” the dog queen said softly as she left. “You’ll always remember this, but don’t forget the pain will fade...”


Sighing, the dog queen closed the shoji behind her and spotted Baba-chan coming out of Izayoi’s room. “Baba-chan, if I may have a word with you?”

“Hai, it’s strange, but I was about to seek you out as well.”

“I’m worried about the girl; she’s taking the loss of her pup very badly. My son was right; she’s listless, although she did seem to take heart when I spoke to her about the pups I lost, but other than that she just lies there as if she were half dead already. What is it you wished to speak with me about?”



“Hai...It seems his demon blood runs strong and it’s almost as though he were a full youkai pup rather than a half breed. From what I heard as well as saw once she returned, she was pale and drawn throughout her pregnancy. I don’t think Ningen-hime can feed him properly. As I’ve seen Inuyasha dribble and let me tell you, I’m amazed humans can get through their first years of life on that stuff. It was thin and watery looking. No wonder he’s so pale and cries all the time. He also seems to have lost weight. It’s possible there’s something in her milk that’s disturbing his youki,” she paused as she carefully chose her words. “It’s bad enough he’s a hanyou with all the difficulties that can bring, but I believe he’s slowly dying.”

“Really?” the dog queen said, “And what about the human?” Kami-sama, is this the answer to my prayers? Are they both to pass out of my life as quickly as they came into it? But what of my husband? How will he take to the news they are dying? Will he blame himself?

“The human looks just as bad as she did before she had her pup. I seriously think she could die.”

“Iie...” Inukouhi said softly as she felt a sharp pang of guilt. Shit! This is just too good to be true.

“Hai! I was thinking both of them would be better off if he had a wet nurse, but what youkai woman would suckle someone else’s hanyou? Even if they were to order it, I doubt very much that he would be better off. Then again, let’s not forget there is one who would do it without being ordered to.” Baba-chan gave the okugata-sama a knowing look.

“Who?” Inukouhi asked, as she tried to think of who the old woman was referring to.

“Tsukikage ...”

“Tsukikage-hime? It could work; she’s only just recently whelped. But shouldn’t she have been suckling a pup? It’s been what, a week since she lost hers... I may not be as knowledgeable as you are, Baba-chan, but even I know that if you don’t nurse right away or continue to do so you won’t be able to after a while.”

“It true she hasn’t had the opportunity to suckle a pup since she lost hers,” the old woman said. “But Tsukikage had complained that her breasts hurt and that they felt full so I told her to let the waka-sama suckle from her-”

“You did what?!” Inukouhi exclaimed. She was shocked by the idea of her son and the girl doing something that seemed so juvenile yet sexual at time.

“Please, hear me out. They were as shocked as you are so I wouldn’t worry about it. Besides, the girl is too weak for coupling. I believe she’s taken to my other suggestion of taking her hand and squeezing her breast until she expressed enough milk for it to stop hurting her. I also told her to do that whenever she heard Inuyasha crying as she complained they felt full after hearing him wailing. Imagine the gods looking out for a hanyou like that.” She laughed. “And I think Ningen-hime would be more receptive to having Tsukikage as a wet-nurse rather than someone else...” She said soberly, “And I’m worried about the girl too. I think she could die as well from her grief.

“Hai! And let me tell you, having Sessho-kun around after all my losses really helped. As well as the fact that I was so busy at the time. Do you think the human would give up her pup if we explained things to her, told her that it’s better for Inuyasha, and that it would help her friend?” She paused lost in thought. If the human stops nursing her brat then, it’s just a matter of time before my husband is busy with her again... Oh hell! I knew it! This is my punishment for wanting the bitch and her pup dead! I can’t believe she’s going to wind up back in his bed again!

“Hai. I’m sure it’ll work. She may be only a human, but what mother would willingly let her child die?” The old woman patted the dog queen’s arm.

“None that I know of.” She looked at the old woman and smiled briefly. “Anyway, I’ll mention this to my husband and see what he thinks. Then, if all goes well we can start later on this afternoon.”



The dog queen walked sedately through the private hallways to her husband’s rooms. She figured that if she did not find him there she would wait since it would only be a matter of time before he returned. She decided to entice him into his bed and after a bit of pillowing, voice her concerns. Just thinking about him made her aroused, and she hoped she would not have long to wait for him.

She quietly slid open the shoji and stepped inside. Looking around the room for her husband, she noticed her son sprawled over the low table in her husband’s room. Apparently he had been reading a scroll, when he put his head down for a moment before he fell asleep. Sighing, she came over to him and knelt. Then she gently shook him awake and asked if he would be more comfortable if he lay down on his father’s futon.

Sesshomaru shook his head and stood up to leave. He was torn between talking to his mother about Tsuki and actually going to her. Surprisingly, he opted to stay and talk things out, which pleased his mother greatly.

“I came here to speak with your father about it, Sessho-kun. It seems the gods had something else in mind when Tsukikage lost your pup.”


“Gomen, my son, but I wish to speak with your father about it first. It seems a solution has presented itself and hopefully if it works out, Tsukikage will start to recover.”

“That’s good to hear.” He smiled and sounding very much like a younger version of himself, he wheedled, “Are you sure you can’t tell me, Haha-ue? I won’t tell Tsuki-chan until Chichi-ue says I can.”

“Well, I suppose I could, but you must not say a word until all has been arranged.”

“I promise you, your secret is safe with me.”

Sighing, the dog queen opened her mouth to tell him when her husband arrived. “Good, you’re here. I was about to tell our son something of importance that I wished to discuss with you as well.”

“I had hoped I could bathe first as I had been out riding, but I can see you’re both quivering with anticipation. Tell me, what is it that’s so important?” Inutaisho asked. He stripped off his armor before walking to his private chamber where they could hear him undressing.

“It’s about Ningen-hime, and before you ask, she’s fine, Husband,” Inukouhi sighed softly and shook her head. “It’s also about Tsukikage-hime, who’s not doing well at all.” She laid a hand on her son’s arm and gently squeezed. “It’s very hard to lose a pup and well, and she’s understandably upset about it, but she needs to get over it, and soon.” She nodded sadly at Sesshomaru. “Ningen-hime, it appears, is being run so ragged by your son’s needs that she isn’t able to rest properly...” She made a face as if she wanted to say more but could not. “And from what Baba-chan says she’s just not able to nurse him properly. We believe he’s not getting enough nourishment and that’s why he’s been so demanding she suckle him all the time.”

“Is that so?” Inutaisho asked as he came back into the room.

“Before you start getting all upset about your mate, my dear husband, listen to me. It quite possible Inuyasha’s demon blood runs strong in him, so he’s more like a youkai child than a hanyou one and if it were the other way around and Ningen-hime were youkai and you were human, we think Inuyasha would be just fine as she would have plenty of milk for him. However, things being what they are, we feel he needs a wet-nurse and soon before Ningen-hime becomes so exhausted she won’t be able to take care of him,” Inukouhi said. “You know very well that most youkai women wouldn’t take a hanyou pup if their very lives depended on it, so asking one to do so or even ordering one will not help in the least. Plus, you’re going to want Ningen-hime back in your bed after a while,” she said dryly and rolled her eyes at her husband’s expression. “So whoever is his wet-nurse should be able take over as his foster mother and for that you’d want someone who’d come to love the pup as her own.” She looked at her husband expectantly to see if he knew where she was headed with her line of reasoning. “Well there is one youkai woman who I believe would do that...” While waiting for his answer she was startled to hear from her son.

“Tsuki-chan...?” Sesshomaru breathed her name as if thinking out loud. “Haha-ue, why would my mate want to take care of my brother? Besides as soon as she’s recovered I’ll give her another pup.”

“Tsukikage-hime? Wife, you’re mad. Besides, as Sesshomaru said, why would she want to take care of his brother, wouldn’t she want a pup of her own? Not to mention as quickly as possible?” Father and son looked at each other and then back at her. “Remember how eager you were to have another one?” Inutaisho grinned at her and winked.

Sesshomaru opened his mouth to say something when he noticed the look on his mother’s face and quickly closed it.

Idiots! Can’t you both think with your heads instead of your lap-worms? She sighed inwardly. Dear husband, please don’t tell me you’ve abandoned all thoughts of marrying him off to someone far more suitable! “Because if Ningen-hime asked her to, Tsukikage-hime wouldn’t hesitate if it meant this was the only way to save her life and that of Inuyasha’s. She/is/ inuyoukai, isn’t she? Are we not known for our loyalty? Besides, it’s well known in the women’s quarters just how deeply this friendship goes,” she said dryly. “So it’s settled. You, my husband will inform your mate that she is to give Inuyasha to Tsukikage-hime so that she can start her new duties as his wet nurse and you, my son, are going to tell Tsukikage-hime that she has to pull herself together as she now has a royal heir to suckle and possibly look after in the future. Besides, you wanted a pup, now you’ve got one.” Smiling sweetly, she nodded at the two of them before turning to leave. Pausing, she added, “It’s not going to happen all at once. We’ll need to gradually wean him from one woman onto the other. And if he’s anything like you were, Sessho-kun, this could take months...” she said dryly before she finally left.


The dog queen headed back to the women’s quarters. Walking more sedately this time, she thought back on what had just transpired when it hit her. Placing a small delicate hand on her mouth, she laughed as she realized in her zeal to have her son’s mate get over her grieving, she had for all practical purposes just put her rival back in her husband’s bed. Smiling ruefully, she figured if the human was anything like a youkai woman, and from Inukouhi’s limited experience, it seemed she was, then it would be a while before they could actually resume pillowing, a situation she was going to take full advantage of.

On the way back to her own room, she stopped by briefly to inform Baba-chan of what went on and the older woman agreed it was an excellent solution for an impossible situation. They chatted on for several minutes, before they made a good natured bet on just how fast the dog general would be here to let his mate know what had been decided on her fate and that of her hanyou son.

“I’m actually hoping he comes here the minute he’s presentable from his bath.”

“Really? Why?”

“Because the sooner Tsukikage-hime starts caring for his brat, the sooner she’ll stop grieving over her loss. Also, she’ll now have to stop pillowing my son. They can’t risk making another pup or Inuyasha won’t have anyone to take care of him properly. Sesshomaru might give us some trouble on that point, but the girl seems to have a way of getting my son to do whatever she wants. She did get him to make her his mate and give her a pup where all the others had failed. Therefore, if the suggestion were made to her that staying out of my son’s bed would be in his best interest...” She smiled. “Then there won’t be any troublesome heirs standing in the way of getting him a good wife who’ll bring something useful to their marriage.” Her smile grew broader as she thought about it for a few minutes. “What is his name...that nekoyoukai from the west or is it the east? Granted they are a minor clan, but they are somewhat powerful and they can be a real nuisance when they want to be. Besides, I believe his eldest daughter, Toran-hime, had expressed some interest in Sessho-kun the last time they were here with some stupid complaint or other.”

Baba-chan wrinkled up her nose. “But they’re cats, my lady! Surely Tsukikage-hime is a better match even if her lineage were not as noble. She’s at least inuyoukai.”

“Hai, but-”

“But nothing. You just don’t like her because she looks like the other one.” The old woman laughed as the dog queen looked away somewhat embarrassed. “And the thought of your son following in his father’s footsteps annoys you, ne? Remember, this girl is fully youkai and besides, I highly doubt it your son would take a human as a mate.”

“I know that! And I’m also fully aware of the fact that he already has a mate, so there’s no possibility of him ever getting himself a human one. And yet, for some reason, I just can’t get over feeling that one day he will ... He has grown up with his father having one and if the hanyou brat lives long enough to get himself a mate as well, I’m sure he’ll choose a human, for no youkai woman would want a hanyou...”

“That’s certainly true, although you never know, someone might be politically minded enough to overlook the fact he’s gaining a hanyou for a son-in-law and marry off a younger daughter to him. The hanyou may not be the heir to this empire, but it’s certainly possible that the waka-sama may not be blessed with another son,” Baba-chan said.

“What do you mean by that?”

“My lady, as things stand now, the waka-sama is without a wife...”


“And while he does have a concubine who has given him a son, albeit a deceased one, when he does get himself a wife, he may decide to have nothing more to do with her after consummating the marriage. Think about it, my lady, your daughter-in-law may not be blessed with enough charms to entice him back into her bed,” Baba-chan stammered and seeing the dog queen frown, she quickly added, “Which you possess in abundance.” The old woman paused and collected her thoughts. “Couple that with the waka-sama not possessing his father’s appetite... There’s the very real possibility that your son will end up with no children at all. If so, then your husband’s line will end with your son and the hanyou.”

“Unless the bastard hanyou is named as heir,” the dog queen finished coldly. She stared off in the direction of Tsuki’s rooms. “I’m sure there’s some youkai woman out there wouldn’t mind being the mate of a hanyou, especially if he were the ruler of the Western Lands.”


“Damn it...” the dog queen said softly. “And we can’t expect the hanyou to make an even worse mistake in time for Inutaisho to reconsider his decision.”

“One can only hope, my lady.”

“Hai...” the dog queen sighed.


“Koishii, are you awake?” Inutaisho whispered as he entered Izayoi’s room. Hearing her whispered reply, he padded softly over to where she sat nursing their son. The dog general thought she looked so beautiful there, in the dim half light of her darkened room. She was dressed in a simple yukata, which was opened to the waist and she held her newborn son to her left breast. Inutaisho came over and knelt next to them, a long finger extended to gently stroke Inuyasha’s cheek as he suckled hungrily and when he looked up at Izayoi, the dog general noticed for the first time the lines of worry and exhaustion that etched her face. He saw the wisdom in his wife’s words and while he was amused at her hints about getting the human back into his bed all the quicker, he realized that underneath the ploy to play upon his desires, his wife was right; the human woman was tired from the constant care of their son. As she shifted Inuyasha from one breast to the other, Inutaisho also saw his wife had spoken the truth concerning his son. While Inuyasha, in that brief instant of being denied his mother’s breast, howled as most babies would, his eyes also briefly flashed a deep crimson and the dog general thought his scent had changed to that a fully youkai individual. Inutaisho took a deep breath, but the scent was gone and he figured he had simply imagined it. As soon as she had the baby settled he spoke to her of the decision that had been made concerning them, while filing away the thought of going to see Toutou-sai about adapting one of his swords for Inuyasha’s use.

“They feel this is the best thing for Inuyasha-chan?” Izayoi looked down at her son.

“Hai, trying to nurse him constantly is damaging your health, Izayoi-chan. I’m no healer, but even I can see the truth of that, my love.” He gently cupped her cheek. “And no one will fault you for it. Besides, according to my wife and Baba-chan, it’s going to take some time to do this properly. And they feel it’ll help Tsukikage-hime get over her sorrow...”

“Hai...” she sighed softly and handed the sleeping infant to his father, “please put him to sleep in his basket, arigatou.” Closing her yukata, she watched him get up and place their sleeping son in his bed.

When he was finished, Inutaisho came back over to her and they lay entwined in her futon. “Izayoi-chan, I want what’s best for you both and I feel this truly is the best.” He kissed her. “Please don’t worry about it as it’s not your fault. In fact I want you to try and rest and if Inuyasha-chan wakes up, I’ll bring him to Tsukikage-hime. If it looks like it’s not going to work out with her, then I’ll bring him back, okay?”

“Hai...” she said dreamily before exhaustion claimed her and she sank into a deep sleep.


Sesshomaru gently woke Tsuki up. “Sleep well?” He smiled when she nodded and gave him a brief smile. “So, how was your talk with my mother?”

“It went pretty well, I think. I never knew you had the chance at so many siblings...”

“Hai, I guess so, but I only really remember Kata-chan. I remember the day when my father showed her to me and I also remember feeling very happy too.”

“Perhaps our next pup will be a daughter,” she said wistfully.

“Hai, it would be nice, ne? And I bet she’ll be as pretty as you are you too, but I don’t think that’s going to happen for a while. My mother also went to see my father, after she had spoken to you, and it would seem you’re to be given a special duty.”

“Really?” A tiny smile tugged at her lips for the first time in days.

“Hai, it seems your friend Ningen-hime is unable to...” Sesshomaru looked away from her as he suddenly felt embarrassed discussing with her what his parents had so freely discussed in front of him.

“Unable to what?”

“Unable to, you know, take care of him. That’s why he cries all the time. So you’re going to take over his care and that’s why there won’t be any pups for a while.” And it had better be a short “while” too!

Tsuki lay there, taking in what he had said, and mulling it over, she quickly came to the correct conclusion. “I’m going to be his wet nurse...?” she said incredulously. “Why? She’s been feeding him all along for a while now. Surely if there were a problem, it would have been taken care of sooner. Besides, I don’t have a pup of my own to suckle, and it’s been days now since...since I had Aisoku-chan.” She pushed herself up into a seated position. “Why me? There’s got to be other women who could do this, isn’t there?”

“Hai...I’m sure there is, but they must be worried about my brother not getting the proper care from someone else, although I don’t understand how you can do it as well, but they seem to feel you can.” He sighed. “So looking at this one way it seems as though you’re getting a big honor, but looking at the other way...” He shot her a pointed look.

“We are effectively barred from trying again,” she said softly. “But I would have thought your parents would be happy to have grandchildren...”

“Keh! They’re just happy they’re now free to marry me off to the first idiotic princess whose father wants an alliance with the great Inutaisho.” He laughed bitterly. “So I have to stay without a wife until my father dies.” He gently cupped her cheek. “Unfortunately, I’m duty bound to obey him.”

Tsuki placed a finger on his lips to silence him, but Sesshomaru gently removed it and continued, “While he’s old, he still has a lot of life left in him, which could work to our advantage.”


“The longer I hold out on them, the more time they have to see just how much you mean to me. Once they see that we are mates and nothing is ever going to change that, I bet they’ll let me take you as my wife. Then we can make all the pups you want,” he said playfully as he took her in his arms and kissed her. He kissed her long and hard and he was pleased that she responded in kind. Sesshomaru found it hard knowing she was weak from the birth of their son, and even harder still, knowing that she was now effectively just beyond his reach. Sighing he broke the kiss which was just as well for Inuyasha could be heard wailing in the next room and he had the feeling Tsuki’s new duties were about to start.


Inutaisho picked up his crying son and held him close. He made little hushing noises at him and for a moment Inuyasha stopped howling long enough to listen briefly to deep sonorous tones of his father’s voice. Izayoi also woke up and she came over to her mate and son. Smiling at them, she marveled at how Inuyasha quieted down, and hoping against hope, and praying that he would go back to sleep, she added her voice to the soft lullaby Inutaisho sang. It worked for a few minutes and Inuyasha happily sucked on his tongue until his stomach reminded him of why he was awake in the first place. Eyes welling up with indignant tears, the infant hanyou started crying again, loudly protesting the emptiness in his belly. When his mother took him in her arms and tried to soothe him by putting him to her breast, her mate quickly reminded her that they needed to try something else.

That was how Inuyasha found himself in the arms of a woman who smelled nothing like his mother, howling in rage as she tried to get him to eat. He could smell that his mother was nearby, but he could not see her. Where is she? I’m hungry! I want my mother! Go away and give me my mother! Finally he gave in and started to suckle as he was by now beside himself with hunger. I guess this is better than nothing...At least I’m not so hungry any more. Now what’s your problem? You wanted me to eat and now you’re taking it away? What’s with that? /He still uttered a few protests and was very upset when Tsuki shifted him to the other side, but after a few half-hearted objections at the situation in general, he got down to the business at hand, which was filling his empty belly. Wow, it wasn’t as bad as I thought. At least my tummy’s full and I can get some rest... /At last he fell asleep, Tsuki’s left breast in his mouth and there was a tense moment when he stirred as she gently removed it. Everyone held their breath, waiting in anticipation of him waking up, but the infant hanyou slept on.

“Good, he’s sleeping...” Izayoi whispered as she gently took him from her friend.

“Stay here, Izayoi-chan. I’ll have his basket moved so he can sleep. In fact why don’t you rest here as well, as I doubt Tsukikage-hime will mind?” the dog general said softly to his mate as he stood up to leave. Bending over, he leaned in and kissed her cheek, before gathering his elder son with a look and leaving.

The two women whispered amongst themselves as they were afraid of waking the baby, who slept peacefully oblivious to the adults in the room. All that mattered to him was his belly was full and since it was, he was finally able to sleep. In fact, he never stirred even when he was placed in his basket.


Father and son walked silently towards the dog queen’s rooms, each lost in thought. Finally Inutaisho broke the silence. “I’d like you to start sitting in on council meetings on a regular basis. You’re old enough now and I’d like to hear your opinion on things. I believe there’s a little matter that would interest you.”

“Arigatou, Chichi-ue,” Sesshomaru replied and his father nodded as he tried to hide a huge grin. “Are you going to inform me of this matter now or are you going to wait?”

“You know that semi-wild neko clan to the west?”


“Well it would seem a part of my empire is in dispute. They are claiming a vast area in the west belongs to them, but they are willing to settle it peacefully-”

“Keh!” Sesshomaru snorted, “As if cats were interested in doing anything peacefully!”

He held up a hand to forestall his son’s protests. “Remember those wolves just to the north? Their territory borders the cats’ and an alliance like this would make them think twice about expanding into our lands.”

“You’re joking!” he laughed. “Besides, they’re a bunch of stupid cats with pretensions of honor! Why would they be interested in me? All they want is as much of your land as they can get their grubby paws on. They’re not even worth the time it’s going to take to sit down and hammer out a treaty. Besides, who cares if they go to war against us? Their so-called army is nothing more than the chieftain’s brats and a couple of mangy cats. They couldn’t win a battle even if their enemy failed to show up! So if victory against us isn’t possible, then what the hell are they planning?” He paused and then it hit him, “Oh hell...”

“Hai. It seems one of their chieftain’s daughters is quite taken with you, my son.”


“They want the land they’ve claimed and they’re willing to offer us an extremely advantageous trade for it. So what if they bring less to this marriage than you do, at least you’ll have made them allies instead of enemies who could one day muster the strength to take what they want.”

“Please! I don’t trust them farther than I can spit, Chichi-ue! By the way which one wants the pleasure of slitting my throat in the marriage bed?”

Inutaisho quirked an eyebrow in surprise and nodding, he answered, “The eldest one...what is her name?”

“Toran...Toran the ice maiden.” Sesshomaru laughed. “She’s so full of herself it’s sickening!”

“A lot of young people are full of themselves these days,” Inutaisho said dryly. “Still, she is a good warrior...and not so unpleasing to the eye.”

“Keh! She’s a coldhearted bitch! Besides, she’s older than I am. And you can forget the other two as well, Chichi-ue. The middle one is insipid and vain, and the youngest,” he shuddered, “Is as wild as they come. Shit! If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear that one was really a son. You can forget them.”

Inutaisho laughed. “My sentiments exactly. I’m sure if they give us any trouble they can easily be put down and as you said they’re too untrustworthy to worry about them raising an army. Good, that’s settled then, although your mother will be disappointed, she had hopes of marrying you off,” he held up a hand. “Look, I have no wish to discuss this again with you. Need I remind you that I am your lord as well as your father?”


“Good. I will allow you some latitude in choosing a wife, Sesshomaru, but you must realize that if a match is presented that works to your political advantage, you will be getting married.”


“It would be the same for any of my men. You do know that?”


“Good, enough of this! We’re here and I wish to speak to your mother briefly. You may wait for me outside, or you can come in. I’d rather you’d come inside and then you can tell your mother about sitting on the council. She’s always complaining she never sees enough of you.”


The dog general looked sharply at his son before knocking and entering his wife’s rooms. Sesshomaru followed closely behind and Inukouhi was delighted to see them both. They spent several minutes exchanging pleasantries before Sesshomaru informed his mother about his new position.

“That’s wonderful news, my son! Although, I’m not sure if that’s a wise idea turning those neko down like that, dear husband, as I’m sure they’ll cause trouble now....but if they are as weak as you say they are, then so be it. Besides, once they see you, Sessho-kun, sitting in council, there’ll be no end of marriage offers.” She smiled happily.


“You don’t seem happy about it, Sessho-kun...” She raised an eyebrow at him.

“I’m fine with the decision, Haha-ue.”

“And speaking of decisions, that was a good one you made earlier, my wife.”

“Really? Which one?” the dog queen asked.

“The one about making Tsukikage-hime Inu-chan’s wet nurse. He fussed a bit, but then he settled down nicely. Unfortunately we have to go now, but I would like to discuss that with you further, if I may?”

“Of course, my husband, I’ll be waiting for you here when you’re done.”

Father and son rose as one and made their goodbyes, before leaving. Soon they were sitting in council and while he found it exciting at first to be there, boredom soon set in and Sesshomaru found himself letting his mind wander to thoughts of Tsuki as the hours wore on. When the meeting ended, Sesshomaru left as quickly as he could without being rude and headed for the peace and quiet of his mate’s room.


Inutaisho was pleased to see his wife greeting him at her door, clad only in the thinnest of silk sleeping kimono. He followed her into the room, breathing in the rich scent of her arousal as it mixed with the incense and other perfumes in the air. Taking his hand, Inukouhi wasted no time in leading her husband to her sleeping area. She sat seductively on the unrolled futon, letting the right side of her kimono slip down her shoulder to revel the gentle swell of her breast, and Inutaisho was amazed to at how it stopped just short of showing it all. The dog queen shifted slightly and a pale white thigh peeked out and Inutaisho knew he was in for a most pleasant late afternoon.


Sesshomaru arrived at his mate’s room. Entering, he was surprised to find Tsuki was looking much more animated than she had been in the past week, along with her human friend, his former foster mother and her friend. He figured they were here more to curry favor with his father than a desire to see the newborn hanyou and he also suspected that Toukasa was here to deflect some of the blame for Tsuki losing her pup away from her husband Takahara. He noticed as well, that Izayoi was enjoying being the center of attention, but what took him several minutes to realize was that Inuyasha was quiet for a change.

“Well look who’s here! Have you come to visit with your baby brother?” Sakura asked as she looked up from where she was tickling Inuyasha’s belly.

Sesshomaru snorted in amusement. “Iie, I came running to see you, Sakura-chan, the minute I heard you were here,” he said sarcastically.

Missing the sarcasm, Sakura giggled like a young girl. “My, my, my! You sound more like your father the older you get!” She laughed and blew him a kiss.

Sesshomaru closed his eyes and shook his head at her, opening them; he looked around the room for Tsuki before Toukasa called out to him.

“Sessho-kun, come here and greet your second mother like you used to! Remember when you were a little pup and you used to run into my arms and kiss my cheek?” Toukasa said as she titled her face up for him to kiss her cheek. Sesshomaru leaned over and brushed his lips against it. “It’s nice to know some things never change, ne? Anyway, I see the little one is doing well and Tsukikage-hime is going to nurse him. I was just telling her what a great honor that is. It seems like only yesterday I was looking after you in the same way!”

“I remember that too!! Poor Inukouhi-sama was so busy helping your father; it was amazing she even had time to whelp you. But somehow she did and remember how the dono-sama came walking in just at the perfect moment?” Sakura laughed. “I thought your mother was going to kill him once she got over her relief at seeing him!”

Toukasa also laughed. “Baka! I wasn’t there because I had had my Keiichi a few days earlier. Although, I’ve heard that story told so many times around the women’s quarters that I feel as though I was there. In fact every time there’s a new pup in the palace that old story gets trotted out and embellished. I wouldn’t be surprised if by the time you are a Jii-san, Sessho-kun, it’ll have reached mythic proportions!”

Inuyasha took that moment to coo and kick his little feet. /Hey! Look at me!! Me the cute one!! /Sesshomaru found himself suddenly forgotten as the women turned their attention back to the infant. However, he did not mind in the least for he went over to Tsuki, and sitting down next to her, he leaned over and asked her how she was doing.

“I had a wonderful rest this afternoon since Inuyasha, believe it or not, actually slept for quite a while. Ningen-hime and I were very worried when we woke up to find him sleeping. She woke him up and I had just finished feeding him when they arrived and we’ve been playing with him ever since. In fact, we’re just waiting for the girl to come back with a basin and some water so we can bathe him. Do you want to help?” she asked without thinking, before immediately regretting it, especially after she saw the look on his face.

“I’m pleased you were able to get some rest as you needed it. I was kind of hoping it would be quiet as I spent the most boring afternoon going over the most incredible shit and nonsense with my father and his ministers.” He grinned at her. “If you think you women can talk about nonsense for hours on end, you haven’t heard a roomful of old men going on and on about Kami-sama knows what, let alone cares about. Shit! I think I finally learned how to go to sleep with my eyes open, although I was hoping I could do it with my eyes closed and here by your side.”

“Perhaps they’ll leave soon...”

“Keh! They won’t go anywhere unless someone tells them to. I bet they’re only here so word gets back to my father about how nice they were to his human mate.” He sighed.

“That’s not true! They were genuinely interested in Inuyasha and Ningen-hime said Toukasa-chan made a huge fuss over him during Inuyasha’s celebrations. Besides, I doubt she’s that great an actor to keep it up for so long. And I’ve found that Sakura-chan does anything Toukasa-chan does, so if Toukasa-chan were to scratch her nose, you can bet Sakura-chan will scratch hers too!” she whispered.

“Perhaps we’d better go and leave them alone,” Sakura-chan said rather loudly and winked as the others giggled.

“Hai! Look, Inuyasha-chan, it sounds like somebody wants his belly rubbed...” Toukasa laughed and got up to leave.

Me!! I want my belly rubbed!! And my toes tickled and I’d loved to be cuddled too!! Inuyasha cooed as he waved his tiny fists in the air.

“Toukasa-chan!” Izayoi said as delicate blush spilled across her cheeks. “They can’t!” she cried, mortified that they were caught in a discussion about the waka-sama and his mating habits while he was here.

“Come, Ningen-hime, let’s go play with the pup in your room.” Sakura giggled again as she tickled Inuyasha’s toes.

“No one is going anywhere as I don’t need nor do I want any pillowing,” Sesshomaru glared at the women. “While I’d like to get some rest, I think Ningen-hime and Tsuki-chan are tired and need their rest more than I do. Besides, Ningen-hime isn’t going anywhere until my father sends for her.”

“Hai, the waka-sama is right...” Izayoi said, thoroughly surprised by Sesshomaru’s behavior. “Gomen nasai, but perhaps you can visit again tomorrow?”

“It’s us who should be apologizing. We’ll see you tomorrow then,” Toukasa said as she and Sakura left.

Their leaving was shortly followed by the arrival of the servant girl who brought a bucket of water and a basin to wash Inuyasha in. She also removed a small sea sponge from the upper waistband of her apron and set it down next to basin. “Would you like me to bathe him for you, my lady?”

“Iie, I’ll do it myself as I don’t mind.” Izayoi cooed at her son and started to remove his swaddling. “Someone’s a dirty little baby. Ofukuro is going to clean you up now and make feel all comfortable...” Soon Inuyasha was lying there under a clean cotton square, his dirty swaddling rolled up and placed in a bucket off to the side. Tsuki crept closer to watch and Sesshomaru, rolling his eyes, also moved to sit next to his mate but then sat across from her when she motioned him away. Sesshomaru sat there just as bored with this as he was in council chamber earlier, until the warmth of the water running over Inuyasha’s body was too much for him and the infant hanyou peed. Since Izayoi was at that moment rolling him over so she could wash his back, he wound up hitting Sesshomaru’s knee. Disgusted, he made a face and exclaimed, “What the hell? The little runt pissed on me on purpose! Damn it! He’s all smug about it too! Shit! Now he’s smirking!” He curled his upper lip and growled at his brother.

“Gomen nasai, he didn’t mean that!” Izayoi cried. “Inu-chan! Naughty baby, you mustn’t do that to your onii-chan!” the human woman gently scolded.

Gomen, I didn’t mean it, honest! But I’m glad I did. ‘Cause you made the best faces and the funniest noises!!

Tsuki sat there, laughing at her mate’s reaction. “Gomen nasai, Maru-chan, but that was funny! I can’t believe the face you made when he peed on you! And then you growled.” She laughed again. “The human women who used to trade with us said that’s good luck! I’m surprised you didn’t know that, Ningen-hime.”

She laughed as well. “I’ve never heard that before, but it’s possible it’s true. Anyway, I’m sure he wouldn’t have done it if he didn’t like you as he’s already peed on your father several times and he seems rather fond of him.” She choked back her laughter as she dried the infant hanyou off and dressed him. Then she sat there singing softly to him, as he dozed off to sleep.

Sesshomaru sat for a few minutes, watching his mate laugh. It was a sound he thought he would never hear again and he was pleased that something as simple as spending the afternoon helping the human tend to her pup, was all it took to lift her sadness. When she noticed his look, she smiled and beckoned him closer. Sesshomaru readily complied, as he was hoping he could steal a kiss while the human woman was busy putting her son to sleep. He leaned in closer and just as he was about to brush his lips against hers, she murmured softly, “You’d better take your hakama off so I can wash the pee off...” although it took a few minutes for him to realize somewhat disappointedly, that Tsuki was not inviting him to pillow with her. Sighing, he got up and did as she asked.

Inutaisho arrived a few minutes later to take Izayoi to dinner, and noticing Sesshomaru’s lack of attire, he laughingly asked if Inuyasha had got him too.

“Hai! If you give me a few minutes, Chichi-ue, I’ll go to my rooms and change into something else. So if everyone will excuse me, I’ll go now and this way I won’t too late for dinner.”

“Iie, you and Tsukikage-hime are going to stay here so you need not bother. I’ll arrange for something to be brought to you. If you’re ready?” the last part was directed at Izayoi who had just laid Inuyasha in his basket.

“Nani?” Sesshomaru said.

“You heard me, Sessho-kun. You’re going to stay here with your mate and help her look after your brother. I doubt very much that he’d be able to sleep in the banquet hall, for one thing and if he wakes up hungry, I’m sure she’ll want to nurse him in private. If you want, I can ask your mother to come dine with you,” he said and when Sesshomaru shook his head he added, “I didn’t think so. And by the way, Izayoi-hime and I will return briefly afterwards to see how you’re doing and after that you’re on your own. While he’s really your younger brother, I want you to treat him as if he were your own pup. Your mother and I have decided that you and Tsukikage-hime will be his foster parents. We’re going to announce it tonight at dinner.”

“Nani?” Sesshomaru and Izayoi chorused.

“Well, at least this will quell the rumors that Tsuki-chan belongs to your father, ne?” Izayoi said uncertainly as she looked from the son to his father and back. “And now you won’t have to pretend any more, Waka-sama. Now you’re free to make her your own.” The human woman and the young youkai girl exchanged looks.

Inutaisho, nodding, held his hand out to Izayoi and helped her to stand, gently squeezing it as he did so, and she knew he would explain it to her as they headed to dinner. She nodded in understanding, leaving her mate free to answer his son.

“Izayoi-hime’s right; you and the girl are free to be together for now. Not to mention the fact you wanted a pup very badly before,” he said dryly as he raised an eyebrow at his son. “Besides, your mother and Baba-chan feel it’s best for everyone involved if I take Izayoi-hime on a trip to the lodge for a while. But don’t worry, I won’t be leaving tomorrow. I just want to be sure you understand more fully what goes on in council, and when I’m satisfied, I’ll leave and you’ll be on your own. You’ve acted as regent before, so it shouldn’t be a total shock to you as to what goes on. However, you have been shielded from a few things, things I didn’t feel you were old enough to handle.” He grinned. “Don’t worry, Sessho-kun, I think you’ll do a fine job. Besides, the time has come for you to have your first taste of real power. So now if you’ll excuse us...”

“Hai...” Sesshomaru said softly as he waved them away. So I’m to finally run things for him and not play at it? Interesting...

“That’s wonderful!” Tsuki said as she threw her arms around him. “Now you’ll have to work extra hard so you can prove to him you’re ready and I promise I’ll do whatever I can to help you! This is so unbelievable!”



The rest of the day sped by in a haze for Sesshomaru as his mind was busy with everything his father had told him. He could not believe he was finally being groomed as his father’s heir. He felt he could now relax, secure in the knowledge that his father would not change his mind and declare Inuyasha heir once he got older. He smiled as he thought about all the power he would finally wield on his own and the thought thrilled him like nothing else had before.

/Finally!! I can’t believe Chichi-ue is going to trust me completely to take over everything when he goes! I’m sure Haha-ue will be there to offer guidance if I need it. I bet Myouga-jiijii will be full of unwanted advice too...

Takahara, you had better watch you step! I know Chichi-ue said I wasn’t to do anything concerning you, but if I even find so much a hint of trouble, well let’s just say it’ll be something I’ll happily learn to regret...

Best of all, if I do well with you at my side, Tsuki-chan, perhaps they’ll reconsider and let me marry you./ He glanced over at Tsuki, who was sitting there, combing the tangles out her wet hair as she had just returned from the baths. He nodded when she told him to go, and, standing up quickly, he leaned over and kissed her tenderly on the lips. Sesshomaru promised he would return quickly, then turned and left.


Sesshomaru walked to the bath house in a daze, his mind still whirling with thoughts about the honor his father had bestowed upon him. He was happily fantasizing about life with Tsuki at his side, ruling his father’s empire as if it were his own, when he nearly collided with his mother as she left her friend’s room.

“Sessho-kun? Are you alright?” the dog queen asked, a faint smile tugging at her lips. “Sessho-kun, I really need to speak with you about something important. Come, let’s go to my rooms and I’ll make us some tea.”

He stood there, gaping at her for a few minutes, before her words sank in. “Hai,” he said, and allowing her to take him by the arm, she guided him to her rooms. Once inside she ceased her inane pleasantries and came to the matter at hand. “Sessho-kun, your father told you that we’ve decided to make you and Tsukikage your brother’s foster parents, ne?”

“Hai...” Sesshomaru nodded as he watched her make tea. “And?”

“Well, this means that, ummm,” she paused, frowning. “Well, you know the girl is his wet-nurse and that as such, having another pup would prevent her from doing her duty...” she trailed off softly, hoping her son would catch on to what she was trying to say.

“I know that, Haha-ue.” He looked at her as she was foolish for stating the obvious.

“Sessho-kun, do you have any idea how long she will be performing this duty?” Inukouhi asked as she set a cup in front of her son and poured tea into it.

Sesshomaru thought about it for a minute or two before he realized he really did not know, so he hazarded a guess, “A month or two?”

Sighing, the dog queen poured for herself and took a sip of her tea, before answering, “I’m afraid it’s going to be a lot longer than that.”

“Nani? How long?” Please don’t tell me it’s going to be a long time, Haha-ue; I don’t even want to wait a month for Tsuki.

“At least two years, perhaps more. It depends on how well your brother grows whether or not he can be weaned then. You grew well and so did Keiichi, so Toukasa-chan was able to wean you both at two years,” she explained patiently. “But since he’s a hanyou, I honestly don’t know when he’ll be ready. He could surprise us by growing so well that he can be weaned at a year, but Ningen-hime told me human children are usually nursed longer than that to give the mother a rest between children.” She shrugged and sighed at the dark looks he gave her. “Sessho-kun, I’ve come to accept the fact you’ve taken the girl as your mate against our wishes, and I had even gotten to the point where I wasn’t angry over the prospect of grandchildren.” She sipped her tea. “I’ve also put up with your demands that we let you marry the girl, but this time I’m putting my foot down. You are not, and I repeat, you are not under any circumstances do anything with that girl that will prevent her from doing her duty. Your father is besotted with his brat, and if anything should happen to him, I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of his wrath. So that means you will not be pillowing that girl. If you feel the urge to, then I want you to go talk to your father about it, or feel free to seek out Atsuimi-hime for advice. I’ve worked too hard to get you declared as your father’s heir for you to go ahead and ruin it for us!” She glared at him. “You do know that your father could easily get himself killed in any one of those skirmishes he engages in while patrolling his lands. Tell me Sessho-kun, do you honestly want to spend the rest of your life as regent to a hanyou?”

“Iie!” he barked.

“Good, because I didn’t think so!” They glared at each other before looking away.

“Besides, I’ll easily outlive him, so the lands will be mine anyway, for who in their right mind would take a stupid hanyou as their mate? Well?” he raised an eyebrow at her.

“That may be true to some extent, my son, but do you honestly think people will follow you knowing you were ever the lackey of a hanyou? Well?”

He scowled at her. “Iie, but-”

“But nothing! You’ll be seen as weak and those who lust after your father’s power will think nothing of stripping you of what is rightfully yours! And no one and I mean no one will help you get it back, either!”

“Then perhaps it wasn’t worth keeping in the first place!”

“Excuse me?!” the dog queen shouted.

“You heard me, Haha-ue!”

“Are you telling me, you don’t want all of this?” She waved her arm in a sweeping motion. “Perhaps I should send for your father right now so I can tell him about this and we’ll see what he has to say!”

“Fine! Maybe then I’ll be free to find my own wife!” he glared at her as she looked at him in surprise. “Isn’t that next on your list of things to bother me about?”

“Sessho-kun, there’s no reason to take that tone with me! I am your mother and the okugata-sama and I won’t stand for your insolence! Do you hear me?” she asked through gritted teeth and he nodded silently. She paused, taking a minute to calm herself in the ensuing silence that stretched between them. “You know, my son, you may be right. Perhaps the time has come for you to think about getting a wife. We can always make arrangements for the girl to carry on as wet-nurse and you and your wife will foster your brother instead.”

“Iie! If I am to marry, then there’s only one woman I want,” he said coolly and the dog queen was surprised at how old he sounded and she wondered when her little boy had grown into a man.

“Sessho-kun, we’ve already been through that more times that I care to remember,” she said wearily. “You really need to learn to not be so single-minded about things. If you must be obsessive, then save it for the battlefield. Then you can obsess over the important things, like winning more glory for the honor of our family, not to mention increasing your empire.”

He decided to ask her the one question that always came to mind whenever his mother went on about him marrying, “Hah-ue, what’s wrong with Tsuki? Why is it that you harbor such dislike for her?”

“Nothing. Sessho-kun, she is merely one girl in a palace full of them. Besides, there are dozens of them whose families are-”

“Whose families are what?” he interrupted. “Full of haughty insipid princesses who aren’t worth the time it took to whelp them? Spare me, Haha-ue! I’d rather spend my days alone, wandering my father’s lands than be tied to one of them,” he said coolly.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Exactly what I said.” He picked up his tea cup and finishing his tea, he set it down carefully. He was about to say more when he changed his mind, and standing, he waited for permission to be dismissed. “Haha-ue, I really must be going. You can tell Chichi-ue that I have no desire to marry anyone other than Tsuki.” He looked away and then back before adding softly, “What I don’t understand is given the situation you are in, why you are so insistent I follow in Chichi-ue’s footsteps? Are you that petty that you wish the same unhappiness on your daughter-in-law?” He raised an eyebrow at her. “Or do you seek to punish him through me? ‘Look, Husband, our son is as miserable as you are. See, if you had only made me your mate instead of that stupid human, none of this would have happened,’” he said mockingly. “Well, I am not him, Haha-ue. I am me and I have my own wants and desires and I don’t appreciate being used in whatever little mind games you like to play with him,” he said with deadly calm. “I will, however, give in to your wishes for the moment, but understand this; the minute Tsuki is free from her duties as wet-nurse, I will bring this matter up again. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

Inukouhi stared long and hard at her son, wondering just when she had lost her control over him. Eventually, she dismissed with a wave of her hand.


Sesshomaru realized with a start that he was at the bath house without even knowing how he got there. He made short work of stripping down, and grabbing a couple of buckets, he dipped them into the smaller inner pool, and walked over to the bathing area where he dumped one of them over his head. Then he scrubbed his scalp, and shivering in the cool half light of the bath house, before he dumped the remaining bucket over his head and washed the sweat from his body. He picked up the buckets and put them back before he padded softly to the doorway leading to the outdoor hot spring. He carefully slipped into the steaming water and let the heat wash the tension from his muscles. Feeling relaxed, he let his thoughts drift to Tsuki only to find his fantasies tainted by disappointment as he realized she was now more off limits to him than she had been when his father promised her to Takahara. He growled softly when he thought of him and what he had done to her. Then fear gripped his heart and he left the warm confines of the hot spring and headed back inside to dry off and get dressed. Before he knew it he was back in her room, pleased to find she was not only safe but busy tending to his brother’s needs. Smiling, he realized any minute now she would be finished and they could spend a few minutes cuddling before drifting off to sleep.


“Waaaaaaahhhh!!” Inuyasha cried. He had awakened a few hours later, cold, wet and hungry and he protested loudly. Get over here! I’m wet and hungry!! It was several long minutes before the two shadows, who were now responsible for his care, also woke up with a start.

“What the hell?!” Sesshomaru shouted as he bolted upright. Tsuki also sat up next to him and he could see her trembling in the darkness, before they both realized what the noise was.

“I’m coming, Inuyasha!” she said softly as she stood up and walked quietly over to his basket. Tsuki knelt next to it and picked him up. Feeling his wet swaddling, she stood up and moved over to where she could change him, which she did before putting him to her breast. The infant hanyou suckled noisily and was soon asleep again. Looking at each other, the new foster parents sighed before drifting off to sleep again only to have the process repeated several hours later.


Things went pretty well for the next week until the day of the new moon. It had started out peacefully enough with Inuyasha sleeping longer than usual between feedings until dusk started approaching. Then he started fussing and neither Tsuki nor Izayoi could console him. His crying spells started up again and Tsuki kept trying to nurse him, but all he wanted was to be held. The infant hanyou howled whenever he was laid down for any reason and changing his swaddling became a noisy affair. Things had become so bad, that when Sesshomaru finally returned from yet another council meeting he was met by one screaming hanyou and two women who were close to tears.

“What the hell is going on here? Can’t you shut him up?”

“Iie! He won’t behave, Maru-chan! All he’s been doing all afternoon is crying!”

I’m scared!! And I feel funny!! And I don’t like it one bit! Make me feel better!! Inuyasha squirmed in his mother’s arms.

“Hai! He won’t let us put him down for a minute and then he settles down for a few minutes with one of us, only to start crying all over again! I’ve tried going to get Baba-chan, but every time I step out of here he starts wailing-”

Inuyasha’s crying grew louder and his squirming became so frantic that Izayoi nearly dropped him as she tried to shift him to a more comfortable position. Hey you with the fluffy! Hold me! You’re very strong and I feel safer with you.

“Ssh... my baby, everything will be fine if you’ll just calm down.” She rocked him gently and sang softly to him to no avail.

“And it gets even worse when we take him outside!”

“Hai!! And we haven’t seen anyone all afternoon; otherwise we’d have sent them to go get Baba-chan-”

“Hai!! I keep hoping your mother would come back, but we haven’t seen her since lunch time and we’re tired and my head hurts.”

“Waka-sama, please go get Baba-chan for us. Please!”

“Please, Mara-chan!”

Please, protect me! Keep me safe until the scariness goes away! Please?! Inuyasha wailed.

Sesshomaru looked at the three of and for several long tense and loud moments he contemplated going to get the old healer. Having had enough of the crying, he said very calmly yet firmly, “Quiet, whelp!” and the noise abated. In the ensuing silence Inuyasha was handed off to him and the two women fled the room after Tsuki promised to be back as quickly as they could with Baba-chan in tow. He followed them out onto the veranda and was about to give his baby brother back to them, when he sensed his mate probably needed a break from the noise and pressures of a demanding infant. However, he had no intention of playing nursemaid to Inuyasha and he looked around the courtyard garden for signs of a passing servant when he sensed a hated presence approaching from the lengthening shadows.

“My, my, what an adorable little ofukuro,” Takahara chuckled.

“Fuck off, asshole!” Sesshomaru growled low in his throat and Inuyasha started crying.

Go away!!

“Such language...and in front of the pup too! I’m shocked...truly shocked!” he laughed again.

Bark at him and make him go away!!

“I really don’t have time for your shit, Takahara, which is as just as well, as it’ll give me more time to settle things with you later,” he said coolly.

“Well, taking care of a pup is demanding work as I’m sure you know, Ofukuro-chan.”

Sesshomaru grinned nastily at him. “Ha, ha very funny, Shithead, but isn’t there some poor stupid little serving girl who needs a good fucking?” he quirked an eyebrow at him before adding, “Oh wait, from what I’ve heard, you’re not the man for the job...Oh well, I’m sure you can con some unsuspecting maiden into believing you are though...”

Inuyasha let out a huge wail. I don’t like him...

“My, my, not only do you know how to change dirty swaddling, but you know how to be witty too...” Takahara smiled a smile that never reached his eyes. “You’re just lucky; you’ve got that brat with you or else...”

Inuyasha finally stopped crying and lay still in his brother’s arms. What?! You’re scared of me? That’s it! Run!!

“Hai, how very lucky for you too. But I welcome your challenge anytime, Takahara, anytime...”

Takahara nodded before leaving and Sesshomaru watched as he did so until Inuyasha’s fussing caught his attention. In the deepening shadows of dusk, he noticed his little brother’s hair was also beginning to darken. Damn it, I wonder if that bastard noticed. I hope not, as that won’t be good for you, little brother. If I know Takahara, he’ll find a way to exploit your weakness. Puzzled, he brought him back into Tsuki’s room and after some careful maneuvering, he lit a candle and what he saw in the soft glow startled him. Amazing...I wonder if it hurts him. Maybe that’s why he hasn’t stop crying since the women left. He watched as the infant hanyou’s hair continued to darken and his ears became smaller, moving it seemed, with each blink of Sesshomaru’s eyes, closer and closer to where his own ears sat in relation to his face. He also noticed that his younger brother as he fussed seemed different in his manner, although Sesshomaru was hard put to define it. He wondered if this was how human babies were. It’s okay, whelp, I won’t let anyone harm you...It must be hard to be so weak, ne? Almost instinctively he held Inuyasha a little tighter and that was how Tsuki found him when she returned alone.

“What’s wrong, Maru-chan?”

“Nothing... Look at him; it’s his time of changing. So that’s why he’s been so fussy this afternoon.” He handed Inuyasha to her.

“Sweet Kami-sama! He looks like Ningen-hime!”


They spent the night awake taking turns caring for Inuyasha who slept very little.

“’s okay, Inu-chan, I won’t let anything bad happen to you, I promise and neither will your brother. Please eat something, Inu-chan, as I’m sure you must be starving by now.” Tsuki cooed softly to him, gently rocking him as she opened her kimono. She stopped rocking him and gently tried to get him to nurse, but to no avail and she was frightened he would die during the night.

I’m too scared to eat. Please just hold me close.

“Quiet, Whelp, you’re going to wake the palace if you don’t shut up! Shit! Can’t you do something to make him stop that incessant crying? Damn it, I’m getting a headache from him,” Sesshomaru growled. He was lying on his futon, trying to get a minute’s rest, so he could let his mate have a turn later while he cared for his brother./ I wonder if normal pups are this noisy...All I know is if you don’t shut up and soon, little brother, I’m going to kill you!/

“I’ve tried everything I can think of, Maru-chan, and he just won’t settle down. This is the worst he’s ever been. What if he’s dying?” she choked back a sob and held the infant hanyou close. “He hasn’t eaten since sundown and he must be starving! That’s probably why he keeps crying, but I’m at a loss for how to get him to eat...”

Sighing, Sesshomaru got up and came over to them. Silently he took his younger brother from her and held the infant close. “Get some rest, Tsuki-chan. I’ll watch over him.”

I feel a bit better now. I just wanted to be held right now.

“Arigatou,” she whispered, before kissing them both, and then turning on her heel, she headed back to their futon. Once there, she let her exhaustion take over and she was asleep in minutes despite Inuyasha’s crying.

Sesshomaru walked around the room, singing softly to his younger brother as the night wore on. Little by little Inuyasha’s howling settled down into ragged sobs which gave to soft hiccupping. “That’s better, whelp. There’s nothing to worry about,” he soothed. “Damn it! I’m going to kill you!” Sesshomaru whispered as he felt a familiar wetness down the front of his sleeping kimono. “Must you pee on me all the time?”

/Gomen, but I had to go.’re not going to leave me all wet are you? /Inuyasha started crying again and Sesshomaru groaned softly as he gathered the things needed to change his little brother’s swaddling.

“Now hold still while I figure this shit out...” Sesshomaru said half to his brother and himself. He gently rocked Inuyasha just enough to get him to quiet down and he sang snatches of the song Tsuki always sang to quiet his brother down. “Kagome, Kagome...the bird in the cage...when will you come out? In the evening of the dawn...the crane and turtle slipped...who stands behind you now? You like that song, ne?” Sesshomaru asked as he fumbled with the dry swaddling.

Inuyasha cooed and relaxed for the first time. Sing it again!! You sing it better than she does! Inuyasha kicked happily.

“What are you laughing at?” Sesshomaru asked. “Hey it’s getting lighter in here, the day must be breaking. Do you want to watch the sunrise?” He picked up his brother and then stood before walking over to the window.

“Where’re you going, Maru-chan?” Tsuki called sleepily from where she lay half awake on the futon.

We’re going to go bark at the guy again. Hurry! I want to bark too!

“Oi! Stop bouncing around before I drop you!” he said to his brother and to Tsuki, he replied, “I was going to watch the sun come up. You’ve been asleep for hours, you know.” He laughed and Inuyasha cooed along with him.

“I have?” Tsuki said as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and stood up. She walked over to them and stood watching the sunrise before something else caught her eye. “Look, Maru-chan, he’s changing back!” she said softly and Sesshomaru moved Inuyasha off his shoulder to cradle him in his arms.

In the cool half light of dawn, they watched amazed as the process reversed itself. Within minutes as the room grew brighter, the human baby with the soft wispy black hair was replaced by a sleepy hanyou. When he had finished transforming, she took him from Sesshomaru and sat down on her futon where she nursed him until he fell asleep. Afterwards she placed him in his sleeping basket before going back to sleep, cradled in Sesshomaru’s arms.

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