Categories > Original > Romance > Forbidden Love


by permission_to_sin 0 reviews

Elizabeth Taylor's simple walk to remember.

Category: Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Published: 2007-06-23 - Updated: 2007-06-24 - 336 words

There was never more of a time when Elizabeth wish she hadn't chosen to walk alone. It was a dark October night, the only light was the blue cast shadow of the moon fell on Elizabeth's tanned skin. The rustle of the trees, and the cold wind, sent small shivers up Elizabeth's spine. It was midnight, and a full moon, and Elizabeth couldn't help but think of Vampires, Werewolves, and other fictional creatures that go 'bump' in the night.
When Elizabeth got to her home, opening the door, Elizabeth saw a scene like no other. Her mother and father, dead on the floor, their eyes staring blankly at Elizabeth, her little brother, face down in his own pool of blood, Elizabeth almost screamed, but a hand was placed over her mouth.
"Don't scream. I'm only hear to help." Said the voice of the stranger, his breath hot on Elizabeth's ear, as she felt tears fall down her eyes. "It seems I came too late though. Your Elizabeth Taylor, correct?"
Elizabeth only nodded her head, unable to respond, with the stranger's hand over her mouth.
"Good, come on, I'll explain everything in the car." Said the stranger. The stranger left Elizabeth in the car, it was a nice car, a Ferari, with black windows, and from the looks of the dark night, black itself. Soon Jonathan grabbed a gasoline can and covered the whole downstairs with gas, and set a match on the step, soon causing an out of control fire. Elizabeth screamed, that was her family he just burned! Elizabeth felt her tears fall faster down her face, as she slowly buried her face in her hands, and let the sobs wrack her whole body.
"Listen love, my name is Jonathan, I was sent to come and collect you." Said Jonathan, looking at the distraught teenage girl.
"Collect me for what?" Asked Elizabeth, sniffling a little, curiosity taking over her.
"To kill the race who killed your parents." Said Jonathan, before speeding off in his car.
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