Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Die For Me

Chapter 11 - Three Simple Words

by Christiexox 3 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [R] [V] [X] - Published: 2007-06-24 - Updated: 2007-06-24 - 1394 words


Jane's P.O.V:

*Flashback continued*

Just as he was about to stab the knife into my heart I fought to get ahold of the knife.

I finally yanked it out of his grasp and punched him in the face. I got up, staggering a bit and kneeled beside him, pain ripping through my body with every motion.

" Forever and ever, babe," I whispered emotionlessly and stabbed him in the heart. After a couple seconds I heard no heartbeat and I knew he was dead. I fell back onto the floor then I slipped into unconsiousness just as Holly and the others walked through the door.

I awoke to someone placing their hands on my cheeks.

" Jane, Jane?" Jake asked me. I opened my eyes and saw the others also surrounding me looking deathly frightened. I looked down at my body and saw that I was naked with long, deep cuts oozing out thick, dark blood from the hundreds of souls I killed.

" What did he do to you?" Derek whispered beside me silently crying. I noticed they all were.

" You guys shouldn't be here. You should all be having fun. I know i'm just a little whore getting in everyone's way. Nobody wants we around so just leave me to die," I said cold-heartedly.

" What are you talking about? We love you, and you're not a whore. What did that fucker say to you? If he was alive right now I'd show him what he did to you and even more," Adam angrily replied.

" We're not leaving you here to die, I couldn't live without you," Holly sobbed. " We have to call her parents and get them over here as fast as we can. She can fuckin die!" Holly cried out.

" I deserve to die," I replied, " I killed the love of my life, I killed him," I kept repeating over and over again in whispers untill I fell back into unconsiousness.

*End flashback*

When I was done I was in tears sobbing uncontrollably. Alicia and Mikey came over and wrapped their arms around me pulling me into a soft embrace. I noticed tears running down their faces.

" It's alright Jane, he's the one who deserves to die. If that fucker was alive today I'd kill him myself," Mikey told me.

" You don't deserve any of the grief and pain he's given you. So stop living in pain and live life as you were before. Happily and peacefully, " Alicia said.

" Before? Before Anthony came into my life I was a fuckin crackhead- alcoholic. He made me want to live. He filled my world with happiness and peace. It killed me inside to know that he never loved me...

Gerard's P.O.V:

" Shit, I hate seeing you like this man but I knew you had to know," Frank said. I have to talk to her bandmates before I ever see her face again. It'll only make me hate her more than I do right now...

I went over to Dead Girl's Diary's tour bus and just stepped in not really caring if I knocked first. I thought no one was there but then I heard someone talking in the bunk area. I snuck closer to hear who was talking. I knew it wasn't the right thing to do but something urged me to keep quiet and listen in. I heard crying and suddenly a swift pang of hurt and sadness passed right through me like a bullet. I realized the crying was from Jane. Then I heard the voices of Alicia and Mikey. Wait... what were they doing here?

" It's alright Jane, he's the one who deserves to die. If that fucker was alive today I'd kill him myself, " Mikey told her. Why was he saying that for?

" You don't deserve the grief and pain he's given you. So stop living in pain and live life as you were before. Happily and peacefully, " I heard Alicia say. " Before? Before Anthony came into my life I was a fuckin crackhead- alcoholic. He made me want to live. He filled my world with happiness and peace. It killed me inside to know that he never loved me. No one ever will. But I will always love him forever no matter what he told me, " I heard Jane say. I clutched my chest as I heard those words comming out of her mouth.

" And you're afraid that if you find new love you'll get hurt even more because they wouldn't actually love you? " Alicia responded.

" I couldn't live with myself if that were to happen." A tear rolled down my cheek as I listened on.

" Honey, what you think is all wrong. I happen to know someone who loves you dearly and would give his own life up to make you happy. There's alot of people out there to love. You just have to look and notice on that makes you truly happy, " Mikey told her.

" I fucked up though. Someone came along and I lied to them. He makes me feel strange and I experience new feelings everytime i'm around him. But he doesn't love me and he probably never will." My stomach knotted up as I waited for them to continue.

" Who is it? You can tell us," Alicia said. She was quiet for a minute or two then replied.

" Your brother," Jane said. I closed my eyes and felt relief flush its way through me. I went and stood in the doorway to the bunk room. They all looked at me susprised that I was here. Jane looked surprised and something else that I couldn't quite figure out.

" I'm sorry," she said then ran out the door past me and out of the bus like a flash of light.

" How much of that did you hear?" Alicia questioned nervously.

" From the part where Mikey said that he was the one who deserved to die," I answered. They looked somewhat nervous after I said that.

" You should go and find her bro. Tell her how you feel," Mikey said patting me on the shoulder. I turned around and headed off the bus to go and find her.

After searching for a couple minutes a spotted her at a small park sitting on a swing gently swaying back and forth. I started walking towards the swingset and then she spotted me. She got up in a hurry and ran. I ran after her.

" Jane wait!" I yelled. My kind was okay with light but couldn't be out in the sun for too long or else we could die. We were all quite athletic but she seemed quicker than anyone i've ever met before. I kept shouting her name but she wouldn't listen. Eventually I chased her back towards the tour buses in the arena parking lot and climbed onto her bus. No one was there except for me and her. Then she suddenly stopped and fell onto her knees crying uncontrollably. I went over and sat next to her.

" Shhh it's alright," I whispered to her. I took her into my arms and she cried into my chest. For some reason I started to cry too. When I felt her calm down some I picked her chin up and looked into her violet eyes. She looked back at me and then I said, " You need to tell me why you lied to me," I said barely above a whisper. I just seemed to gaze at her beauty then she got off of my lap. All of a sudden she got moved her head out of my gaze and got up and went to her tour bus. I follwed her inside.

Jane's P.O.V:

I can't be hurt again and I can't let him get hurt. I walked over beside the sofa so if he came through he wouldn't bump into me. Then I went invisible just as he walked in.

" Jane? Where are you?" Gerard softly yelled. He was the most beautiful creature I've ever set eyes on. I contacted him through my mind and told him three simple words.

I hate you.

*A/N: Write a comment and tell me if you liked it or not! Isn't it sad? I just re-read it and it's sad! Wow I made myself sad reading what I wrote. I must be pretty fuckin good XD --Christiexox¢¾
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