Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Sign on the Dotted Line


by hips-n-hearts86 2 reviews

Bright lights and an annoying friend.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-06-20 - Updated: 2007-06-21 - 955 words

The spot lights that were on me were burning my cornias. I could feel the burn, and no matter how much I tried to make my eyes water, it didn't seem to work. I tried blinking, no such luck, even yawning. Nothing. They hurt. Maybe if I had stopped my crying my eyes wouldn't hurt as bad.


Thats a stupid reason for them hurting.

"Your facing the wrong way, swivel your chair a little more this way." I obeyed my little loyal assistant and swiveled on my merry way.

Damn spotlight.

"Can you like turn down the light PJ?" I raised my hand to shield my eyes from the burning sensation I was now recieving.

PJ sighed and placed a hand firmly on his hip. "Your the one who wanted to do this Miranda. You said you needed more light so he could see your face better when you tell him everything. Which FYI, I think is a stupid idea."

Did I mention I think I may hate my best friend PJ. "I need to tell him." If I could reach down with out him noticing and take off my shoe to throw it at him I would. Sadly though, I can't. He keeps watching me, waiting for me to go off like a bomb. "He told me that if I ever need to tell him something that he would prefer me to do it this way."

PJ looked into the eye piece then back at me. Maybe if I didn't try to unlace my shoe.."What a a freakin' video message? He doesn't want you tell him face to face, no he prefers a fucking video message. I swear Mira, you pick the brightest crayon's out of the box don't cha?"

Yeah I'm pretty sure I hate him at this point. "It was a hypothetical question I asked him. This was the hypothetical answer I got. You know what I'm about to say to him I could never truely say to his face."

PJ shrugged and continued to fiddle with the camera before moving onto the lights. "I thought you had balls my dear friend." Ugh, hate isn't even the word I want to use to begin to describe how I'm feeling towards him.

"I thought you did too PJ." Is it me, or are gay guys more like girls with balls yet they don't have much of them. Wait that sounded wrong. I'm sounding wrong. Damn PJ.

PJ grinned and walked over to me, he placed his hand on my face and moved it in the direction of the camera. "Oh my friend. We are going to have such a lovely day today, don't you think? Its a great day to break your lover's heart isn't it." Screw the shoe, I'm going to elbow the mother fucker.

"PJ I swear to you if you don't shut the fuck up, I will hit you." PJ backed up, he knew me better than I thought he did. "I have to do this before he decides to tell him. I would rather it come from my mouth than the bastards." I have a very dirty mouth.

I would make a great Orbit gum commercial.

"True, true. I do give you that Miranda, but still. Video message is so 2006."

"So is you being gay PJ, but you don't see me complaining." I hope that hurt, it looks like it might have.

PJ took his hands off me like I had sprung fangs and venom was about to seep into his skin. Maybe it was. It should. I would really like some fangs.

"Let's get this over with. We have alot of tape so take your time hun." PJ stepped behind the camera and looked into the eye peice. I hope he doesn't focus on the wrinkles under my eyes. Their new. I don't like them. I call them 'lack of sleep' and 'worry'. Of course PJ would focus on that, because he is a dick like that. I shouldn't blame him though, its his fault. May he burn in hell.

Or on a stage, which ever happens first. "Ok I think I'm ready." I wiped my hands on my jeans and waited for the hand cue from PJ.

PJ did the cue, and it was a lame ass cue at that. Fucker.

"Hey Patrick." Ok I just waved at the camera like he's here, what the hell. "Umm, your probably wondering why I am doing this or why you are recieving this message the way that you are." I am captain fuckin' obvious. "Well, there's something that I have been meaning to tell you. I feel it is only right that I tell you like this because if I did it to your face..well...lets just say that it probably won't be a pretty picture."

PJ had better stop rolling his goddamn eyes at me before I do attempt to reach for my shoe. Ass. "Ok so...I have this secret that I have been kind of hiding from you and well, it only seems fitting for me to start at the beginning. So here goes..."


ok So....A/N: I do not own FOB, or any people affiliated with them. If I did, I wouldn't be writing about them. lol I do own my characters, so you steal them, I steal you. Got it? Good. LOL sorry that just sounded wayyyy cooler in my head.

SOOOO basically this story is going to float, prolly, between 2 different points of view. One being this one where it involves a first person, and another with a third. I hope its not confusing.

I hope you like it. Review please and let me know if I should continue.
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