Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Tried To See You Forgetting About Me.

Chapter Forty-Seven.

by ryanrossISsove 17 reviews

Last Chapter, ever. ='(

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-06-25 - Updated: 2007-06-26 - 3169 words

A NOTE: LAST CHAPTERRR. =) Oh, and it's got alternate endings, too. ;)

1st Ending-

Rachel's POV-

.."You're completely cured. The blood was just your bodies way of empting what was left over from the illness. You can leave the hospital as soon as you feel ready." The doctor said, with a smile on his face.

I gasped, and jumped on Pete, kissing him square on the lips.

"THIS IS SO GREAT!" I screamed!

Pete just laughed, as Patrick and William jumped up and down like two teenie girls.

"YAY!" William screamed, hugging me, as Patrick gave Pete a hug.

"We gotta call everyone!" Patrick sang out.

"I'll call Brendon, Ryan, Spencer, Jon, Sisky Biz, The Butcher, the two Mikes, Hayley, Gretta, Bob, I'll call them..." William said, looking down at his phone.

"I gotta call Andy and Joe! And your family!" Patrick said, taking his sidekick out.

Pete chuckled, as he watched his friends inform everyone.

"We can go home!" I said, a smile on my face.

Pete smiled at me.

"I'd like that." he said.

I hugged him again, and tears of joy streamed down my face.
He was going to be fine. He wasn't going to die. He wasn't even going to loose a strand of hair. It worked. I had my Pete back, forever.
A few more monthes later.
Pete's POV-

Everything's back to normal. I'm perfectly healthy, and Rachel's due in less then a month. I'm so exited.
Me and the boys sat backstage for TRL, waiting to be announced.
I fiddled with my fingers, and looked down at my toes. Playing the bored game.
Patrick hummed out a show tune, Joe studied a red curtain hard, and Andy stood and watched his feet, too.

"Now introducing FALL OUT BOY!" I heard Damion say.

We all walked out, and stood around, waving to the fan base that had collected in the room.

"So Pete, now kind of recently you got over a serious illness, correct?" he asked.

I nodded, and took my mike to my mouth.

"Yeah." I said.

"How are you doing?" he asked.

"Much, much better. I'd like to thank all of the fans that showed me so much support day in and day out while I was fighting the disease." I said.

The fans cheered.

"We were all there for you, Pete." Damion added.

"Now, any word on the baby?" he asked.

Yes, of course the public knew.

"Not more then a month now, she should be here." I said, as my face lit up.

"And did you and your fiance think of a name yet?" he asked.

"Caydence." I said, nodding.

"Well that's beautiful. Where' you come up with that?" he asked.

"Easy, you add a 'DE" to that, and it's my recording company, plus we thought it was really gorgeous, too." I said.

I earned a few chuckles from the fans.

"So, how's progress on the new CD coming along?" he asked Patrick.

As Patrick went to answer, I felt my back pocket vibrate, and pulled out my phone, and looked at the called I.D. It was a new text.
"William." I mumbled, to myself, while Patrick took the spotlight.
I pressed "view message." and read it, while I slightly turned my back to the audience.

It read-

"Pete, are you still on TRL?
I REALLY need you."

I looked over to see if Patrick was still talking, and when I saw that hardly anyone was paying attention to me, I texted back.

"Yes. Why? What's up?" I asked.

I set my phone down and looked up at the audience, flashing a smile. My phone vibrated again, and I looked down.

"Somethings wrong with Rachel, I think she's having the kid. I called the hospital, they're coming soon." It read.
I looked up, and tried to get Damion's attention, ASAP.

"Uh, Damion?" I said, waving a hand.

He stopped mid-sentence, and looked at me.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"I need to leave, like, now. Sorry." I said.

"What's up, Pete?" Patrick said.

"William just texted me. It's Rachel." I said, turning on one foot, and running out.
I heard Damion ask Patrick what he knew, and I was off.
As I booked it through the studio, and to the street, waving for a taxi, as I dialed William up.

"Pete, Thank god." he said, as he picked up.

"Where are you?" I asked, bluntly.

"The ambulance just came, we're in the back of one. I guess her water broke, and she's in L-L..." He said, forgetting the word.

"She's in labor!?" I asked, as I jumped into a taxi that finally stopped.

"That's it. Meet us at the hospital down the street from the hotel we were in...I don't know what it's called, but we're pulling in right now." he said.

"Okay, I'll be there." I said, hanging up, and leaning forward, telling the driver my destination.

"Please, hurry up. It's something like an emergency." I said, as my knees bounced to and fro.
Leave it too New York.
I was stuck in traffic.
After about 5 seconds of letting the actual wait set in, I sit up, dig through my pockets, and hand the driver the first bill I pull out, which just so happens to be a fifty.

"Keep it." I say, opening the door, and stepping out.

I have no idea where I am, and where the hospital is, but I'll get there quicker if I run, then if I take a cab stuck in traffic.
I stand on the sidewalk, and look, helplessly, and cluelessly, around.

"Pete Wentz?" I hear. I spin around, and see a teenage girl with a smile on her face.

Damn, I don't have time for this.
"Wheres the hospital, do you know?" I ask her.

She frowns.

"Are you hurt, Petey?" she asked.

"No,'s my girlfriend...she's having the baby. I need to find the nearest hospital, she's in there." I say fast, looking around.

She gasps.

"Rachel's having the baby!?" she askes. Everyone, all the fans, know and actually like Rachel.

I nodd. She points.

"Follow that street, it's at the end." she says.

"Thank you, so much." I tell her.

"Your welcome." she smiles.

I run up to her, and hug her, then sprint down the sidewalk.
When I come to the cross walk, I wait impatenily for the red light. I tap my foot. I hold my breath, and play with the strings on my hoodie.
Finnaly the cars come to a hault as the red light flashes, and I run across the street. "That's PETE WENTZ!" I hear a few people scream as I book it across the street, and down the side walk.

I can make out the big letters of the hospital. I'm breathless from running, but it hasn't even hit me that my lungs are about ready to explode.

When I reach the enterence, I run through, and look around for the ER. Finnaly, I see the blue letters, and run for the room.
I haul open the door, and look around.

"Pete!" I hear. I turn around, and see William coming from a hallway.

I keel over, trying to catch my breath, and come back up.
"Did-you run here?" he asked.

I nodded, and smiled. He raised an eyebrow.

"That was really quick." he said. I nodded, and smiled again.

"Okay, Rachel's in her hospital room, and the doctors said you could come in and be with her as soon as you get here. I don't much like the sight of blood and afterbirth, so I'm going to wait out here." he said, sitting in a chair. I nodded.

"Thank you Will...William." I panted, before walking as fast as I could down the hallway, and to the front desk.

"Wentz?" A respectionist asked.

I nodded.

"Where's Rachel?" I asked.

"Hacikyan?" she asked.

I nodded. I was still out of breath.

"Room 456." she said, pointing down the hallway.

I walked down, reading each and every door, until I came to 456. I pushed it open, and walked in, seeing Rachel in a bed, an IV in her right hand, a doctor in the corner, looking at papers. Rachel looked at the wall, and didn't even see me.
The doctor turned around.

"Ah, Mr. Wentz." he said.

Rachel's head whipped around, and she forced a smile.

"Pete!" she whispered. I smiled, and walked over to her. There was a chair next to the bed, so I sat down, and took her other, IV free hand, and squeezed it lightly.

"How'r you holding up?" I asked, calmly.

She rolled her eyes.

"This fucking sucks." she said.

I giggled.

"It'll be over soon." I said, masaging the top of her hand with my thumb.

She smiled.

"Yeah." she said.

"Okay Rachel, we're going to give you the epidermic, to stop the pain." they said.

"What's that, and why haven't you already given it to me?" she asked.

"It's a needle that's going to go right here in your side." they said, pulling out a needle, and going for her back. She shut her eyes, and squeezed my hand.

"Ouch." she said, flinching as they stuck her with it.

"It's okay." I said, over and over again.

"Pete" she said, looking at me, when they pulled the needle out.

"Yeah?" I asked her.

"Your shaking, all over. At first I thought it was just your hand, or me. But, I can see your knees, and shoulders, they're trembling." she said, with a smile.

"Oh-I didn't even notice. I guess I'm a tiny bit uh-nervous." I said, noticing that I was indeed shaking.

"Don't be, everything's gonna be alright." she said, smiling.

"How can you stay so calm?" I asked her.

"They just gave me drugs, I'll be alright." she said.
2 hours later

The drugs are starting to wear off, Rachel's getting moody.

"Oww. Pete, I hate youuu." she moans, as she tosses her head.

I chuckle.

"You don't mean that." I say, with a smile.

She just groans, and whines.

"Alright Rachel, your contractions are catching up, it's time to start the pushing." the doctors say.

"No thanks." Rachel replies.

The doctors ignore her, and start getting ready. I can't watch.

"I'll be uh, under here, if you need me." I mumble, covering my eyes with my hand, using the other to grip Rachel's.

Everything happens so fast, Rachel's screaming out with pain, her grip is cutting the circulation off my hand, and I'm shaking more then ever. Why can't she just come out?
Suddenly, my ears meet the sound of birth, and I hear nothing but a blood curdling scream, too high pitched to be Rachel's. I keep my eyes covered, and my body is still trembling, my blood is still splashing like title waves, even with all the screaming stops, and everything goes quiet.

"Here you are, Rachel." I hear a doctor say. I'm still too scared to come out. What the fuck just happened?

"Oh look at you...Pete, she's gorgeous." I hear Rachel say. I slowly lift my head up, and peer over at Rachel. She's dripping sweat, but her smile is the widest I've ever seen it.
Shes holding something wrapped in a white blanket, and just beaming down on it.

"Is that-" I studder.

"This is Caydence." she whispers.

After a while of collecting my composure, a peppy nurse speaks up.

"Dad's turn!" the nurse says, taking the baby, and coming over to me with it.

"Oh I better not, I might-" I start, but get shut up, as I feel the nurse place something extremely light and soft in my hands.

My eye twitches back tears, as I look down at the white skinned baby.
She's got a pink hat on, but the dark brown hair, almost as dark as mine, sticks out, like a skater. Her eyes slowly open, she's got the browest eyes I've ever seen. She just peers at me, like I've got three heads. I smile, and chuckle, not even noticing the tears now streaming down my face.

"Isn't she something?" Rachel says. I just nod, and stare at her. She's gorgeous, absolutely beautiful.

I walk over to Rachel, and slowly hand Caydence back to her, feeling like I'm hogging her.

"I'm so proud of you." I whisper, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Rachel looks up at me, and smiles.
After a while of embracing and living the moment, I get up.

"I'll be right back, William's probably called everyone, and everyone's probably in the waiting room, chewing their nails off." I said, with a beam.

Rachel looked up, and nodded.

"Okay." she said, smiling.

I opened the door, and went out into the hallway, I strided down there like I was the happiest man alive, which I was.
When the waiting room was in view, I saw William, Patrick, Joe, Andy, and Shaant out there.
I saw William's eyes fall on my beaming face, and he stood up, followed by the others, and rushed over to me.

"Pete!" they all said, about five times.

"One at a time, one at a time, my head is still pounding from all of the crying Caydence did."

I say, with a smile. They all smile, and Joe raises his hand.

I raise an eyebrow.

"Joe?" I say, calling on him.

"Can we see her?" he askes.

I smile.

"Come on guys." I say, waving them over.

They follow me through the long hallway, I stop at the door, and open it up, and the guys all rush in.

"Just be really quiet." I tell them, as they walk over to the bed where Rachel is.

"Sis, she's beautiful." Shaant coos.

"She looks just like you, Wentz." Joe says.

Patrick just stares with a warm smile. He loves babies, he's always the most caring of us whenever he's around Dilyn, Dirty's son.

"What do you think, Patrick?" I ask him.

"She's fucking amazing. Look at her, Pete." Patrick says. I look over at her, then up at him. His eyes are watery. He's chocking em' back, I can tell.

"You can cry, I did." I tell him.

"I can't believe this is my best friend's baby." he says, wiping his eyes.

"And you know what else?" I say to him.

"What?" he askes, looking at me.

"We've decided to make you, godfather." I say, smiling.

"M-Me?" he askes, a smile forming on his face.

I nod. He chuckles, and hugs me.

"Thanks Pete." he says.

"Your welcome, just promise you'll let your fatherly instict cover all the times where I screw up, I have a feeling I might make a shitty father. You'll help, won't you?" I asked.

He nodds.

"You don't even have to ask." he says, beaming. I smile back.

"Pete, wanna take her again?" Rachel asks.

"Yep." I say, walking over, and picking her up.

I look at her gorgeous face again, and smile.

"Wanna hold her, Patrick?" I say, turning to my best friend.

He nodds, and smiles as I put the baby in his hands. He's always been so amazing with babies.
He looks down, and smiles at her. He's going to make some kind of father when the time comes.

Patrick smiled, and looked up at me.

"What?" I asked, with a smile, as he slowly bounced the baby in his arms.

"I told you." he said.

"You told me what?" I asked, with a smile.

"I told you she'd fall for our cuteness, I told you she just needed some good friends. I told you to just give her a chance. Now look at us all." he said.

I thought back to the day I first met Rachel, and smiled.

"Thank you Patrick." I said.

He nodded, and looked down at the baby again.

After a while of visits, my mom and dad, Andrew and Hil, the panic boys, Travie, Rachel's parents, and a lot more, visiting hours ended, and me, Rachel, and the baby remained, sitting in a cluster, I in my chair, Rachel in her bed, and Caydence in her arms.

"I love you, Pete." she said, breaking the comfortable silence.

"I love you too." I said.

"We're like, a real family. The three of us." she said, almost to herself. I just nodded.

"Question?" I said, turning to her.

She turned to me.

"Yes?" She said.

"Minus the shity band fall out boy part, because you know we're good, do you still think I'm the egotistic, teen heart throb, self obsessed, bassist of the band fall out boy, who likes to take pictures of his penis?" I asked.

She smirked, and turned to me.

"Yes." she replied, cracking her neck, and skewing her lip to the side, just like the old Rachel used to do.

I bit my lip, beamed, and nodded my head.

"And, I still think you're a bitch." I said, sarcastically.

As we sat there, our baby in her hands, and a wedding ring from me on her finger, we laughed out.

"I guess first impressions stick." she said, smirking sarcastically.

I nodded, and looked at her.

"Somethings never change." I said.



2nd Ending-

The doctor is about to speak, when all of a sudden, Pete blows up, before everyone's eyes, leaving behind nothing but nasty chunks of bassist, blood, and just all around fun gore, here and there.

It's quite a mess.

But no worries, the doctor calls in a clean up crew, of non-other then Evie (moocow) herself.

While William, Patrick, and Rachel mourn, Evie takes the remains of Pete to her secret lab (Because we all know she has one) and clones Pete.

He wakes up a new person, no idea about anything except how to play bass and have sex.

Evie names the boy personal sex slave, and one day suits him up like a ninja, and sends him in to collect a certain Jewish boy, in which he does.

When the Jew is in Evie's captivity, Pete is used as Evie's personal maid and pool boy, and the confused and dazed Joe, fills the spot as sex slave.

And Evie lives happily ever after.

Okay, so I just want to thank EVERY ONE OF YOU, who reviewed, even "U-SUK" because I know you secretly loved this story. When I first started this fic, I had no clue how successful it would be, but it turned me into a greedy review whore, so make sure you always review all my other stories. Hehe, kidding. Or am I? well, anyway, ending this story seriously hurts me inside, it's been a blast writing, and I hope you all think it ended on a great note. I think it did. I love you all, and this is NOT the end of me, go check out more stories, you will not have RRIS withdrawals, I won't allow it.
I can't thank you all enough for all of the love, thanks again, and again, and again.


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