Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > The Opposite Sex

Part 1: The Fall of the Fortune Cookie Company

by HeartBreakTape 1 review

They all said basically the same thing. Something about better understanding someone and taking a walk in their shoes. It was so anticlimactic.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Published: 2007-06-26 - Updated: 2007-06-26 - 686 words

The moon beamed with good fortune and magic as the girls as they headed off to meet Pete, Andy, Joe, and Patrick at Hop Sing's Chinese Buffet for the night out Shannon had planned for them after their tour had ended. It was the best Chinese food in town; or at least that's what the glowing neon sign read. Really it was just a hole in the wall, but they had chopsticks and that's all Shannon cared about.

They got their plates and sat down. Shannon, Dani, and Andy tried to teach the others how to use chopsticks, but it was hopeless.

"It's not that hard; watch." Shannon showed them, but it was frustrating so they resorted to their forks.

"What losers." Dani stuck out her tongue at them. Almost immediately a ball of rice hit Dani in the forehead and went down her shirt. "I am going to kill you, Pete." She said as she tried to dig it out. "You're such as ass."

"Why thank you." He curtsied as he went to get another plate of food. Dani just continued to eat.

Mean while, Shannon and Joe were arguing about whom was the master of Guitar Hero. And Tiffany and Patrick were complaining about the other not eating.

"Gosh Patrick, you've hardly touched your food."

"Neither have you." He continued to push his sweet and sour pork around his plate with his fork.

Then there was Courtney and Andy.

"See look at how healthy I am and I eat meat all the time." Courtney tried to get him to taste the beef and broccoli.

"Please Courtney; I would die if I ate meat."

"You're just over reacting. Meat won't kill you."

"Actually it would. His body wouldn't know how to react and he'd become really ill." Shannon interrupted.

"Thank you Shannon!" Andy smiled and Courtney just rolled her eyes.

"I think he's just being a baby about it. Oh, look at me, I'm a vegan. Meat?! Aww...stop it!" Joe mocked in his gayest voice.

"Shut up Joe. At least Andy doesn't look like a random hobo who jumps into all the pictures." Shannon joked.

"What ever." Joe just shoved an 'L' in her face, which made Shannon laugh so hard they swore she was going to die.

"That was totally lame Joe."

And of course Dani and Pete were at each others throats. But when were they not?

"God I hate you so much!" Dani exclaimed as Pete continued mocked her.

"Oh, I'm Dani and I can use chopsticks. I'm super fancy."

"You're such an idiot Pete. I swear, if on of my friends didn't love you so much, you'd be dead."

"Ha, you can't kill me. That means I can annoy the hell out of you...which I enjoy oh so very much...and you can't do a thing about it."

"Why don't you just leave me alone? I hate you; really I do and I always have, so just please stop bugging me." He didn't stop. She knew he wouldn't and she hated him more with every passing moment.

Finally they finished and the waiter brought them the bill and eight fortune cookies.

"Yes, this one is mine." They all snatched one up and read their fortune.

They all said basically the same thing. Something about better understanding someone and taking a walk in their shoes. It was so anticlimactic.

"Wow, the fortune cookie companies have really hit the fan. They're never any good ones any more." Dani said as she wadded her up and threw it on her plate.

"Really, and there's not enough variety. I mean all of ours said almost the exact same thing." Tiffany agreed as they got up a bit disappointed and left.

Dani went to Vinnie's, while the rest of them went to their own places. Their heads were drooping before they even got inside. They didn't know why, but they were dead tired and it was only nine o'clock. As soon as their heads hit the pillow, they were in the deepest of sleeps, unaware of the surprises that awaited them in the morning.
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